Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1947, p. 10

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1G3 mom T1112 BARR EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA TRURSDAY owners 291 kV W5 93 CNS Passenge Agent makesVironing IVY NEW LOWELL CHURCHILL II Veaser Wk WV V1 J1Slillln xiiso 1va 111115 smith nude your uscll 11 l1111x1r1ir1gti1 111irir12111151311112 met siiiniouih siirldic 1111 51le 11M Hui up iiht 12c rr to iiitir iiiil 11111 541 must ind cur 111 iiicis 1112 and iciiirris too luli llitllLlLIiOllt on linkage HUI cl 613 $1311 Ln 1V VVV Safe and Sure Results 11 lr1n11liinini 1111 zirc New larger 1111111111111 mluliln iiiii iii iiillIl 11i1r illliilllii PGCkagv 1111 spot or iivil 11110 1111111 lzi li111111111h1c1 11 plug 11111 1111 Lnimy 11111liin more lIiiiin AUlOInGhCGIly bliiililklllftilhiilli 11V1l1V1rVil VVLVVVV IM IVVIrVVrVI 1le illlll iii 11 11111 11 on VV VV As You Wash II II IIIIIIIIII four i11 in price 11 1111111 cow 111111 your 11111 1111 unaillll 11111 lilllttil 11111 along lrIN 1111 PI 11111 1111 111111 oi 1111 you Iin c1irr Ili Ii 1lllllliil1 ii1 11111 mm Humi YM OnlY on 1Vm3 be 111 at 11 known 11 I1 liiu t8 IV thh iVVIAVlV to more and combined with 131 HIMUSHED 111riliou any UP uh 399 11111111iit11nau ll lllh Tu ST 11 11i 11 VV Ofi1illli II 1111 gt111i illll 11il inl 1ir1 1111111111li11111olJniin 111 11 inl Itlth ecI liltllli1ii llllllltlilIiiil iV to 11111 1111 1111 VV VV III thnrll It mm U1 1m ilwnl 1211 HM HmHV 11 HWMUI WNW 1r1t1 V1i1Vii1111e oi VV VV Minis 111111 ir oncraiicstiitcol gtl1itltl 1111iii1 11111111 ii1111115 011 1111 Mrs VVVVVV VVV VVVI LIVI V1 MI VIVlfVV VIIVII1V Io er your 111111 youi 1111111 ioiiiV V11 Illx VVVHV VVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVV IVVVVVVIV MVV HM Ahan your rst premium and in 1111111111ii 111r11111gt1 1111 11 Ii 11 MM Kalil 111111111 the l111111V pension 1111011 1111 IIllll 1111 Hlllllltllldl lllU 1=1 1111 111111 th Honored by Visit of If If 1HI ilii liiiricsmitiiniciilioiii llil Iiiii111i 4le 11 8131111 1111 11w 111t 11 1r111n111 lullhlll VVI 134 l1ili 11111151 VVlllml VIIi IVV JV 11 111 11 1V IIIHIV VI 1113111111111 1111111111 dltivllli 11 21 IO VVVVVVVV VVV VV rm VV VV 11 11 Imk JVlulfui my HP lqylmd 111iieii 11 121111121 2511 11111 liii honor 111111 Mllr 19 VVVVI VV VI October Il llulllicrt blildliJiV 111 1111 Hill 1311 biiiii 1x 11 11111 t1111111 11 1VV1lt VV1111ltViV1V1V11V VV II tl kv VV VV lill111lt 1111111111 VV VV VVV VVVVV VV VVVV 111211 11 Mrs Margaret 11111 13 VI mm 111 111m speelr 11C1It 1011 Ii when 11111115 Hui rizLJ istot 51111uisliL Cuurczi 11 11313101 11 MISS 151 in Shmnm Selim of Mrs igI11I lg1 11 VV111Vlt Frank Murphy Viiiid Mrs NiIVIVIVVIVVVVVVVVVVVVLIV SVVVV VVVVViVi Ii iiii1pboll 11311 1111111 1111511 s11 IVVI IV VVV 111 l1 and Mrs Murphy WWW iu Vi +1sz LEGAL CHIROPRACTORS nieiiioer of Mount 111 to 5mm IHIIS min 111 dauphin oi Mi and M15 iii inens Institute and nut lltiitllv In WIVIVI Wimw VVVIVVIVIIIVVVVV VIIVVI BOYS BOYS 5130 ELSIE BURNS DIC hem 11111111im1 111 131 ii 111 Barristers Solicitors Notaries Licensed Drugless Therapists iicter 21nd plesing personality HmeIVI IiVVN IV VV Pubuc ConveyancersV Eta Electric RadiOV Hydro and huskde the 12m Dqu Kelly VMVVVIAV1VV 1VVV1VViiiViV IOOVlVllV nus V111V11ti MONEY TO LOAN Mechauo Therapy brother of Ru VI V1111VI Uno VI VLVVIVILHLViVV Viiiii pin and Office 1V3 OWEII 51 Bit16 115 Dunlop St Phone 3194 time