Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1947, p. 4

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RAGE FOUR 15 Quick To Make SPICE lT WITH Melt tablespoons dripping add tup Llioppcd onions and cook until iriiiispiireiii Add cups chopped cooked meat Moisten with one tablespoon Libbys Prepared Mustard up gravy and cup boiling wutcr and iour into baking dish while it Cover with biscuit dough made by sifiing into bowl cu sifted flour teaspoons be ing powder Teaspoon salt cut in four teaspoons Cold shortening then mois ten With ag cup milk liiike PREPARED MUSTARD at 425 degrees for about 40 minutes liirn out on hot platter Lind serve vth hot griivy or chili SdillC four FREEu IBI Iiandaid IIXB Tsclpo card Iealuring 20 delirious way to we Ilbbvs Mallard Just read your name and antitrust Io lihbyl Chnlhum Ont 1M1 r47 IIEII erves tin Ilitlz11 Iliil1 II I1II1ill IlllIti ii oiir iini ii 11 it ii 1i111 ii iIljI 117 fli lllui 1i zill1I Cll ltl it 34 Iliii iii 11 1tiliitli 11i 1il 11 TRY THIS TONIGHT Do what liltlttllti llt doing to JI up siliiliiii CALI iiiniiiiiiu iiid il bright 111 iii liiiii1tiiptolil delicious mliine Inlorc rriiiiiig Viiitlllt iitis iii tillct in IIKIP bring sparkling inoriiiiii iitxliiims liiit 1xlici1 v111n ii bciiiiint it fosters miiiid ItlliWIllllI slccp itllHill TINgt Suiind it stippiicx cxseiitiiil food elements to rebuild viiility while you sleep gtlIIII it 111st lnriiisiics iiiiporiint iiiiiiiiiiii1d tltilicrii in Itlicitltls iiiorc iiziiiiml ty for ii11miziid health iiid iginir So why not iij vultiiic shining mugit lor morning freshness tiid IlLlAlll tldja Top off 31in occasion with round of frosty Orange Kin Heres Tofrathmenl at if delightful best 1031 Orange and other flavours DRILLIA KIST BEVERAGES toot riiiEiiiis BET TotETiiEii iii 11 ii 11 not Ii liJilIII ll li ii Ill ii 111iit1 pi 311 liiw illi1111ti 111 vi hitilldlitl tilltl 11111 11 viii it iiniiii tlttltti lm ltizics of Your itpic iillit 11 11 titli11111 ii1c 11111 111 ltltllltl Miss Illit lidcr 1iit liiirric 111st it1lll1 ziriii tIl iOtiIt to S1tll both 11s 1ltItli for tho prist your iic iliilllt gt1 Mr and Mrs Fred I4 How Ii Trtnm shortening and sugar Add can heat Add tbs grilled orange rind and tsps orange juice Sift toutliter sifted all pose flour lQ tsp sat tsps Magic Baking Po Ier idil Mix Chill Roll dough thin out according to di riii ions below Bake in 375F oven 10 min Crescent Cookies Follow above recipe lllt with crescent cut Jer Bake read with melted sitcot chom ate sprinkle with finely Chopped walnut meals filled Cookies Follow above recipe cut with round cutter ut smaller round from cen llcr of If the rmtds Bake llien spread plain roundwitli queuedsweet Chocolate top with doughnut round Coeounut Sticks Follow above re cipe cut in strips by Brush with milk sprin kle with Cocoa nut Bake Dip ends in melted sweet chocolate Pecan Squares Flollow abciive re Cpe cut outth Tn squares with as wheel lace pecan meat in center of each nets in limited late tintheouse Linseed and Turpentinoat hail check coughs and colds quickly MT Willh Mlisiiciil 111 month of tllli iii finch