Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1947, p. 17

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23c in gniwi 1111 51111 111tiii Ill 11i=11l11i iIil lflp 11 1c 51111 iii win iiii Ilo Ii 11111c In 151 iop llilllilixiiii1ii gtiii twilllit zi 1111111 ii 31111 ic 1111 IIH tiiliwi 111 Iiiii IIIEI1111i11111i15 1ndi iliiilii ii11 loi lilitiifittl pt 1111 Yill iS vil Iikid ti wonnn tilil11 CASH RATE cents Must be paid before insertion IF CHARGED with HELP WAN Ilil IN 111 XMitit H4111311 1111 Ifiili 1I11111I1ltl on lion ZII lllllt IIiiii tiil 1lt1iitt1w extra for box numbers or replies directed to this offin IIIIIIIINI INSEltIltINS SAME RAILS All Classified Adlets Must Be In gt Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY You must include cash stamps or money order with Cup to get low rate iipi Iifli liicic in ciiIi it illiiliiilllllllji 1111 V11 ii in 111 oi icpicsciilic ilh 111 Iiilllll lliix l1111 lIxnnnnci IliIltlpiil time 1oiII1omi IIt nctakcr Ilii l1111iclt lelllltll tQIItliiIJY ioi iiii11ziizh school Ii loiiii Stfttitl Aica lilt llzir ie 39b WOMAN VANiICD to assist with Iliillvt11it1liti care of boy lillli Xliilltlilt preferred outside voik Slate 1111c exper iiiitc 1111i oiiuiii and religion in Illl place for inicivicw to 10 llov iizipiciii 111 ltllillly DEC it out minimum 35c word minimum 501 vltttIMMIIDAITIIN WANTILIE Lil IL EA ll llkiiltl couple iiitt fIiIIltil AIIIII tillililtll P1 111iiizi1nr iooiin 11lilil11il c1 11115 BARBIE Tl WM Aifllr BARRII LPTLRIO CANADA ron sari int in ltltt SALE in 15011 SAI 11 on itl ilititi 121 11 11 III 14 11111 Mann 11 iiiii tii ill 1111 511118 51 pi lillillIHII llitYtlJl In 131 IIE tiiilizisi foui lIlI 1111 41211111 lipi 11I LADY 311111 Huh Iirl iillIlIJviNiIiIIiCAiitIit 11111 lil Milloimii 1111 Apply 111121 11 411 nlii rim ltlil riotii i1iii Kalil liiozli LADY Itllp Iiil 13v Evie 1111 1311 liiiiiici Lilititii CHAT iti iii oiiiiiioii 1111 11111311 Iiiliiiii 1411 W1 Iiii IHI Lm iViII iNIlll iii hit iii 11 11111 llIi llioiir tookuiowii 11111 1111 Iliit11111 Iiilpl tt gt1 ixiIII SIANIIIL lUiIIIIH coiiii icasoiizihic ir novs iiiiiii l11I11 Inii Iiiiiiiltc 11131 lliil ion 1111U c1ic 11m iii Iiiic Illrl Ipiitinint IIIIYIINIIIWI oil iiIunii ItiiiiiIxIi llIlII llishop 51H 131111 thil coiiplc With two llniiic II Iltip i1li niaintciiaiico iizan for IUUHI mum WWI fl chooi iiinisfii iovziisiiilh flirt1 iinfiiiiiisiicd apartment rooms by 1M ltindiyqdmno Alliio or cziil ill iitic1vnic Shoe Store llcst oi rcfciciiccs 11 159p IIUSINICSS tlliilili iiiiiiilieiicii no tlilltiltll wish 11 Iilii oiic or nioic furnished or unfurnished hoiiizciuepingz rooms from let if to May 11 llziiiic or viciniiy Ilox Barrie Examiner 11 2111p POSITIONS WANTED SAY YOU SAW IT IN Till EXAMINER 51 Still IIIIIK Your own Inisinwsi No boss no time clock independence The leading line of Home Service Products If you own car operate in thc country till1111t pick city territory Full iiifoiiiiation free on request 19AM lLIIX Dept 111011 Dciorimiei i1oiiircai 39M SilIWAIID INIl1DIIie Barrie llranch of Canadian Legion require stcwmd for the now Legion prem ises All applicants should write only to liii l11111il Secretary at Box 81 Ilairie Applicants must state name one marital status service txlltlItlitt and occupations of all types clerical knowledge educa 11on and general remarks salary imiinmiuni and two letters of