PAGE INTERN IIIF LOAN Inf Illlii VANILI 1th SAL IUR SALE Mthle lliir rent word iiiiiiiiiniiiu 331 CLASS CASH RAIL Most paiil before insertion ll IIARGH dtcitts word iniiiliiiuin 501 151 extra for box numbers or replies directed to this otfiic AUDITIth INSILR IONS SA RAILS ill to tiniiuisiroit SALE 1111311 Lu rinses All Classified Adlets Must Be In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY You must Include cash stamps or money order with 111p to gct low rate WWII r1111 sALu lILI Illlllll POSITIONS WAX IH1L ltltli roii sii IlAHltth IN 31 7771111 Haitits Ittkirtl iiroui 1111 11 1111le Ilii 1lll 11 11 t1 Illll111 litfl ithlIlti Lil Iltl1 11 1111111 lltilll gtiii nlfitlth CANARIIIS fut ali 1111131 iid It 111i Allh 11p ll 1111i 1v llfllufl llll1li liitlux llltil1 11111111111 lllCAlIlR I111 Apply Lil ll1y 171 plume 111111 liioik ui 1lli ss Iii1i1oii1rixiiIiis Illhfvt lhom hayiivi lIllCtIl111 WASHING I1illll in good condition illli 111 1111111 llllllHlN 11 ll1iic Iltifiu Ilzoiiei iliit lliillill l1iillttill Ill 8311 i11lii 1111 11111 lllI CARRIAGE Il11l1l 11111 Ill cchlhni 111117 11111112 1111111 iiitir 111 IIIIu lcin lltoiir oii Apply l111 Iltiviic 1111 loiiiitoii ll 11111111 wii NM 19111 tlIIA 1111114111 liiillll oi lllt Iliolii 11331 1111111 1111111 I1 1111111o1l1 111ciils II 111 1111 111111 1111 11111 111 good llioiic 11111111 Iillil 1111 ivini 11111 llmici iiu iliililivu tiiulitoil Illlil i111 lt31 Ililllil lilillllii 1111111I ill 111111 1117 1l1ni 1111 111113 111111 lI111ltllllii 1111211411111 111 iiiii1t1Il71o1 1lvhiiilt ll Harm llbi LIJ mm sari 1v VtrlfZIElly I7 Ztltll ISIII BRICKS foi Kale t1l1lililtll 1ll7lli small house 11Illllllilll ILl llcclc St 11 111lll liltiill11 1111 111 Maple vvc liioiic iii1 III itll1lll 1111i 1111111 11111111H Apply 11 iviiatiiuii Iiioi 1111IS tRll1lll tVIIRlt1I boys blue chin ltil11111 lclcphoinn llp 11111511 run sin IIIHII 11111 111111 111111i It lliii tilhfilli Iid lhiiuoit Ilioiic lllll tlttlll luliucl 111 11 H115 111111 811111 111111 11 1111 lll lHlAltIlIS 111111111 11111 cs 111111 to road 11111lllk tii1iiiit IIt11 111111111 lltllll 111111 SLICIGII ruttcr cuttinI HIV Il HIP 111111 1111s Lo1utu ot llu1tii ht iil cull inn 11 1111 and AW 1111 191111 5311 llioiic TOY FOX lllllRllIR black and 11111111 one ycai ultl filly trained icamiiablc 111111 luclma wool dress IIIcplmiic Ivtlb taiizpbiil lliI1ic 11111 HAIIY CARRIAGE bassiiictlc rc Ilunlop f1It1pyi 111111 l11ll 111 fill 111 l1llitl 131 sis 11111111I 11Hil tlt1gt tt1 WOMAN I11 1111111171111n ui 111111l1 1111Tx1 cuid 1liitlgt 11 Ill Jlfxti yltlllli Illtt ttlkl point al1111111 ll III or It tll or lrooiiicd int fuinisticd or unfurnish liitc Mis Stayiicr ll 1111131 by young apart lillZII lt Ill gtI1 Illll icasonablc IlTiIl gtpl1lltlltll piano 1Illlll lolslcy 7111211 Wt 311111 11111 111 Il1111 llvl 1131 1111 Iliiiiu 111111 111111 lth Cook icxt liltlltllti lainlalc mili labour le pug 11111111 11llllltlll l111 l111111 1111111111 Sill 71111111 15 fin 11111 1111 111131 icipiiicd lox LIIIZI iitci icasoiiablc 11111iilly 114 1111 Illfillllll 11111 paiitn llil 7lIII couple llEtlll unfurnished or partlyfurnI icfclciiccs 11111 11N Illli coat sic II 1111 collar lhoiic quality llt 10T llo1c Al IIIY upright Apply llLl llisch condition Meredith 1111 il1ll llll ili1m X1 11111111 Sclvin llarric iltllllllll 11II ltl lv 1311 fv 3113 11111 ll fli lllll SEDAN I111 ZFioiu oud Ill Ilic 31111 Illll Iiiaiitcl iiidio hull lilc iivluIi llil117 3111111 11 1111111151 llOlSl 13011 SALE possession lhoixc