Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1947, p. 7

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Illif VihlzliS ISSUE 7750 Copies AS SKLLAD Your laintklkf i55 IA=L LI QEIAIA 11 11111111 511W 111 momma HIV 31 11 judimi 111111 111iv 311111 111111111111 lulu I1I1Il 1111111111 11 11 Mr 111s111 11111 1111 1111 2111111 121le 111111 111 Mm 111111111111 II 111 111 111111 15 pumps 111111 111111 oxII tn mumstir AB gnaw lIIIlIIIIItllItH 1111111 111111 handiwork Effective Sundayeptemher 28 1111111 COACH LIIIIIs 11111111 ul 11 luoi111151=gt1 11 gt11gt1111 1f 111151 9141 lzl 151111 K1111 111131 IIi 1111111 11111 gt1 1111 IIis1 ml 211111 111 1111 111szs 11ffli1 1f illI IIIII tlIIy 1111 Inn Ew1=11 111111111111x 11111111 spoils 1111111 11111 I1111 316111111141 uriv y111 11111 lIIsuchJ of 1151111111111111 Horwtns 11 f11113 111I11c11 1111 111 011111115 11111 111 111111 1111111 111 v1 Idicxv 1117 Ibolomcw Il121 31211111 1111 11 hllmiln lI Il Illl lllo than 11 11111 IV VHprl 1111 11111111 umd 51111 11111 I11 111 llt IIHHVINU 11171111 lord 13111 11111 311 111111 1111112 urzug 11111121 miuwi 111111111111 iiltlIIIst 11111411 1111115 1111111 lowl 11 111111 11nd 111 III MI l111l1t 11111131111 111111111 111111 1x111111111 11111 11111 annual 11 gpmp MH 11 Igiwfmtl Ill 1111111 111151 11 Vt 31111 111f11 11 Mr Victor 1115 17111 1111 11111115 of tho v1lt lIoLI 1m It pzn gnun away to 1111 1111711 11Il1 lo111t11 111 1111 lo11 loll munscouts 111111 131111111111 1111111i11111n 111111111111 8111111111 IIIN 1111 I1111 tw sonic of 1111 11I1liolI Also 11111111 j11111111s1 1111111115 111111 to 11111111 from 511111 1111 1111 11111131 111111111s 111 Ihc ltl1l lhlillltt FOR MEN YUING lIIN IIIIIIl FROM $2950 GABARDINE all sizes $3950 $4950 Sizcs 35 to 42 sINnII on 11111111 InnAsrico 111511 to $121in SIICISIW HATS $850 $1000 othch $225 $550 WI LF TODD ililioltlfillli lhc work was established in 1881 1mm lftl 1110 Wtlt lolutzovlic11 in Australia and Franco in 11182 inglhVV dl 31 115114le Switzcrlnnd chdcn India and Change 01 Time Table BUSES LEAVE BARBIE To Toronto To North Bay 855 11111 700 p111 1040 am 1750 p111 105 pm 940 pm 125 pm y1005 pm 330 pm 425 1111 410 pm 145 am to Grovcnhurst to Orillia Fri Sat Sun H01 To Owen Sound To Penetang 1040 am 211040 am 11 750 pm 410 pm 125 pm g1010 pm b1010pm 410 pm except Sun 85 H01 Sun 85 H01 except Sat Sun 81 except Sat Hol Sat Sun 81 Hot Standard Time TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT Barrie Bus Terminal Phone 31622 73 Collier LiStreet 119111111 gt1 plum 11111111 inn II whom 111 111 111111 lIrII1lt 111111 1111111111111 11111111 11111113 11111 111111111nl 2113111 I11i 11111111 1111Itly 111m 111 gnumv Now 51041 11111111 1111111111111i follou1 unl Iil Ixl Invily 11111 flom 11111 1111111111 211211111 51111111111 11f lllv SIl11111111 A1111 1241m fron 11111 51112 l1l1l 11 from how hhmc 11111111 1111111111 1111111Inli11111111111111 7111111111111111 1111 1111111r 1111 4111 11111 111111 1111111 1111115 11f 1111111115 111 1111111111111 judun gtlllt 11 wrap IIIIIIt 111 1111111 physuwil wllI 1111 till lt151 111111111111III11I1 l1al 1111 Mmgti1v $11111 III 111 um 11111gt1 11111 111111 11111 ltlg 11 Whip mp hm 5Uf1sl 11 tl11lIll food 11111111115 111 111 IIIItIIIIl clowns ronI lirmd 11 lair shcrc ovvr $1011 in III15 wIll fancy 121111 IId IIIII 111 1111114 11111 IIlllnm 11111111 1231 1111 1111 1111111113 111111 to proran for 111111 1111 111111 1111111 s111111n on 11111 1111111111 11111 strcctr 111 11111111111 was prrhnps 1111 Inst 51111211 11111117 111 11 111111111111 socicty 11111111s111111si Inocm1nt III linttlond 111111 who 1111112 Tcylon and New Zealand In cvcry SALVATION ARMY WAS FOUNDED BY Hundred Physicians WILLIAM BOOTH 111115115 