re tercncc liltli WANTED USEDSIUDIO COUCH wanted Phone 11913 3391 USED SEWING MACHINE Box Barrie Examiner 11391 HORSES WANTED for mink feed 11 Taylor Midhurst Phone 80214 Barrie 3181 TRACTOR PLOW wanted 2furl row narrow bottom Edgerton Crown Hill 3391 WANTED for mink feed healthy aged or injured horses Lock hart Cundies Phone 4396 33652p DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE wanted for free pickup Phone collect Barrie 3617 Gordon Young Ltd 31452p RUG WANTED about 9x12 for living room Must be in good con dition Apply Box 22 Barrie Ex aininer 339p TABLE POTATOES Rented High est price for good quality Clarence Cumming 31 Campbell Ave Bar rie Phone 4504 33948p WANTED TO BUYStanding tim ber hard or soft wood for cash Please give details to Box 11 Barrie Examiner 3391 WANTEDMens suits work boots comic books Western fiction True Detective mechanics books Dial 4187 The Variety Shop Collier St 339p AGENTS WANTED SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE EXAMINER MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Dis trict of 1500 families Good pro fits for hustlers Write today Raw leighs Dept MLI128S Mon treal 43639bG FRUIT AND VEGETABLES SAY YOUSAW ITVIN THE EXAMINER APPLES Wealthy NO $265 bus delivcred domestic $225 rGoidie Phone 4154 2939 VEGETABLES of sale tomatoes eueumbeW cabbage ORDERSWaring Duchess crabs Cayugas Saloanii MacIntosh Beds 25 cents up Gquart Mrs Clara ford Ont RR NO 5391 Weldon 118 Codrington Phone 4539 2039p FUMIGATIONComplete confl black coat PeiSiam lamb mm 5128 dential guaranteed serVIce No 16 $15 IlIliSIIKIII7PINI position wanted in respectable home by experienced iiiiddIciigcd woman llox 17 Barrie Exzunincr 2391 W001 WANTED to cut by cord in the bush Apply eiving 11111 parti ciiiggs to Box Harrie Exam ine 1238391 POSITION WANTED as housekeep ed to one adult in Barrie comfort taile home Apply office Barrie Examiner Hilpi CHILDRENS SEWING and knit tinuwantcd Little Iziiis smocked dresses specialty Quick scr vicc II Cumberland St Allan dalc 3394111 istruuL LL CARTAGE AND MOVING PERSONAL MISCELLANEOUS SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE EXAMINERi also cook stove Climax Phone 11111113 Gc0Deitricli Stroud No 2039b APPLES FOR SALE severalvar ieties price reasonable at Candles first turn right off Bayfield past Supertcst Gas Station Mur ray 2039p IWASHER REPAIRS conipiete over haul job work guaranteed Phon 2389 5391 IAGENCY FOR famous Gilson form 10 and 12 ace Balfc Bayfield St can painswick Barrie 53940p ANYONE going to Gait Friday Saturday or Sunday Please ply 100 Collier St phone 3977 539p COUPLE wish to go to Peterboro also other doors bench saw with or Ottawa soon on weekend Will motor share expenses Phone Call Hill 3624 5391 POTATO DIGGER in good condition Oscar Bowman 39b Rogers 53740O LADYs FALL COAT dark grey PLASTERING and stucco work done Call Stroud 191121 RADIOGuaranteed radio and ap pliance repairs sound systems Wir ing Challis Phone 32121 HARRIS TWEED spring and fail Stroud 5338391 coat and tweed sport jacket size Phone 3344 sswmo MACHINE andVacuum cleaner repairing offer high QUEBEC HEATER medium size class guaranteed serv1ccrin your equipped with Silent home on all makes Phone Bert burner Phone 4095 Sager Jorys Garage 4165 5391 FOX TERRIER PUPS haired weII bred Phone 84712 Barrie CASE CORN BINDER used five Apply Cecil Dunsmore GIRLSTWEED COAT and blue