if TWO TREE BARR EXAMlNER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THE BARBIE EXAMINEIEWII II Mr Hunter Barrie NativelI ilcE lift 1I 27 triersEraerrata lgHead of California Bank III lAssocn on Price Levels 19 SEW Born in Barrie MW lliutlsll llii tourtr Uf lr 11111111 lJurllltl of Mn 11nl1u burner UlilllJll lllleliSlilllNti 1111 lturie lxaliiuirr has re IInII an 111 III unid llll following urllileI 1111111 the 3111 lraucisro 343 451 31 112111111 gniiig some impressions 1i lllllllrlfi to 111 lI 11 111141 111111111 by ir 11111 Hunter President 111 I1I has 111 1hr that of taltlornia 11111 liro lit 11 1111 11111 111 ills erslc Hunter uf fl 11111 111 1111111 tollegute lllSlllllll liEI lLllt lairlit 11 lla Ili dues bear some 1141i has btttllllt 1111 1101111 11l 111 tti llt il by tlltilt gt it dllelctit stairs 11111131t Hi w1ll 1liltlll 1111 Tl1 lollti ll 1111111111 tile ial 1111 11 SIM rIIII i1 1111111 11111 Sunday 111 Monday 1111 111 1111 i1 ltd ilu return 11 itpi111 oaui li 11piol to El liaslne11ioodlliv ttllll1tl opaoewitrcllaioomtlvvavnova HURSDAY OCTOBER 391 Years Ago Hunt the 1111 el llll ltltllll lltl sl lllfllllll 10 15317 vaoaaaolaooa llalrlr lii11l Villlx 1i Tt Rthlt JENllRAllltllSlSl l1 11 1011 1111 llccl violin 111113 Rprzlie threatened 111111 iglI btl II 1I 111111 season 1111311 tin 111 1w tla lgt inllis lltXiIilt 111 lhsl11ii 111 1111111111 Exhibits iii titllil 11 ll l1l tlliitl rwv il All will 311 Al Vivit lit ill 11111 the past 1111111111 i1ie 1311 iLie 1111 lv1 to111111 ll llwlfl 153 Omitl Cirmil illlvl l4 WsVG will ldliYlMilliliiiwUllfiiiili1il llll 111 WI1 v111 is Vil lI liiVllbllllUlli ii ill ill Hill we all 1111 1li11 11121111 11 bought 121111 Mano fat lilllt1i lllltilltlitilll alllllil rel have girli the 111311 IIII 111 Impl 1111 1101 willunit 11 gt120 1111111 41 1111 We We in newline 11 11 11 1111 weather was 11111 11111 tutltl II IIIIIfIII I111 1110 1111 111111011 53111111 111 11 11 11111 IIIIS haw IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG III lIIIILII lIlIIIHC IIIIIIII IIIIII 11 Ili1ll 1rth I1 11in 310011 IIIIII1l111y Ilillllixti um 1Iall1il Shinu ItonInh llrieIlsI re have 111211 exceptions 1111 ii 11 111 IIIIII II if II IIl KW mil H5 IIIK mollli2111 13132 Itligiuilil IgI II If in 3133I31 HiIlilfl NW1113 the harvest 1111 l1ll 111 51311111 li Hi All ml 11111 i11 ureamt THHHIVI tel 1121 lLIiln stimuli1 1111 1111111 wail 11 10111 11 11111 912111 111111111i1111$ui3 11 IIIIIIIII has DHI VF IWIMI ZIi III xlIlmf fill IN All Ml ill IIL 1lltlilllilill 11111 hatlite l1ll v1ltlrtl1i 11 1111 Nil111111 of 1111 1ldit1111 111 foal i111 111 111111111 11 111111 1111111171l1111l1l 1111 1i1i111 HII I1IIIIIk$gIIHII IIIIIIIII In hII IIIIIIIIITIIIIIII iItIlIlItIle nlllllllik tIllt 1I11111II 31110 ili1lIllltliII II $311111111111111iS ll11I111o 111 illlitIIi IIol teaelIalino the pilIliichII1l1111l lit lliiI oaI1iI1Ilv f1I 12 plot11 bu Tim 111 1111 IIIIIII IIIIMIIIISII IIXIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII MIMI HIan IIIILIIcil III hp III 1IIIII1Im 111II1III IlIiIei III 1i111111s11 s1lles 11 5111 11111I1 1111111 11 lIl=1ltl 111 that had 111111111 11111 ii1l11 III II IHHI 1111Iliqunl IlligtllsI ixvelfitiltt is 111 1tit111Iiittllrltl 11111l1111111 lla 1111 1I1I I1 111 II luzi111 111 l11l villa1111 stone ll111e 11111111li1 11 it v1 lmmtl mti li in ii 71 IIIUIIIII II IIIIII HI IIII II iIIlII1II 111111 tend 11 1111 ll hllllttlt utility Briefs pitiful 111vt 111131111 illistinl 11mm to 111 ltillilti 111 and that the families 1111121lv1 have 311 IIIII IIIl IjIlI IIIIIIIIII IIillI IIilII null11111 111 Ti 21 l1llllt111111 Judiiimnlims innu mum til11I1IHim Ieil Til11 Mi ll ElliotW lifm WV New 11 II llre insurance eon lilflufi con 11 NiYl 11111lti stonelsioil liousu Foo91111 MUM CVWTMBWLWT 1111 tin111 to pay tlillllts oi $llEItitiiililzzaiiii 111Iu illllldestloyrii by flri oi