it il VI PAGE FIFTEEX rwvr3m II WWII MI IWIVIWI IM MIHAIIIIIIIIWI Mrs Soreont Xl lillllts 0110 STATION Monthy Meeting WCTU li lb gt MW W777 II 111 111111 quantity of lumber ends and trim minqs alavery low price Hm uncut is iirt 1l ltltl tor minim1 1iiil r111 iiws II II III Iir1I wlol 111 II IIf IN lltltK LOADS II II Phone Barrie 2907 267 Bovheld St Ti 1111493311111i 11 11111 ii w1 mmrmm 11 511 111 11 121313 34 II 11A 31v 11 1m 351 H1 31 1II II II 41 II II III III II II II II II III II II IIIII 1110111111 111111111 1111 1r II III IIIIIZIIIII III II VI 1M fl HI If Hi XI 151 II II 11 llttiil1 111111I I1I1E111 dd 35 11 11113 11351 111111 111 11 1111111r a1TII1IIII will 11 55 11 1111111 111311 1111 11 lllllltlt 111 11 1I THlKUlli Ilt Vivi1111 11111A tltltl 111 111 1I1 II 11 11111151 lNlltll WI I1 111 111 11 11 I1 1111 illillikt 1111 will l11 lH In Hi ii Vi WLL 11 111 ti1i 11 Igt Iv 11 1111111 11111 11111 111111 ii 111113111 p111 111 1111 II qu 11 l= 1311 11 il Ilii111 lw Mai 11111111 IIA 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Mlng Im ml5 31 iluliillitir 111 311s 191111 Adxiinu Iti Im UMP llsplllIIIffdylik 011 11IIIIEI9IIIII Npr hi 1IEIIHW1 If Hintin to llIWlUll Allwit ll1tll1iltl II IEIIII3III IIKHIIIIVI 13m II II IIII on of Mr 11111 Mrs All 111 1111 IIIIII 10111 til Mlllllitli til liltilliily of ll1 ltovul Victoria liltordi n11 5L UIHIII1 lltlFllllui Hur 11 on 111 El 1917 11w 1lltlt was t11111 prcsmmu 1I1I11hi to 1111 li ll With 10101110 0n MPl it 1941 mutt loitl llllth um tl son gt1 IIIIIlIllIiII IlfIiIiIlIII1iI1IIIIIi II 11111 111111I lltItIlhlIIIIIt Illlltllt$IllllI oIn 11 lRlllI tth lloyul Vltlorht llos II WWI 1211 1111141 1111i lllli llllii 1111111 1111 gt01 lit 1947 11m mm IItrcssoriosz With ma dunyhtor of tho 121111 111111 111111 Mr ziiui Mrs ll livid Phelps 151111 of two orchids uid ut Jim Hlllin in Mr 751th 11r ton daughter INIIMI III hm II II MIN CI lnttrinont 11 lilVilltlt 1tllltltlV lllAiYNtlldl At 1111 llovul 11 Weston 1t lti tlirii 1111111111 llArrW 11 01 ll lliooks 1111111132 plum 11 31111 or tIIIId NIICII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIHIIII NIS At Toronto yilsti 111 lltliil 1911 to hir and Mrs Monk IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPIIIIV 111111 on Oil 11 IllI17 111111l IUlli HIIIIllllii 11II rdmuimmj ol ll 11 11 lll it 11 rl 53111 11 mill 101 110 1111111111 was host 111111 every Purpose MW 19 SIIIII INIIIIIIIII was IIIIIII III IIIIIIII III AIIIIIIII WIIIIIIIIII INIIIII M1 and Il1rs Smith I1l lllx DECORATING 11 wmdsm Arm and bIIIlIus 1Toroutol Ilvrbvrt illurrim 11111 IlllllltllIIl Lillly llililill mom IIIIIId III II MIMI IIm Hum tlliltilimtll interment 11I 51 ltlhtmltI I1t Martfair IllVilltI I717 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII II IIIIIII IIIIIII HI TIIHIIIIUI IlloI1IiitlIlIoiIntonifctIltlI1lliL pays YOU 10 0W RED become It IS built for like to have you drive REO and see for 11 ri Ctllsitllt 11 51011 by tho Imm 1M 0U by