ski jacket size 14 Phone 2516 or call at 110 Owen St RASPBERRY CANES for sale need to vacate premises work gives choice sturdy Viking free from full protection against germs or WINTER COAT green With brown disease Ready forfall planting or household pests Our charges are mouton fur alsoblack cloth coat order for spring 2000 available very moderate and we fully guar With PerSIan lamb trim hat and Ernie Robertson Johnson St Bar antee our work Phone 2342W muff to match Both coats SIZe 12 Tie 20391 Driiiia 5361191 to 14 Apply 21 Collier St 719p SIX IIYDIIU PULIIS IIIII 1111111I1 lllllliltlltl WeiIi 111 tom III IH swoop 11111 11it Iio 1111 til lllill1 rip111 Iiiii lili iiTif lt IIAIti 1111 oil fmiitiii 11 1111 Apply Iiniitl iiitl Iltii pole tii IllS lrl 11X iniiiiwii shade IIIIVIi Iipicw II1iiiii 4111va iit 1ic Siltiii Iiov1oiiii condition 11mm Ili Iitii IIAi iIilAliill 1111 1111 laittv ittlllilllilli Iit 111 iIiIt foi illtitilili Inl ill illiltti i1pc 11l ocitshiiii lililloii Ken1o 31711 1111111 iiitcAtiif gistIi iiiiiiauilc linait llli Iiciuiiis Itltili IIIIIII 1111 Lowi coiitiitioii IIi lhonc Sirocd itltt IIfiiiiou Altit i111 1111 Apply Itonaiii Int ves MillIll 1111111 ti1llilitllil 11iizizicd ina iiiisisl Apply Wicii 11111 ANYHNII mu uiti1vmm EmTmc Iiioxioii Int Mutable Iiviin 1p1nr7n 1o Ililltll IiiLDINt AliiliAtiil ioyri 1111111 Milli run sloii who priMiiiilii 111lt11 11 111 Sophia 73111 liltti 13111111 sci lizisl riic iii ciiiiiircii to Iic1=i nine liilllli II it new condition Iiioiic Ihliill dciiaiicri idois Stilll Io 0111 flint or more iiiiiosI lhoiic sale Hi iiiit W011i IIANHI Aiipljx 1I11I 1i111111C 1sl1111 1111 Iciloi 111ml 11131 iliilinN 11115 lilttlll PLAN AND ltilltri 311 1fiiigt 11151111111 An 1Llit 11 11 11 lt 11m lt1 sziiianxxia 11 1111 tilil mm 11 El 11 litiltlt li1l colInn 1111111 Iomn wwii 111ii 11I i1v111 i11tii lili 111 iIiiiii ill 12 Ill 2111 1111HfIiiilIliI hi 11115 ill I111 11 iiiiiHiN llii i111 iiifcl 11 A1111 til riu 191ml 1111111 ili11 sl 1111 of out iii1 lII 1421 Iv v1 13 51 13ng pitJu iliI lltllllllili 11i1 olit ililtl 11111 tiivIzioii 111 ii AV will NH hp 17 2111p 1111 1115 11 ill condition lioinho13 Apply Willie 51 Ilici iic 111 1114 liiIr ool1oi and iiiniiizi Ioo Miiiphy tiiilii stile ilaiiio 23113 2191 oil Camp Iloidcii it Iinl pin l11cdiys and Fridays coo31 iIioiic Zillp1 IiADIt for f11il 111 good coiidilioii cabinet 5131c sciiiiii cheap 11331 Ihoiic LAI IYS and triinincni IiNlIllt AIS blue and black lllllll til1 Pp Itlfl IIIIIHit IIIinch coinpicte liil blower and Iltillt111 Illlpl iiiiic box caiiicr 511111 MANS BICYCLE for sale 91975 IIiiiisday Iclcpliono iop Him 1112i IOIID iioAiisIEu 1111 on liiith IlXLtlItlii Jrito or Icicphonc 11 yen Aiiiston Phone 911142 I191 liillllillll VIIIICIII tiaieiiuist 11LLIII7N Oi oil paintings Viiii he on sale Saturday Sept 27 iii the Shin of llfl itiilllit PIANO New Scale Williams Sillil Apply to wood GLASS OFFICE sole radio cycle 11411111111115 wall clock till Masonilc Lorine c1111 Ilronil 713le illlllpi Ilail Dani1 IIik iourist electric table largo top MANS VIIItCOAI dark groin size 10 worn twice izrcatiy rcdiiiufdtxk Hume Ex Vach Market Building 739pv MISSIIS ALLWOOL list1 Williams Worsl 71191 icrkin Mrs Icy St 1iIN SILVER FOX lUIIS for saicl 53 Apply 37 McDonald 51 ti p111 Apply Ilox 23 aminer Ont REG COLLIE puppich shed and SCOTCH golden sablcs and champions stock