lllllllililltlll11lllllll need The urban dwellers are not 11 loriar lures ol correspol11112111 111111 will be 11 11111111il11111i1 11 butin the stores they may laid an 1111111111 stunted it the attendance 1111 t1lillt 11111 flit liltllllll 111 1111 ll LETTERS llT lilt 11 tlilli ill 111111 Itlll 1111111 losses sustained 111 the lllllilll for of the slnp llziltlc lllllflttl at tolu Iiiwood los bar of lllllltlltlilt kiiilvioii Nolla 11111 1111 01 food for the fhanksciving table And III III IIII s21 11 ran obserVe the flialiksiglvine occasion bI II 1H rm 11111111 part in service oi Worship to otter 2111 l1 pe11 W11 one 01 1I11I1Ii1e 11111111111125 Hi lImomIe look lIiIlIlHHIiHl AlIzIwIiIi Imil lambs from banks for the goodness of Nature 110 lolan director or 1111 1911111111 lravelxl lm llm rim will lm int lblmmlilliilOlml Hl gt 1I Illtnn thii present 111111111111 is to slot feet Jaw111111135 Apple Juli 111 ilIiiliiiiliie e111t and 11nd at this glorious Illlllt oi 11 you u11I111 r111nt Ii 11111 n1ti1 111111 11 111 IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIII IIII IIIIII my NUHWI MM $113 III WW mm VIII IIMI leiiooVes us to think of those who are less tourist trade lost substantial amount olI 11 min1111 1x11111 1111 TT $150 for Fall apples 11111 $1511 lie 1lti 11115 1ll 1fl ortunate There are various methods oi ex money this year through hipt 1111113 lilllltil 1111 puma11111 111152 pm NnEmmIl guy IIIII SIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIII II itHm II tutti1 ml in 111110101 11 Ill 111 iressing ones appreciation through igiits to Day thus cutting the school term by to MIMII WW II The lid Th li1 lIxaiulntr pmhmmn li ml iphpli 331 this uIllIl IIIIIIIIIIlIIInII 11 11dividuals and to organizations Let all who uooks DrColdrine11111101111oi xtlil11111III IIIIIIIQI IIIIftIIIFCIIIIIIIIfII III IIIIII 01 51 lit 1111111I1 mm mm CIIDWIIISI AIIImIIII III WIT III IIIIIIIIII IIIIII SI IIIIII III 11 11 ire able give thanks 1n foronto took an opposite v1ewIlle 1tilltttl11 Musk mm fIIIIllII IIllIlI IIIIfIII PieterUr Undumll MMsth won1111111 ll ll 10 11 sh loll llj IIml deep faith ill the survival throng1 out It Lu ii Him ll gt fCSSiil ltlllls ltllllt Gum Britain 01 th drmemhc ierIOIIIIrrlIooziolthotrtooorol 41 ll 11 to Tali was ninth annotated 1rs loll 1f an article hid lead in tin sz iiali 111111111 thou tannin the l11pr1si1l tin1 is created 111 up 11 bids Illtl buys with out 1111111y thereby creating more debt 11 lt 111 1111111111111X1gtwhichbealsoliour lastweeks1ssu1oi lhe Ollllll 1011111110 secondary bchooi Ieachers ledeizl days 111 the year which he felt were quite LAND FILL METHOD FOR hiltnAGlZ few enough The general secretary of the itlvlliilllIV 1y If Solving er 011111111 problems 1111 pretty sure tarticle 111 no title that he would agree that ntrols inGrtat Britain ii11posed 25 11 Last week fommned the $0110 In ll 32111011 looked atthe mattel 111 the same way gt111111l111 111lees inust come l11 11 111111 1111 or Yelrs hell came to the Boald of l1ade 0111111 II 111110 11 11111s Secondary school teachers throughout thei willie dd 111 LC lull 111 c1111 11111 111 11 1111 IIIIIIMII in muth IIII Ill Silliwlllw W1 Cifavollle device of tliosc who feat Letter lilni toitiltiols for litt 1r 11 Helm 1mm wlrm Wt provmce feel that anv mayor curtailment 1111 llilllllltli to loine but it lies us witness Social Suicide in expression of inorcI living 11171111 1or1tv 11 British citizens 11e 111 from the files 111 eh lhmmgcny and mg sud ml the lenuth oi the present school year would v11 II II hls bulletin an announcement was made WH 11M 1h it gt1llltitl 111111 11111 II II have serious effect on education he said1l 1m II II 1111 Alum LXAMNER lltt the city of Weirton Will put into oper 111 we 1101 01111 111 oililols 111111111 111 In III tVVllll lllls 0111111011 lllt Dilbllt Wlll DWUY 1101191 111Ii tlllltl be really itSlldblC 1Lgtl