people WHO make only trucks and ourselfno 0in 11 mmhIII II II IIRII III In IIHI JOIN lmlihI at 11 14111 uum JS as re airs minimu or iII III II IIIIIFKII IIlIIIIIIIIIIllEEIIIIlILIiQVItli 11 s1 IIIIIIIIIII IlIE1IIIIIII IEIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIOI II naklng Vllcl ports heuvrerby precrsion lrUCk SAVElsNNY iEYEyICE AND REPAIR WW III Altvr motor trip to Montreal MM 8iIINlS1 III engmeermg The REO Mme19 desgn OF TRUCK ideoumm 191 Wm 511 BITIRNPIlIVRII 131011 funkl mid 1111111111113 I11 IT carries more load per inCh 0f wheelbaser gpays to use bralass memqnics and Nice men lit oronto iiIni I1I I1 iI oI I1IIont suit1111 mmgw II each cu or prices are reasonable becauseeotrr men know DOCIOI DenIIsI UII 1I1I1112II KilntIlItIlIlIIIXIJItZIIIilltIilI Miscellaneous Shower Iurns InPaPSIlIOIIItII radfumugkzellsl RE Ion pm Iheh ngers on me SPDIGIId geI IIeSUIIs 177 II BRMIHBR01 of syiiipzithy recon1111 luring 111111 III er 99 WWW Wasting yourtime ond1noney They 051118 8118 doubler1111r ccrcmony was per ltttlll litrouvtinint 131 for Gwen Brown mug 955 delay We Would know trucks Id ltlllllttl 1111 0111 9I 1947 III ICII II timwroiur Mi 11111111111117111111 coal 01 F1191 01L IiuCcntr1i Unltcd Church xvii ford zindIIfuimly iliorIiiioiIiIIIiniiiIItu IIIISIMIIIICIIIIS sIIIIMI WI IICIII III I098 House Re airs Miss thndolyn Dorothy Brown IIIlIlIsiIITId SifIII1fIITLLIIIIflIIIIIIIII VIIIwrtPI ikrlllllWHllyllnAElHlk Bummsuve II daughter 111 Mrs Brown and tho littl licrvxr St on Oct or Miss 111111 liospitul 111 Rm D111 lnq es Moving Expenses ILIIC Arthur Brmvn fmlmll hell 41nd llltll friends 11nd 111Ai11 Brmm 35 mllioa 111115111110 became the bride of IA bors for 1111111 cxinissions 11 mm St tn loAt Imrnv Braden 01 pecm tY to b1 Bu mt I0 itidtii son 01 Mi path and 111111 acts ot 111111llt ss ii Taxes 01 Old Bills IIIId MISI AI MIIIIIIIOIIIII OIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIICIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III MISS SIIIIICY Martin and MISS elc Roy 13mm OffipiutmlI 1VSN111 heartfelt thanks Mal101 Murth entertained at the to 2111 who extended ioinlortini 1110 bride given in mm 111ng by 1111111111 home on Oct for NllSSI NE STREET svmputh and help in itll 111111111 Ale bthc1 Norma Brow Sorrow For the beautiful xvivicc BAd= le Cvemng wasl Phone Barrie 81414 was utterictivc iii powder blue wool fiIIIII1UIIIIIIIIIS and IIIIIOI IIIIIIIIIIISS spent inuking brides book and no ex ra cos Crepe Willi bran ZlCCCSSOllCS 11nd 135 ml 10 imply graidllLWMrsI He me If you have carried 11 cascade of pink roses UtittSonund Immiin 42m Miss Marion Mu iltANlMr Alex flelziud wish brides attendant lilnlireipbxrhlhfl 15 to txplcss his sincere thanks for Lx money pIO em 01 kindness and sympathy shown him 616110 With matching accessories unri IIICIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIN III IhII W0 hke flnancal walling 195 tth $008118 death 0f hm 5mm Mfg MU III as rooms ro ier crt