the relationship between pupil and rtario had fewer untrained and part Edinburgh Simcoc 21 ad Awbrked wentrnorth to the Yukon and left Dawson City I1nd took postgraduate studies at Etaples THIS 15511 7700 Copies L1 11 11 Lr County Libraries Now Formally Recognized In Public Libraries Act lllhh XIIIlll iiil 111 11 11 111 111 1111 i1illl HI 11 11f1 r111E 31111l It 11 11 ll11111 IV 11 131 11 1111 1311 l11111 11 l1111 11111111111111111111 11111 111111 11111 511111S11111l111111 ll111 111111111111c llgc 1111111 11 11 1III 11 1111111111 I11 outrun11 111 mm1 11 l11 111111211111111111ll111111111111211 11111 1111 11 l= 111111111111i 111 the 1111t Mr 311111112 11111 the 111l111 l1 15 3111111111111 1111111h11 iii 111111 111 1111 1111111 l1I11 11111111 Film Hill 11 111111 111111 11131111114 1111 the 111111111111 Hva PM lmk MM 111 1111 1111111 111 1111 of 1117 7111111 111 11111111 Xle11lr1l RH 111111111 11211 9115111 the 1111111111lt IWIIHIIW Jill H1 111111 11 he 1111111v l1l111r 111 1111 n1 NW Ur 1111 111 ll1 1111111 1111111 111111111111111 211111111 li111e 11111111 11 111 Mum mud llllNlMltl NOT SllItVlillxl 1111 11111111 I1I1r11 11nd 111ltl 11 W1 11 111 11111111l ho extruded 111 every school 1111111 11111 is 11 1111111111111 spoke III1I1 111 r1111 111y111 11 1111111 11111 11111 11 11 in Library Has ilResponIsibility Of Continuing Education Declares Dr Althouse The dcfimtlon 111111 purpose of ldlllilllltll has broadened in recent cars declared Dr Althousc chief ducttor of education forl Ontario in addressing meeting of the Simcoo ounly Library sociatiun in Barrie last Iridayl 11111111 Iep1t that broadening add ed the speaker education still rc tains much of 11s oldlime connota 111111 of intellectual development Education generally and formal education in particular still con notc quiekencd and deepened men tal activity Speaking of the discovery ofI laws of learning Dr Althouse stat ed that the chief one was the fact that the impact of mind on mind of pcrsonahty upon personality is the 111st and most wholesome mode of fostering Incntal development lle added that the most obvious example of the impact of mind up on mind wasthe relationship of pupil and teacher and the most obv1ous example of the impact ofl personality upon personality was DR ALTHOUSE comparable area of which he was aware He referred to the great number of children who for various rotel sons left school at an 1111111 or Turn to page four pleaset 1111211001 ofiliiisr pupil The chief director of education stressed the importance of having good teachers and said that 0111 ly trained teachers than any other culled off Council granted permission to 111day Oct 111 day Oct 14 GARBAGE SERVICE WILL COST TOWN $1000 MONTH Inuit l11511I Iwiulai tligli ml 111111 111111 lr11111 tt1 1111 111 111111111111 11 1v1111111111i111 that 211+ garbage 11Ii11t1nii 111111111 IN 111th drum up nlh l11nI11111 and 12111 hr 111 paid $111112 1111111111 11111 111114 111 111 111 1121111v t1 Ir Halli lll 111 lllu rimml Lilr It 11111 121ml adding 11111 1111 11 1311 1111 11111141141 I111111 111111 11111 dont lliu 111 11 lhtt lvlil 1111 the other 11111I 1111 gol 111 Itrrp things 111111 11 loinlinwn 11111 11r11r 111111111111 111 1111111111 11111 111 11111I111 111Ill1llull 11111 lr1gt111 11 Imt ilnI 1111131l1 that It 11111 illsxxlllil to 11111 111 the plenum 1r11nc11111=l IhiIc 1111 1111111 klll p11 tor the rfltt 1hr lt1111lhlltllil 11111 111 tr loinlinwu 111 prunisic ind 111411111111 IIIN 111111 1111 lllllil 111111111111t snd TOWN MCDONALD INFANT INSTANTLY KILLED BY TRUCK WHEELS COUNCIL IEimr 111v 111 111111 111 111 12 EKIICA 11 11 111111 311 111 11111 s1111111 1111111 111111 111111 311111114111 In 1311 11 1111111114 11 11111111711 11 11111111 111 l1111 11 1111 111111 11111 1111 1111 91111111 11111 by ijJH It 181111l1 111111lt 11111 11 11111 ii 31 11 111111151111 ttlliitl 1rip 111111111111 11 1111c1 1111 111111111111 1111111111e1 111 1111 11111 11 1111 111 l111111111f11a11 1111111111 =11 1ltl 1111111111 111 11 lit 1111 411 1111111111111111 