piirics Malcolm YOUNG MANS cream serge irons tlS worn twice also boys brown sport coat size III beitland St after 3911 on Exhibition Prompt attention to all in liippics $115 111 film Apply 41 Juni SMALL iCE BOX refrigerator for 73911 Square 71191 sale SIIOTGUN single barrel for SillC 0itCllIC fillCIT Apply Mrs Robt Taylor RR 21 Stroud Mrs 738391 sale Market Barrie Div IAROON IRAM cream lined for Iliiioii in good condition also ncwliriu motor 739p 919 and 1HIJEIYHFYISOII condition Domain for and we suik plow l11ooth ciitivatoi Ilt1ush salt Am Bum AW Hoover MII 111101192453 POTATO DIGGEII repairs ELECTRIC 2U other household appliances Perfect Call after pm 7391 several 7391 WASIIE 2f11riow walking plowI Ficiiry barn 30x30 in good conV rt 11111 IRACIOR PLOW Henry 101 Howard Ilezicock condition Elmvaie 7391 Maple Ave row Phone 117 MENS BARBER or hairdressinglPIIRIILIZER DISTRIBUTOR Eur pmciicuiiy new1ckafor tobacco Eureka 739 potato planter Phone FOLDING BABY CARRIAGE with removable storm cover maroon in 17 Sophia St 7391 Trait 7391 dition Snider burst MII PACEIVIAKIIR tractor steel in real good condition MII cutting1 box good condition with 40 ft of pipes and extra knives also good MH steel truck wagon Nobleton OIICIUW Barrie 7391 smocks size Phone 3551 KITCHEN CABINET with porcelain top also cook stove Phone 3038 TORDSON TRACTOR steel Lood Robinson Motors 7391 Joe Baifc 31103 YOUNG WOMAN experienced wantslioiisckccpiiig position where girl of 14 welcome Barrie prefer red Mrs Fagcnts RR L39p solid oak Phone 71191 Gordon 1174 Bolton FOR SALEBaby carriage barber chair clothes hamper cheque pro poitable battery wrist and 7391 Broad good condition Phone 3271 POTATO DIGGER McCD in fair condition new apron last year $90 Donald Cameron Phone 812121 MAHOGANY SIDEBOARI doors and drawers ft long room table with leaves oak Phone 7ll9b COOK STOVE Tudhooe for sale first class condition age Newton Robinson Cookstown 155 COMBINATION BOOK CASE and desk library table cotand inat Mrs Paul 7thl1inc Innis 739p condition Phone 2682 FOX TERRIER white and black yr old fully trained Reasonable Phone 4238 suit case radio Coleman lamps pocket watches months guaran tee Violins guitars Shop Collier St LITTLE BEAVER electric graiii Otaco wheels for rubber bowls tectoi Barrie RR COOKE CARTAGE and STORAGE mb Local and Long Distance Movers General Cartage Contractors 43 rCssa Road Phone 3359 3245 USED FURNACE for sale ipanei bed iPhone 3185 McGD 1V2 HP ENGINE in good order Walter Fleming 7391 The Variety 7391 7391 dining steel size 39p and bprmgb grinders tired wagons steel rims for wagons and tractors See us for tractor changeovers Im mediate delivcry Wilsons Garage Minesing Pbonc103 BOATS FOR SALElGft inboard Vbottom 12ft plywood plete 12ft sailing dinghy hp outboard motor brand new For CAT 70 14 snaps and detailshvrite Alkay Boats 73940b 7391 CREAM SEPARATQR PARTS new stock Melotte Viking Vega SET OF SILVER FOX Fl1mg Eatonia AnkerHoith Lister Ren bIaCk Clom Coal Sllfe foxuililri frew De Laval Premier We can 57 18 grey iinSlllPGdPilli 120 supply any part new or used for 739 any make Frec 3412 Stroud Otaco cow SLENDOR TABLETS are effective weeks supply $1 12Veeks $5 at all driiggists 3039bP Hughes Gar Telephone 7391 running Antcn Mills QUEBEC HEATER No 57 nearly new with pipes 315 Caroline St MARLIN 32 special lever action 6shot like new Parker 30 Sophia St McCD