lrunt gt121 ddVlce free Phone Martii 2111 011211111 MucDONALDWc wish to thank Our neighbors zind friends and 1111 eception was held at the home who helped With sympathy and of he brides sister Mrs Hurry flowers when we lost our darlingI or call today Big enough for EXPERIENCE 103 M1 to Ave vhere son and grandson who was acci rides mother received in printed 11 HI no 3A 1c Smallenough for thElIttDUNESS grey crepe With 11 corsage of Jo ivfaclmiialil Regiiinldl ulild Vilililt henna lllll roses Adams 12 Later the couple left for motor WICKLUMJvun Wicklum wish trip to Ottawa the bride wearing cs to thank his friends and neigh bors alsoNcw Flos WI for their brown suit topcoat ind accessor 105 to match and corsage of Amcr OlmlSms 015y1f71h1 1193 1mm Emmy roses tiful tloral tributcsdnringlns rc recent bereavement 42b Chnoice California Seedlless Shelled VelvetFor Better Bking ClarksFresh and Fruity 1111151113 22 11111111113 22c PASTRY noun inc MINCEMEAT tartar III Coming to the Roxy Mori Oct 27111 Gone wmr The Wind IN MENIORIAM 11 CII II Ie BELL II II Choice California Shelled Magic Baking Lending Brands Evaporoted diseI sold Ilat deaifblotligisfnltllliigiho 8111 Cello c13x11 CeilciuiiigZIc 1411 1ng235 960nm qtgfgmli of Hanna Alt11 Oct 18 1915 and John Belln at Toronto Liberty MaraSChiDO Daltons Sweetened Bakers Premum loam or Pm aiiicollllzligili Nov 15 1945 oz Lb Gone from us but leaving memories Bottle Dessmted III Cake II 12 81 Wed 10 Iglle pkg 19 111090 satis faction Sakonia Cut lenwood Extract Bensons MIXEBMLW FRYS COCOA 11 23 VANILLA 15013 19 CORN STARCH 115117 QTNeeds No Shortening anqiiet Choice Daltons Jolly Good Maple Leaf DATES 29 CAKE 1101111 30 Plli CRUST Ml $121179 PUMPKIN 25 Death can ncher take away 42b Sister Vera CARSCADDENIn loving memoryIlI of Mr and Mrs RF Courscadden who passed away on Oct 28 1944 and Oct 18 1946 What we would give to clasp their eel Pkg WILSON BLDG Sqnare that hair 11 gt itllTS VIGEMBIES 83 11 VOICES an 101 Barrie slime That om ch to PHONE 2325 nglglglyslemgmbeled sby sons JUICY Cal Clifford Melville Percy and Holly SunkisI dc and families 421 II SIIIIIsIIIIy IIIIIIIIIIIII AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII cm 73 KISSICKln loving memory of rst ourIdear mother Mrsl George fgick who passed awayOcII IIII seedless Ifor Ic Peacefully sleeping resting at last gt MI New CIIOII365I RIId Emperor III The Worldsweary troubles and trials are past In silence she suffeiedI in patience CANTALDUPES 25 GRAPES r2 1923c Till Saidbgzlleled her home to suffer Gris Green P255031 talk Cal labelE 60 or no cum 15c LETTUCE 25 Fond1y remembered by Her Family Tender Green Snow White girder 221135195 Piiiisiiirs I2 15c 42 STEWARTIn loving memory of Alexander Stewart who paSSed Gadwklnogitgi 1945h 86th waShed waShed muc miss um lbs To the spot Where he 151311 Valuesl or Ever mnembemd Effewve www 42 by wfe Until Closing Pay in advance for your Exam saturday inor Classifieds and save money mt