111171111 111 11111 11111 11 we 111111 12 11 11 My 11111111 11111115 1111 11111111 1111111 11 11 up there would another 1okc on the town if the sale were lhcdloy Scout Association to hold their annual Apple Day on Sat Several items of business were 11ot dealt with and will be held over until the next meeting Tues Council adjourned z1boutlt45 p111 nnv LARK It has been announced that Rev Dairy Horse Storiled By Pneumatic Drill Wagon Crashes Auto Lark present rector 111 the Parish ofShanty Bay has been appointed rector of StyMichacls Church in the City of Vancouver Mr Lark is to succeed Canon Wilson who has been rector of St Michaels Church for the past 43 years and is retiring lhisycar He will leave for Vancouver about Nov While the driver was delivering milk at Jacksons Grill on the Post Office Square last Monday morn ing the horse on the milk wagon was startled by the sudden start ing of pneumatic drill hammer and was temporarily held in check Has Had Varie dGareeri Dr Orok MD FRCS who was recently elected president of the centre Progressive Conservative Issociation is one of the best known residents of Vespia Town ship Since he was born at Midhurst 69 years ago he has had varied and interesting career After attending public school at Midhurst and BarrieCollegiatc he went to British Columbia in 1898 in Vancouver when the population was only about dou ble that of Barrie today Later he in time to enter Trinity Medical College Toronto 111 1901 He wasgraduatecl 1111905 Edinburgh and Queens atKings ton Taking practiceat Cookstown he Was there two years andthen he went to Manitoba At The Pas he was elected by acclamation to the Manitoba Legislature and two years later he was given another acclamaiion Early in the war heenlistcdinI the Fall of 1920 the CAMC and was appointedlmedical medical officer of the unseen1 talion at Winnipeg In 1910 he In 1931 Dr Qrok went to sea as went overseas with this unit and ship surgeon with the Canadian in January 1917 he was posted to National Steamships running to the SeventhGeneral Hospital at the West Indies and South Ameri France In March the can ports He left the ship in the same year he was transferredto Spring of 1940 and returned to the another unit and served with Gen family home at Midhurst where eral Lawson later killed at Hong he has since been living retired Kong and General Worthington The farm wasscttled by his grand They were lieutenants at that time father more than century ago en 1111011 he resumed his practice in Manitoba Where he continued for 11 years the corner anddoor National Building Code Is Basis ries new building code were given at the Town Council last Monday bya weight attached to the bridle However the staccato noise con tinued and the horse boltied frOm OMING The animal commenced to dancel Before the BarrieAllandale wag oLhachoncmveiwnfar the shafts were broken The driver caught thehorse and saw the wagon roll ing towards car However be fore the wagon could be stopped it crashed into the side of Frank Taylors car and dented fender The damage was not on tensive and nomilk was spilled from the dairy wagon Rummage Sale Saturday Oct 18 ll am auspices Burton Ave Church WA All42h Dance Gcarin Hall Phelpston Monday Oct 13 Good music Ad mission 35c 41p rDanceuo Frank Bogart and his orchestra at Cookstown Dance Pa vilion Friday Oct 10th 404113 Dance Baxter Friday Oct 10 Music by The Stroud Mountaineers Da ing from 930 to 115 301fb mmage Sale Saturday Oct 18 Trinity Parish Hall auspices Trin ity WA Doors open 9am 40421 Midhurst LOL dance Township Hall 00117 Refreshment booth Crowcs orchestra Admission 50 cents 38tfb night It wasone bylaw that will Bake 5110 at St Gemgag neverbe read in Council Alllandare to pm Based on the National Building Oct 11 Auspices me Code the bylaw comprises several Club 41p hundred 1338955 DanceShanty Bay Hall every Amendments to the COdC lat Wednesday night Music by Stroud were read included description Moontaineers snackbar Admis of the fire zones and stipulated that $011500 231th all