1111311 11111111i 111 Vans Silll 111 1111 mint 111 111 l1 11111 to 1113111111121111 11111 Vim IcIlnn tlzr 111111111 111 111111111111 111111 oippott 1II11 111111 11111111131 11 11 111w 1111111 IVlllllttl ronI With ilootiI 111 intrrcst III 1111115 111r1111ol vsclforc Was 11111111111 111111l WIllIam Ilooths 1111111 Torin1111121 11111 1111111 for 1111 111111111111 III IsIII i111 1111 poor and III 11111111115111111111 to 1110111 Aftcr only It yczus of 1111s1111111 lhc 8111131111111 Army 111111111 111 sprcorl to othcr 11111111111lt 111 1111111 Salvulionists ussormtcd Illl thr cmiurntcd to Canada 1111 1111 first Salvation Army 1111311111115 in 1111 country at London Ontario and loronto 1111111 committrd to pohcy of cxpnnsion bcyond ircat llrituin Icncral Booth lost no 1111111 in scnd ing pionccr partics to othcr lands Canada and in 11183 in South Africa succccdinu year The Salvation Army cntcrcd other countrics Today 1011 ihnguagcs and dia lccts are nccdcd by tho almost 18 000 Salvation Army corps and out posts around the world for 111cir work of evangelism rclicf and cd umtion Ihcrc is no corncr of thc glohc in civilized or primitive society whore The Salvation Army docs not oporntq catering to pcacctimc needs as chI as to those rcsultinc from wars disasters and emerg cncics An electric sewing machine made in Chicago is decided novelty SZtll 1111 1111112 It operates without bobbin or shut tle can sew with two threads of contrasting texture such as sewing silk and mending woolV in an inter locking stitch ESToni US Army Pldiic Demonstrated at Borden Tuesday and Wednesday of last week the army personnel nLCLImp Bordon and themcmbcrs of the RCAF had an opportunity to wit ness demonstration of huge fly Ing troop transport of the United States Army The twinengined ship known as the Fairchild Packet took on three jeeps with trailers and scared aloft On another flight the all metal plane went up with 35 troops fully equipped third flight was made with threequarter ton lorry tow log 25poundcr gun and 10 troops plus the crew of six The odd looking craft had fuselage like railway box car door almosttcn feet square opened at the rear of the fuselage to admit the cargo large truck could be driven in with ease Gross weight SNOWPLOWS TOIHAVE PHONES CALL EM IF YOURE STUCK whourmusca If you live in the southern part of York County and get stuck in service snowdriftin theswintertimepthat isjust lay down your show shovel Len h0WY0 30 and telephone the nearest snow difference our Sanitone plow Service will make Fabrics Fantastic you say Not at all respbnd with new life Snowplows with telephones are the new lustercolors latest snowclearing device approv sparkle like new See for ed 0f by the ITOTOMO and York yourself Call us todayl RQadS commlsson Members agreed that their three southern plows within the 25mile range of the Bell Telephone broad Sllvitl Wright 88 Dunlop St be equipped with the mobiletelc phone units In spring they said the telephones would be transferred to three of their trucks By this latest innovation in office topldw communication the com mission hopes to eliminate recur rence of incidents last winter when plows became lost to them for as long as three to four hours during heavy snowstorms Cost of installing the units was Cleaners 511221113151111121131113 PHONE 2634 131112111 proximately $1 day plus $6a month minimum charge Thmobile telephones will be given oneyear trial the commission decided but it expressed the view that coming well as forScout functions the 985473 station inTorontoWorrl it iml 31111 11 115 311 1111 11 11111 115H 11 111 1111111 iv 11 11 1111 511111111 11111 11th S11 11v Squ 1111 of 11 s1t 1110 1111 111lt 11 11 =I 1111111 i1111111111 11 1111 111111 