PAGE FIVE iiiiuuiwr 71114 rm ill assault ixaxr ii me m5 TENDERIJG VyORE UNIFORM PATRV gnu COlvllvlERClAL WEDDINGS JLPAUL HIST ARRIVED PlIOTOGRAPHER FROM ENGLAND gj fj 191 IIt 11 IliVIlIlIII ii l111x ii PORTRAITURE LEYROY IE lw Scc Iltilt in our ttittl WWW tlcpailincnt Brown 81 Co ltd Muchgeller rl lAbandoncd in Flamcs 11 THORNTON Trucl The Vitamin 81 Tom 11 1m 17 ISrh Concassaon Innishl 5x tl1 Ivl II 11 in Vi 11 ran and iti111 111 Ham11 guy gt 11 11 it til 17H 1111 11 1s 1111 o1 it iilJI Ikillllillll tli liniuint sp SI 50 Sg It Niivtilr 11 lltlli ll11li llnlilmi MI WAM at 11 11211 p1 il nailll xv 31 it il gt 111 11 1121111 tii ljhir 11 hill lc lilill iidwii 411 ViviIllililllllllliiillgllllil ii 111 up 11 11 1111111 iiaimm ii InHST1911112 3111 Ljuiws Bitiiimigii PEtitttjifS 11 11V LlilliIiliil Ptittllti CHIPS Shittiitltlii SPILFY lllllll POP Milli I11 is 5311115giriyijtiwviiiiiE 3111 111 tumm mammary 11111 liwtc next Sunday 111amine law iiiciis Institute lll 111ch Mrlmans on lliurs rust Fr maintain3 4111 ID 15 it lily 11 ll oclock IllttlllilE In it 13y lltsloiical ltcsczircli mm CA Hwy HIillilflti lloll cll fact l11l Wm Aw vh nlll liitlnplacc good piouram II lttll 111111cl Important busiw 11cm to he tllstliktil llin llston Mens llcc luli 111v ciitcd concert in the Orange ut Limited supply lhctlliillll PDBEDIIFIELEIl Only ll tl In Friday 111111 auspices Il Sleel BCIIhIUbS CUSI Iron BGIthbS SI Judes WA liii was uicatly 11l 11 lclcin vcr1l TOIIQI BOWIS and Buglns illliilllllnsi Itiiiir 1tlllintlWtlt 11 dil ill Allsli Range BOllelS SOII Pipe and Illlllllflltl alsh will 31s well it the 11 Iitigiattilalinns to Iosl111lcr Stc11rt and lllx Stewart who cclchralcd their 33111 wedding an iillIl at tile llOlltt of hair lziiieliicr Mrs Gwrdcn Drilton lo rcnlo laltl liuirsday evening llnc Water Pipe Duio Water Systems Dont Delay Elmira nale ElliLita lt9 Unqalim ror err our gt THANKSGIVING 0mm yarn LOSLAW nrucwus alllhlllllh bride and groom of 371 years rc tlVftI some very nice gifts Bcgtidcs their family and other relatives CAUcomle SUHEUST 51 am me old friends and former rtsi Ill 521 33 155lth dcitls 11f Thornton were also presvni AILAJJ mil gt at the happy occasinn xoz 111oz FOR TEA LOVERS THERES NONE FINER 1110 nu 2150 1111111 1m QUICK or REG or rm 24c St Judes Anglican anniversary will ticheld on Sunday0ct 12 at1 ll asni and 1pm with llie new rector Rev Simmonds of lo MARYLAND comm SELECTED QUALITY lbs 250 so or lIIIIATIN GRADE FINEST ORANGE PEKOE LDBLRWS RED QWBEREW 55 GREAT Mixtit HLPIIIE CLUB PLUMBINGNYANDJrHEATING tHllli in charge of both services ll lii cl his jtiwt bee incwly Dunlop 5L Barrle ddtiirhtcil 2i big job which has been DIETQSLO carried out by the Womens Auxil 113 01 GO 11 which hhlkednliiiid ill inncondition PKG mm 23 itik lllltlld ol the painters and they are rw momou mom HSK now justly proud LOBLAWS DELICIOUS FRESH Alter Ivvo months vacation the or an 27 revening uuxiliaiiy oflrinity Church 60 ECH wattlp BMPR met at Mrs McQuays 011 ML nusr rm BAKING liicstiziy evening with good at 293 COITAGE BRAND Bin Extra FancyVGrade ICndiancc It was decided to dis lpcnsc with the afternoon tea this LDBLIIWS BREAD MclNTDSll REDS year letter was read from Mrs kcll reminding the members the WM srzr sizr 14 oz sectional conference at Thompson 901 583 WHOLEWHEAL wlac la 35c 13 43c ville Oct 31 The new study book WICKED WNW gt 51711 