Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1947, p. 3

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40 JIIOOI 14ovtcoooowooovrtor It 104 Socialist Professor Turns Turtle Idllllvlll OltlllllllIIllllalItllIIIIIJIIIIlililllllloa 311 11 Mt l1 11 I1ll 11 II I1 31 ll1t It GENUINE ASPIFIN IS MARKED lMiS WAY SPECIAL FARES FAREAND ONETHIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP GOOD GOING From 12 oclock noon Friday October 10m p111 Monday Ocrobcr 13111 RETURN lIMIT Leave destination not later thanlZ oclock mid night Tuesday October 14th lllCitSlAi 1gt11gtliiuli 11 1lI li 11l1111 lt 11111l1 ll potter iipt 1111l 111llll1 potter 11111itt1 lllII any 1It2t Illiti Will bl 11111l 111 riie1l 1i1i Iliilnlut Ilitliii and Iiltlllt1ilil1 be iiisiiii tiiiziil111I in stitlalltil society Itllni 1i1l1ll solvet 111 two simple tests 11 lltVl iii llieity ne of lllttl1r1 111ltiiiiet iii 31 rm uni 211111111 lilimmm plied for them For informalan and rlrtxlfi0l canmlt any humid PAKIle Kaitray Agent Zll 111 All lw 1111131 111Il11121111111 1111l 11riist trill ill l111 it 1f old vvi l111gt1i l111t 1f 11 the 11 111 Il11l Ille 111 ltilitl 11f tlw ill 11 lie llltlliillll of lure fluw The professor Siiizizvrts that Ins vlltlllltl pill tin111 f1111l out how far they really be l11 1ys should he made compul sory among Canadian tIfersf lie diuresis that they reretitl llel1 l1iny Looking llacszird with 15 pictuit ol perfectly harmoniz liitlit of the exper ience of flu 1111l leiiiiaiiy Lib 111l socialists he says should be mature enough to understand that society however organized which is not full of tUIllItWtlSy and fric tion is not likely to be free soc i1ty Bellamy achieved hariiionyl exactly as Hitler and Stalin did by llllllltlililllli dissenters and by lt1illtlllItrlllllll the minds of thei so that they would want Illl exactly what their governors sup The second test Fttitttested for lers is that of llieir attitude to Soviet Democracy The pro fessor says that Western socialists who are still worshipping or indulg ing in subtle hairsplitting as they prostrate themselves before the fairystory of society of workers and peasants ever marching on to ever new democratic victories are justly objects of suspicion to their fellow citizens All those who in this year of 1047 still refuse to see the policestate with its political NlVD and its coiiccntratitni camps its singletotalitariaii party and its regime of terror and mass deception are convicting themser cs And when they Iiold 11p Americ an capitalism as something equally to be deplored with this sort of thing they make the verdict upon themselves inevitable The real div ision in the world today is not be tween socialisni and capitalism it is between freedom and totalitarian ism KEITH BELFRY REFRIGERATION SALES SERVICE AMANA DEEP FREEZERS 30 and 123 Cubic Fet Cap IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BOX192 BARBIE PHONE 2163 11111111 1i 111111 possibility of fexcessive state pow The defenders of free enterprise lcould hardly put their case more mg 10 cclpgm How in we on 0Cibly than mini nd the 41019 sure that education loos not degen IM this Hide goes to Show that crate into propaganda might have Plow50 Underliill is 0t 11 500 been addressed to the Saskatchewan iiillist at 3111 bllt Oldlimc Lib Government 011 this question the Siiiiiilxtu lituuhi do times lllllilil fjuin 111 clouded yootl liii 1111 Hiii1l1y J1 by 111 Ioionai is 1111 guest her cousin ll1 l1gttnll Wilfred Frost of Iiieliili was 11 ncwing ltlltlulIllltllttRIllps 11 Illltlt gt111 last week Mr and Mrs lltiiry l11l1itl and family were With friends in lhorii bury during the weekend special ltally Day service was held 111 the United Church Sunday School 111 Sunday iiiornin teiii 11f goveiiiiiient lle foresees the er in 11 socialist society and the ne ecssity for cheeks upon its ibiise Three great necessary cheeks he says will be trade unions chuie hes and political paitiesfiec trade lunions free churches and politicil partiesdint it is to be hoped that trade unionism doesnt become as it has mainly become in Russia sim ply another state agency for 11111111 ipulatini the workers llow will wages be fixed how will industrial disputes be settled how will labor be distributed among different in dustries these are questions In which trade unions who vote for attention Similarly as to political parties It is extraordiimry how e11 ticing the vision is to the ordinary socialist of ii singleparty state lwhich inaugurates socialism once for all The ultimate test of freedom socialist parties might give is the right of 11111101ities to criticize and to agitate in the hope of he pluiality of political parties The professor asks some ques tions which must be discoiieerb oral and staunch defender ofpipfessor adds 09 CMOYDIISC will the Party SYS The terrible power in making public opinion which is possessed by ruthless state authority has been vividly illustrated for us in Nazx Germany and Communist Russia It would seem that the stream been without its effgct upon Prof Undcrhills attitude toward social ism and