Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1947, p. 7

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WW HIT Motormen Swamp CNR 13 in gt llt We Hawmlan and SpaniSh GUITAR TUITION Ii Nltlx oscniiiunt CIl llle no Guru it McNeillie Salon i7 if llsxltlilS IlUlUliS 31 iii ill llunlop SL llarric it FINAL WEEK The Sale cl Subscribers Seats loI BARRIE FLYERS Junior Hockey Club for the season iust Started ON SALE AT Emms Electric tnpgivl 11 What about the future for that PresidentInShort Iants Chances are hell go hie own way But Incon while youcant hpr wondering how to give him all the ammunition he can handle for the big batile While you are projecting the career of that promising son or daughter theres man who can help you with if the rst important Step Your North American Life rcprcsentat ivc can Show you how to guarantee the neces sary funds for piopercducation and good home1w niumr what happens to you Such plans are simply begun easily carried out Begin niug with as little as month your Nmb American Life representative has stcPLhystep program which removes many question marks from the future Youll nd that current decisions are more easily and wisely CGE BOYS WALLO 1LANGS ACES 101 IVMALLION FANS 17 Nonis Sillines Rubs Each =Iw III zit itv Lti llIIr 15b liltzi lY Ittlllnl lithztll ll 47 ELIZABETH ST BARBIE Peggy Oliver intermediate finalist nladc if youare yvcrkingou alongterm plan to make AM ll 11 Ilk ln ll lit ii iii Ii liv gt ltl ii tzlit rl tt IXI ltd 5411 it stir ltlwll lll1l l1 Iilm IllHJIIl Ir ltiIIlvflut 21 ltwrotw no 1tvl llvil WM UH My hi ti il ilaitW ll lui it gt 132 i= him tn t1 tin ll ll It VJ lidl ltt ll It lltl 1m lI tulx in 21lllll 111 wt uni um ms it trilllltlu lath tuunx IU tin tr lt ltltft Illllluu Pzwlt uazttit ti will the tllll ll DAY RESULTS Kill Illlillll Stliuul ltltl lj was held on Friday Stlll it till Shear Park with the IStililillltI lit Kenneth Robinson llttltillltll Councillor and lr lhyllas Aim tl Rexults illtlitl 1tltItllanltl llzuzan Billion 1110 harm Haskell dtl Staciy ll Dawson ll lotxin Matti BOYSwTtl Kirkpatrick itlllllll ll Aileluson ilrltl Kelccy ll Brooks Row li Edward Al Harris i11fl Stewart lllclltl l3 lhunip son lIlll llolttull hunk child Reid Running Broad Jump lllllrSaTtl Maelmlland Blogg llopkinS ltltt amp boll Warchnm llIlI lll liaskctt Odd Vultlltl Dawson 11 lotxin 17 Stacey BOYS7l Patterson For ter Aitchixon 910 llltlttllnm ll lxelccy Rose 1112 Htmaul art Pitcher Anderson 1311 Iootlchiltl llowttott lx litlll ertsun High Jump GIRLS741 Melmlland 11 Corbett llaean Slltl Wart ham lCtliiard Bayliss 11 12 ll Stacey Odd llaskctti lilll ll Dawson ll Stacey ll lotvin llOYSitl Kirkpatrick IAitchison Foster llhlt lielccy Brooks Wilson llosc lllil lAIitletsoII Kirkpatrick Stewart 1314 Reid ll llltls ll loodchiltl Races GIRLS75L McLelland Hagan Hopkins SllU Bayliss liurzceott Goring Stacey 1112 Haskell Vankoughnet Stacey 1314 llawson Gibbons lotvin BOYS18 Kirkpatrick Aitchison Foster 910B Brooks Kclcey Rose 11l2 Stewart Thompson Pit cher 1314 Goodcliild How croitR Peters we Girls Field Day Field Day 47 Style was pretty fast and furious You had to be everywhere at once or you were lost imonesea of blue gym rom pars At 930 Wednesday morn ing Ithe lockerroom was mad ihouise At 1230 Wednesday noon it sounded like an Absorbinc Jr nmercial At 430 Wednesday PllIIoSccceIbeague May Dominiontball Association East York Team llere Oct loader lllllut tttlltllllltlh by seine H13 iId lIi tnnolt led the scoring lui Cill in vtEIi totttth wILEI the lone tally of the txxunt It uncut around twice nl tiiur lemoon rigor mortis The girls who came out on 1013 were Jean Dunn senior champ junior championnot yet decided and Dawn Poole midget champion These girls we eligible for the school