112111 of 111111 11 11 1111 31111111111 1111111111 11 11111 IluItois LI1111111 111111 in 111 1111 111 11 11 11111 11111 111 111 p111 31 pl 3111 jlllltl W111 f111 lliIIIMIIIZII $111 It 1111 lIo s1111111111 f11 iiuiIxIIlual 111111 511111111121 11 11 11 111111 11 3111ch 1111 lt111C131 31111 ll inzinm 11311111 1I 1Il 1111 1I 11111t11 11111 11111111111 11IwI 1111 311111 111J11 31111 11 1111 31x III TAdivmuaIEnteIpris iEmphasized in Addresg By Gladstone Murray 1111111 1121s 1111111 lI ilEItlsltlllt Mur 1111111111111sm ls 1111111111111 Its 1111 f11r1111I 51111111 It 1111 1r of 111115 211111111111 111111111121511111 1111111111111111 i11ll1gtllt Illllltl 112111111 Mcdid 1111 Associotlon 11 11111111111 1111111 Scplcinhcr 17 Vigormush rlcnounrIILI Hnununl ism 11111 SIILIIIIISIII 1111 spcaltcr saidi collcrtivism is 111 111111111111 Mars lingcls 1011111 lrot and Stulin It Is 1111111111111111111111210that with mo notablc rxccplion of Sir Staf ford Iripps thc lcodcrs of the 111 horSocialist Arlnnnistrntion in thcl Unitcd Kingdom 111 111111 spook as 11111111111 Socialism 11111 supplonrrl religion llcfcrrinzz to 11111 win szrIic CIIIITKIZI Mr Murray said Sori Is and Communists 1111111 c1 official ly 111 wnr with 1111111 othcr llut lIcI 11ldcd that bccausc their doctrincs Icrc fundzuncntnll 1111 sumo thc antagonism was morc 111111111 lrocw 111m tcnchcs 1111111 to stand indc pcndcntly on his own fcct the oth crs try to persuade him to losc gomg himsclf in tho hcrd Any absolute guarantee of sc curity is snare and delusion he asserted Mr Murray spent some timc dis cussing conditions in Great Britain The crowning paradox is that United Kingdom Socialism Iikc cartclizcd private enterprise of the of the plane with cargo was 23 tons The plane had conic to Bordcn from Toronto Prior to that on its four the craft had visited Trenton and Calgary The tour had commenced at IIIV crs Man undo the direction of Capt 1B FirlottCoflhcJoint AiTSchool Second in command of the tour was Lt Marcel Marches1 sault Fittccn Canadian paratroop ers accompanied the tour The three officers and three sergeants who were the crew members were from the United States Army Air Force When the plane left Camp Borden for Rockcliffe Sqdn Ildr Stanley Partridge AFC of Barrie travelle as 21 passenger He had beerrvisiting with friends and rcl ativcs here SCOUT UNIFORM ITO SEE NEW WINTER When members of the Dominioif Executive Committee of the Can adian Boy Scout Council meet in Winnipeg on Oct 10 they will 13 amine proposed new winter uni form for Scouts in Candda itgwas announccd recently by George Fer guson Ottawa Executive Commis sioner for Stores at Dominion Scout Headquarters An allpurpose out fit designed for everyday wear as winter uniform has been designed by experts Shortage of materials 111111111111111111115 It 111111111 out 131 1111 11111111111 Isc systcin III Norlii 11111I11 1111111 production Il rhaf 111211 11111 1211111 13 hyyprorhirt 111111111 ICIIIIU 11111 stahlety 11111 Iny othcr systcm In his rcniurks 11111 spcnkcr shill lhc 1111111 111 11111 11111111 is thuttil 41 VII WIS 1Illllm Ill 111 coucciitration of too much pou or and its abnsc 11 1111 lIItI1ltllttll1 1r group whcthcr 311111111151 or $1171 1111s1 Concluding his ddrrss Mr I1111gt my 1111111111 from tho Words of SIT William Oslcr to some students As to your Incthod of work how 51111110 hit of Idvirc lakc 11o 111111111111 of 11111 morrow lic noithcr 111 thc past nor in tho futurc but lct 11111111 days work obsorb your IIItirc P11 mLics and satisfy your 11111st11111 bition The st 11110111 who is AIIIIjvllli about his futuro nnxiruts owr the examinations doubling his fitnrss for thc profcssion is certain not to do so won as tho man who 1111113 for