lll ii lt ll lismn It ii LJ GIRLS mm no THIS IF vounr VOHS DAYS OH CERTAI of The month Ho female functional monthly listiirliniices iniilto ion ftel llltlt yous tidgeti crankinsot lt ed and drngyed oiit it such tinies Then do try Lydizi lC liiiklizinis 544424 lfrlil OIIIO oJVRtmrtutoootmmltNtlomNNW of BARBIE Arruoiion in most cases insurance should be upon the lifeof the fatilierand breadwinner instead of on his chil WTA dronmost El parents are sentimen tally in fa vour of starting young Johnny or Susan with policies Of their OWIl endow tiire at col lege age followed by twenty policy Wherever practicable policy on the life of child should also contain the extrapremium waiver benefit on the life of the father Under this plan if the father should die from any chose before reaches Age 21 the Com pany will in edect pay the premiums which fall due the rostrum WOMEN HOLD ZONE MEETING Laurence Green 21gt liavouritcyplans are the payment life policies and The Excelsior Lifes Special Investment Library Nook WI mi OWO liois ziid txirls 11 it 61 Todd in Mr and Mrs tJth Wed on lit itlft iii ttl ltll her tilst it and Mrs Squibb Honored lttvir til ltt ltl tiiizici siLd Zttli vlt id vm 1111l11t11 fhc llmlt lllili litthmnpzm U13 Hie lune of li illill yli Vzii lv lmy v4 Tm in MM Vi li won lli il id iisiics it lt tent gttll lltlt1tt Hi Mn tinld fittiiie EH1 ilit tr llt til liettv in lxpy tiezr in trust illi n4i HI tubal iiililiil pii ii guis caiimi ii Al illi llitt till likll lt rd then lllittllh Hit or lit til it rant illll tIlIlt liineEi had been served Veintable oinpoiiiid to relieve suchsymptomslliistiiiemedicine lHltl41fltlft tor this purpose lor ovur 70 years thousands of girls and wormn have reported benefit lust sw it you too dont report excellent resultsi Woth trying VEGETABLE COMPOUND VA after date of death up to but not including premiums which fall due at or subse quent to the policy anni liit there tel ll SHiir Wu lnxiri iliaiitiu it vi of All min it tilii lrlili lilut lelxl til 311 Miiiil Vl lodi 1nd tzoi lttilttthll til illitlltl it inzint vitli llllill of tit t5 ltiivv Barrie pr llil coiu liltlttl uztii tl peeciies from the elders ti1tliitii BOND HEAD September th Stir Iltlil lIgt loxdteyy Ioroiil li visitors at Ilcleiis lii iili Muir ltiiiiiiiimi Aiiiziml lliisbziridniaii ltiiit and ltgt lillt were overiiunt Illgtl of Mrs ll 12iidzlliiii last week Ili lleiyl Wood loiqilo ac companied lier HlliltL Idis lare Kottiiiziii Vhtltil their lLlill Mrs McKav lat Men Miss Kotfniaii and her lillgtlt1 have been iiiissioiiziiics iii Tiiiiia lot several eirlt and are at tiltsttlti home on furlough in this column September ill it was stated that lordin lilttll had attended lleiiry liisscll con vention at Eloiu the previous lhirsda This item was broiight= to the attention of the Ontario sales iiiziiiaaer for the coiiipanv who said lll lid not wish other Fleur llis sell agents to get the impression had been convention of which they had not been notiiicd Mr Bradley is Hurry Ilisscll lCZTSttllllC but this coiiipiiiiy tatl no Convention on Septeiiibor ll llarvest Home Services Harvest Home Services were held in Trinity Church on Sunday The iiioiniiiL SDIVICC was conducted by the pastor Rev Hour and the speaker for the evening was ltev ll Ciittle loronto The church was tastefully dccoiatcdl with vegetables and flowers iiiost iiitablcior the occasion and bothl services were much enjoyed byl these present lhe Vl met at the llOlth of Mrs KttCCElliiW on Sept 26 with22 ladies present After the opening exercises the following