Itittl Allin sziic ll11111111111111 1111 mm 11111 cspiau Hour mos lIiui SQUARE INSIIL BRICK for sale lapperioii iiitxi house Iii11 1111 111 1mlh1 Ht 1111211 III llp lllii toriiiifiiiri Luv White 27711 laspci llionc BROWN IITR COAT size 13 good lhonc 2391 before Sat 77111 ppl lllNltlll lenIiLIdtlltllalltltilultlltl 1231111111 Illliilll glllltlltt IIil 1311317 lill RANGAROO twin plow iiawi FordFerguson stockers Hay Illtlllt 41p 11th 11111 IZIillll teatlIIis horse quantity lop pliicz ilitll ISai r111 Apply 5111111111 cxi cxpcctcd Elllilllll RICH lllililxSlllllII 511W LC ycgiis Apply llcid It It lllliillf tracI Mcrvyn lhonc TAtlp machinc new Sandcison lip 11121 1111111111111 pickup 1111111 11111 Ivy 11 llp 111151 1111 11111 tool BUILDING iois Itll talc west end of town rie lixainiiicr inu llaiii LlIH AllllIIllNl housc or iooiii prc furnished for couplc linincdiatc few Shanty unit tittlii 111ml 81111 1111 rc liiizc fir11 wanted tiood lushiuifi HI llainl777 ItUIltllIltlll IIrday noon flux l1 Bar tlvlJp yluti llliiiic lllll IIIiR 1111l tui kitclicn 111111 171111111111 liililctl ftltiblr 41111119 in lllllllitl cottage pomsession or bcforc Nov Appij III lil1lllizl lllill of 21111111 llox til llariii IIxaiiiiiicr 11 ltpiiility any iiuaiitity 11111cs marl llioiic ii tlllllllll l1u7111 tuuili 1111111 coihliliori aflii 1111c lia1r liionc Ivy 121151 11p SLY litaliiii Thornton lllr llli TABLE Mrs used Wm EXTENSION lstillillRt 11111110 tundlcs upplicd Siorc l111x brick house 111 111111 tiROOMICI Nilltl conveniences Phone 43131 aftcr ti pni day Ihu Iiitioi 1111111 5111 81121 115 11 11 111111111 RADIOPIIONOGRAIII IeIor1st1 roslcy solid oak cabinet excil llcnt condition reasonable Apply Bin 741p for salc Cllilll 11112H1111 Iindzirou 111 3003 after ti llllll IIIIIISIIN AR ioigtal111111 111111111 lliinlop pt ttlltlll lhonu MAN 1111 ll Ill Lugs may lc pick1 thtduN ll ltluQUlRIuI by cud of 9m FT DRY MN 11 ndip 11mm g1 October or furnished rooins iii 110 smipimu Lavina mum1 llarric or Allandale for airman his nli menhm bridc 117311 after Ilp Phone 111 IOllliSlllRlC PIGS 11ii Illlllflll 1111111 cast of Highway 17 llp IIRIIJII Flock of gtlii111 1111 1111111 llioiii uaritcl to lirlii kct piicc paid in garden Including fail clc11upl1d up 11 Lctiuj IiltVilItII or Siml trimming lIzuric IiVIIIIII wl ll7l3xv Apply Box 5711130 pini I1m111n 2111 ELECTRIC RANGIIITIZ blue satin quilted bunting bag bcd complete pairs black sucdc All 111 good ttlllllltlll1 74111 tlROIIAIIIII INSIIL brick house acre of land hydro good well Immediate 1117112 lIlIlLllNl Ivii Hllllit KI lctord lit1 icl lily of Western fccd wheat on liaiid1 English Will accept ordcis for bran Ill1lll 111059 111111 lIicc iii effect at 111111 lhonc 311W Lefioy lllh flup young baby11ll 11211101 MANs BICYCLE 141 sturdy frame made in USA Price Phone 3130 MALE HOUND for sale and tan and Luuuli 11m 1pi llltl Illllt to 11m and Iclephoiic Simmons ltFStgtSittll ltgtl Arnall Bar 91111 llfiS for 1111 SlilllltsS RR balloon tires mic Campbell Allandale 1111112 13777111 and midds shore taliins tiIIs Juch of shipmciil Iack Allan IEVDERS QIIAIIIIIIHI illlll lliAflllIlIl 11 tcacli lessons to 10yearold giiI1lIlcitLii chly iitli 7123171111 Shanty llay 11 Muir 11311 711P1 pumps 11 If Ross St LOTS llOIClZ salv look ing Blake AND FOUND SAW IT IN THE EXAMINER IAIR PLASTIC rimmed glasses lost lwtwcen 105 Bradford 81 and 11 1111 ill 15117 lul lllc llllltllithc 111 lcys boat house along CNR tracks 50 acrcs of l1tlltl11tl bush In thcl Dial 1311 lov11liip of ll11 