Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1947, p. 1

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$50 111118 WEHCS ISSUE 7700 Copies IAr li 111111115 IJi 11111 11 l1t and 21111 1111 11 11 111111 v12 1111111 1111 111 urne to roun 11h Hu 3111111 11111 1111111nl who at is 1311 i11111 111111 31111111 Hhm illi 111111 11 11111 iiii pectitor IIt11 1111111111l1 111 111 11 111111 111to 111111111 111 1111111111 11 111 1111 1311 111iii1i 111M it Ni It silty SHIHWD 111 IlliIl 11V 11 11111 111 111 14 Iitlllll 111 15 Vi ijwu 1111 1111 11 glownw it r11l2ylXI mi 1111111 111111 1111111111 TIMER3 =I MUM T11 cll 111st 1111 11 11 111111 1111111 111i 15111111 Wice were 111111111 linvsqvitators llio 111ttii 111 1121111111s who lt 1111111111 111111111111 11111 parsed 1111 The 11111111111 111 the match ov11 1111 11 odd 11111 would be chieib 1111 111we iiiiiiipiiieiit 1111111 Itili11 and plows iscd for Iiaiid 111111131111 11111 ciiaiiitcil very little 111111111 1111 11111 11111111 111 1111 112111111 111111111 T111 1Iit 111 111111111 11 lllllitf plot1111 pi1tzito 11111 11111 1111111111 These 1I1 111111111111 oi ci from ltoseiiioui 11v lirloai tliiiiinni and were said t111l11 over 111 years old He liadi 1111111 iiuckcr to bring him and Ill team over and was 1111111111 by the ilizvei to lirini the mules 211111111 This chap 111111 took over the pilllt 1nd 1111 1111 1ssistaiicc of the llhtllullhlxTitilllillll lleive izot away to 11111111 shut and came out one place ahead of the horse team he was paid to bring over 11111isior111iiii airplane did bu business in 11111111 up passen gers right out of the same field where the plowinc1 was being done He also brought over Mr McNabb and his son from Edcnvale WllO 11111 also prize winners inthe match The Imperial Oil Co provided public address system whichwvas appreciated by the management They also provided the usual iii terestinp pictures after the ban quet T1115 BANQUET Nearly hundred persons gath Iied iii the Stroud Community Hall shortly after six p111 where banquet was served by the W0 mens Institute The early comers got started when VicePresident IIIIIV711U111S called for the sing 1111 of grace At the head table were George Johnston MPP and Mrs Johnston Mr Timbers the plowing judge President and Mrs Robert Boycs VicePresident and Mrs Harvey Hughes Lash Icy agricultural representative and Blythe McConkey The ad dresses were short and dealt most ly with the events of the day Mr Lashley called onvarious donors and others to make the presenta tions each making few well chosen remarks in keeping with the occasion The winners were as follows WINNERS Jointei plow sod 151 and crown Ronald Marquis Sunderland 2nd and finish Albert Vancise Stay ncr 3rd Meivyn Fralick Minesing 1111 Kenneth McDonald Barrie F1111 Frank Cowan Thornton inPrizes 1141921 South Simcoe Plowingit Farm of Archie McNabb 111111111 111 13111 1111911 1111411 511 i1111111 Jar alii 5111111 1i 111l11 l1Iltfllttvllll 111 111 111111311 lltllllill 11111 viavi It 11 1111 as 51111111111111 not every 1101 1113311113 TO SING HERE NEXT 11111113 f1i lll 1112 ll 0111 Ii irmln c1u111iizwi SilltlAI ii11 iuV TIIVI Sinner i111t plowed l111 it Itlwpiiiijit Jack 311111111911 limo 1111111111 local311 liiiitoi stud111 111 1111 Ailll 1111 111 Ill 13117 3111111 715 11111113 1111111 111 All 111 p11ly cover The General llalott 11111 111 Chorus will come 111 111 11 111 Thursday October 211 Inf11 110 program 1111gt Fall in lic 11 11 11 Concert AsNNliilliil s1111s icy will be heard in 11lliez tit 1111111111 hiirch iiiditoriiin 11y 11111111 111 the association This is the 211111 illlll1lgt111f year of the celebrated 111111 11s to 11111 next Spring they will 111151111 11111 10110111 Americh concert in ii neeie Hall New York 111 This colorful clioius was 11111111 izcd in CziciioSlovzikia 111 111211 under the 11111111121 of liie late Thomas Masaryk 11111 was presi dent of the Czech