award in each 01 their cate goriei Watch for them at coin mencement Something new has been added in the ohape of midget competi tion To students l3 and under Suoh 521 younguge group was never needed beiore could be they get smarter Dawn Poole won errchambionshiae aSLShc high themostrofthtrfmnr 77 Call in the North American Lifevman Ilis advice is backed by alMutual com puny with 66year record for helping in the buildingof good citizens DISTRICT OFFICE 22 Dunlop St Barrie ll ll lit Ilt Illt l1 period the rd xvire Iiitime lIlVil WInllw intre lltliltl lti It It Itlt Ilt llttji lIInIne WIII tu lItIl liihinuil in the HHS iotlKalaIntta illlltn Mtittltti luwtlIt The lttlstdniv I5 In the ltlla lull lhwuw Itxtrt til the amino uul Copaco Girls Defeat CGE 1rl ltltiilt tl CIl Eo 11 cdnegtdt llvl 1411 gt1trcl lirun Iit iii lIr iIttI which twin Ili li tIItu Ithn by ltl In Il we I311 IIt year tIIt ilrop the lllltlgt in IlllL gtan lululi tlel Retired taro uas1 limestu Inuit trame or Copaco anti lllttl mit 11 the second and il evenly divided in the IInns scored tor CGlT lelyll Cutliltt lemdale run tami the tilth and five run CGE litf lifiAMilihzl BARRIE Lody Golfers Hold Annual Field Day oin BOWLING ON THE GREEN Irrtvr Dallas at Real Estate dz BITS Barrie llockey Opener Friday If FIRE AND CABlltlfll l1 Sillihlit fl GET THE MOTORMEN WIN IFIRSTGAME 54 AT COOKSTOWN lItrlI llllllit ttok1on llilitlly luoklmxti lIuta Sept 201 oolntuxwt llu it tlhlv llli 1i litr ltutl lellttil initlillr Motion Illtlllll letil its iltl lllfl llili when1 With Nunxii li Hui to Int lil lvltl cow nntl llltlllllilllttl pittHiIII on llillllw Jilltit lIlllllLlEIi lztt part 1ilt ttiuw luinlitrll ilut lltlt ltn I1 11 out Illlflli ttllttill li ill the tn Innizizz ltt lltllllllfllll glllrillttl tltliirls Ill i1i aided by lliC lllltlt nit lxt lu tllttl mum 1ttliillittlit lllli Itl lila whtvn lltt t14 Illt tttl tllltll lllltlll all were Kept well Elilllkjlkllr tookstoxrn tool tlltllll lead int lllt hrSl in hit and two Inn lmm on the llllll oi the Motors IIIl extended when tiri llarrr StVtll ll 4w V0012 tamerco in three UUM ltullitltgtl pit lll Illilli lll xluat irked like Iommandim lead Harm ocean to llll Illtll ilit IllJ sth as trtrrthinzi lllll tlIig 1IIml tlllttl to all In on lnttrit irrx and two tlltll saw llll appells run ltlllL itth IR ilw the xlllllllll one That was alll lllt scoring that llarris did but ll was enough Luoltstown manaetd ttllLl lt II llll eighth when ll lllllllk The third LElkll lit tw lltltl ncl lll llll ltlllt ti ltt llthttl by tlilgt1viu th ollball league TOIACt iiagthiierln it ll Clll xatv Ill II 11 zillltl It will pay you to see the difference Vi ulii two Motori lllu else two lVltar He 11 Lo ljmms upttto If you want llqined mechanics and service iix without wasting your time and moneylobe udvuntop III on UH We can save you plunly oi heudurlms Unit the run it been 111 titdv turn and Cobain it EDGAR September Jim Struchan has taken posi llltll in loronto Mrs 11 Luncaiulhornhill spent lew tlays at 13 Johnsons this week Mr and Mrs Duff have moved to Sunnidale atltcr spending the FllllllllLl lllttlllllS here Friends here were sorry to learn ludlmpcf Jean Dunn is our flying senior 11 you dont belicveit you should liltll She Ieallyilias floatingy pow er Anoiher feature event in the cnior reclion was the basketball tax The three winners headed by Connie LaWS all play guard on our tJaSkctball team and never get Chance to Shoot for the basket ordinarily Where are ottifor wards The team events were another great attraction All the gii15 in the field day were divided into teams each 01 which had captain lhrce team races novelty bunny hop and shuttle relay were rim off All shouted themselves hoarse and then when it was all over wondered vhytheir