nothing1 but tho matter in tumult and who knows not Ihithcr 110 Is 211111111111 1111111111 11111 111111 111131111 HE BARRIE EXAMINER HERBERT sournwoool mmhwcr SUFFERS 220 VOLTS 11111011151 IN FALL Attend District Five Medical Convention II II ulillgunovl Hutu1111 11111r1I 111111 11 30 with 111111 Ixurhlng 11 11114111 lt 311111 1111 rim111 11 1111111111 In Illr flour 11111 11 IIMIIHI In 1311 1111111 iIlHIIJ IIIVIIIIIJI III 111 lIIIIII11III 11111111111111 hr hospital 111 1x 11 IHII unl 114s smia nut111 good rr11111r I11 111111111111 In 111 Illril III Illl Iltztrir ull Ir Nlr SuIItIIuoHII 11 In Jtlrril II If Inuu IAII 111111 131111 lIlIII 11 311 11 NIBSIHIXI IIK lllltlli$lll 11 lt V1 11 14 WNW ATTENTION 11 HOME OWNERS 1111cs 111 litilig 11111111 3113 111 Covet n1 111 l1li5li IN CANADAS MALLIDMSON 11 11111111111 gt41 INSIIIANIE AGENIY 11111 3715 21 3Ilt12r111131113311111113131111111 OPEN NOW 171 1l llttdll ANI 11111511115 SllltVltl HARRIS TAXI Phone 4529 II IIltItI Prop 811 JOHN SI BARRIIL NIAIIII lrurnl Gcntlemcn CHARITY CIRCUS RAMESES TEMPLE BOB MORTONS SHRINE MHHMMHHHHHHHHHHHH 3o THmLLma Ac PRESENTING THE GREATEST PERFORMAIIOE lo the HISTORY of the GREATEST INDOOR SHOW ON EARTH 1311111 OCT 11 lHRIJll Box Office Open Sept 22 All Scat Rcucrvcd Every Evening and Saturday Afternoon Boxes Only Relerved Remainder of Afternoon Um mail order Han belowMAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW nw RAMESES TEMPLE Presents BOB MORTONS OIROUS Oct 6111 lo Ilth I941 MAIL ORDER FORMNo tclcphono rcscrvntlons will ho tttpINI cAIILTou cuuncu STS TORONTO ONT CAN Encloscd is chcquc or moncy 11rdcr tmadc paynhlo to anlc Loot Gnrdonsl for for the oilinviog rcscrvcd seats for THE SIIIIINPZRS Boxcs or Rails at 3200 Evonincs lllAICIE OF HOUSE at 75c livcningsul lst Iicr 11nd Sidc Blucs at $150 Evenings mm or PERFORMANCE WANTED NAME Ilcosc Print1 CITY PIIONE ADDRESS ENCLOSI SELFADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE FOR RETURN OF TICKETS Ariiobucr or GENERAL morons llIc opcn road is calling 11d1111kv is 1111 family that sets out from home in an Oldsmobile Iith GM HydraMath Drivc For Iicrc is 21 car whose smooth lines and smart st ling lit IlgIIIVIIIIOL your spirit of sandcrlust car hose gcullc coil Spring ri1lcmcans comfort Iycry nIilc And most iIIIportaIIt ofalla cur that lets thcrlrirer cnjoytlic trip as much as his pasauigml 11 ll1IIallatic DTIVt gcts thc crcdil for that This fully irnrclL fully automatic drn pro 1111s pcrmnncnl vacation from all gear slnll 11111211111 Illlltll pushing IIIyydraNlatic Drin kcvps you always In 1111 rIglItgcar at 1111 113111 1111111 Tillonmlicullv Oldsmobile is Illtl11sl1l11tll car to oflcr HI HydrayMtic mince11 impossible to have general distribution of the new uni formthis year but sufficient will be available to have field tests made under actual winterconditions new winter boot for Scouts has been designed and is now being distributed by the manufacturerto dealers throughout Canada Mr Ferguson added years would see them come into more general use throughout the county T0ronto Telegram GRANDSIRE 0F CROSSWORDS The original American cross word puzzle called wordcross was published in the New York Sunday World in December 1913 11 RA IOTORS Ilo ulwwplcsay ltsqxterHlIrOwn an 1s To you who are whiting for your new Oldsmobile01 thanks for your patiehce our tribute to your IHIUIII The dcnmml for Ollbonnliilc withllhe new HydraMalia Iric is so widrsprrad that it still greatly cxcrcds the supply Makc surc your prcbirnl Iar IIirrics you conrcnicnllv arid Shltl through waiting pcriod 113 11111 ing it chmlied regularly by yourUldsrnobilc dealer 617A lts111111113 MOTORS LTD BARBIE our

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