Republic The members were Cossack exiles 1111 had scattered throiiuhoiii ciitial Europe and who were finally brought inacthcr by Nicholas lie tittk11t1 The singers took their of the Cossack general 111111111 who had played heros roie 111 iiiiriuzad routing Napoleon in his ziiaicli 111 1311111501 T110 011 Moscow lacliet and Times former adver Led by Koshuimff 11 hm llSliitl agency executive and main sung their strange mum5 11 acme director of Class Week stuppes in the far flung GUIma Hf lies of Canada who was thy speak the world Binope Afrim SHIN er at the Kiwanis Club of Barrie America the Orient ustruli and Oct 11 on the occasuni of National Central America Newspaper Week Mr Diitrizacs These musical travels eventually 5111111111 Wit1 T110 WCKkIY News ied them their new hllllj paper and the Communities it North America 511115 The General Platoff Don Cob1 sacks give an entertaining perforiii ance with theirinspired singingof Russian church music folk mel odies and Cossack war songs BUY CAR AT AUCTION 1941 Buick brought cash price of $1100 at Sheriffs Auction Sale held on the Markctquuare Oct The sale was conducted by Deputy Sheriff John Dimvoody scum VVIAIWII llalkncr 20yearvold Wiii Of persons were present but only 111110 hockey star had an unschcd three did my bidding uled late season swim in Kempen Message of Thanksgiving Given by Rev Carder At First Baptist Church Rev Carder delivered the message at the annual Thanksgiv ing service sponsored by the Bar rie and District Ministerial As sociation Monday morning Oct 13 in First Baptist Church The minister of Burton AVenue United Church selected as his text Giving thankse always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from the 20111 verse of the51h chapter of the Epistle to the Ephes ians Rev Mr Carder declared that the testimony of other days stood clearly before all andvin quoting various instances he went back to the testimony of the Psalmistg IBlessv the LordO My Soul Turning to the New Testament he related tne storyof the IOIepers who were healed and went their way and one went back tothe source of his healing The spirit of thmksgiving the spirit of the grateful heart is the spirit oftheChristian mind he declared It is natural said Mr Carder to think first of the fruits of the bar vest But not only has God pro vided the fruits ofs the gharVest He has provided the great number of spiritual gifts of life If our grati tude is to be worthyit must come from the depths of our soul The minister spoke of the im portance of kindness and stated that average goodness was not good enough for the Christian He quot ed If man take away thy cloak fruits of the harvest fcldt Bay last Thursday when his Canoe upset He was in the chilly waters for 20 minutes rowed an aluminiuni canoe and went out alone about 430 p111 lNcaily mile out he decided to lturii back and when the high end of the canoe caught the full breeze broadside it capsized Falkner started to swim back let him have thy coat also and with tliehalf submerged canoe but If man compel thee to walk with 11 was slow going and bitterly cold him one mile go with him twain Eventually passengers on CNR Rv Mr Carder Spoke of 30111111111 saw the capsized canoe and hungry in Europe and said nu may the mishap was reported when the be thatwe demand 450000 tons of train reached theBa1riostation grain go to feed the starving of NUIIWH COPplng anti Hamld Europe rather than to the distiller Drummond were Just taking off for ies hop in seaplane owned by Bar Aircraft and Supplies It did not The speaker reelted how Kagziwa 110 had lived in the slums of Japan 011 Alsqtflifllgoafi 1819th $150 month to witness forChrist 11 We and he recalled how Fritz Krcisler lxgirrcgcgciyi xxldtshe ala had said he always felt guilty WhClli sf nt he ordered costly meal in my gas t1x1ed1ntoshore near Har ouse Exam because Otherswcw mm The next day Falkner left for Hie quoted Verdun to