parish priest hire When 1112 Harm Imd IW Branch Office Elmvale Ontario em to muIV1VmHHIMI VIhVI iho quest of honor was 1111 to her BOYS KC CORBEIT no 100ed Sh mt Manx1111111111 chair to 1111 strains 11 ROWE SEAGRAM CHIROPRACTOR AND 7x 11 If Elilt Wedding niniclrrdliss Dorothy DRUGlss THERAPIST V1 ml 33 57 VLYFIILV 111m mid 1h1 mm GLADSTONE CURE 23 cnonald st IClililllme Vis 9115 Successor to one 70 Barrie 111 Misses VLILiLilnt Micks tind VJiziii Campbell presentod 21 decor BAngSgLTgOETC BY APPOINTMENT zitcdlzisketV of beautiful gifts Owen SLV Barrie Telephone 3175V After the gifts were opened and MONEY To LOAN MUSIC LESSONS admired Edna replied tittingly in IlLl own cheery manner All pres COWAN COWAN 3arristers Solicitors Convey rl Notaries Public etc Money WantedMoney to Lbn 17 Owen Street Barrie Ross Cowan Registered Patent Attorney FRANK HAMMOND 8A KC BARRISTER SOLICITOR EVTC Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie MONEY TO LOAN DUNCAN McCUAIG BA KC BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to Loan Ross Block Barrie DONALD MacLAREN BA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan Masonic Temple Building Barrie JOHN REID BARRISIER SOLICITOR ETC 24 Dunlap St Barrie Ont JOHN WOODS KC BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Bank oiToronto Bldg Owen St Phone 2681 Money to Loan MEDICAL VICTORIAN ORDER 0F1NURSVEVS BarrieBranch Well Baby Clinic tram 230 to 430 oclock every Wed nesdayAplication at nurses ser vices may made direct or through JESSIE BRYSON RIIT TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING 11nd MUSICAL THEORY2111 grades including ATCM Modern Methods October IIMiss Irene Jones visited friends in Toronto recently Miss Ruth Wiltshirc of Orillia Studio 27 Bradfmd st visited with friends in the village 1DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate The Om Young Peoples Society of Toronto Conservatory of Music will hold their opening meeting 111 and London Eng College 01 Mr and Mrs Oran McArihurs on Music PianIand Theory Oct l3 All the young people cord 152 Maple Avenue mpy invited IRAIGHAMILTON XVfggtm Elmer II her daughter Mrs INSIRLCTOR 11 gmdesi PIANO Closson Mr and Mrs Les Clen Ijil9OVVEII1$3339 Also Gorf Burton Arnold Crawford To 14 12 Studio 37 Ross St Phone 3615 hm OPTOMETRY UTOPIA OPTOMETRIST 03 Dunlop St October Attendance 96 Miss Joyce McCann Toronto spent the weekend at home IV ROBERT ll SMITHR0 Thomas Smale Oregon and sister OPTOMETRIST Mac of Sault Ste Marie vis Dulop SEEP 25 ited their nephew George Ellis last week Born to Mr and Mrs Earl Mc NOELI STEPHENSON 80 Dunlap St Barrie Phone 42 gratuldtions SINGING MUSICAL THEORY denning Orilliii with Mr and Mrs BOBT BARR F30 Mr and Mrs GTay10r Phon ms Master daughter nda Anne OPTOMETRIST 011 in RV Hospital iBarrieyOct 4Con MIS HeriWard Mamns Them W35 Children and teachers oiss No meeting on Tuesday Oct 21 will OSTEOPATBY are to be congratulated on the be MrS GTay10rs com oni signed brides shower book Music and games followed after and the party dispersed to the strains ofAuld Lang Syne SHANTY 13111 which dainty lunch was served October Mrs Obie and fumin visited her people on Sunday Mrs Kerr Barrie spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs Wm Brooks MrsJRutledge and 3011 Jimmy of the Island Toronto are at the Lairches lover Thanksgiving koka to visibigdsinwthnt neigh borhood Mr and Mrs George Simpson were in Toronto on Saturday for the