TILLER 8platealso MH seed drill Illdisc Thos McGauley al RR Stayner 70 HEMLOCK LOGS forsale lengths 73539p Apply 22 739p tIIIII very skiffs com runabout tress craft til at lakefront LADYS WIN dark green tweed oil collar cx Box 898C011mgw001j cellent condition reasonable 2632 630730 pm BUSH WORK and logging done by power machine Phone 2518 5391 CUSTOM PLOWING and disking Bert Armstrong Cookstown 539b 7391 Ph 7391 Burton 739p foot repair work orders Hills 73839pb Expert inspection promptly filled dale Mulcaster St RANGETTE white Mail Hulse Canadian with black trim folding cartilage grey clothes line 7399 PLUMBERS hardwares houSchoId crsEor sale 200 feet less galvanized water pipe large quantity 12 and nipples COLLAPSIBLE CARRIAGE for Beatlly sale blue in good condition Ap enamel 739b Phone 2868 WINE BOUCLE COAT princess style with fur trim coat black coat with fur trim All ze 14 Phone 3363 MALL power chain saw with two saws been used months excellent conditionalso 30inch band saw Phone 3412 Strand poles PAIR FRENCH DOORS fol sale brown polo LOGS unlons 18 ft galvanized pipe other fittings assorted sizes new 14 hp heavy duty plumbers Must elbows Dial 4187 7391 International 739b electric stove be sold this Minets from bay on 739p motor gasoline pot andladle week Apply Robinson 2nd cottage right of pavilion SEED AND FEED sArrou SAW 1r IN THE EXAMINER Phone 50 Stroud 739b sacrifice Point 739p size 44 good condition 14 Grove St East BQYS TRAPPER COAT size 14 leather trimmed girls light blue casual coat 14 single steel bed and 739p Phone 4480 QUEBEC HEATER very dead con steel cot and commode 739p springs 3638 739p 30 TONS WHEAT STRAW more or less in stack Adaniczyk RR Cookstown TONS FINE HAY wanted all fa or clover baled or loose deli edPleRSe contact Andrade RR Stroud Bh1014 CHOICE QUALITY Cattle andhOg Hurst St Bar 103839p also babys large size $2 10 Perry St CANARIES FOR SALESingers Zebra finches cages etc Apply after pm Hen sons Store Shanty Bay IPHILCO RADIO tubes 18x12x lovely model perfe Reasonable for quick sale going south Phone 3463 LADYS BLACK SKATES size leather jacket watch dog and dog house good condition QUEENSWAY COOK STOVE Pen etang make all white enamel cop per reservoir good oven in good 30 Sanford St ELL PIANO white good condi tion PA system 10inch speakers adjustable player ditibn springs chair $1 Glow oil 7391 10391 smooth menths Old 739p GUARANTEED sewmg machine repairs All makes Free esti mates Machines electrified Nec dles and belts Agent Empke Hardware Phone 2556 5384511 DYNAMITINGInside or out anywhere stones stumps ditching bridgdwork Authorized by Ex plosive Division Toronto Morning Aurora Ont Phone 266W 53639p BABYS SNOW OUTFIT pink for good condition 739p TIERY RADIO Northern Elec hens breeding 739p 10391 seasons 739 peamcal Reasonable CNR Warehouse ML WOOD FOR SALE SAY YOU SAWIT IN T111 EXAMINER HARDWOOD and softwood slabs for sale in 4ft lengths Denis Sheard Painswick HAVE QUANTITY WOOd 4ft lengths and lft lengths Write Elmer Ward Mansfield or phone Shelburne 47W2 MIXED HARDWOOD slabs sawed any length Also scrap truckload Moran White Rose Service Station 267 Hayfield Stl PartV 739P Simcoe 739p size 15 A11 in 739p youths size sale SPRUCE VILLA REST HOME Phone 84613 Barrie qUIet Christian country homegcity conveniences trayService practical BA nursing care Phone Bradford 445 tric $25 Mowforth Craighurst orwrite