Lot No pt 1331 Trees up to inches diameter one 11181 Im 1111111 enks Milan foot above ground to be icscryctl 1111111 Ict1cn llarrie and lulliilc Finder plc LU sir you fruntini bay 1551 HIIIAN bedstead 134 11 Illiil $30 lhom STA single dual whccls SIIIIll also 1101411 111 months Wm MoiralDIIICSSIR cicaiii TllpWllll brass rod trim springs mattress Phone 111 pliollc lilkcy pii11111l1 1l11 and 11111111 Harrie tubular 111 YORKSHIRE weeks 111 old black Lookstown 7333 vlso springfilled Any lent condition 110 Dunlop St AVON gifts lordoii IZssa old Exch iitltlll 111 7411 COSMETICS complete mens household products obtainable from IIIIIIICI 7411 1111 llliilill$ lll 1111 rccciviil up lllI all conven Ill iiacc 110139111 with 7ROOMII1 icizces Hon 241111 13 1111 salt and 31114 llllfflxS for l11111 lhonc tires accepted TRAILER with reasonable Sophia St Barrie BARN about 24x30 good pine lum part double boarded Hillsdale LAWN MOWER I4iiiblade garl den tools ice box 7511 cap Toronto St BOYS OVERCOAIsize lti girls Geo Both in goo1llhone 8331113 711111 ockshutL tons baled hay Frank ODell tlth Line Iniiisfil Highway ICXIICRIICNtICI 111aiiieil man for 1itlly ciiplovncnt on fully ttlllip no pcd farm llll liyilio on liiizlixvay ucar Il lolm hatIs oolistowu lllb basement garage good garden very central llll llunlop St whicb SUFFOLK 1am lainbs11ligiblc for rcgistiation tliurclull 17411 offer RAMS good tliiifty Siparatc biick house 7L4 Christmas baby and Apply 11 4111 COACH best Wurslcy 13111 1111Ioiirii 111111111 1111111 condition or phone 211113 after ti p111 IIE VR lll excellent Sinclair 21121 17 dwi lling rm LTIllA1E 1monch with amph1 clothes closets biiiltviii ioutts Bar 111411 III Mrs 11 7411 your representative Phone 4295 SET STEWART CLIPPERS iiear 111C ly new hand powcr also 10 choice young pigs ready to wean Fisher YOUNG LADY wantcdfor rigar Iprciicncc prcfcrrcd hut Good wages steady job igar Stores 41111 isc phone 17411 Ilills llighway 21171111 211113 rash Ilox lcriiis dale PROPERTY FOR RENT it11111 SAY YOU SAW IN THE EXAMINER Reward Rumble Mm kitchen and lReal Estate l5 Oiyen 81 bath SIIORIIIORN BULLS serviceable and attractive Sired by 111117 son of 21115011123 BRICK iiousn 11 Pumps 111111 hy1 1g 33 GOOI IIIIIII CATTLE cowsl veal calves llcreford bull Sell 1031 l1llll SEDAN newly over Tliis car Is in good shape Fisher 13 414211 counter not essential SCOTCH in forested panel Will 7ytoii Only condition BROOCH lost on Saturday wreath of gold leaves with Finder 2973 truck 9404111 exchange for sedan Apply 53 John 1377411 lliosc Phone nccd apply Ilarric Oct Air Force crest in centre Reward Il 41p United Dial 4059 7111 Apply RR 7in Barrie oi1 yum1111111sc phone 4163 13 7111 1111111111 dro fruit trees cedar hedge maple acre good garden Cecil IIIIRNISIIIALI Itlltlll lluiiic 71497 trees nearly wintcr coal size 10 Apply condition TRACTOR PLOW ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR electric washing machine for sale Keith Belfry GRATES for Gurney hot water set shaker and pair Phone 8163 IlllllALIl lIlCLl vaiitcd for Loyal True Blue and Orange llomc RR Richmond Hill nl gciicral girl supervisor and cook Liberal salary laundry LOCKET contain fm1ng two pearls on Dunlop wen Sentimental value Ilioiie lost 1041 12111 land 11111111 4301 12 Baiiic 111111 haulTTd Apply Phone separately Box Illllllltl MW gus It IIUNRS PIGS for sale 111 healthy Phone 13111 DIvy AlARlIVlENl 154111 DROUMICIL Ilioiic 139l AW FURNISHED ROOM to rent also Hayfield 151111 vliving roonil to rent 1574111 Laii 