contractors must protect their Anniversary services Sunday employees with Workmens Com pensation The Town Engirieer will be ad thorized to enforce the code and condensed copy of the code will be presented with each building permit obtained The bylaw is being forwarded to the Ontario Munieipal Board for approval New Barrie BYlaw Tlie firstatwo readings of Bar Glad United Church Speaker Rev Carder 41b Bazaar sale of baking afternoon 1112a aprons fancy work WA of Burton Ave United Church Nov 30 pm 4th Rummage Sale Saturday Oct 25 Trinity Parish Hall auspices Ladies Auxiliary to Lions Club of Barrie Doors open 11111 MORE IN COMMONS In July 1918 he returned to Dr Orok in 1907married Bessie Canada and few months later was Vair daughter of the late Mr and transferred to the Canadian Pen Mrs James Vair of Barrie They sion Board in London England In have no children Hot fowl supper and program Grenfel United Church Wednes day Oct 15 Supper 530 to pm Admission 75c and 40c 41p At the next election the House of Commons will be increased from 245 to 225 seats cents irordmnimm diam Hall Saturday Thanksgiving Bingop Oddfellows Oct 12 11 am and 730 pm HollyI 41431 auain an 11111111111 feature 11nd some of the finest Holstein cattle in Canada Were 11xl11hitcd Chief prize winners 111111 ll 11111111911 of Alliston and crswell of Bec ton The 11111 Show was definite 111h 17 entries ln thc section for under oudpcar Jackie linnnncll 51111 111 Mr and Mrs Earl Illammcll 111 liceton took first1 place and 111 the section for overt one year dilhe Ilowlcy was firstl Bilhe son of Mr and Mrs Men yin Rowley 11f lotlcnham also took lfirst prize forlwinprthc best baby lin the show The freckle face contest was Hm Mom MWmi rmLheudcdiNurse 111 B11rr1c made 211111 lSllS Whildlml who kw he judgcsjof wlncir 11451 were free 115115 1mm bus counting freeway The objects 01 the Order as laid 11mm Miss BN1 ddler Gild1111 1n 1110ih1yal barter are 11 tford was eventually selected as the SLIMMI md mmllml 13 Winner iting nursing service in Canada All afternoon it seemed that one success FRANK DOBSON 11htto encan and direct the ac muid hm Shy mo youngstetmtns of nurses 111 undertakedie Istumhluu through some word m1 flhi Nd ml timliws it SIXth boo The mum limansia musing 1111 11115 andl 1111 aid in the prevention of disease and the mainlcnancc of health 11111510 assist in training nurses in public health nursing Commenting on the approachiin campaign Erneist Burton presi dent of lhe VON stated know that every citizen rwill want 101 help maintain this valued service in Barrie and would ask you to St Andrews WA bazaar and sale greet the Canvassem who they C3111 Turn lr1pz1ucfi10 pleasel EVENTSF of homemade baking Friday Dec and give generously 411 Anniversary Services Burton Ave United Church Oct 19 11 IOCOI ReSIdents Attend H111 and p111 Special speakenI Rev Watt Toronto 41b Bazaar and afternoon tea Sun AI OIdF0fI Ste Marie day School Essa Road PresbyterI ian Church Friday Nov 14 36 His Worship Mayor Leigh Auspices Evening Auxiliary 4Lpton Clarke and Buchananl Antcn Mills WA are holding avetc in Midland last Wednesday bazaar and concert Friday Oct 17 when Hon Leslie Frost provincial Bazaar starts at 630pm Cometrcasurer laid the cornerstone of and enjoyarealgood evening 41bthe first of four bastions of Fort Fowl Supper New Lowell Oct Ste Marie Destroyed over 300 23 75cand35c plate Good even yealS 81101 IIICAFOII IS NOW being ings entertainment of magic tricks ieconstmlctedu presented by Rev Jackson music Hundreds crowded the area for by Creefnore orchestrale 41421 the ceremonies which wcrc pre Bazaar and Afternoon Tea Hon Sided OVCF by Father Llly imadejTable and Fish Pond Odd SJ director of the Martyrs fellows Temple Collier St Wed Shrine which is across the road 1nesday Nov 5f1mn 36 pm Aug IlOlTl lilch the Old fort IS bCIll rebuilt ipices Beaver Rebekah Lodge NoI Very Rev John Swain SJ 190 4144b Jesuit provincial presented brief history of the fort which was commenced in 1639 and burned by the Iroquois