throats were sore Tifh the captains ad ded up all the points that each nIEIiIbeI of her team had achieved through other eventsxmd the team with the highest total won This year Katie Youngs team was the winner with at least two of the four champions on her team Ineetvc can be sure were bring inga learn of good athletes and swell kids to repiesenitour school Come with us and See them make good Bring your car hand your triendsand be in Midland on Oct Watch our champs bring home the honors to the BCI hunched round trippei with lltl thinly il lllL wusnt enough litrnliullvas magnificent in the tltllcllts as he continually retired the gtitle claiming no less than nine ketl up live but he didnt lti as lurIIt teutn in Conttnd tor sacks It just of The death oi Zlz of Rev Fred Homer the sympathy tl the urn extended to Tilt tleitth and lamtly Weekend igti nrlt liesu and Mrs neys Mr lt Sit tllit Sanderson Slessors ll AltAllhlll Tonto at his home Anniversary at the United church on Sonata weather church was tilled ttrr born gttlittlt Rev Maclavisli of Bradford delivered two very Guthrie choir itgtllLtl and ever itit tt have seen the high jump and the gimuwmd lH mml Ml ubalttl route Muse strikcout All lion pin 31 All lud tit lo Alil711 ltlt Silllll Sllplltlll lItIll Aileen Keith qumuI oxrr were held Llll ll1l and the was lhe ltllillllllf line Comfort maintained HAWKINSON TRIAD omen When we go to the Tudhope L51 ELIZABETH ST IHONE 2694 llllYA rumour curs jumped efortlesisly The height jumped by tiheserrior and almost ro lIer 0wnslaiiure though She might not admit it these three well deserve It The intermediate champion Peg Oliver wont have chance to show her etuit at the ludihope meet inMidlaml By some very mean ltwist in the mogulzillionsthlatbc iroevecats shemoo are held at the dual she jumped waS equal to that Thelotiruggle for the junior title was so close that it ended in threewayAtie Joyce Baker who holds last yearS Junior honors Barbara Cole and Mary Freeman It is yet to be run off But if the rtrophy could be divided three ways of restful sleep Such condition ms eventually result In nerv ousness and irritability on of appeti If you under from nervous con Milburns Health and Nerve Pills Over the of Canadians have found Mjlburno Health on general conic to help build up the ayatcm amend and News Pills identied refreshing rest and sleep Ask our druggist for Mllburn by the Heart on the box Thor mm 00 whom out Worry OentCeusevs Loss Of Sleep Worryris probably the most common cause of restlessness Anxieties and fears worries over nan ciul andcther matters all take their toll of hour to or fatigue dition or restlessness est fty years thousand Nerve Pills benecial an and thus help promote why not try Take Intermediate Title in Two Straight Games BOYD IneSS Broker lff lttli rltt mm lllll lifhi lillilill ll Sill 141 07 whose sole work is truth and howsnothing REPAIRS AND SERVICE ALL TYPES REGIBUILT 5010 AND SERVICED lN CANADA Earric ExamhrcrWUtl yea and worlh more BARBIE MOTOR SALES lllUNl tmair UNDERWEARQ FOR MEN ANDAOYS The lasting comfort of Penmans 95 is doc to mlntained quality throughout The soft ne natural Merino wool in 95 is alwaysthebest Design and tailoring keep pace fer perfect Care in eVerysmall detail meens longer vcar etra value deeper satisfactiOn Cheese Penmans 957 Underwear PAGE SEVEN WWW Dow Drive R00 truckl It Will spoil you for any truck youve ever tried before lltoso nin Recs handle with nmounq i0$vgttUIiI on dimeany more land for nuch Huh of wheel base Yet they 05 lots to opcrolr They are built from the ground up to nnvr you money on repairs get around tuslev und Ltuy on the job for either time 05 me Muttby men remwho mu nd the tumhlo and chop wt up 221

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