U11de1hillsdilt 111312111 111011 at the pressure of iii1 would be the return of the lolltll on World Affairs and though Buying an purlmnwm his 1arrie Local Notes ltion an entirely new method of garbageII11V IIOIIIIIIII disposal the sanitary land 1111 method II IIIIIIWAIIWWII OPINloNS or OTHERS we ihe country to adjust itself to fair plan to handle our garbage problem 113 1i1111s31 1111111IltI Any resident from the Ferndale district III IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IoitItItntggliIItlvnEsmI Of vespra Townsmpcmlld tell them land and the US 11 are filling right into the ltltllt III II inmmumiIIllgImiZCd III IBGIL fill method was putinto operation more than 51011 halt 1111111 15 MM cmmHhmc Ian If mom year ago However since that time the 11111 11 has developed with San Town of Barrie has used the land fill llSPOSle IN THE DOCTORS AynVG loll lrancisco with California with the 131 iltllill nearer its real worth lhw may entail period of business 11111 one or two wizlescved This is the same method that Orillia Town liliSSMill the length of which would 1w ieterlnined by the capacity of my ncvpy 11 he anythingI Council decided to inaugurate this summer so apparently Orillia is in the forefront in her practical i1l1t would 119 acre NB We do accept criticism that is rational For the last two days of the suntan1 1123101 Mr Coldwell was 111 camp and it walt Professor U11derliills group that be selected to join Needl say how stimulat inr was the combination brili liant historians analysis of the world situation with the practical experience in the UNO of Ibne of t111il Sill iNew Zealaind Ncvgt llacflt coast Over forty years ago nwthod Within the town hmlth and ht ab The dociors waiting room was full livery Cllitllll11h51gtSib1lshedin Seatich sence Of complaints would indicate the was taken some patients were even standing There Tacoma and Portland branch is located in the Mission district head method is quite satisfactory From the Town lwas desultory conversation but after while 11 of Barrie we commend the method to the ililm Ml Tlit Willem5 Viled Wm ll lmultiples111400CaliforniuStrcci Canadas 1111511111l111g political Istood up wearily and remarked Well liners ill The banks first advertisement imdUSI Naturally on subject such asl World Affairs at the plCrtlll is not much room for In fact we werea veryll rend in part organized for the purpose of carrying on the banking and exchange business with thel 11mg 111019 interior of this State the neighborl 1191111113111 i111 State and territories and with3 serious group Rea politik was Mexico also with Atlantic cities the order the day llie fact had linrope China and the East Indies to be faced that whether we like it 11 this foundation the present or not the USA is the greatest structure stands today built accord1 World power today and that in 11 1111 to the original plan Current howdown Canada would inevit iecords show substantial share of ably be drawn into her orbit lhel all foreign exchzmgcbusiness repor fact also had to be faced that there ted by member banks in the Twelfth are forces in the World that would Federal Reserve District is handledliike show down with Russia 1111 by The Bank of California mediately The extreme difficulty fhelacific coast always has been of interprlting capitalistic of even and remains an exporter of goods democratic outlook to Russia was From its earliest days the bank hasl also faced squarely beefs here Came from smaller mwns and Cities 10351 served through periods of transition Wherein hes any hope for the collected renovamdi paCRed and ShippEd by lthe way which complained that drivers cant find from early fur and silk trade grain world Not much sometimes fear The Salvation Army in canada in response ltheir way off theuelevated motorway to stop over and cattle raising days lumber andfish But Mr Coldwell believesalliut we