wedding of Miss Nellie Millar to Robert Sims Institute Meeting The institute met on Oct at fair attendance The special took trip to Milford BIiIiy Miis YMOUTH gives you VALUE you can see and measure Your Chrysler Plymouth Fargo dealer has new 101mlin Chart which shows that Plymouth is most like the highpriced cars in quality features Of 21 impertant features found in IllDIl riccd care Plymouth has 20 car has and car has More quality faintes mean greater VALUE Plymouth gives you VALUii in Safety SafetyRim Wheels for protection in the event of sudden tire failure Equal PreSSure Hydraulic Brakes for more stopping power with less pedaI pressure Plymouth gives you VALUE in Economy Although Plymouth is big comfortable car and gives you more quality features it is nevertheless priced right down with the lowest Plymouthe WV ITelephone 245 good showing Obtained at the Essa mencjng an 130 pm thorough engineering makes it kinglasting economical car to EDWIN WILSON BSAw Do school tair winning the RevG KIM Lak Leavmg VALUE IN CONVENIENCE VALur IN sum Own and operate WWW use 01 in or Pos ice lmcoe th If mg ev ar announc Farmer 9116119 mg veg e1 Iwi qua ressyre ormance an FLEMING same that he moms wife would be zirii $321 iiii 3213113 powerruws1161sepowerengine gives vouismootipe1omnce MARIAN an SURGEOL Consultation by appointment inr the arish on Nov as he has counlerbuianced The tidQWonl 511 Ie ul Sophia St Home Phone 454 Telephone 22 MACKENZIE 10NGESVT VRIVEVR who down you WW VVVthVVVVf 11111 ssmltgim all speeds Plymouth smart styling and owing lines give it The MaCkenIZIE Whlch drains accmed 0f er of paml down The spare tire is can Wheels 1edule the hozords oi that bigcar appearance No other car gives you all of tliese WELCB CTION AGENCY Great Slave Lake IS the longest Vanouver The CommVunIty WIShes venienllY located sudden tire failure jean at gtCharteredAccountantsrusteesetc COL river in Canada 2514 miies them Godispeed in them new home es Prlccs if SVALUE You Want Brock Bmlgggtzgo Bay Stu FINANCIAL SURETY VV Plymfmh you auto VV gt gt gt Specralists in Collection of Accounts New Safety Hydraulc 11 he Fl 511131111101 St Barrie rhODBV 411 IV yVibrotFionoNedeSlurtelr will bullonaozndeaxh Igzzgy132hSgllrlorkhlzsgdlh5133 ew ranten way EliminatoroAIIsleel Safely Bod ON 813 dB ACCO KNSPEJDIToRS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 11 1111y to 31h12ny1ing Tii 111 MOVE Si Bmo LLOYD Jr STECKLEY If you hnutter from dyspepsia sour stomach 5313132$113325Bgzgmegjgpm FUNERAL DIRECTORS iiousness eadaches minor 1111 or kidne com men Harris CPA AMBULANCE SERVI ii plainteuiie Burdock Biood Bitteir Frank Spry Clapperton St P110 2703 This isapVopular preparation thotwillhelp tone gr ARMSTRONG AND MacLAREN up the atomac kidney and liver ind digestion and Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA SMITH co bringquick relief from indigestion and constipation Elizabeth St i1 CqthTgREDSIVlCCVOINTANTS harmed 1m afqhegeive end Vcillependoble BBB contains no harmful ingredi ee arrie In gt 21 Kinizvegtreei Toronto IUNEBAL DIRECTOII mg BABRIE ONT bl WWW You COMPANY MrmmmbWEmAmm Bianca mimifoiltildnbglidugdzlionfaiid hldgsgndgl 1331190313113213 gammy Also Sold and Serviced by kfo VV WardAE Mytgs OPEN Arum it by nameV Bin 01 Blood Bitterso sale at drurwunten GREGORYS GARAGE Bradford GRAHANPS GARAGE Alum Annm summinurnoo lelmrl to Ont Miami Toronto IV

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