liiiisiiizin ioscs W1s11 iiiiicw illttl Whiio litlt slic Eli ItI 21111 Iitlliit iiitl iLli ii 121 tIIlt11111li 1111 1w Wit3 1iiii limit int Illliltllttl uiil lliirty Ittlllti Iiiii 1li 11 li1ltli 411 1t rti did 114 12111 1tlil ii111iti111iitd lili 1111ii tiiiliiziutc iiii 4111 111114 ii i111ic 1xliinlii gtll1tiilil riviiiriitsiinl gt11iltil lliiriil 1111E iiitrti 12 Stllitlililtl 1t 11o on iilt 11111111 UI lliidciiii off Iilt innii ti Sittit is iiiliuy it must of lylililildiilltllS15tlllllt Einiwizn 11ii 119 Mun 1111110 icpiiiicd ilitll c1111 iiiri llititlllgt uiitil ftfit iIIIgt 1i 1111 of ttiiiin twining to 211141 111 Suniiixir 5111 ix ariiuiintiiohili1111triidiiiiti Mrs siliwtgtc 1i li tr 141s tili lillitrlif ttllltdliillt 11 1t1tl tltc 1311 Iitlti 11 1111ii iiiltl sziiicd lioiii Now York 1151 liiidiixi ltXi til 5111 Ilt in Midland lull tiic 1ittiiii1 iiolin iiii tiuthcii ihciv xvii 1111 ttliiVNlIltlli 111 St iiiii Sweden StVtlLll lliiiiltS vcic AIIILiliil iii Scptiinbtr itlfifl winin thc ship was toipiidoid trczil THE BARR EXiflER BARRIE mic Mi in ti itli IIIII lI i1i 111ti to fitlltltll iiiiiiit1 ii thllllii 111 llliili tonne nnrl 1e11ii above full 111 1gtii Iillilt 111111 tltIiltlliiIJIt 11111111 iiii 111 be iviiilnbiiz 111 liithls illitlilv blur ltttid lii11 itd liiowii iiid 11111 1i111 11111111 is of lt ItIIttI intimi in 12111i lrsiittItll Silts troiii liil iiiti di tltilillllli 111w coins to Stt1tll llii Iitliit iii Ilfi Iron Viviltlt sink 111 jiiili Iit brother who 14 toiiiplctiiiu his Exivrii ill liti lioniii IllItllt she left liirric Miss Iiigood oi t11tli11 hiltac innd 1t wits 1111 first trip to thc Uiiitcd Kiiigzdoin Silltt ltiiiti iiiiilL tiit Atliiiilii tltiSSlii wtrc iiiiidc by littllt liiircliiin 11v 1111 Miss lilgood iicuiiil Iii1 Iii0 on 1110 and she was obliged to spend llillt hours in it lifcboiit 11 Iltlvltttlli trip to Britain Miss lilllzood took liiilf her baggage illititllltt in food such items Its licsli biicoii cic in country vhiri iiiost foods 111vc litiii strictly rationed for several years VIilit llil food 111 England was iiiiiiioloiioiis Miss ltiigtood rcpoittd IIlill tlic llttlllit vcrr ccitziiiily not starving Tiny iippczircd vvcil 21nd brzivc iiiid ihccr ifui good fruit 1111vcst iiid Ii 1wnriii Silliiilltl liclpcd thc country iziciitly 21s the people enjoyed their clniiigc ill dict itiitl Inid riizuiy iiioiiis out of doors Oin saving griicc iid Miss liliizond is thutdiish not iiitioiitd itlitl llltll is it good sup ply itlltl variety in most places The August issue of Quill Lind Quire contiiiiis photos rind biLLLf Iskctihcs of two former Biiiric people Miss Peggy Bliickstock who has joined the stuff of 1Ml0nt tiild Sons loronto 21nd Citiiipbcll Hughes who hiis become Educa tion representative for Eastern Ifunzidu for the itycrsnn Press Miss Bluekstori was formerly its Bake Dip cor sweet chocp SISlitill to Miss Ellen Elliott of thc Macmillan Company of Cuiizidu With Dciits she will tnkc charge of promoting their trade iiild educat ional books Dents plan to expand and enlarge their trade line by the publication ezicii year of few cure fiiiiy selected