11d rcss or Woislcy Sis Finder plcasc ward 5500 REWARDI abovc reward to the person who can give me information77regarding certain cheque for $20000 ttwo hundred dollars cashed for him and furrow also RUNGALOW hot heating oak floors etc Allandale Other properties available foutts Barrie 25811 174 MODERN board and All1121M SPLICNDII IIORIUNIIY ciage weekly for man oriwo iiiii to supply more 11111 250 ltam ilex necessities your neighborhood full time room Ihoiic 7111 111317 YURI radio and heater Air sell car Thursday and Bruce 9411 east Lefioy 1214 bd 741 mm Iweaned thrifty 16Hpil1c 111111 1m IUREBREI for sale If months old Apply Everton pigs and Fri 13411 HOG Cit 35 HUDSONSIX sedan with new motor radiator brakes and good Must sell Apply must Call at St reel man Anne garage WIII pay lhe SII AV Real Estate 15 Owen CI LDS IVORY cliiffrobc clothes Cl iboard and five drawers childs white skates black tube skates size Phone 3087 boiler new blower grates AIED front and bedroom furnished BERRSIHRP llioiic 216211 FURNISHIle BEDROOM for rent central lady preferred Apply Box Examiner LARGE furnished rooms for rent No objection to expectant mother or small baby Bar 7411 PAIR BOYS worn twice band 011 for sale Boyd and BUSIIILSS Broker Phone size 52 Wil 7411 LOTSBuilding lots excellent locations Estate Mulcaster Barrie the peoplp in Dr crux par tlll either or accepted from him in payment of an account dur ing the first half of August cona Garage Stroud Frank Jones Phone 12113 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES VSAY YOU SAW IT IN THE EXAMINER ioiucrois for 51110 $1311 bushel john Kenwell Edcnvale 2nd Line 204111 which on 95111 froy registered Sell P0 Write today plcte details of our limetested plan direef1ocustomei Faniilexl Mon 77777 11111 IARlllll El ORBE wanted it you are between the ages of 25 5land have some spare time would youvbe in terested in making some insurance and credit investigations for na tionally known concern interesting financially have 1711 LeL 134111 lURIBRIJ Olilxblllltl boziisil vcanlings 211 chiinksutiu to 1111 111211 IiURANI SEDAN for sol lrank Slack Barrie RR 21goodcoiulition 94111 Carters Garage Iowan Stf Allan Ill41p liam St THOR ELECTRIC WASHING ma chine in good condition Que bec heaters box stoves brass 11n tiique hanging lampv Maple Ave after p111 serge pants R081 ford former member BCI tilts Ihont Cumberland 7411 ALLIS CHALMERS COMBINE frilly equipped yearsold ifBrockwell Phone Stayiier white 321111 113th BRICK HOUSE for salcll rooms garden on Immed Apply Daw soii 54 Worsley St Baiiieltlllp FRAME HOUSE conveniences garage new 5roonied house insulated largcilot acreage fast easy gt1 Catalogue ll 111110 Delorimicr lT4ll 11115 1111 31 1740131 Dept tieal FRI rop an be seen at good Highway 117 In Ihorntou into possession and Apply 7411 Phone 811731 dale NEWTON HILL YORKSHIRESlil registered serviceage young sows Newton Robinson REG RED POLL BULL 13 months old reg Suffolk ram roof IlfVl 7220r 74111 COFFIELD ELECTRIC or gas driv en washing Copeland and Sons Newton Robin 7411 MANURE SPREADER Otaco good shape also double plow Cockshutt Harris Tclephone 7411 rad ford IAN good Can l34lp Apply 201 PLYMOUTH condition new tires licatcr any myt after 1940 ILYMO IIjl COUPE private new tires car winter Cotter St Barrie af 13411 15411 LARGE HOT AIR or combination alsol 311 hot water furnace cold air pipes Somefloorand base Write 159 Owen St giv 741b boars Copeland Sons 9411 WELL to rent with hot and and during the day be seen 515 John St