some 10 years later The perspective gained from historical knowledge gives ions the background and confidence needed in facing the problems of the day declared Mr Frost The provincial treasuren paid tribute to Father Lally Very Rev Swain McDowell Victor Edwards and Prof Jury for Rev Burit 1130 am 730 their efforts in restoring Old Fort pm speaker RevDavid Ste Marie and in resurrecting Gault former Chaplain Jeetonother historic sitesin the area Ont 41p Others esent included Prof Cornerstone Ceremony Hall Thursday Oct at 815 Prizes of chickens baskets offruit and special games for turkeys Admis 1sion 35c auspices Knights of Colum bus 40b Tuesday Oct 14 830 p1n Lib lrary Halli Hen Russell Kelley 1Minister of Health for Province of Ontario Subject What Can Be Done 4lbl Grenfel United Church Thanks giving SrVice Sunday Oct 12 Campaign for$l000000 New Memorial Hospital FiveHonoraryPresidents EDI GJl Edge Visits Barrie Restaurants Reports to Council partment 311111 11 1111 HON KNNEoY MAJORITY 1111311c11 1i MCDOWELL ARE NOT orroszo 4v1 1111111111 111 TO SUNDAY HOCKEY I11111 l11111111 11 11 it III Illllgt 11111 l11 11111111 TI 111 Illil 11 111111 uuncil It1tltllllll Hi will WHW Il 11 WHIJII intmdincd 11111151111 111 11111111st in H1 HUIth I1 li 1I1 the Ari111 11Innilssiun 111 Inn my Il Sunday hockey 31111 skating 11111 11 11 1ut the were the 11111 tun to 11111111 111 11111 11111 ll11tliml11111ll1ki cRS Ir ll support1 the 11111111111 l11111 r1111 ll 1111 as 1111111 1111111 l1 1111111 1111111I 1w1I11111 ll11 Imtmlml IM nmnmm his mm nul 11 Itlhilillil azsimifiii Ill ll111 support 1111 11111111111 when 111 dli Hind Urllilmm lieu 1111 1111 11 1111111111f l1 11 1Vt1 11 11211 11 111 11A 113111 11 5in Ihe 111111111111 1111 mule 11111 Ino zinl mil Wiillmzl If Ifx Vinny IUtYl liken c1111 1111r11111111 1111111 l111 11111 Elli VI gt LL 11IIV111IIIE1IIV11V playing golf 1121 11111111111111111 1me mm hm huhm ller11111 111111111111111 11l111 1111131 11 11 11111111111111 1119 Inn 1111 Illlilutv slut Hlvlmrmd mi hle WWI 11111111111l11 11111 111 1111111111111 111l111 11111111111 1111 crutch 11111 11 1111111 gt1 11111111V111 and Bump hmka by 1111111 I111111111f111llt The motion mum WHHIHL My mmv ll 11 hidimdm 511 illH in lt Htulxllh Stilt HlmrNlnmu ml Mb Ptmu mum manic 1111 1111 1l111 1311141111 F111 11 1l1111l 11111111 ll1 41 In 11 1H fiddly l11 tempered 111l1 collimon Hwy H1 lllm Hmlnr v2 I11 111111 1111 111111 Buttllt 1111111111 111111 111 11111 1111I 1111131 11111111 111111 Mm mm 111 31 11111411 11 llililh 111 $11111111 l1111111 11115 ctions ti 1111 111111 11111 11111111 111 1111111ns dptp nu 11111111 11 1h 11111 1111 11s plant back 1Wm mm WM ML MM hwdnn 111 AMI in Add In 17 ll111111111111l 11 111 1i1111 11Il111111 11 111111 1111l1 11 ll 11111111i ll1111117 11 11 31111111111 it It 171111111115 11w Mu Luhm 1Hqu 111 Ithil h1i1111i1lrisxii111lxi1131iiuSiisig tentlukc 1111l111 ll lI11veI 111 1111111111 Iuwlu School 1111111 liiviiikiwlqi gt V11 11 111 11112111111 111m 1111 11 than Wme l1hurMh HHN hm $12m 111111111111 111111111111 the 1111 Im a311111111 11111 11 hm 111 11 411 1115 lloishtp thI liy11ri1 Wests 1ii1i11st Arthur 111111 11 Hmwmrimw 1111 11 II 11111111 11111111111 111 llwt 11111 Hml 11 1111 1111311 noi ixuppolrymrtl 111 lsuufilhut luck was 1111 undischariz Goes 90 Vancouvr illlWltAHi 11 Idll l111 11111111 REP 11 1111 lcw lIf Sliiiiiliys fed bankrupt 111111 11 11715 1111551111 111111gt111 11111111 11111 linuxn Mun VLgtIvl in 111111 If the town collected $1200 21 Mm hm MCMMWH ImM till1111111111111111Sh111111 1c1vl1las claim 111111111 he made against 11111 lent 11f 111t111111 Agricultural KHll1W1HIdw1t1 lttlwn to satisfy the creditors ill Iclies WHIPl Ilti llltl 11 111 up CI111111 hip 41 Iliad been suggested luck might 11111111111 Hlmlf Itlli 71 Sillll MA MA Pup Inf W11 kibimns settle for reduced amount if the 111131 Attiltlllllldl Iiltntlllillllt It 11111111111 1111111111117 $11111 wow 1511111 fv If mum ljashley 211111 11111111 others liyx Irv131 Dunn for legal fees and court