continue his hockey or ml 351 training Jizick Riley ceach of Saymg that GOdSCauscs were CV91 Washington Lions said Ted was deStFQYEd 131 blowmgllpv bill lhcy one ofnthe best prospects this Fall were 123 being Sat upon iznid would probably be playing Mr Carder spoke of visualizing with Baltimore this Winter Last Canada asa land in which truth season he played for Winnipeg and righteousness would flourishiCanadians and he concluded his Vmessaged May God give us sense of mis gt sion May we go out torachicve Collingwood to Issue $165090 Debentures greater things for Him In the absence of Rev sTo Build an Arena Humphreys who was outbf town Rev James Ferguson welcomed Collingwood town council has the gathering to First Baptist passed bylaw to raise by deben Church and he also extendedia wcl titres $165000 for tliecrection of come to Rev Mr Carder who had an arena This is $15000 more recently come to Barrie Rev than originally planned for Lewis alsotook part in the service number of the contracts have a1 l111 111 Iit 1ppcii SlayingT at Hart House Ted bor 1111 1illl 111 11 in l1 ll lU IK Vespra Farm Home WM LETROS ON LEAVE TO TORONTO NOT PROMPTLY RETURNED TO GAOL 3111 11 11121111 11151 11 111 1111 111111 1111 111 fl ll 11 111 3111 l11l11111l 111111 11 llas 31 1111111i 1i1i 111 11111l 15111111 211111 The 1111111111 11111111 111 111 1iil 11 111 1111 iii 1111 11111111I 1111Iil1 11 11 111iii 1111l t1 1111111 111 1ii 1311 1111 121111llil11 111111111eii1 3115 Ittitl 11211171 21311 1111111111111 Segi vlll iltii= 1311111 11 11111111111 1111111111 l1oiii11ti 111111 111111 11 111 111i ii 111 hits Hiltllnl 11 lii 11111111 21 veiy 111 51111111 In erected i11 1111 IliiI 51111111 lo 11 111 11ios 1111 liic tXllltfi Ipinposc of seeini 111 21 15 111111111 ioiiuiioi 11111in 1111i 11111111111 itiiiiil 111111p1111c11 I11ll to lo 1111111 win1c they found 1111 1111111 was not sick 111 bed but was in one of 1115 restaurants Alter hav 111111111111111111 1111111 lliti the TwoVITcTrld Pegde Better Than OneWorld War DeclaresuDr Silcoxi The future of United Nations scoins 11 be quite precarious but 21111 coiiwnced we 111 11111 1111111 111 he jpessiiiiistic declared ltr Iari Edwin Silcox last lliuisiiay cvciiiiii in the colleui no auditorium lie we aodiessiiii the first 11 series of lectures on public affairs sponsored by the Kiwanis Club supptisc he said the iiiaiii news item was the oiiiiiitern clt forming at Belgrade Some of us suspect it was dissolved in name 111in anyway The fact that it 1111 been iecst tablished brings to the front the ideological conflict which threatens 11 divide the world into two parts The speaker said if the difference could be confined to words and 11 batcs for the next 111 years there was hope it would iiol break out into armed warfare it VIEVIJAQIIfl to have twoworld peace than one werld war Dr Silcox pointed out that Itas sia didnoi belong to several inter national aeencics such as the litter natioiial Labor Office the Internal ionalRefuizce Organization 1111 Food and Agricultural Organization and otlieisUNESCO is another cOOOOOOOOOO COMING cents wordMinimum diam Rummage Sale Saturday Oct 18 830 am auspices Burton Ave Church WA 4142b Thornton United Church Bazaar and Hot Supper Nov 12 Admis sion 50C and 25c 421 Dance Baxter Friday Oct 24 Music by ThaStroud Mountaineers Dancing from 930 to 115 301th Rummage Sale Saturday Oct 18 Trinity Parish Hall auspices Trin ity WA Doors open am 40421 Rummage Sale St Georges Hall Allandale Saturday Oct 18 aus pices of the Glad Club Doors open am 42p Midliurst LOL dance Township Hall Oct 17 Refreshment booth Crowes orchestra Admission 501 cents 7381113 PostponedBazaar tinder 21115 pices Blue Haven LOBA advertised for Nov has been postponed to Nov 19 42b Rummage Sale Saturday Nov 15 8111111 OddfellowsTemple auspices ladies of St Marys Chturch 42b Rummage Sale Saturday Oct 25 Trinity Parish Hall auspices Ladies Attxiliaiyto