BEDROOMI roomsj ood Adults only FURNISHED Very central Phone 25911 or Apply 113 Bayfield 15411 LADY having would rent well furnished double room with good meals 31195 UNFURNISIIEI ROOMS Itil middleaged Box 411 Bar radiators ing your phone number JOHNSTON OUTBOARD MOTOR and 16ft canoe made for hunting Conron mile sOutli of Allandale on Highway 27 mile west on Con 14 Innisfil 3rd house left side 7411 FREETo good home part Persian trained for sale 3pieee lilos machine cheap small near town Real Estate 521mm ewes Ellen St Barrie 1Ph 3551 111411 SUMMER COTTAGE Point 4L0omselectiie water sys TICICDIIOHCTWWTIIOCII Phone 6913 Elinvale HOLSTEINBU lambs and Grant Stay 1141 with NOIQ TABLE POTATOES for sale 13 Michie Hickling house Harry This job son and pliea iits car High 806 204 11 ly owned ized er ti pip 1933 190111 Model pickup truck dod running order Houden Gtd on Phone rring ti AIP plc sauce vour containers Cook St WOLF RIVER APPLES for salel Apply Thos Harrison5 miles west of Allandale Camp Borden Road1 10111 Line Vespra APPLESOrders Macs Snows Greenings and Pee Morren Northl St Barrie Phone 4510 204044p VEGETABLES for saleTomatoes cucumbers beets cabbage carrltjits Owen St at IQUEBEC HEATER medium size $15 Barrie Tent 34 Bayfield sc 74111 highly tract ive should and should be able to type school graduate or better preferred Apply Box 190 Station 1411 house comfortable Phone 20213 ANGUS BULLS thick low type Bandolier breeding ll1 new Ernest at Miners 809113 USED TRACTOR TIRES 1275x set of heavy breeching Percy Ford ESGood for eating and apl and bringl Wright 211411 Phone 15411 serviceable age Midland RR 94042p l5il4 Elmvalc LL 10 months old 3288 irom an XXX bull and good plus Eligible for registration Barrie 25c basket Sell rea Phone 13111 PONTIAC SEDAN best hydro screened verandahs front and back Cheap for quick sale Real Estate and Business Broker Muleaster Barrie NEW MODERN brick 5roomed bungalow lauridryttrbsfoderrrgaragc at tached to house tral location sion tem in sond Russ No selling blu Toronto Ont SUMMER COTTAGES SUMMER COTTAGENice look ing summer Octtage beach iiear store and Highway 11 Can be bought this month for $1500 Write Box 58 28411 lady rie Ex 15411 LARGE FRONT light housekeeping room for rent children 49 Park St FURNISHED bedsitting with or without Phone also harness BOId ring FRONT DOOR pine 68high wide with glass in doorsgood 3011 Apply Penetang rent Quiet home house ammer Qllltl kitten girls winter coat and Othtilothes size 1214 Elizabeth St or phone 3339 74lp INT CUTTING Box pipes Phone 7108 7411 outfit for sale 1941 offer not perfect condition 941plnecessarily accepted Foster 55 BayfeldSt 1928 CHEVROLET SEDAN fairly good condition miles from Bar rie on Orillia Jennctts mail box Phone 16411 dam Dyer RR 31 YORKSHIRE CHUNKS around alsoregistered Yorkshire Apply Lee 211411 13411 ground floor Apply 1541 complete condition Woods electric grinder also 1012 trees Spy apples for sale inone lot Fred Morphet Stayner Phone 7411 GIRLS SKATES and boots white size 312 womans black CIDLIl coat fur collar size 42 girls green piece snow suit 10 or 12 years all in good condition Apt over Bar rie Bowling Alley at good sand ev 7411 Available now dmon with enings WINTER SNOW suirs and other clothing for size carriage taken for SW with good full basement 70 lbs boar 20 months old McCarroll NewtonRobinsbn 941p YORKSHIRE SOW with 9pigs weeks old also Yorkshire sow due Jack Holmes Phonb 80921 Barrie 9411 cen posses Enough see this Has hydro Large lot Barrie Examiner