swamp ST JOHN 4485 Before you dial llSlEll for the DIAL TONE CHANEL NO 300 550 Sfili 300 550 IIIIII uAktletA JIOO 50 II out 016112121 woo ir philid Thisis PERFUME 11 l1l 11L lit CHANEL 110 II III Canada Flfth Annual 500 10004750 III 11011 10 571 NATlONAL tMMUNlZATlON WEEK EEIIIIO 3884383 II II Ir Spannich by In Harlin lelu cl Canal 21 cm RUSS 11 iii11 1211 II IImI Ill Mike sure your children are protected sums Ls 1000 11111 1111 1111 DI hm Wk FIIII II IIIIWII 0f IImII IIIIII III II II I774M cm 009mg Cough and Smallpox rsct read the 12111111110111 III Manufacturers II SPECIAL OFFER HOT WWW Established 30 Years Comfort and CcSJtty in the Home 31 301111 chmmis the Minimum Value 1iiigislc111iviii 33 15 II II 3n an the UNI SCH l1r your war it hn 11111 13111 111 111I1n 105711 Imps Lot lublIIo new II mirr memouni murmu or II II III Ip ninelnl llul 11111 Airingcincnt norul Arum mngcd II ut 111 on lrni to tlir alur ohOrwiso you may go In NOI LOVEIIII II III ill lIiIirrSlrIIllxlIllulli 111 1111 mu v1 or ll PHONL if 0r 11111111 lie Sclielfei ll 4523 11 ii vII=I1I1 lli II List Your Properties with us in III ARISTOCRAT REVERY SANTAX MOYWATII jHor wnm nor WATER mu 1391mm 79 aomcw 99c shill1151211111 3311 colouI DI aux mum 11 IfntiiIre in shopping nice or 111 11 III II wwwonuuumH++m++u++++++w I1I llffrIIl3 but lI to 11 ltl Kt lolllf hills Jiliitliulilrafllne II im 11 111 are ii r1kz ax II llyIii p11 liln am 1v II ran now lie in wear BEAUTY 1111 fl ill DOMINION or CANADAII BONDS due October 15 1952 have been called for payment October 15 1947 These bonds should be presented lor redemption with all coupons ol later date attached No further interest will be paid on these band after this dqte DALSTON CRAIGHURST ii gt tIIIv Al II LEFROY iii 11111 ltrll intuit 51 11 in llilmw 11 11s Elyi Wm HA T11 13 In dii1u1Iv at I111er heard crash in 11111i1t i111 vlurethe litie tilit ironi they found double diamond 111 only 13533 pontiff roast shrink in the 111111 lllwliat lire lJiY 1111111110 in for as Cauly IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIHII IIIIIIIIIII Coode 25 EH IIII1II11IIII1II111Fertile book 1111 lure and inside the 211 lying 11131111111 IHH++H++++++++++++ l1 tliiTiHlllld the 11111 p11iid1z wh 11 had ML 11 shew11 if causel the unfortunate accident It lied Hi PaisleyHen111ssy Wedding lIIIlIIIII IIIII oven the lir up 111 the Ullilid tlllireii pal1111111111 zitI IStroutl oli Satuidav lat At when Miss lIffie lieanefsv ol Wllitcidiuh ivasIIinnted in man11211 lo 11 Young HATE AllKlINI laislcv ot Stoiiitville by llev Children 235 Jmis Simt Toronto laisley brother 11 the pro 11 along those 111 lii tit 1111 SALOTYN grooms 11 ber Mrs Elizabeth TABLETS Engaggymiela laizley 11 Sloulfvilli illi and ll for 23 llrwin Winch and lhvllis Ku 29 SANTAX 49 LINIMENT FM Still concncs PREPARATIONS nstron ends uncaring peeling chipping worries Regular l00 Size lar if Beauty Lotion 125 01151111 lifAbmnd llle l0 applkailonl Lipstick 150 aqmn go on 1mm Rouge cake or cream 100 dries in scmnag ljlhmit Eyebrow Pencil 50 linen1 1111112 fy 1111 MHII I1I 1E plume balance your hand Beauty Cake 150 43 Mir thirties II III II II II III 1H1 Luc guru up 11 lI IIIIIln llIIIIfIzlJ III bargain time for these lnmbn IDIIIHIII II MakeUp Bale 100 1111111 11 our 11111llirIIIINII1C1 lllos litllll 11l Kw hm im quail mu Fa POWdu igni itll Jud how do we livaktz ll111 11 llllll Val 1n PM hmcd pumd 51 Skin Cream 185 The 111 lace Mr and Mg lso1 ll11 ly yr Dame ill will Ma 11111 Mrs 11111 lint 11111 Ramsdtlls lcrlcct Cold 11 lorol 11 wih Mr 11 111111 Cream or Dagger 61 Ramu IIfIliicIIIIIII Mr 11i Ni ll NinthJen dclls Cleansing Cream lire 111111111 AIllIisIton MIi lt1 lintmill l11lIon alll in 119 5111 $1110 size illlv Mi il ltll itlil ll1llllll ll 79 Th tM year NIIIIIIIIIIII Vin youlrasifsaspfim Cleansing Claim 1111 Partridge Killed Crashing Window IWD If mm mm Ioday lt 125250 Alumllfldvjmn canin Your Rose Mask so 11 ioi MliAl SlllthKS dont it while lily On Sundav 111r111 Webb and Allltli were s1 tini 1111111111 in Rays car in ile his home 111 0111 ti Foundation Lotion 150 Skin Freshener 125200 Special Cleansing Cream know how to buy or rock mral My husband gets annoyed about the bllli and the tough chewing Where