PAGE FOUR llxtttttttii Illciilo Danni 11l llitr thin Ilkll ltxtvil til lic c1xtly liuexitbicatiillituhlyizoiirixliiau you will liml 1ltinc11111itizliily tII1IIIiL 11 ttiflit tood pct Lilly pioccsscil for easy digestion 11 supplies 111 Ciinccnttatcil Itlllll essential food clstiictits to help you pct hLtht Iit haltinc lttvilc complete proteins for building llltlIC nerve ind body cells and high Cilirtzfi foods is well as itnptirtaut111u1unts11litaniinsA ll1llt1hotli1n Illi1c1n and thc Minerals Lalciuni lhos phorus and Iron IN supplcinciitat So for speedier recovery from illucxs try building up with yiliinc It is llSLtl in thousands of hospitals throughout the world twin FOR illlilitt IIltlhli CLEANED AI NISICIVIIC 111 Nltli ZI 1pc11111 111 IIIY IIIIIIS 74 tltp milk or half milk and half miter cup slicth onion ll cups tour hp salt tsp rclcry salt tsp Iiitepemwr Cilli condensed tomato tbs shortening HIP ii lb ground raw hcct tsp Manic linking Iowdcr Silt tliitetlier flour baking powder tsp SIII cclcry salt and pepper add tablespoons slioriviiinp mix in thoroughly with fork Add milk and stir iltil blended Melt remaining two tablespoons shortening in frying pan and Umk onions until soil Add tomato soup mtiiiiiiie teaspoon salt and ground meat ulvrine to lioilfSprcatl baking powder mixture on up of meat inirtiircand bake at 4751 for about minutes lurn out upside down on large plate Serves It Harm223 V97 IIM IN WES NowI Is it for breakfast every morning for month lll bet youll be swinging along with net Dalston It ar entenma It eatures nteres fill 1011 IlltIIxItlttI I1 it gtN7 if AM ELECT MRS EY PRESIDENT ct 1y 31 l1 Illr Ittvlli ll xiii 11 11 11 1=lixmll= 111 NH IVIIJII ll gt DR ALTHOUSE l1 itiittiwr It 11 11 i1 llllt 1i tanninlei 11 Mt lilkl it it 251 11 111111 out It 1151 1111it111 lx r1 lit 11llslllILi iiili 111 ll 111 2111s c1111 2111 111 11 l1i 1l l4lll1t 1l1IIllltI l11o1 it v1 tzzl 1111 If 1111v 121111 1r 11m 1111 actpmt Ifldlti inprla llir tlI 1111111 111 llH ml lnioizlw ltllv lliiwatil IY ll It jl lllll IIIIHIl Ii c11 11 Ix llv WM ltl 12111111 which 1111 X2 mm up Hut lf ml 1111111 tl an 1iti lj Haircut lIiIl IIx 1111 an 141111 21 71 l1il igtlio111l1v1i111n w111 ll 11 11 am In laxii 111 1t111o111 111 111 pro 11 111 Ilium Ilnllnll ll lit ll ilmlll lttl in tin limin 11 Iii ill 11 11 lln lli Eitilioylin lltll in gt 11 IZ hi 1141 an t1111c1 111 i110 lIali ll hm was 111 t1111 icw 1111l1111i11loiiy il 11111tl mlillnll1 gt 11 11 11 1111 lilil by Ali 511111 11 111 Ii Twill Federation of lvonhen tht HUIAV iii l1 1111 Illtttt Inc uio gt 11 11 lilillliil 11 11l11 11 ii11lit1i1ltl lllirv 3lltf ICOCItClS Send 131 Eye 11111 11 llllii It 911 1I Relief Boxes to Britain Vl Il ll 111 tl iiioiitlit six li gt 1i 11 1211 ilk1 tltA 11 grip 11ill ll ll5 ll IA mm in lilt 111 l11 111 1llllttll1 n111i llll 1h III 1i 331 11 ilIWnl 4i ii lt licy l1 ll Iltll Hi 1i111111111 1Il tl fitimlzi 1II1111 lwilllt MM 19 Iv 111 11I111u11 111 vIl li ivilvi IIIUIilIII IUl Mm tillIl 111 11 11 =1 l1111init t12t 11111111111 ll in lt poiiitti 111 that Ilic i1111111 Hill vlllmmi 11 ill111t tltlli1 1111ti VI thm VWI Ivy Hddmi KM My 1ii1 11 11 My gt Mimnm lls lt t111tin hutlitn 1tll IIII 11l11i 11111 HM mm um ML hmmm 111 11 11 ii 111111 11111 111l1111yl do 111 11 lm MN NH Invmwr 1h Hmv 1gt Him SHHHL iii ii IN MI Lulilhh HLlnhl Li illl Hilh ml liit 11111 rititii 1141111 ItuIIIIIHI lllii Zlii ttt Illttllllgt llwlcu vll1111 nil llli llnl lll twp appmmm ll1 It tlltlltl Iu It Illmlml luvmfl our st 111 litul rm 41iit1 pi ml 77 pl 11w 11 1rc INlthnilt 11 11111 Mploicdhc HUM MN mm Igtl1 in lttlV tcutlics 11 2111p11111 has is TW In lul mil hm 1111 111 gt 11111 11 11x 11 I11 tonaninnon III at my 1mm in Illltillst stink mm HUM Hm ml limvk hum Humid ililni Kl 1mm HHML lot llli lilttl1l demand for adult itlillliil lItHIll cl inc lllttlltl in Vth Sulmwiu MClmi1Il1 law 111 I1l1l Ham primlimml who IIIUh pail rmwmm MT MU Mwnml mum Tvwhmi Inmmxmm 1v11 11 than 1151111l1n Miocktit 1111 il V1tl1 him 11 111 111111 of tho tIIlItvtlgtltIllI Am My WWW m1mm mm mm Am Mr wumng Mm WI cloth critiztd 111I tlltHV ii1gt1yi1 ao inadc lit inauicii gtlitttllllnl II rmwrllm UN mm prvxqm Mi Nnm 11 lt1 1lt gt iiv place lt lllt tatliii lav5 11 Whit MIL Mum mm HIHITN mil momma MINI hhmrvt licllarl wait was dclcgaic to