appeals from French officers of the organlz gspend some 11 their money on route Hotel0112111019dries of the northwest and Alaska may have 20 years leeway and definite hope lsa tnev Get 110 business because road signs 111 bann1d Hanuuan sugar canned and dried that time there is amon DlStrlbumOn 0f the ovelcoats 15 under afrgm the golden 100 milesI The visitors memscives fruits petroleum keeping pace with thattheDemocraticSocialist group the SupeerSlon 0f 00101191 Wildlife BOOthv icompiamed nwe cant find any place along the way growth and expansions while play of nations who comprise now most head Of The Salvation Army in France and 310 put up or the night Then ms thing we 11015 ing its part as banker in world trade of the British Commonwealth tex grandson of its feunderWilliam Booth Iwcre 111 Torontoand all the hotels full centers cept amid21 and South Africa home and die natural death Town of Orillia HELICOPTER ABS IN CLEVELAND lTime Magazine1 The Yellow Cab Co of Cleveland got the first The Autumn landscape 15 now becommg liranchise for regular scheduled helicopter taxi scr increasingly beautiful every day Those who vice tSeveral Icharter taxi services are already op me position to do SO Should notIfail to Iperatingi Yellow Cabs projected helicopter runs Will th Ii 1be between Cleveland Municipal Airport downtown $9 out coun ryw me Ry will lICleveland and two suburban areas Joy to best advantage the gorgeous picturei palnted by the greatest of all artists Dame Nature COMPLAIN lllGllIWAY T00 GOOD iFlomalvfagazine Article liardest for Ontario highways department to take have been protests that their best road was too good Filmy cases 0f mens and womens OVEICOBls the doublelane Queen Elizabeth Way which runs have reached Paris for distribution among from the BuffaloFort Erie leace Bridge to Toronto needy French people The overcoats were and is Canadas only true superhighway Most of the RENDERS SERVICE Likewise imports passing into this area are financed by the bank Spices coffee tea copra1in rub ber wool jute hemptung oil to name just few of the almost countless products purchased and processed by the banks domestic customers Since early days in servingthe shippers and receivers of goods at Pacific coast ports banking rela tionships with an increasing num ber of lmportant corporations havel built up and prospered These con nections haveenabled the bank to render additional services such as transfer agent and registrar of se curity issues and personaland cor porate trust services Through gen erations the trust department has constantly expanded in size and scope to gain recognition as one of the finest in the west ifnot the Belgium France the Scandinavian Countries Austria etc can with patience and by example bridge the gulf between opposingideol cgies and interpret democratic methods to Communist Russia and and worldwide service with closely integrated and complete depart mental banking services with cor respondents in all principal cities of the world 1a FREE SPEECH AND FREE PRESS tOrangeville Banner Freedom ofspeech and of the press are not Ends in themselves They merely enable people to express freely their thoughts on events so as to bring forth the best pessible decision out of all shades of opinion In other words this is not merely freedom from but freedom for person may cause evil not only by his actions but by his inactions As Andrcw Hamilton said at the trial of printer in New York away back in 1735 beg leave to lay it down as rule that the suppressing of evidence ought to be taken for the strongest evidence Knowledge and civilization are advanced by positive actions not by merely refraining from other actions or by retain ing unquestioningly the existing state of things News papers need to usefully the freedom thatIis theirs They need to keep on challenging the sacredIcowsi which occasionally stand in the