can get meat cook book How much should five SUMMER SNAPSHOTS With Enlargement to Size in GARLAND FOLDER lleariy 111 happy weddinx llllI callared Send our questions to wick Mrs Eugene Baker and LEAVE BARBIE Standard Time To Toronto To North Bay 855 am 700 p111 1040 am 750 pm 105 pm 940 pm 125 pm y1005 pm 330 pm 425 am x410 pm 145 am IX to Gravenhurst to Orllllapnly St Sun H01 To Owen Sound To Peneiang 1040 am 211040 am 750 pm 410 pm 125 pm g1010 pm b10210 pm 410 pm except Sun H01 Sun H01 except Sat Sun Ioexcept Sat H01 Sat Sun H01 BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO For Montreal Ottawa and Detroit FARESARE LOW Round TripTax Included HALIFAX II$5780 IWINNIPEG $4820 QUEBEC 2775 REGINA I5945 CALGARY 7950 lt TICKETS lino INFORMATION ATI Barrie Bus Terminal Phone 3162 73 Collier Street 0111111001011 LINES loints and Muscular Wgtcrproofcd Eldon Blistle Clarion 111 Baker llill Mr 11111 Miss Helinessv Whitchuich Mr and ers pc and Carol and Miss Marie iaislcv of loionto Presbyterian wms Mrs Dwight Nelson was hostess to the ladies 12 the lrtsbyte1iail WMS for their meeting on Sept 25 when tell 1111 111bcrs and one visitor were 1311 cut Mrs Harrison led in prayer and Mrs Ayerst had the scripture reading Mrs Nelson LYSOL Hounehold Disinfectant Bolllu 00 300 109 Perfect Drusilla gave the interesting story 1f 1w hyinns after which Mrs Bruce hm Coivzin sang Come Ye Thankful ieciple Come Thanksgiving MILKOF paper pi dared by Mrs if Suther MAgNESIA land was read by Mrs Cowan HQz liepaiatons were made for the ihankoffeii119 meeting on Oct 24 Realme form an with Mrs Mauland 12f Coilingwood Acid as speaker 11 Was decided to invite mpgem 111mlI 11111215111 flout the WMS auxiliaries of St James United Sit PatrsAnglican Bra dens and Allandalc An invitation was accepted to 111eetwitlh St James Uniltcd on Oct At the close Mrs Hand assisted the hostess with delicious lunch and social hour was spent over the tea cups United Church Anniversary The Elith anniversary of St James lOR 111011 wan Willi SIOMlt 29 ASTHMA 0830NCHlTIS HAY FEVER 5lNUSITIS IIIAD CATARRII MID COWS United Church Stroud will be re membered as day of gliadness by SLOANS or Nov mmglvelouncllch mun cFlnnt 11111ch Clclnl SuitI the many who gathered there to worship on Sunday October The Uhmm Tmmlnnululllylw to return of summer weather the MI in MM Vilh SHAH BUBBlE 95 flowers tastefully arranged by care Relieves Ilse13 Elm 133 mm 05m Conmpmon comp II tut hands the inspiring serimiis by Sou Mum MW developed in SMOOTH SHAVES II 166 Rev Doggetit of Thornton in Rheum Pain Dukrlpld HospinllIfor uu the morning and Rev Carder in home or when unveiling of Allandale in theevening splen Sm minwhh Mm am 40 inudiclulcdu vcpotlndDulo PM 119 did music by the St James Choiir ledby Lloyd Boothand assisted by Peter DcGaris soloistof Glen mount United Church Toronto medmcdiallonI leq quick relief tromCotgh Autumn Bronchldc Sinus Trouble Catcnh Ind Hcy fever 1111135 15111311110111 fiquef and Miss Plhyilhs Johnson and her sister Mrs Little of Allandale the DEDDOMIITCREAM NEW SAFE EFFECTIVE warmth of good fellowship with friends of sister denbminaztions the return of many to the home church all these went to make it day of rejoicing The ithanikolffer ing of 1211 proximately $550 reflected SIoMfundcrarin pmpinuon In odour to din Aclcpii Nonintuit co normalJun Olinale to even delicate bila SElDLlTZ 11111111151115 POWDERS IN TUBES spirit of gratitude for the bounti till ihairvest salfely garnered in and g50 ogumgexo 112mb rim Dab the peace and prosperity enjoyed Bright feel Right mm 312 lialt by thisso flavoured people 011 the UtilnillCll of Canada BANKS ARE BUSY Commercial bank loans inCan ada at June 30 totalled $16 billions up $519 millions from year be fore reflecting more active bus iness with more credit buying re ports The Finpncial Post Total public deposits in chartered banks at $5829 millionsI set new high some $20 millions above the prev ious April record linc Balulc Sulphur 182 IIII35 Fllllll 3m BUY TODAY 59 98 STORE HOURSIIMonu Tus Thurs Fri 110111 830 111 to 830 in Wednesday 830 to 1230 pm$alurday 830 mm to 1000 pm Open every Sunday 12 toSpm7 to 91pm After hours Emergency Phone 3871 mm DELIVERY Phone 2650