Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1947, p. 22

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PAGE IWl Ti 11 111 IWmmMtim flttolotlttlaol Fm Timer BUYS shop at chlers 111111111111 11111 1111111 CHRISTIES MARKET 111 11111111111 Order Now for T11 122 21 11 111 PHONE 2612 BARRIE II 51111 ll 11111111111 111111 1111 11 1111111111 Cayuga Gypsum Co 1121 is pleased announce that it will have ready for Spring Delivery its SuperGrowth CAG LAND CONDITIONER 11 111 11 It you 1111 llllIillllllls 11111 desirous 111 substantially llitlillll IiitiA The Cayuga GypsumCo 111d CAYUGA ONT IIIIIIIIIIIJOIIIIJIllertovtrolrlllltoltrcitoc Fertilizer Division 1111111111111151 UNKV AtIaclzvc Collilliv Wolfdrifiiltj 81111 yJiapraiiiiiial 11111111 11 1111 instant3111 keep 11 Pretty Yound Miss chillfree 111 in attractive and prac ical way Style WSIIQWII with star pat tern i111 pocket Ain ciieiin Beauty Tur quoise Dai Ehic Golden Yellow In the lteadytoWear Dept MEZZANINE FLOOR Baby Chenille House ZELLEBVALUE ShOIIllow fpr Christmas floastywarm and picture prettyHousecoat available in American Beauty Pink lur quoise Copen Blue Trimmed with heartpattern design and border at sleeves collar and sweeping hemlinc Small Phil medium and large sizes Goods Purchased at Zellers SATISFACTORY Or Your Money Refundch ZELLERS LIMITED eoanomeo 11113112 1rczr Centre and West Simooeg Annual Plowing Match 111 Doug McNabb Farm 311111111111111111 OFFIDAWSON 1111111 31101311 If IXAEIINT it lift Car Crashes Barricade Into Highway Culvert North of Mincsing anksgivin Attention Truckers 0+ lliic 111111111 out Willdflhd 1111 1111 111 1111111 511l 1111 1111c ii11 NJ111 Iult 11F 111n 111lt iiitcrcEid 111 op 1111111l 1e11111v1 1ii li TODAYS PRICES CATTLE EGGS POULTRY First Co1per1tve llarricl lirst klllllltl1 Barrie 1H1Clla1 HtnUVL 11111 1111 lllil 111 11 societiiy HOGS 1i iil1y in vain 111 11111111 i1111i1i Society 111 1211 1111151 dove Illilllitl the 11117 111 liliii which 1111 1111 ltttt is 11111111 by 1Illtl1 lttlS IS 121 Ill Illgt11 111I 11111li0 We have generous Dealer Contract to offer Live Wire Truckers 11ml iii1lvit 11 12111111 since the as iiill11 toiiseivane 11211 111111114 of 11111 Iiilid liiiiclL lie was member of M11111111i 1111111111 Al 111111 the Scottish Rite of the 111 had scrvedi sclioo Ltd vii1i i11kci BACON tllot Dressed Weight ler th HUGS income 1111111 llilslec Valley 111 ham and 151 IlAll iiislic 1111 ookslowii l1111 till1lllt11 Ivciily1 tomes Dan 11111 1111111111 to lsov cl Forbes of lillllLLtYlIlC Dawson sutvives IvvillS 1111 SUITS IIxslti iii 111 tiigtgt111 1i1131 ATILIC 1111111511111 Mrs sons $111111 Shilltl 1111 liiy M1 and Kits 11 11111 Itgt 11 111 111 who started 111 at llariic Ck Tn in Tme LNlt station in June of this you as 111 assistant 11110111 and Alan 13 11 1111111111 sciiool mother ookslown with lred Dawson away five years ago 811111111 to visit the toiiiicis sister lust returned 111111111 from 11111111 11 1111111 hthJl il Ilt iii 111 iiiiicc bittvlici cattle 1111111ii1i1iici 111l11ni butcher ciittlc butcher catlle 12111111 ll Cutters 11111 11111 bulls Loolistiiw ii residing his oiin brother passed 1111111111 11th survives 5121111 S11 1111 $111110 $111111 s11 1111 also 1111 11111111 when 111 11111 1111s llii vie entertaincd tittHlditlllllltl iii illttll 1111111 11 1111II11I 11111 Of his two eldest sons lt1v1ATter the delicioio t11111111 41111115 son was justly proud as they step tied 11111111111 11 the start of the and ioiiied the Royal Canadian Force 1111111 boys Pilot Officer lor lawsoii Douglas Dawson lost their lives Tll air operations overseas two months apart in the latter part of 1942 The funeral yesterday afternoon GIRdC was one of the largest cv in Coolstown Service at the Unit Church was taken by Rev iLewis Interment was at Alliston The pallbearcrs were Douglas llop per Torrance lluiitcr It Cousc Lewis Miinkmaii and Miller There was 11 beautiful