CBSII waukees Harry Borden 1341p WELL room for highway housekeeping Worsley St FOR RENTFurnished private Immediate payments advised and 12 years Also All in fair condition 741p rent FARMS FOR SALE IOUACRE FARM acres bush Lot 14 Con Nor Orillia Twp Apply John James 1RR Orillia 200ACRE FARM Lot 25 Con F101 good land and buildings Forc ed to sell because of illnessClif ford Speirs Phelpston 150 ACRES choice grain andstock farm Lot 12Con Innisfil acres fresh seeded 20 acres wheat broomedbrick house large barn and stabling 51 Barrie Examiner looACRE FARM high state of cultivation bush and pasture first class build ings miles from OA College close to highway and near school Jackson 2852 Easy 2852 15411 said lovely home Address applications to Hunters Realty Co 159 Owen equipped CHEAP1946 MODEL pulley etc with power takeoff 8000 miles in good condition Har FISIMQIOIS Ltd Barrie 1935 DODGE COACH Best cash offer over $3511 or trade on good pickup truck Wat Cookstown Essa Sta Oct tion CAMROSS YORKSHIRES service ableaged boars and open gifts From show and advanced registry Campbell Princess Dietrich 20411 in good condition Awning fall andiPhone 4314 LADYS CLOTH COAT brown size 16 mouton trimmed muff to match nearly new Cookstown FURNACE automatic drafts con Minneapolist Honeywell Al Cost $3150 No EUREKA POTATO DIGGER rc MclntOSh boilt just as good as new Apply stic $250l10th Con Innisfil Prodyss Allandale Barrie RR GLASS SHOW CASE for sale ft long also Philco battery radio McGladreys 74lp cook stove 10113 also Phone troud SEVERAL VARIETIES winter apples chard First turniright past test Gas Station Cundles Murray clay loam 251 100m Business person preferred Phone 3695 for appointment HOUSE FOR RENT unfurnished rooms 14 mileioff No 90 High mile fiom Angus 15411 164lb IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Six rooms very good condition acre rooms strictlymodern No vember possession6 rooms quite modern large lot for Dec posses sion rooms quittegattraetive pos session Nov rooms modern pos month Prices from $3200 to $15000 We can finance your purchase Realtors Owen St Barrie 16411 BRICK HOUSE large looms car garage half mile south of Bar riei limits on Highway 11 George Barrie central home 13411 fOI sale Prices right at or Super John 2044104111 APPLES FOR SALE Several dif ferent varieties of fall arid winter Ordersi taken now Prices Mayes condition 04042 Phone 4488 USED LUMBERLarge assortment trimmed ma consist of Sons 94144pison RR stock Churchill RED COW years oldmilking 1937 OLDSMOBILE SED heifer calf 13411 0f 342 denailed Orders must 1000 fbm or more ett Co Camp Borden 10 am2 pm Tuesdays and Fridays HOUND PUPS 41 months old 2female hounds yrs old hound weekend tan yrs and deer hounds12 old Martin RR Thornton EH Lot Con Essa BEDROOM SUITE 3piece springs andmattress 6piece breakfast set lounge chair and foot stoolfloOr kitchen work Itable wood or coal 82 Sanford St way one 15 ring 1fiterial Jardinc Angus FURNITURE STORAGE storage 84041p AN excellent and heater Frederick St Phone 4061 1341 Apply Wick cently overhauled condition session one also her April bern radio safe warehouses 7404 Cooke Cartage andStorage 43 Essa Road Phone 3359 FURNISHED ROOMS with kitchen and breakfast nook Private bath Must be abstainers Box 45 Barrie Examiner 15411 FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent with or without kitchen privileges on would give breakfast Box 59 Barrie AGENTS WANTED SAY YOU 511111 11 INTHE EXAMINER barn Rawleigh Only reli need 7app1y Good lprofits