Ciiiiudiuii titles both of fiction 11nd nonfiction books will be vigorously promoted and backed up by advertising both in the press and other book inediii Miss Blackstock who is wellknown to many in the trade has had an extensive cxpEricnce in editorial and promotional work and will g1Vc good deal of her time to promot ing the new Dent trade titles Quill and Quire states Mr Hughes who was born at Stroudnis graduate of Barrie Col chgiateinstitute Toronto Nurmal 001 Mchster University and the Ontario College of Education He has had considerable teaching experiencc in Oiillia and Hamilton Schools and comes to his position Mother Plays Saie With Dr Chases Syrup What satisfaction it is for mothers to always have Dr Chases Syrucp of to For nearly half centur Dr Chasas with an intimate knowledge of the teachers problems 111iviviiiriiinn 11 21nd groomsiiiziii These 85 Family sizea times much 75 Syrup has been the stand Vytreatmsnt for coughs and colds in the great majority of homes It is just as dependable as ever and Just as pth to use but Chases Syrup of Linseed qnd Turpentine gift CANADA LAiiir ORANGE PEKDE ioniiitii IIillllt tiiixslniiii 1311 ttli illI XtV IIi i1i ginniii iiit to lllt Irlltlt 11 liill 1111111o1 iiid llti tltti 42111 of pmri iidtot11cbiidi would Yt iiq 11121cd tlltlitll tlli 1111111 itIfll iiiiir ivl pmiis to liltlScllI ti IEIIT whin Ijiitil Ililicii id iwiikiiili illitl titillii 19111 tltllllll trip llit young coupli tlll to liiittnio illltI tIIIltl points south Vliin they ltllllll 1111 Will iisidc ill illiiIpsioii IllNiSlONSltll tillllllltl liitli1llltl Mir Iill 1t11 Appoint Mrs Howden HIlCVliN lllll Slim11 Illillllfit 1111111cii ininiiic tbc 111110 of John 111oiiiiis ltlhlll tiil Ill Mt ititi ixllb IILIS ltltlli liiiiiilo ilic tiiiiiioiiy viir pitttoriiiiii 11v licv lizlilt7 inr 111 oi ioioiilo iiSlgtllti 11v licv liziriild Stuiiitiiii Miss 7min Mniiioc The Quality Tea WMS Told of Life at The Glen Mohr Comp oi Ii ill1li111i tli in vilii biocit ittioiv 0n CERTAIN DAYS of The Month Do fciiizilc iuiirtionzii monthly disturbances litttiit you ltii iicr llilzl NIIASIIIHItlI AT NERVOUS chtiiibli loinpouiiii lo ltIitVt ti uchsviiiptoins Ihirziiiiiiiicdiiinc is iir itliti 1111 this purpose For mm 70 years thousands of girls iiiii Viiiniii Il1t reported 111 Si 1iiks Alitvilitiiii tiiuitii oi IUltlliiiiv rciidcrid ll sniiiti Toronto on Scpt l7 ltlli 1111 Tho int IllWWII mi Hi walk XmsIlilglIYAlLlllliytittllrttlillltl liiiiiiiitiiist iltllyilli toi1iioiit tiiidziid of tLliltlitlii tilltlttl thc litIiitIt You iiit11 lli Iiiiiiiiiiitc 15 13er Ulnjill 511 will Ktlllllli WUHSP WW wining 111 which tltllt iiitiiiiii iiti Iiliici 1111 liiidi Itltllutl Iiivily HV lydm 11an 111 Such tiiitilliltl or Mr liltl Mrs 111 ii iiviwri ol uliitc Vioiilt tuttito iililii iilliziiii hitch bctiiinc thc titli llillltllt1tittl 11tt lllxt iiid bridi of IItlilil iiiihiist 1iiiii slight Ililill Iiti loin tll11lli1tlt1 iv stiiii iiniric son of Mr Lind Mrs t11 131111111 from Ll ttitiiiiil or iii1 dwmw liviiirtoii IItV 11 Toy loi pcrloiiiiid tlir tciiiiioiiy liic bridc givtii iii iiiiirriiiuc by her