Iprofusion of flowers from friends and organrzatimis cattle father 11 11111 111HllLla W01 MN01V Phone 21131 Air izivin services were held on 0111 iin Wycliffe Church which wast beautifully decorated for the ocean 11211 Rev Stuhbs and Rev 11 Ilowrlen preached special scr 11110115 Fuller details next week LGIID Igiiiii litttilillll indicts don and Pilot Officer 1441 dieinaNs Grade MFA 11I1cld1 tIltilCigttlty SCIVICCS tit I11111 Church Crosslaiid on Oct and large congregations attended The tciruich was beautifully decorated with cut flowers The visiting iiiin 11s1cr was Rev John Ross of Crec inire who delivered inspiring mes sages His subjects were The Tra iecdy ol Uselessiicss and The IiVIisery 11f Despoirdcncv Special music by the joint choirs 11f St jAndrews Elmvale and Knox 5Cliurch included anthem Hymn Iof Praise duct More Like the MFB and ovei lii Ii 11 lbs to 31 lbs tinder lbs 11 lbs 71 lbs Eldon Neilly1 FUWL Grade Over lbs iDr Under lbs CORGI The Mighty Midget goes 141 Miles STANDARD RANGETTI Immediate Delivery liMargaret Graham anthem Wake ithe Glad Refrain Earth shall 1W0rship Thee and Want My Montgomery Ward Port able Electric Clothes Washers with Wringcr $6795 Diysdiale removed life11111 1es ident of Flos Although ailing with lhcait condition for some time he was stricken with stroke and passed away the following day Oct 1947 at the home of his son Lorne Dl dale Lot 49 C011 The late MI Drysdale was born Jan 10 1187 in Flos son of Ml and Mrs lJohn Drysdiale He spent his entire ilifc in the township and farmed tor about 30 years 011 the Base Line member of St Andrews Presby terian Church he served on the Roam floaters $795 John Inglis Cozctte Elec tric room heaters at $1895 Electric McBridesr Canadian made mens balloon tired Price $5250 1h Montgomery Ward shale low well pressure 5st terns Capacity 390 gals per hoiir belt drive Bicycle Firstclass British adaptation of the famous paratibopcrs motorcycle malice Folds and stores 111 small space 54 14 18 Proven perfor Plums giid VARNISHES 117111111111 AliAilA 1111111 1111 iiiliry lt Ifltiill1 111111 fiiiaiii 1111i 131111111 ELMVALE 1121111111111 iciii 1111 111111Il 1111111111 1111 um iieek liiliits 1111111 11 111 1111111 111 rst 31 IlilL ciiiiir bid 10111111 v11 uccestiil Ilarvcst Tlianlisu Knox lliiircli Anniversary Ideal CilTIlOl prevailed fci the Master by Misses Agnes and Life to Tell male chorus Not in My Own Strength The late Andrew Drysdalc The sudden death of Andrew 77 31111 1111 Wcst Sum111 111111111 11111 Ilowiniiis Association was cliaiiinziii 1111 the baiiiiuct held at HUNT iilitllHlIc liiilcd 1Iiiiicli VT 11 mm IIll Illlll111 111 New low1II said ll 11 1fliilliiilt1 I111ltl1l lhllnlkl 111 Mrs Ililttltl 111 11f IIiIml 1c is 11111111 So that My Ami MY NINTH could not accoiuiiioilate all at one sittiiie llowevci 1111 ladies 11111111 community wcre able to serve all with hot diiiiici Later the crowd 11111111111111 upslaiis 11111111 the piizes were presented Prizes were presented by Alex South of Ilnivale and Stewart Page welcome from Vespia was esl 1cndcd 11y Deputy Reeve Earl Rich Hlsml tlllll SllilkmS CIIWII DOMINION TRAILER Aircraft Float 1111 111111111 tandem rear wheels dual front air brakes HAROLD HILL 55 Elizabeth St Walter l1lt 1st VicePres Oti tario llowineiis Association Geo llarvie County lreasurer lll Coleman and11 It Nettleton The CVLllllltl was concluded Vith films by McVeigh of Barrie The projector was loaned by the CLTI and operated by Gordon Beswetherick board of managers for sometime He also acted as Trustee of the Base Line school for some time He Phelpston 1and Russel of Eliiivale and four grandchildren two 515 ters Mrs Alfred Wagner and Miss Ethel Drysdiale and one brother wife predeceased him June 18 1930 his son an Oct was attended by oats General Tires Tubes 61 Batteries We are offering gener ous allowance on your old battery when you install new General and available for