the Wimp Imam ammumv and tiivcr 111 cc 11 each lll1titilt or years lilItIt ulicn ll gt Mm in Mm mu my llltltllll iln we Mn wcrc Mas was not necessary to ask it per outludtiu Itln iitdicss tic tut WW7 trimIr SillllillIII MIR Hlll1$ UIIIII son was member of the churchtllllklll llllilllm 51mm ml Illll IAfKINGIItHYSIi STRIKE WW Nlt myon v11111l11li and Mrs 11 lives wmwgsinu in mg hum 111mm 15 comini into full purl 0mm Hicidh in repmivd 11 th llc artnicnl lt1 Vlr and Mrs amernn Juli IWIIA 11 HI IIIC Illl sitinltll l1 111111111 hllilh llllml bc Ititilxlllt oct the national pack 14 11 Iwcn 81 celebrated llttll fifty llh llhlilllw lm We the eucst spcakci of the cun jllfljll bun immduud mimusc mlkc mm hm Hum by KI 11 my mum unmvmm on Max loimin 111piiill l1 Nita mg was 5mm Drmy who lt lt Rid nil im cum of Hod ghdsmne NOS mmpmmw October It surprise party was COMM RAM Ml mmcm Cm has deep interest in and pro lam ND ishortaaes of this that or the other llIttIlcS loi intaiio lvll ilo1tv but he mmmm iq not 11 the home of their son Many ftlttltls and rcla tires were present liltltltllllll all llttli clnldrrn Appropriate gifts were picscnlid In the couple aiia need 111 cpia Members of the Rtd Cross So iltlf from each county and dis trict in Ontario arc attending iiitctint 111 Toronto this week The meeting will be held at the nationg al headquarters in Toronto Mrs McKenzie of Beaverton will he presiding and Mrs Chit Iick of Barrie will be in attend 1lucsdziy October 14 prominent Itotariaii and church worker Mr IKcllcy is one ofthc most popular public speakers in Ontario He is manager of successful advertising firm with the head office it Ham ilton While not medical man Mr Kelley has brought several in teresting ideas to the Department to express his thoughts in man nor that entertains the fancy il Three thousand packages of cook ies were sold by the Barrie Dis trict Girl Guides and Brownies WAQ lict Try Posts Bran Flakes skins public of Health and he has the capacity 1SIIH bran IIIDIS most delicmus formPosts Bran Ilakcsand youll enjoy freedom from that dull logy feeling your diet Good to cat and goodfoi youPosts Bran Flakes provide wholesome wheat nourishment too because theyre made with other parts of wheat caused by too little bulk in Jim Posts Bran Flakes regularly for breakfastas cereal or in the form of light tendcr bran muins made according to in structions printed on both Regu lar and Large Packages Dressy Su cron llrs tccil Cameron Miss Can Ihvrinc Mc111111 and the irriiisseaul 1001115 were 111 11 new 111 Mrs Win Ncwtnn 311s ll 111 IMnrs fay Braden 1lltslcan lcaton cousin of lllt illltltrtlttl niiciicd llivrl door and lll 1111c Mcfuait assist icd tlic eucsts lo llit Iruusgtc111 roomst and the tea room ntplicll and India has lllllt livcsiock than any other country in the world and IS the worlds largest supplier of goat Other types of hides and are to be built hr Wartime Hous ed ltidiit lip last week it for Fail Fall Fashion features the dressy suit Illustrated above is coachman cut away that makes the most of the new long jacket Other features are the tunnel collar high lapels and double side peplums You will see this suit which boasts fine lining of longwearing pretested rayom in Brown Green1and Black Sizes range from12 to 18 kind that produced aculture such proportions indoors the present minister found knowledge of the early his ltilfy of the settlement of this whole district Ilc spoke of the hardships 21an toil of the first settlers liiit also mentioned the fact that then people had leisure for home life around the open fireplace and the ciiioyiiictit of wholesome commun ity liIc Though we might not 17c able to agree with their theology today Mr Drury said yet their education was of the elemental If not as broad as ours it was yet deep and fine Ile told amusing stories they could never build boots of The close attention if the and ience throughout the entire address spoke ofthcir keen interest and Islalcd that Dr lIliousc consider Itl tlllltillltill as continuing pro1 cuss 11 the individual II 74 Ilttt llll ml IM Nude connection With some of tht WI Vlvotfmnmo 910 am butf1lokid lictp and lamb In the haiacttis 10 years an moic ago um Album Him MHVC Bap Russell 11 Kelley 0mm slauulitci houses onl Mohammcd such as he Sixf0mf0mi man no 38 Ministcr