TREESle 0910ng $34 iii Bililfll r3iilNER BARRER ONEUHF CAtlfljlgfi FAG SETEIEEQ WW II II WNW III Miss Margaret Sinclair BEETON FAlR lI Local Delegate Tells IN MEMORIAM If BORN pRIZE WINNERS Ol Baptist Assembly LJ Wwf It xingl II III II II IIIIII III III 77 rl II II ii lilli iliruurl IVA wrx ll in 1U ELM ll il 52 we Liiilllll ll lI it sunrooer ltll$lll III III slltltlr II roll Hitlth AND llllltltI IiI lll ii lll lr If PHONE 3885 ll ZII ll It II Id IIKQ Jn vhth iI ftr tlll NATIO AL IIII ivnw nivn tI IH HUMWIA ii kill lft gt Fire Prevention Week lIll llllllilll l1 lttl Elil ll ltl tr 31$ in 3w ii illd lllrxliiul lzn rlln lilwIi IIII lllfnblil IvIIII IlI ll Flre Prevenllon ii ll Ii Iif Iti til Hi IIIIIi III II gt +x lnlnrii sin iii is ninnmmm llllil all mp liltlll ll lill IIIIIIIII III IIIIIII nan III Extra Heavy UlllllY Ccm For Ashes III II TIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHO re m1 Mp Ii IEIIIIIII III II miirml ill lIIlniIlIlI II In GarbagewTiqht Fitting COVEI vill us it twill Hi lill lllzliu lz ll ii if ll liq Iflj If lgti llhllun lrlllli In itfilii lti lli ii III VIIrIlII III ll lhI Ill III ItIIuviItx n2 lzlltliltlzx Fall 1M liliu Ti IiI trNrF III II nil LI It 31 tIl CEMLJ II it Jl ll ltll lli li lt1 ml ill unit hi Lilli PM lz imam ll ltl lll llg ll 7777 Lu iie glului Iii ili iilhlr Ii Alth rlmvrlls tliiiliillllllllgilllli1llill irlltlliurlxt l1 lRl SCREENS IIiIII IlIIIVHQI IIIrilv IllIn tilt III SII III gt51 llI ELK llilziV ill Sillltm llv II IIIIIII IIIIIII III IIIIII MmmudmmdlkJMththnImwrhw III IIINIIVIHI IWIWNIAWUAMWIHHII la linIu ll lliIli lLlHLl lm VIII Ill It lilli Of liiri lil II liillllllltldllyl Slilltllvl morning twin SI IIIIIl III II II III Ii IIrIi ll ilk leIlmldl ilIIIld 1131 IIII IIIIIIlIlIl III In lhy DAtl Hlll nwhiuhiilnn9n4iilmirlnm nlr fi dwlld CH LIIIhkiv EHLVV It Immw IIgmSI llVRUiT lglUlLTSI ll YTlV lh fTlJdm gllrd lit lhilt Uli ilJ lliilip Siripluln llaclll Sdil hlinmd hx hip Alln1l llunl lll ll lllk lWNlKlUMYiTlddyiwhthhrhlnul Mth Rum duy Ni lelu Mnmnv humiIWJmlMnHwn mm Mum HUI lherrwhwwvl l1 vh 4O BIYllldSl Pl3n33664 ll in tin li ll ll ll iir ff ii Thihhllxlhshrhldrldvl rdhil illd Vlili thinrl in nnlllihlhzlhnnsler hHhE TVAlllh lH innn1 NWMUV hl Hun tllllN itltl ILHl lrllltr VI LISPJr III II IIII InlII it liImiliIurigut lootollooatl4rolorwolroaltlloarlaarllaroOOOrlctrigwpiltovotltato IOIINl3N4Z lr lVl zlwrs hiid recently rchlcd lw iii my id IWI II the lllir llulnrstend ml the llllig III II WIIIIII IiIIrI IIIIIIiIi IIlll lllllJ ililll ind Suppliesi Ittllltthtxltlll til V052 ml ll ll Ln tlit nixil tliin tiiliplili Instructor Li Mm min 47 yearn into lltl hild lIIIIIIIIlIII IIIIII IIIII1I trlxlll ll mutiny iii thi executive Ofl PFF lHUlPY SP051 lllndl1l dlnvn Hi trHui rlnn intinlv Sinnwui PrugrPSSiYO niScr lllAlllTlrIllliH 1mm lllltlilgt lllll lmv ill lllliltllltlI lL iLHxWH filS lltltl 1H Bill it mill XINY Ill2x=rl NIH my it ll ll 51 lr IHi vIlIRllll lilllllllliii lltlll lllllllllll llill in III IIlIIlIlIfIIIIIIIIIl 21 IIIIIIIIIIIH IIIIIIIII II IIlIII III IIIITIIISIAISI135213i SL Iinulgul vxlensirc thlhltWhHd lhlIIwall IllIiI ILVHHCIHITIIhI ldtleHiVU vcre numeln qdn 33 wine Swnmp which hll lllr IIII II II II II In III II limp II Irlolwl confusing to many hllntm $le lI lIl lIlllIllll=l1llllll ll lllllllllltllltl llllTllitlllUll llTlTllllll Ad TmI SIHIIIEI Flavour III IIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIr IIIII IIIIIIIII II Illl lllliItl ltllylit ll Ilgtvl IIIIllI IIIIIIIII III II llnthllill Church and of the Hill llllll ml Hlll All km Ill tnrlulhlrs Duekwnlth St For This Week Is NIIIIII SIIIIIIIII lIIiII lwinuwd twin lnl Ullltl mi IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIS IIIIIIIIIII IIIV II NW IIIIIAI Survivmi lrc three brothers and lKIIIIIIIW IIIqu WIIIIIIIII MIIIII1II Sillnddy liinrnlnil lllri injuries were FrenCh ChOCOICTle two sisitlS llllllk OTINiilllzllzl Fulla KIIIIIIIII um IIIIIIIIIIII HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rut StllIIltlS but he wzrs litktll to the lllClllSlVl hnnes nl Vesprn hhss llarel and HHI vnhur IHIIIh0I UNI YIHIllnyul VlCUH1 lloxpnnl for treat Edward 1mm of Tillsunhurg zinll MIIII SNIIIIII LII IIII IIIIII IIIIJIIIIIT Illtlll row was startled when the Mrs llrcnnun of Barrie II ll2lliI milking machine fell and Requiem lliizli Mass was celelirilt IIliElll IllillllelIIIll IIIlIIIlIIIlIlI Mi Lnrrntliers was in the path of m1 SlI Marys Church Barrie on lit Kitchener llIlIf lIll III IurI estdlly morning Climber with It llll lllr had wry Silt my Vllry Rev James Clliir offieizlt elssful yellr itlth his izllldiuh llr illI IlIlII5mlIf IlaLlIIamiI ll were manly lovely thW unlit ll till spike ll Illi lllltllllslvtltll muss curds indirllt illilxllnmnor Milli llllilmrlzly tln ell ml lllll mld Wk mm GUERngy MILK mg the esteem in which the llltl iults Aprillit and ii lliwly tllt ll lIMlS PM Balll ml REAM Mr lrilyrrs lizld been held Friends yellow that is izollll lilillt tn itll IllII lIIlr IIIIXIIIISEHESEI JERSEY lE CREAM ttendcd from Toronto Midland erll Montgomery TlllSQllbUrtl Niagara Falls and lllllll lx cow owned by Mr llix rmvn Um ml TILIR mlNlilly LSldI gt ings ltlills llle Ipzillbcarors lItIL Hill was IslIlIlIlLliI In nightluv tlil IIIlIlIIfItIfCIIljlgxh IEIIIIlglIIllyfIfe Messages for the times thIl you Will OIIICE IIANI limes llilpiy Grnnet llrltllildhltl north of Bniiie List Sunday night Douglas 130111er Clifford Brown The cow was net injured but the CI if not del to mTSS 118 SOPHIA arrle Vluurice Johnson William Little ln cur owned by James ollrelL Examiner asst to ring rc MRS VI MERoER Cr lllllllll was in St Marys Cemetery Collier St Toronto vzls lililllltl stilts WWmWWWWMNlimmoacrlltlvrlmt mowmwreoliioutlllm II II WWW II Leather Chatelaine Pin Sets Fountain Pen and Brooches Ellmgs Bu 1d incl necklet of 0119 nin Purses III qrnn Ke holders Setel race el enCI five Strands fmm TNT Necklet and Bracelet Sets and ATERM ANS PARKER $250 to $5200 Brief cases Ieweller of ever kind mm SHEAFFER EVERSHARP ETC mmvm ION Crystal WI lyS Reeves Jewellers Bowls VCIS Dmner verware II Pay Cash NGS Genet JWe ltww8wwi rnnnwmcm WW III Sherbels th our Lay Away Pkfn gastes ekq munity Plate 1847 Rog glnmme Engimdfgl Our Friendly Credit Plan Plot SI Cl erg 1881 Rogers and lt cm gt Anniversaries ht comblnahon of and whereby our customersimay es others CIT all prlceS lngst Hand wrong Bilthdaysv etcSlgne Aluminum and rings with make Pquents 1mm Christmas on artlcleS Mens Cl an engraved or raised in gyasisgesg ReIIIII loud away and then arrange for anyhunpaid Dressmg Cases OC itials tor girls and IIIm dishes etc balance through our Friendly Credit Plan With Find Without Elecic and spring Ittm g4 Wound IIIII WI In arm en araso awning Mantel Gay and Useful IStnke and Chime Wrist and II Chatelaine at prices Watches for Ladies Poc Tea Sets trays ntIree Electric KettleerToasters Wooden Ware Rat and wrist watches d1shes Casseroles Gravy CoffeeIMCtkers Irons Ladies byGruen 0me er v1ng rays Boats and Cake Plates Showers etc ga Mldqi Lone walthamv II IDreSSer sets bowls book ends Elgin CertinIa and other well knownm Iakersgtoi izithtr suit everrellrsr in Sterling Silver TM Jewellery Bronzerr Chrome Enamel ourFrindlyCredit Plan EEVES ELLERS DIAMOND MERCHANTS Phone 3745 Barrie etc kl Compacts and Cigarette Cases trom $250 to $2750 by WOdSWorth E1 gin American Ev ans and others ligt V5