streets blocking pro ress Besides rights the newspaper has duties It mus be independent It cannot serve the publIirc ghich sup orts Iitif it is theiail to anyones kite in depgndentit must stand United States The Barrie Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses on October 13 begins its annual drive for funds During the 24 years Of its existence this branch has rendered very fine service to Barrie and its citizens In 1946 the Nurse made 2446 visits of which 1149 were free making big contribution tothe ireiief of suffering here Its work is most worthy cause which every citizen should be glad to help Through alslip in giving results in news paper Contests of the Canadian Weekly News papers Association at the convention held in Victoria BC the articlewas headed Bramp ton Conservator Wins Top Honor The high est prize is the Mason Trophy for Canadas best allround weeklyInewspaperI This award went toThe Sentinel Kamloops BC with feet earnin Ill Sigiugvnbe regarded as Today The Bank of California 869 points The Examiner congratulates the profit without subsidies Sentinel on captung the Mason Trophy at majortransgression ofiethiciand goodttiiIsIte tohcoIrIrIiIlNIA Offers foQSllYeIC035lW1d municate with the editorial epartmen roug gam business department HEADACHE EVERYDAY The newspaper needs to take long View AIpolicy which gains circulation this year by means which An effort made to Secure plebiscite on the question of Sunday sports in Toronto Was squelched by the City Council which defeated by15 to motion to havea vote on the tend toweaken the newspaper as an institution is bad policy The newspaper must be fair Perhaps absolute fair ness is too much to expect of ordinary mortals doing can avoid inten 10 monmcncI Io TOROHTO IVER BILE 5111 says two following queStionAre you in favor Of peti their days work but the newspaper itional partiality Ford Hotels are reproof and tionmg the ontario Government to legalize The newspaper must be decent not only in the centrally located mosl of lha 750 rooms in each hotel sunday at wmcn an 1language and pictures it uses but in the way it goes about obtaining its news There are situations oc curring inhuman life into which no newspaper can decently justify intrusion Current pessimism about the press should not be overestimated There has been similar pessimism in the past If reforms are needed they will not be shaped by legislation except with the destruction of Values civilization needs They can be brought about by public opinion which shpports the right kind of newspaper and makes its Wishes known to publishers and editors organized sports on admission fee is charged To further clinch the decision council by the same vote then adopted motion placing the City Council on recOrd its definitely opposed to organized sport IonSundIays in Toronto threehour debate by the members showed overwhelming opposition against any relaxation of the pres ent Sunday laws Such course is credit to thefclty council II have privalabuth and radio For reservations write or wlre the Manager well in ad vance of anticipated arrival Liver bile liclp digest you load and provides your liiitlyci natural laxative Lack olliile um headache touslipaliiilti mllgcttion loss of mu lu glowing lieallli tone up your liver ml gel needed lit with proven FruitMiles Canadas lugcsl selling lich lablclskMadeltoltniils and lull 1111113111111 l7 50151 30 One NO lll1llfl slUIH hams did hear him iccasionally take aI been poguolI 110 hiilncn 4mof good living conditions for the that our inoreziwnt naturally majority of Canadian citizens offered 11 Hoping that my tor abstinence mint24715 of Barrics OllSlClCLItilUfl for this am tax roll paid to date Yours sincerely ti sysleni At ptitt of $13 ton little hay lloys of Pioneer II lluxis Square held second annual DtIiioililliCNi from breaking into print will merit banquet in St Georges