business was transacted Mrs Brown and Mrs Reynolds were appointed delegates to the convention in BZitl ric Oct 14 and 15 Mrs Worse and vtVirs Andrews committee to look Womens Institute after the Old Relic display at Bee versary nearest the childs 213i birthday 23 If thepolicy hasnt ma tured or become paidup time then the child takes over thepay meat of the future premiumsbut this special benet clause has kept the policies intact without cost to the mother or other relatives 23 Your children should be givenngood start in life with policies oftheir own It is important that you help them with the creation of permanent life insurance estates at early ages whom the premium rates are low estand thus accumulate substantial policy values by the time the children have grown to maturity Let us show you how your favour itsplan plustthe waiver of premium benefit will make an ideal policy for your boy or girll child ton Fair It was decided to have an auction sale at villie November meet ing instead of the bazaar and tca as intended also to supply the cus tomary wreath for Nov ll Mrs Andrews gave reading followed by singsong led by Mrs Colbert Miss Loughecd Stroiid gave splendid talk on the Simcoe Coun ty Cooperative Health SeiVice Unit which is hospitalization plan for one family or family group Thosum of $17 pavs for one family for one year giving them Iuuuuuuuuunn Silver Wedding elehration DIRECTORY Barrie Examiner Ltd Printers and Publishers The Corner Cupbdard Roastateria The Beauty Box Beauty Salon La Velma BeautySalon JEdwin Wilson gt Osteopathic Physician Cook Construction Cop Industrial Acceptance Corporation Ltd lllv Tan IQ POT CLEANER rlgn iltlt1ltli lt Ht llllllihlt It H15 KA Many People Sulter tram Rheumatic Pain There we tvlnzii ialm antic from rimzizimtza ant yeir out regardless of the season In or ti ins iitiiiher try lie in the jolzita or Em tull hr uric titlil lowl llzt rs may bring relief fiern ll tor it litrlzlltilt11llllllllllllllitj fitiii the His is gtlll lilil up Lg Lye organs If liii lmipeir titttllillltl of taiiadiiins who rzittwr from rlifiinmtlo pains Ii spi you siiir stomach liilluiiiint litsitar iiur complaint Ill of lill lir or kidneys It should do the name for you in gt or un than years lillriltlili lllvwl lilitotl in nriiilnblo 1zilllturliE0 Umtud Ibrontn OuL drug tngthla over wt vi WAc4 it mw RVMFEQWILECWHK om to pm Wednesday am to 12 noon 22553 Saturday 9on1 to9pm l3 Ellgil 29c REESE 29 gigsiyigiggoiir 2242 we litlEEllEIt 3554 iirfroirshiiiimia 570 tigiiiiiiiiishoto on 25 Fragrant tattoo 19 gtMEMS 14c gigggEAJuoz 21150 EEHEIEE 17 BHISINS 16 spectra FINE BRITISH PRODUCT BENGERS JUNKET POWDERS ASSORTED FLAVOURS Epics15c ironies iiiiiiiEiiiii tiiiii 28 not nu rEiiiiurBiirrni 39c tiltiit an criiiiiiiriiiir 39a mar or iiiiiiriii currEE 49 LOELAWS 07 ME to 01 JAR LI IAG HERMES CUSTHRD POWEERS 252 19 SPICEETEE $55100 KRAFT LURE CHEESE 42 AMONTHFOR LIFE $1311 $234 smc SPAN 5335 955 enanmmzsc llunliiv Tested PIE CRUST it We Eamon NEELSONS JERSEY COCOA 22 P011151 236 WEQEMMES HCBSEBHDISHJJIR 19 om ENGLISH GEEPEFBUIT JUICE mm sat 10c 40159 Tommi JUICE are 44 21 kURIY LAKGEECONOMY as LAURENC HEB GREEN Representative 106 Bayrieia St BARBIE Niagara Finance Co Ltd Dr Perkins Dentist Barrie Chamber of Commerce Mitchell Art Studio on uIInuuuunimul IN TOMATO SAUCE Catellis Spaghetti 2le omgnurcn cunnisnn When Available 77 WHEY SNOW 29 Pu White Niiptliu CH dEiEtliflEtg Mai iiii23 iitlsiigiflfgg chickenHanan zscI 4530133gg Futile Foods 1235 CLARKs Governor Sauce rin GOLD Pure Vanillay Oz Bil 23c 21c at