Lions Club ofBarrie Deors open am 4143b Anniversary Services Sunday Och19 Utopia United Church 11 am and 730pm Special speaker Rev James Dorrian 42b Orange Young Britons 251h An niversary Dance Orange Hall Al landalc Oct 24 Old tyme and mod ern dancing lucky draw 50c and 35c 42p Simcoe County Branch Garage Operators Association are holding Ladies Night dinner and dance at Club 79 Barrie on Friday Oct 24 at 730 p111 4211 Bazaar and Afternoon Tea H0lt and other clergymen were in the ready been let The bylaw car made Table and Fish Pond Odd congregation Music was provided ried in council by vote of to by the choir of First Baptist Church rgt fellows Temple Collier St Wed nesday Nov from 36 pm Aus and the church was decorated with Coming to the Roxy Mon Oct ZIth 111568 BeaVCr Rebekah LOdge N0 Gonc With The Wind 190 41441 n1111 Ill 1111111111 1e11i DISMISS GOVERNOR ALVIN PERKINS 11 11s1v1 11 1111II11I 111 111 liii1 111117 11 111131 1111 1111 11111111111 111lii11 iilii1 111 1311 11311111 K1 Ii1i 11111 11111111 1111111 1111 111 11 11111 111i 111111111 111101111 11 wlitcli Itussi 11111 lllPlllht but neither 11os she re ceive any litiiitits piliviilici 11v 1111 Iltll1 of UNESCO Iic added 1111 many of these 1111i1111111s 11111 be continued evtii 71 3111 Iiiitil Nilllillls were to break up Speziliiioitlie1111sis11f31151aii1111s that are inciiibeis 1f 11 11 was stated that each was 11111111111 111 delegate Dr Sitcox said many people criticized the setup and s1d there should be some other basis for representation 1111 said he could agree with those W111 said it did not seem fair for the United States to have 111in one vote the some as leach of the small nations Referring to other possible 11117 thods of representation Dr Silcox spoke of the disadvantang If at were on basis of populatuiii 1n lia and 1111121 would have practic ally half the votes and he did not believe we Gould agree to that 11 111 were on basis 11f iiiilitaiy might this would encourage every ienuntry 111 rcaini the very thin IUN is seeking 111 avoid Other 111e Ithods iiiontioned were on the basis lTurii to page five please1 EVENTS Rbyal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary rummage sale will be held on Nov Any with contiibiitipns please who i1ilil1 itittilllltisltlllil 1111 11111 Scout Publications will ad 11c 1111 annual 11111111111r of tlic was 111iiiiiily llziiiic lixaiiiinei and well known in 1111 111 Honorary Presidents of Barrie and District Memorial IIospital Committee llti llltllll IiIIllIl 11 Iv II Ccrswcil Had Grand Champion at Pctcrboro 11 12 11 11 11 111 111111 11 1111111111111 lairic 11118111111 Association 111121 sionii iiAiioNixo Monday Oct 27 Mr Mortlock 10 SM Hf Tm of the World will be strong as Otliptlslllilti MISS ANNA LEWIS ADDRESSES WI ANNUAL MEETING Miss Anna Lewis supciiiiteiirb out of Woiiitiis Institutes for the Ontario 1111111111111111 of Agriculture spoke of her attendance at the re cent conference of the Associated 11111113 Women 111 the World held in 111111111111 She addressed the luesday iiioriiiiic session of the an nual 111111111111 of the Womens 111 stitutes of Simcoc County at the 1111ii111111 Temple in Barrie Iliss Lewis was one of six dele Yates from maiio to the confer nice The sessions opened on Sunday night with an international church service and the speaker re lated how impressive 11 was to ARR EXAMINER 0v wwmgw Incuun finu 111 V11 jitli 11c 12121111111 11 11111111 1e IADM 111 1er 1111 11111 11 1111111 BARRIE EXAMINER TOPS WEEKLIES ABC Circulation 111 11111111 lliiiiiiii1i 111111 111 the 111111 111 1111 1111 111111 111 111 toii 11111111 llls 1111111 111 111111111 1e1orilin to 1111 Lite1 issiii 11 tiiiiiiii II1I111II 1111 liiiiiiiir 111111 is listed is 7111 11 and 1111111 1111 Sini 1111 lictoriiier 1111 735511 third is thc Stephen You illllhltlxi oiiriir 111111 $138 toiirtli is the ixiitt tIiiiiiit llt1skitilicviiiii S1111 11111 tiltli is