AVAILABLE was introduced by Mrs West The OATMEAL Mm For 1115 mamas sow is THE TIME T01 scripture lesson was read by Mrs 01 OBLAWS JACK JILL McQuziy and Mrs Spencer run IRVIC oNrAiiio 1311 CONCORD manor EUTEEB ioaiAws JACK nu llLsuIvan Maw and Mrs John Siinpsoiftcok the study chapter tasty lunch was served by the Inaistcss assisted by Mrs Altman tlllfldllls 7Scotl snares ATTRACTIVELY PRICED IN5 WESTONS16 OLTIN PLUM PUDDING CLARKS CHRISTMAS 5i 431 TtrW TlN PUDING CHIlllllY NUT 1211 we iiiiliiiii iAlfied Spencers was well attended The worship period on Thanks MEAL 12 01 PKG uasnrv urn MARASCHINO FL 01 293 COW ttk Dggtt 1211 Illislvlgirzikleelghc lessdisi thdlights PURE GOLD oz IOWLE centred aroundfMiriam great int 216 leader Ith main idea bemg the NEiLsons In CLUBHOUSEK DEHYDRMED so gcggmgggg pepper 1111111111 0110111111111 27c tannin 11115531111 III00 III 1T qunude enlarges the heart nances SWEEY SAGESAVOURYTHYME CHOICE YEAST 17213ll731dill23166111533 ill inll13 55 time tar comm 19 A5311 om imcce res vqer we TI yet IOttIPTIi iIhis included the comparatively literature tor tenymiiiute discus 73 410 ROYAL MANORl OZ PKG TIN ixr 5c 82 ill 61 117 166 PKG sion on Missionary and Mainten ance work wouldbe sent Mrs Scylhes and Mrs Sharpe were thanked for quilt each donated alsoers Simpson ifor similar work BRAND BAKING SODA MDLASSES CUT MIXED PEEL iicw Dollard lied Iloycr latematuring rust gt7774 VV 47V 17 resistant llrunnnond hniothy and siltaswcde ilovcr in northern areasall of which have CERAL 45c ORANGE PEKOE SALADA AUNI DINAH 19111111111111 319131615 10 Quality Tested hccii dcvclo tI hv Iirricultiiial ollclrcs lt was decided to have lunch sale 014 KIN mm at Ken Crawfords sale Plans for PKG AND FAST MIX Mm n0lsifcr inn 1131 1l 11 kc hi1 the bazaar next IUOItllI were dis my col cussed letter from Mrs Herb 01P cumn Elwigllclinili out no ADD Ami most troublesome problems to their iicarcst Shannon was read ackiimvledging SHELLED 1111112113 Ifzlc PASTRY sucr MEAW 29c noon noss 5917 coucmrnmo JAVEL urrrr agricultural College or cxpciiinicntal farm where for IIIthRSIilIIg they can get practical advice iiisgi515c gt Choice YoungMilkted HAWEsPmi rm emeritus cuicxizns 144s Choice Grade that saves work and puts money iii their pockets through improved crops ion can do RED 111101 1111511113 oz19s the Same nos 31111116 WH LE We ourselves Offer the important service of 33311 lb JAVEX xiii nose BRAN swear MIXED You BIKE mm Charge Ulcnlundontm amt on LIMITED TURKEYSQ 311113ch iAI comma PRICES 44c 15 FL OLJAR 290 tonic MANOR PIMENTO MANZ 39c money The branch managers of this Bank have always had wellearned reputation for friendliness common scnsc and coopcratiotr quill timely loans that can help you increase gt To get quick relieffrom diarrhoeaintestinal pains sea SiclillCSS or summer complaint use Dacron FOWLERS N0 ccntre slices removed FRESH RAMS SW an End lb wan available KIRK HARDWAIER ac CASTILE sou FL OZ JAR 311 End lb OLIVES arm earnings 47 EXTRACT or 11ka STRAW Piece or Sliced gt in BERRY SIHDE PORK lb 40c zzvrgoziu sezAr This dependable famj remedy rts can ock Off mm is one of the most eectivg and II 35Cz4 Incorporated 1855 best known medicines for bbwel LITTLE PIG PORK 12 Branches complaints Insist on DOGTgR FOWLERS EXTlOT IN VISKING CASINGS BARBIEH Nettleton Mgr WILD STRAWBBREY Ideal for poultry dressing Meg ALLANDALEIfF Stevenson Mgr