the CCF in particular Indeed he bassin this article en dorsed in trenchant language all the chief criticisms and condemnations that have been directed against the social and economic doctrines and policy of the CCF It appears to be another case of the Prodigals Return 11111111111711122 or11EBIG611551 SICIII sirac mans inn Low 111255114 11 gmd 7771 Included coming majorities This means Ii NEW LOWELL 33 for Pictures Youll Be Proud of ENLARGE Your Favorite To $1100 BRADLEY FOLDER Cl1cd 55c Wu Developed and Printed By Ilia sir MIRRORTRUE PROCESS 426 Complete with Prints CREME SHAMPOO give hair gloriouc softnou lovon sheen and highllghtsl Not liquid not onp RAYVII the cram rim bring our glam No after 1111 RAYVE contain lmo lin never leaves the IISIf ltllWdP No conditloncr Dccdcdl Gct RAYVE today Handy Tube 75 oz Jar $100 311111111113 11 IT IS SO GAY SO YOUNG SO FEMININE YARDLEY OLD ENGLISH lAVENDIR 300 95 25 GOLD LABEL VITAMIN COMPOUND Now I1 H10 Tim to COLD LABEL VITAMIN COMPOUND Will Meet You Requiremenfl of Vitamin Deficiency 100 Tablell nociufc cAMiius 51115111101111 RADIANTCREME SHAMPOO incTillie Removai unsightly dandruff gleam hOlr RADIANILY clean1oflimoolh 27 6311891 Illll Ill5155 HEINZ JUNIOR FOODS Young Children of antisocialist literature linsol for Build Resistance Against Winter Ills Willi IIEIIBIIEMIIIII NEWYoRK $2190 CHICAGO 2200 sr LOUIS 2830 DETROIT 1405 Tickets and Information of Baltic Bus Terminal fa COLLIER sr Pn0NE 3162 millions II EEEEt DELIVERY Phone 2650 in II nothing known to Scion whlch wlllglvc that Lthcn ANDRE 11 OM unblo cllon IuoImcM cell and him All Trill no 25 Irlpfq STORE nounsMon T3183 no En from 830 to 830 Wednesday830 91mdlO 12309311 Suturda 830 mm to 1000 pm Open even Sundayl21td57pm=7 to pan amidm SHADES FOR YOURJYPE HOLLYWOODS NEW MAX FACTOR LIPSTICK ModernDesign Metal Con THREE NEW SHADES FOR YOU correct for your typecorrect for fashion BLONDEScum1uONoi BRUNETTES cuuuuimo1 BROWNEIIESAlcuAmO No1 REDHEADS CLIAR 112mm ILUI RED No1 ROSI REDNOJ BLUI RID N015 ROS RID Not mu RID No1 IO No HUI RID No1 10 No1 TAMBLYN COUGH SYRUP Stuhhonuioughs and Bronchial Affection Reg 2511911 Reg50c39 SANTAX CASCARA QUININE PERTUSSIN S9c99c THEROCENE 491191 SANTAX BELLADON NA 111515115 232 for 45 RUM HONEY AND COD LIVER OIL 4989 QUININEfCAPSULES frossr 217 12s 3540s 75100s 150 ANACIN mam 2s4914119 23112 for 45 Zgr 25c doz3gr 30 don511 40 doz BAYERHASPIRIN 12 1811243 29111002 19 ALKASELTZER 297 TAMBLYN COLD REMEDY Most Effective Remedy For Cold in the Head Particularl if taken at start or onset of col Reg 302311 1111110451 English Style HEALTH SALTS Feeling Fit Pleasant Mildly Laxative Relieves Indigestion Acid Stomach and Gastric Pain 1111 1149 SALOTYN TABLETS For Prompt Relief of Rheumatic Pain Headacst Neuralgia lam OHM nutcaan Adolf 1111 It gt THRI up In QLif liacuiuu In 5011 11 Pool an an own Eiuu 11411 It leJtita tint tun flight lutza 19 111 51 Iu1125 IQHIL 1111 Pill511111 cullSE IAN bl mm mm New CIIRthi Homolovmcnmtsmnde cantor Theyre mad for easier wind llcrct why The new TONI Professional Plastic Curlcrs arc bfg inorc curling Iurfacc New Otuxo Kit with plastic curlers $250 O11 CHASES Kidney and Liver Pills For Weak Back Kidney and Liver Trouble 000 LIVER some 1111 Check CHECKERS Excellent For Speakers Singers Keepja Box Handy at the Office That Cough with Willie was Falknlsih thatbe Limit1 tguuli 114 Listen to KATE AITKEN On Your Tomblyn Eioodcast Monday thrwgh Friday IO3O Over CFRB Daily Refresher New of oplc Thrilling Event and Now Food Ideas lllitllll wasiu You my flan 13115 spar 1ril llrn tinting in1liir it dupln the NY 111 nt had I11 am mxluus for Illfiiflftilu1 in lien 11 Hzlt Hui viii hash IllllYADlt tlzrrc druz store prrparlttun bit 11Iil remme IilAItllfdi 3111 111111 reduct lint ulth 11o cffrit correct our fruit etc the 011 In the need lli clean favorite is Do El off old Skin hlddcn dirt and 411111 equally ii plenty rinsing 2111 lubricant 11 girls can help yon CURTAIN Thoriiur Our downstairs vlndmis are huge and old fashioned lrcm curtain rod to sill Is slit feet and the glass it 29 Inches across How should the Mndows be curtatmd flow hm should the drapes In Why not extend the apparent width Of the window with wider curtain rod Then hang your drapes on the extension leaving the glass clear Willi curtains right to the floor and Valance board on top that tindtl11ultl be most attractive TRANSFER PATTERNS hnve pair of pillow cases with an embroidery pattern stamped on It havent time to do the embroidery How can the print Ing be removed Rub the pattern welliwlih lord and leave it Oier 11111 In the morning wash briskly in trip and water Send your Questions to KATE MTKEN 225 JanIs Street Toronto Ina smoother CHILTIIQYIC nbbd your hair wont slip Theyre rewable to save you moncyl Rtll Kit without mrlm 3I Rtgular Klf film curl $150 ARISTOCRAT HOT WATER BOTTLE aBientot Miracle Shanghai LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE W31 11 1th gt fanaticism2514It Ambassador PAPETRI ES unit in ticihi Etc11 Rafter then85 Emergen

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