f1t11cr Wow 11 ltill of ivory Siltlil ith loin 121cc puiiiiicrs llcr vcil Icil from It ittLt coioiiit illltl slic won bib of piiirls tiic gift of tint room iicr iltclS vcrc lhc Illit11 of honor Soiiiii Such sistii of the bride illitl lllt bridcs niiiids Iitltii 1iiiiuston Mrs Lloyd IItllllltltlil itlitl litidic Kctt Vtlt siiniiiiily iittiicd in peri wiiikic bluc moire lillitiil with iiizitchiint mittens iiid biiiidciiux IiLilllilSS ihcy Citliittl litStllS of roses Itiiy liviiisto11 was his brothers illitl thc uslicis wcrc Bob Morrison Douglas Stiijctint and Iiirt Such During the signing of tlic regis ici chiii Livingston cousin of thc prooiii song Perfect Love At the rcccption tiic brides mother lLCLlVCtI VCiliIlig bcuuvuis grey satin with it CIlSilgt of pink loses while thc grooms iiiothcr tis sistcd iii tziupc Illillc with black accessories iiiid coisiiite of rcd roses IlOWNMclNTOSII 011 Saturday afternoon Sept 2t 1947 zit tiircc oclock St Pauls United Church St Czitiiuiiiicswis the scene of it lovcly Autumn wed ding when Iiiirold Delbert Chown son of Mrs James Dinning and the late Mr Chown was united in marriage to Mildred AiiiiicMc Intosh only daughter of Mr and Mrs McIntosh St Catharincs The altar was beautifully decorated with gladioli pastor of the church the ceremony The bride given in marriage by her father wore it floorlength white szttiii govvn and fingertip veil with wreath of orange blos soms She carried bouquet of roses and cariiations The brides attendants were Mrs William Luby matron of honor who was becomingiy dressed in white crepe Miss Dorothy Arm strong oi Brockvillc bridesmaid wearing blue crepe and lace Wil liam Luby of St Catharineirwgs groomsman Following the ceremony re ccption was held in the church pariors The couple left for short honey moon inonc of Lake Eries sum mer resorts On returning they officiated at willrresidc in St Catharines outof7t0wn guests included Mnl and Mrs Jas Dinning and Jean Chown BarrieIMrs McIntosh Iroquoisgrandmother of the bride Misses Dorothy Armstrong Brook ville Marion Thorpe Brinston and Miss Johnston Believille all cousins of the bride SAGEGIFFEN prettywwedding took place at he Cedars the home Qfthe brides parents on Saturday Sept 20 1947 at 300 oclock when Hazel Marie only daughter of Mr and Mrs ElwoodJ Giffen Stayner became the bride of Russell Albert son of Mrs Sage and the late Clar ence Sage Antcn Mills The cere mony was performed by Rev Clements Minesing with back ground of gladioii The wedding music was played by Miss Marjorie Kirkpatrick The bride who entered the liv ing room on the arm of her father wore streetglength turquoise crepe dress trimmed with tuschia and carried bouquet of red roses and Rev McTavish iiii blossoms Siic riiiiitd 11 bou t11ti oi rtd roscs 11nd 111lt tiludioli pctiils ilic lllillltill of honor Ilit brides sister Mrs Alvin Doyle of Iiiilliilltllb was ilit1 iii zipplc tilCtll Iltltllttl iiiilic toilctn citr ryiiiiz bouquet of pink illiidioli pttiilri llit hiidrsmziitls Miss lcnii Stcvcns cousin of thc biidc and Mrs Riiwmii worc llitlltliiiill ifuwns iii piiic liiuc biociidcd iziilic