llall $17400752 Premier lull This hotel had lie 11 111 111111 atioll till Ia1 It 1111 ilztlll 11111 since the lllllli had Mlltiln file when the Methodist thineh was burned to the 11111111111 llniias at 0111 School liall bloke all litlililf its entry list of 721 llillllI 1100 111111 tllan at any Ktliiuil fair 111 Noltli Sinlcoe lionald ouali llli1l his home at Knotk lJtftil1 taking up his Work as lecturer economics in Minnesota Universilv at lilinneapolIIis Cmhr tlub proposed for Dalston School Fair 111 Sixth Line Vespla de ltltd success lillnlvale lair had an attendance of 3000 and had grand stand receipts of $1100 lion Digits told deputation there was little prospect of adding the lenetani lload from Town Hill to Midland to the plovincial BEAUTY HINT liver try using babys talcum powder to deluster shine on sun tanned nose or brow Richard Look Your Besti WillisI radios beauty counsellor says bayb powder dulls sheen with the least altera tion of skin tones with the least pure interference Baby powders very fine texture is what backs up ELSIEIRAlKESlDrury installed as member of Ki its good performance ELEOTRIOITY Maintains Employment Keeps Pay Envelopes Full PLEASE DONT WASTE in Electric power is vital to Industry and Ontario is experiencing an era of high production unparal leled in its history Contrary to expectations the demand for electric power did not drop sharply following the war More electric power is actually being used today for production of pcagelime goods than was required at any time forge weapons for Victory This demand constantly increasing and during the next sixj months llydro facilities will he strained to the utmost New Hydro developments planned to keep pace with Ontarios growth were llaltctLId111infillI the war years Theyhave since licciiIlfarifpEred by shortages of men materials and equipment However many new stations to deliver electric peweE are being rushed to completion Some are already in operation But the needIfor saving electric powerin your pwn home during the Fall andWinter monthsrisurgeiit if the needs of andcmployment maintained atIpcak levels Wonlt youplease play your part Remember evena little bitof electricity conserved by hun Idredsiof thousands helps lot Its your Hydro Use it Wisely so that Hydro facilities can more adequately meet the demands of all consumers THEf 11111110 ELECTRIC rown 00111111331011 01010111110 Industry and Agriculture are to be fully served ICIlp GUI and retain for reference Here are few ways you can Sm ELECTRICITY Turn off all unnecessary lights Dont forget about burning lights in empty rooms lialls basement attic porch and garage Eliminate all colored blllllll Keep lainperelleclors and shades clean Dusty fixtures waste as much as 25of your light When kettle sings turn off suiteli Stored heat will liriug it to full lioil Keep kettle free from lime When cooking use High heat for as little time as possible Then turn to Low and use stored bent Use oven or cooking complete meals rather than the cooking surface Only one element is required for the oven process While three or four elements are needed for the cooking surface IUse the correctsize of cooking utensil on the proper size element minimum amount of water Defrost rcfrigeratbrcgnlurly 1111111 incli of frost has accumulated on the evaporator Where water is electrically heated please use it sparingly drop ill second from leaking liot waiter tnpcan waste its much as 175 gal lons 11 month Fill washing machine to ivaler liue onlyIand keep lid on tub when wash1ng Do not overload Wherever possible use the wriuger at some time as clothes are being washed in the tuli Please do not use portable electric heaters as they place heavy strain on your Hydro System Your ouster vacuum cleaner elec4 tric iror or other electrical appliances should lint he used any longer than requirell 111 rural =thn cooking vegetables 1111