immediate de livery Completely equipped Use Our Convenient Lay away SEE IT AT OIOHNSTUNSHARWARE CornerEssa Road and GoWan Styr Town litliverr SeTvice on all Purchases ovcr $201 150 Dunlop Street Barrie Ont CormorVToronto RAY0N AND NYLON Manufacture of rayonand nylon fibres and fabrics in Canada provid es direct employment for 14501 people of whom 9447 are men and 5054 are women is survived by two sons Lorne of Fred Drysdaile all of Elsinvale His The tiunerall held 21th home of large gathering of friends and neighborsjtestifyinrg to the esteem in which he was held The service was conducted by Rev Hen derson of Hillsdale Interment was made in EIIIIWRIIC cemetery The pallbearers rwere ClarenceCu1mI iming Alvin GjreenlaWw John aftd George Anderson Lloyd Turner 3end Harvey Rewley Therewere many beautiful floral tributes Rel atives and friends from adistance alttendiingwere 1M1 an iiMrs Win Sterlinig Miss Marjori Patterson Jas Sterling of Agipcourt er and M11 Weir Auroca Mr and Mrs Clarence GuestDunnville Malcolm and Mir and Mrs Ivan Grey Tammtb Mr and Mrs Wil fired hunger and family and Mrs GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS iiii 1111111 Hana 111111 own icinpjv 1N1 V1 ICdeinl 11111111 sit3111111 111 Walton 1111s 1311111131111 BANQUET Iii111111 11111111 of New Low IIIiltiit1 111 1111 ciitic and 111 1111 1111 11121111 111111111111 11 1941 CthSIer New Yorker Sedan Custom Radio lleatci and Foul 1937 Hudson Terraplane Sedan 1936 Ford Sedan Trunk Heater Good Iiies tIic Iizisemciil 111 the church Johnston Nlll Judge J1 UMAN LIFE and all we hold dead often depends on ugetting arcall through Tele phone companies must have dependable batteries for emergency powerExides have been thei rst choice for years That is signicant an to guide yodin selecting your car battery house an Exide for proven dependability for sure starts and ample current for all needs See your Exidc dealer for trust worthy Exide service Let him help you choose the right Exide for your car t11 39 EL 11 11 1Etliiitii 111 31311 31113 51511 s11111s1ii59111s11111 111111 31511 Hr 9111 1111111 81490 111111i1 1113111 211111151 PADS 511451 57311 1r iiow 1111311 111 1111 ltlltlldtti iliIil will 11371 1121 2111111 QtitlIllri 151 1191 313111 Htsiris siioreisie nasal is 1511 1111 21111 11111 EIliNri 5111111 111111195 351 3111 1131 7511 title 51 111 5131 111 5351 ilfiillillxii 11111 iixti citiunista risk 351311 111 1111111 siiiriiiCNi 111111125113 11111i1i Illlilitl1l1 5111113 51173 1111 11 11111111 13 11 514 itilliigt 111 l1 NVIIVR1gt115 PM 11 1711 gt111 11211111llll 1111 it s1titl stain 11111 sense 1111 111 11 11 11 1111111111111111 lilNNluRWAltlx WNW 14711 it MLJU TH 1114111111 11I 15 gt 171 11111111111111 11111111 rimvs 55111 111 111111111s 11 11111 N1 1111 1111 11 Min lmv 1111111111li1i 1111 3111 iii 11111 1i1ii 11 111 11 i11liit iiiiiiini 111f1ii 11 ll 98 104 DUNLOP ST and 1111111 111 l111111i i1 11 11111 111151 11 5111 uvoisiiiiviis Olltl 11111 13111111 11 21 11 1111 1111 ml HI 2211 in oi 111 11111 1111111 IIigt Jm SumpP mwdlwi Hum 11 II 1111111 iii Iivil t111 SlithJg 11 b1112 1111I 11 han Hi 57th Hm i1 111slluilt 1111 dwmiyi hyping 11111 111111111111 82 1111111111 11 111 1111 lYviillilm I1 TM 11 i1flllll IC11111111 was 111eii lIiilll 111x frinzi Illlil DOMINION TRAILER lwheel 20 platform body electric brakes ECTRIC TOASTERS $3111 511113 $1111 H311 511751 $121 111131 511 11111 11 1215 3111 i1 Il=lilil 1211113311 lltlilllf 1111 711 113 113113 511111 sl1ii 531111 111113 SIII 11111313 1llli 31113111 511171 MAYFLOWER CRYSTAL 11111 5111111211 751 1311 liiei 7111 tiztilltli 11111 LAUREL CRYSTAL FIZIIIli1 111111 111 11 iaih ROYAL VALE CRYSTAL Hlii111111 vlttllilgt 533117 111111 Iillt1gt All tiystal siibiect to 121 rnoe PHONE 2801 l1iiii11 111111 11 11111 111111 11111111111 via 11 11111111 111111111 untamed 1111L1 1111111 31111 llll Phone 2427

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