tiiitctzi Ciilljtillli bouquets of pink illil vliitc glutiioli pctiils 1lic flow cr girl little Siixiiiiiic Stevens sis ter of the biidc woic pillt pink brociidcd fiiilic tillfold vitli shir icd bonnet 1iid curried littit of rosebiids iiid coriiliowcrs liob cit Smith iltltmlti intended liit Itiooiii with Alvin Doyle iiid Mur rziy lioss its ushers Guests from iiire vcrc Mrs Ncwiiiziii the brides ii1iidiiiotlici Alliiiiditlc und Mr 11nd Mrs Iliiytoii Gosncy loyiitz St The reception was held zit iiilcoolcy Gardens the brides llilt tlici receiving in it gown of coins llill blue crepe 21nd 111cc 21nd block picture hot The uiooiiis mother was cowncd in pole blue fiicoiiiic crcpc with black hat 41nd both wore cor sugcs of yellow roses lhc 111ppy Sake for iiiiiiiiEiiSi THREE iiiis tlBBYS BABi FOODS ABSOLUTELY FREE Coupon Below Entities your baby to FREE gift of any three tins of Libbys Homogenized Baby oqu you Select Hfurry niOlIltriiI TIIIIS getacqiliaiiitcd Just present coupon below to your 1iiltt very Occaswn 2121 fiie irrrrr ICING DECORATING specialadviintiigvsofLibbysStraincd Foodl 15 any three which you select dill iloiiiogiinzid Baby Foods the 11m only baby loods which are Ilomogen mm 12 Vurlellesv Wthh izcil for easier digestions Thats why CIUde films vegetables soups and 53 Wedding Cakes Specialty MRS KIRTON ANNE STREET PhoneBIerie 81414 ucre Lilliring an absolutely FREE gift to your baby of three tins of Libbys Baby Foods custard pudding Youdont have to spend penny But hurry This odor is open tic21 limited time only Fu Mothers Address To dealcrs Libbys will redeem this coupon at your regular retail price sum ers TAKE TIIISCOUPIIN TO YOUR GROCER RIGHT This coupon entities bearer to three FREElins of libbys Baby Food kONLY ONECOUPON PER FAMILY This coupon void after October 1947 UDIO MASTERPIECES or selectfyoui patternsL and color note front our complete assortment of Sunworthy and Suntested AWAY um ONTARIO BFZO i$ Bring ummer doors coloring right in your home with bvBQXERI FLO GLAZE PAINTS VA new OCEAN DDT WAT PICTURES FRAMING ISHES ANDENAMELS also he PAINT It repells insects OIL 82 illt it ti =i tti 11 iIi1iti 111 111 11i 1i tttil1tt V1gti llfl Ti tgtlIli Iii 11 ll it it 11 li HUI itit111l1ti 13111 fr 111 iilllitl viill Hi Alli It tlIHl lii H2 ii Iii Hm lil inn illil ii Fit Wt1 It IItv liti 11 lv Im titi illi 1til lioii liidiii li Hl milk it 1111111121 ttl iiiii 1111131 il i1Iiili Nlmm millllmlil 11 lhp 11 Hnlhl 11 ilntv gt Hr INF W1 1Uliittiitlr ill ltilI111IiII Iflliii ltitl ll Ti vlil Iliinittiiidrv sit l111 dim Vlml Vi li ai ii111i 111 1511 Th MN whip MUM illllll iiiiiiti1 Illlllliil11 1111211 11 to iiiliii ttl MJHL U1 mum Nle L1H ivii in i111 11 ltliliil1i IlUl 1l Inn Iitxiill iii1 Itxl liili111112hHili ll 111 izl 111111 111111 iiiiwiiiii mm th mph Mm Hde IMl111ll1lllilti how iitl gm mi HM knumvr hltlllllit hr lliiiltl In oitliizii Militi in HM 11 IIHIIVIIHH 11 in 11 1l i1 UHLH will on tit VI liilIIlmll Illl Al IAIli HJUiI mle ww 1m ml 1111 A11 H1111 EHIHIi liiimi Wile Il1 ItlIII iixiiiar tlliIIld in titluln tiilt lliil

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