Ito willing workers 1N0 ex perience required to start Rawleigh Dept MLJl28Z 4lI4hW weekoldbull calf for vealing Cu Phone clean two EIIICk McDougalk 842r21 after pm BLUERQANMARE years old1 pprox 1300 lbs giSodEigleor double sound good and garden work Phone Stroud 151112 REG HEREFORD bull and 10 short kept steers and heifvi ers2 beef ringers 10 brood sows 35 weaned pigs milk cows ply Spring Wyevale Phone Elmvale 3652 TI accepted for NUMBER or registered Oxford Stroud Down ram lambs also 3yearold We can also spare and aged Ford Deluxe coach eal condition ready for win heater radlo fog Best offer after 13 4Ip apples reasonable Heniy Cookstown Plione 76222 APPLESwealthy domestic bushels No $3 dome Delivered in Barrie or and Fridays Goldie Phone 4154 APPLESMaclntosh bushel No $3 domestic $250 $125 good windfall $1 $3domestic $250 where in Barrie Sons Barrie Phone 4031 2041421 APPLES FOR SALE good quality well sprayed Northern Spys Green ings Tolman Sweets Snows Went thys arid Starks Reasonable price at orchard Hector Lloyd RR1 Phone Everett 14 ring 20 Ill4111 Cibwn Hill sell 94113 Apply 19 1937 BUICK SEDAN with radio and heater ne wtires small series and heaieTnew tlresTsmaltserie condition 76Maple Ave T341p GazleylM 1929 FORD SEDAN good tires running order Harold 1514tfb for rent BOX 841v42p water inside good fox weeks bushel 85 acres under $265 $225 balance 7L4 well at scuffling pressure system 3piece bath sink laundry tub beautiful lawn tries 0t 741 134111 and spare good Calves $150eash or Closest Offer Rutledge Beettmi RR 1341p 1940 HUDSON SEDAN new rub bers air conditioned needs some mechanical and body work Offers eek 7R Simpkin 1341p MOVING WEST Must sell 1936 in good me Tuesdays shrubs orchard and garden contains four acres plus four 205411 choice land good hardwood bush Lovcrs Creek flows through Owner occupied Early Also house new under well acres RR wood Fenton 841p lamp box for Belanger 3045 Adults Exam 1541p Apply Guelpli lOOACRE FARM under cultivation good well creek near buildings jSioomed 2storey house cement block and frame hyl dro available good bank 40x60 brooder house and miles from Highway 11 from Barrie payment $4300 balance first mort gage payable $200 yearly alrIBuchanan mantel style Store Thornton 3855 WINCHESTER and 50 rounds ammunition 303 British with 50 Dan Keast 90 Eccles St 741b pianoaccordion condition fitted with tone couplers Suitable for professional use Com plete with leather Fred xBrowning hrillia Geo See Phone small Mac Spy NO Ap Delivered any Flook only iirer property possession construction large rooms pressure system 3piece bath fire Lot 60x200 choice garden soil overlooking Kempenfeldt Bay Also 2bedroom bun galow and lbsstorey house start Can be completed to buyers Christmas ie pro lt 4111 la 10am 7411 FOR SALEMens overcoats lea ther jacketsa few army overcoats and tunicsypianoaecordeon gui tars violins bench saw with mo tor trunk valises hockey boots some hockey equip ment pocket and wrist watches months guarantee SI70IIIDI St 9404113 rounds Phone 2259 120 BASE place flock sire number of ewe These are arage 31AVAILABLE at once miles business 1500 families Down able hustlers and Barrie new lambs all choice type charm and excellent quality Bre ter good tires ead Phone Beeton lights and extras Hone 211 Henry St Price $6500 and skates ewes specifications before Apply Richard Fadden on t1 pert carrying case 207 Shannon St 7411 thetk Bond 411 Write The Variety 4111 9740411111 Mansfield 12 Telephone today Realtor 117 1111 Montreal