lhc trilli1 111111111 11111 liiiics There an 311 1111111 111lsI iicipipcrs Ill 111iili 111111 111111 Illt 111t 111111 iiri 1liittll in ltl of 311111 copies The liiiniiicr Itrt run and 111111 lllllllllllltl each week 111r1 7700 11111 11 diliiilltici between 11111 and the li iii 1iie is 1111111111111 1111 by ilvici 111111rv and corrcspoiidciice copies Since 111311 The llarrii leani iiier has been member 111 the lllill Bureau of irculzitions Section rrrrr 130395 i0 MIN U017 UREAU 11 1118111111113 2211 ANNUAL 111313111111 1111111 vv 11 11 11 II 111 1111 211 111 41 11 11 id 1111 11 ii 1L 11 11 115 itl1 111111 Illlliil 111111 Will 111111111 111 iiiliti 311111 iiltiirt t1l 1111tii11 1111 11111 111111111t 1111 11111111 111I 1111l liwiicaliuii 1111117 IilllX ii1vq111111111 11 1111 Howell T11 11m it 111111111111 with head oltiic in Iiicaizo which audits and guarantees lorjliilvirtisirs 1111 11111 circii lift311L13T111 1111113limit iCNR ALLANDALE the continent IIAY LXI SOON 111poi from 01 1111111111 1111111111 11111 1111 11111117 it cart by rut1 1111 11 c111 1ii1ii111 ys inst 111 111111i 1x 111112111 11 iiiieri 1111 gt11ir or the 111 11 iiiizis 1111 1111 115111 111111111w Iilii 1711111111111 11 sli11111111111111111 1of the Iliilllli Division of the 111111111111111 National Railways 111ti Jlilltll railway employee tor 17 11il As boy he Finllvil as brake 111111 with the 11111111 Trunk 11111 at his native llellcvillc Iillllli ye1is later he became conductor 11t11 upland was in the llclleville Division 5111 Ihvther 11171111111114 11 31111111 15137 when he was lttitlsltllt 1111 11 11111 1111 unveriinnnt 11111 ely 11111 zit1y JwiWd Wthslluls WFF shortly the rocerv pie c1111 rod to the London Division 111 11 erillluuiifmlllzli lie was promoted to train iiiaster at Rranford and in 1111 1all of that year was sent to Graven Lllllis lt IltllSI Mr Carr was appointed assistant 1111111111 mothers holiday oiici 1siipiiiiiiteiidciit at Allandale in 111 year lttllliltl 11112 and he lived here 1111 The Associated ountry loiiieiiltlnec years while holding that are strain 111 your local CtlllllllllllAi Named superintendent of term ity said the speaker 8111 pointed inals at Black Rock and Fort Erie 1111111111 the 111111 delegates 1011111111 October 11115 he was there im llolland conference represoiiteuil March 111111 when he was prm fiye million women Miss Lewis mated to division superintendent at spoke of the strides towards peace Taprcol This month he was trans that could be made if the woineiiferriwl to Allandalc where he is of Russia and Gernuiny and Italy Inow acting as siiperintmident of could be enrolled 111 the oicaiiizaIthis CNR division lion Mrs Ray Carr is the former Concluding her remarks MisslSarah Rumor of Newcastle There Lewis emphasized the importance of efforts 111 the local communities are two daughters andronc son Doualas brakeman at Capreol and she urged that food staiidiirdsIMrs Leslie Lennox and Mrs Nor should be raised to provide proper nutrition ZHL WEIGHT DISTRIBITION It is estimated that 1110111312111 of eases given off Itlit volcanic eiitiption is much greater than that of lava and ashes Tobacco Industiy Grouting Baseball boys banquet and dance humane Lords Prayer in the 111 phone 2371 42111 Stroud Community Hall Oct 17 Strotidi1Ioiintainecrs Dance 1131 Banquet 75c Dance 351 414211 Fowl Supper NevaLmvell Oct 2375c and 35c plate Good even ings entertainment of magic tricks presehted by Rev Jackson music by Cieemore orchestra 414211 Humane Society giganization meeting Thursday Oct 16 PM Room Community House All 111 Iterestcd citizens urged to attend 1Please remember this date 1142b Annual Bazaar Womens Associh tion Churchill United Church Saturday Oct 25 at 30clock in church sclioolroom Tea will be served Everybody made wel come 42b Hall Thursday Oct 30 1011 pm cup reading fish pond and white elephant table Admission 25 cents 424313 Fowl Supper Crown Hill