of Health will be the 15 If IIZCIQIMI can be employedwho on ordering pair of boots toi No Ilwlicaye loronto 550 pm speaker at the Womens Canadian lllmlll HL bmm 13 lhc lhe made and on asking when llC11llrO Allandalc 002 p1n Barrie lub meetingy in the Library Hall lClllllmg would be ready was informed that 817 p111 to Midland daily except In Oiillia 11 additional houses depended on the thm mango Sunday appreciation as their thoughts were carried back overthe years After the singing of The Day Thou Gavesl Lord is Ended and the pronouncing of the benediction School room were served by the ladies Mrs Jury of Brandon and Mrs Pclly pouring tea There was display of records of the church of 50 years ago minutes of trustecmcet ings the first marriage in the new church Sunday School records and others which were examined Willi interest Rev William Pelly is WIIALE OF CHANDELIER In the restaurant of the Enter prise Scotland 1947 Exhibition to be held at the Royal Scottish Mus eum in Edinburgh this August visitors will see novel chandelier The skeleton of whale hangs from the ceiling of the big hall which is being turned into rest it would have been considerable The architects have therefore de eidedy to make use of the whale and wire it for lighting IN THIRD PLACE senic cowewseo Your favourite varieties now in plentiful supply Canada is third in thegproduction of copper zinc leadsilverrand arl am Sunday aufant andth task of WingA daily for Winnipeg and Vancouver am No iiiLeave Allandale 815 for Collingwood and Meaford daily except Sunday llc traced ic rise of Dr Althouse until he ccamt Dean of the College of ducation and was later appointI to his ptcsctit position in 19441 lic speaker was thanked by Hlison public school inspector for last Sinicoe CNk ICIFECII VIC SE PT 29 IME TABLE No Kilnarc Barrie 100 am No tililLeave Hamilton 715 1111 arrive Allandale 1050 am No GILeave Allandale 1135 No IIQTLcavc Allandalc 1135 for lenetang N0 46Leavcharrie 453 am the people retired to the Sunday Allandale 510 am arrive Toronto where refreshments 700 a1n daily No 42Lcave Barrie 837 am Allandale 850 am arrives Toronto 1045 am daily except Sunday and Monday from Midland N0 44Lcave Barrie 420 pm arrive Toronto 655 pm daily ex cept Sunday Imay occur as bad they say as might have been wcgetailan George daily excepti expected One anonymous official gave it as his opinion that no one in Canada was point to be hurt by meat shortages an opinioniii which Bernard Shaw would surely concur AltUr all it is unlikely that anybody ever suffered from lack of animalflesh as 1011 as such things as bread eggs veget ables and the like were available in sufficient quantityFort Eric TimesReview WHAT BREAK Its the same Superb Max well House Coffee blend in either the Super uVacuum Tin Drip 01 Regular Grind or the Glassinelined Bug All Purpose Grind 0nCERTAlN DAYS of The Month Do female functional monthly N0 660Ariive aml from alIIeaford daily except Sunday and Monday No lGOArrive Allandale 720 pm from Meaford Sunday only No 398Arrive Allandale 600 p1n daily except Sunday from Penetang Aiiandaie 750 WWW0 01 663 KB vous dgety cranky sotired and dragged outat such times Thendo try Lydia Pinkhams GIRLS worm in 111 NERVOIISCRAN Kt t1 retur disturhances make younfeel nor 31 SPICED WITH ZMj PREPARED MUSTARD Sandwich Spread ounces canned com beef hard boiled eggs tablespoons Libbys Prepared Mustard tablespoon mayonnaise Mince corned heel with fork Chop up egg and combine all ingredients to make paste lixtra good On brown bread This recipe makes enough till ing for ll lullsize Sand wiclics FREEm ml of standard rim rotipu curds featuring 20 rlelliiops ways Io um libbys Mustard JusI mud your name and addresi Libbyr Chuihnm Ont lo LMlZA 1r ratth it Vegetable Compound to relieve such syniptonisl1islincmcdicinc is very crlicc for this purpose For over 70 years tliouszhrds of girls and women have reported IICIIDIIITJIISISSIVIvl yoiiirliitfviltiiitfmm report excellent results WortL trying ow stoooioins avail IDWE llFE insurrb At NOEEXTRA cosf tlilrSLStlllJoirer gt an inmantceiling The WILSON BUILDING Square Barrie PHONE 2325 Big enough for EXDEIIIENCE Small enough for FRIENDIINESS tmciiirirs When you need cash tluickas flash Seeorcall Subsidiary of Industrial Acceptance Corporation Um Juwmqu ll