costs 1511111 l111 11111 first 1111111 since early 111 Alli MM Tim hm B0 RI colloctcd from Mr Tuck the Town 111 1111 11111511 111111111 was 11 111 VIM 11115 ill be obliged to pay The eoun 211111 111 the Fun and 21 purse 111 Gummy minnow 11 decided 3111 leave the matter 111 $121111 was 1111111111111 Silud Gm Dug ansmg 1111115111101 and AkilSmith re The lllaci and White Show was DUNNme RR Smy mWmOm Immwa ner l1 Milvherson Orillia 3115 II It llutzhes Stroud The theme of the convention is 1111111111111 111111 111s111r1cal research nnadnui Armoured 111113 Andrew IIarl Kelly died at Camp Borden shortly 111111111 midnight 11141 lhursday following an accident Kelly was 111111111 111 the hack of tw11111n army truck rctiirmng to Camp Borden and 111 suffcrcd traet11rii1i1 skull and other 111j111ies when he fell 0111 Driving the truck on sidoroad off Highway 90 Ernest Bruce floss age 21 also of the RCAC told police he swerved to avoidmhitling skunk The truck went into the ditch where it continued for lis lance of more than 400 feet snap Roy 11 School Li Last Friday an inspection of Barrie restaurants was made by Dr Edge of the Ontario Dc 111 Health Sanitary ln spector Kennedy Mayor Ii Mayor and Aid Smith accom p010 am mun mod E11QC11 it the TOW The driver was lllltlljtllcd In letter Council Monde night Dr Edge noted some improvement since his previous 11511 last July Aid Smith who had taken notes on Edges remarks presented detailed report to council and this was followed by consider able amount of discussion in com mittee Finally it was agreed that the sanitary inspectorwould be invit ed to attend the next meeting of council passenger in the cab John Chais son also of the RCAC suffered severe concussion and was uncon scious for several hours afterntlic accident Surviving AndrewHEarl Kelly are his wife and small child who 1ch at the camp Crown Attorney Frank Iam mond Coroner Dr Little and PC Walter Gatehouse areinvesti gating the fatality REPRESENTATION INCREASED This year TOucbccs represciin tion in the Hou of Commons wps increased frgnf to 73 seats This elle and Pron Kcnncth Kidd of was the fiyi increase for Quebec the University of Toronto since Confederation 3L mplete sports coverage in the Ex miner Mellwraith acting director of the Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology Sir Ellsworth Fla Order extra copies earlyfrom IIewsdealers orExaminer office Elect MrsMartin Llamey Archdiocsan President CdtholicWomen League Mrs Martin amcy of Newmar4unexpected visit by His Eminence ket was elected president of the James Cardihal McGuigan who Toronto 1ichdiocesan Council of addressed the gathering for few the Cat olic Womens League at moments the 27 11 annual meetingwhich was Following this Visit 1hef0uow heist in Barrie laSt Weekg Mr5 ing resolution was unanimously yank Guilfoyle ofBarr1e was adopted lected lst vicepresidents Whereas the president officers and members in convention assem bled at the 27th annual meeting of The convention was opened here on Thursday morning and was concluded Friday afternoon About 60 ladies weremgistemd and twice the Toronto Archdiocesan Councd that number attended the dinner 0f the Cathonc Womens Leaglle Zhursday evening reJOIQe the honor of havmg H15 Other officers elected were 2nd Eminence address the morning 595 viceLlrsjdent Mrs Howarth sion and whenxhe dwelt onthree Toronto 3rd vicepresident Mrs 0f five pomts Of our HOW Seguin Toronto Rec Secy Fathers addr103 to the Pe9ple of Mrs Lawrence Toronto Rome several days agoHls Em Con sew Mm Mccaffrey inence told us that upwards of Newmarket Twas Miss Rosamund 500000 listened to those words of Smith Toronto wisdom given by our Holy Father The retiring president Mrs be it resolvedthat the officers peter Hcemn Torontov presided delegates and members offer their over several of thesessions 1033131 love and gram19 to HIS CARDINAL MCGUIGAN Eminence for his kindness and The delgates were pleasantly guidance and they ask our Heav surprised Friday morning with an Turn to page fouerlplease