United Church Wednesday Oct 29 530 to p111 Play Aunt Tillie Goes to Town to be presented by Crown Hill Drama Club Admis sion 75c and 30c 4243b Barrie Community Concert As sociation presents the General Pla toff Don Cossack Chorus in con cert at Collier St United Church on Thursday Oct 23 at 830 pm 112431 Fowl Supper auspices Minesing Womens Institute Wednesday ev ening Oct 22 Good program with Hon Drury Thornton male quartette and other talent Pro ceeds for Barrie and District Mem orial Hospital Fund Supper 6313 Admission $1 Children 12 and un der 50c 42b Halloween Tea at Trinity Parish Auspices Trinity Junior Guild Tea teientlanguages 77 WV Chief topics of the conference were food agriculture and hous Ing 111 superintendent saidtshe hop 11d every Womens Institute branch would establish letter friendship with 21 branch 111 another country Another thing we can do she idded is adopt Womens In stitute Speaking of visit to England Miss Lewis told of meeting an English Womens Institute group Siva tour of Windsor Castle She commended the idea of an annual MISS ANNA LEWIS Although much of the tobacco crop in thesouthivcstein part of Ontario was spoiled by the frost of last month the growersin Sim coe County were favored by excel lent weather for their harvest It is believed that the tobacco raised will have value of close to one million dollars this year Nearly 110 per cent of Sunnidale Town ship acreage is in tobacconow and most of it within sixmile radius of New Lowell wednesdziy aftern week directors of he Barrie Chamber of Commgrc and group of members Of the Junior Section numbering out 35 busi ness men in all jouri yed to New Lowell to look over the fastex panding tobacco industry of this county started only seven years ago Although it was busy time for them Donald Duff Murray Grant Maurice Gruyaert Achiel deSehepper and Rees Snow five of the owners of farms in that dis trict were present to greet the Barrie visitors and showed them as muchas possible in the threehour tour HARVEST COMPLETED The harvesting of course had all been completed several weeks earlier and the tobacco leaves were stored in kilns and barns What the local businessmen saw was re velation for the tobacco crop around New Lowell was excellent lThe leaves had first class quality 11 of last nice light color and good life isonic Order the Rotary Club of Slldbllly the Church of England and veteran of the First Great War having served three years owrseas with the 215111 Field Ar tilloiy man Brown both of Belleville Mr Carr is member of the Ma Rapidiyianimcoe County Fine Crop Now HarVested Furthermore the crop seemed to be of good weight Through the bare fields most of the farmers WCIL busy cutting down the old stocks and getting ready to put in crop of rye To bacco in this district is raised in rotation so that the ground will not be farmed out These acres which yielded tobacco this year will have rye nest year while tobacco will be grown 011 theother half of the farm Around New Lowell there are now 23 farms devoted to 1aisi11g Virginia fluecured tobacco for Cigarettes Several men iaised some cigar tobacco falsogli Achiel deSchepper showed fine crop of the darker cigar tobacco inaddi tion to very iarge yield of flue toured tobacco from his two farms SOME BIG PRICES Recently RenedeWilde one of the pioneers in tobaccoraising of New Lowell bought the former DaVe Duff term from Maurice Gruyaert and plans to raise cigar tobacco exclusively He is report ed to have sold his original farm for over $40000 Real estate tran sactiOns have been numerous in Sunnidale this year most of them reported in The Examiner about six weeks ago Just last week Maurice Gruyaert added to his holdings by purchasing the Walter Switzerfarm OI 200 acres Mr Gruyaert was the first farmer of the district who had started in the grading and stripx Turn to page five please

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