Mrs Mathew Greer Gil Phone 845r23 Barrie ROYAL VACUUM CLEANER $12 Ph 2346 Delivered 739b condition 739p dry slab 77 Essa Road 7391 record automatic record player plays 12 records 40 new records doors with hardware one solid with glass $10 each Cedar Harv boi Store Ph 10131 Stroud 739 mike single softwood lumber Dennis 0391121 Ililiili S0111 IIIiIII Sioxiii IZI Ship iiiiIltlp my Mir 1111111 IIICV 11ll oi 2111 W11 IIt1 WIIIIL cmilaize ttliilllixphmp Mp Apply 131 Icnctnni Si iflci 111111 pm 111 lth Ili ciiIIiiu iiiccizaiiiciiliy lillltt rcai iniiiznin littli ligiiii Si 35 IIIIV IAlill IIlitix iii Rood shape new Iircs 11nd initwiy Wiii oak desk it Iiirue coat racks small mm mp 1Ihm Apply to Mr Burke lilitllthlgl Harrie 19211 190111 DAfII for 4I1I1IIII land tires 111 uood condition Iim Crosbic Ilt11ll liioiic 734 A1 iiston Ill Filip pit 31 MODEL FORD IACII it conditioned motor under euainnicc uood tires Apply All Diiftcrin St after six 13 39p II 1n it tlUlMt we 11 11 LLi El it lltl Iftlt hill to tut115111 iv 131 ft 15 Ilill lo Ll toii ilHiilili 111ltI litllw il 11111711111 til UIII 1i 111 Ii 111 11Iii 1i 1111111 1111111 iiizui iiii1iiiic lii11ci iini Htioliti 111i 11111 211 Ilitlli Itll1 lint ii filii 11111 xiii1111It1n ictiiii iI ii irr wruwu Hi llwiiai pi It 111 aii or 31141 Uii 821211111 SIp 21 in 1111 IViilfill Ii111 Ihoiic 1111111 loiitoii id ooii io1i iiiiiil II ItIiflill oi lliixv 13 iniii lckiiicsc pup ftliliil 11 1l 111 black and Litiii cI11i p11 Iiiidci picnsc icavc 11 111 111 11111 to ho iiiii Willi2 1111 l111 11 gt1 3111 III 39p IIIIIL ili ninbii land Si Illlti six 19110 MOIOIICYCLIZ lliricDzivid or dial 4301 13391 iliiic near Angus Phone 1111222 41 LDSMOHILII COACH radio heater slip covers good the and condition recent motor on 50 Paikside Drive 13 739p 1936 FORD DELUXE builtin Iieaiv er and defroster bully and motor in good condition Tires LOiid Call 21 Henry St after p11 3391 TRUCK 1940 moch long wheel base with platform completely re conditioned Low price Robinson Motors Pi 2082 III39p in first class condition good tires 30 DURANT coupe cyl Mod 407 new sealed beam lights Apply ring 13391 1929 DURANT SEDANI cyl re conditioned motor recently instal 1Apto Garage Phone Eimvale led Can be seen doors south Blue Sunoco Gas Station Highway 2027 Midhurst lilflflb and cab 1938 Int short WB with hoist 1943 Int chassis and Cal 1941 K6 Internationals Halt Garage Barrie 1319b 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH for sale reconditioned motor new tires a1 so 1932 Chev truck 2ion dual wheels just overhauled Frank Coughlin Anton Mills 13391 OBGEdd in good condition Ave 1932 Chrysler sedan 1941 REO 3ton heavy ditty dump truck Al condition Will take car or lugton panel truck in part pay ment Apply Miller 302 Bayfieid St Phone 81712 or 3893 13391 37 PLYMOUTH COACH in good condition good tires heater fog light etc Can be seen any night after 515 Monday to Friday 108 Bradford St or phone 2849 13391 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE and side car new tires first class condition one hp Clark engine 1929 Dodge pickup truck Hughes Garage Newton Robinson Phone Cooks town 155 13391 1934 PONTIAC COUPE good all round running condition sealed beam lights and heater Cash or trade Prefer ModeIA Ford Lawley next door to Orange Hall Angus 13391 1939 3TON EORD STAKE 1941 GMC stake 1943 Ford cabover engine 3ton D40 Int 2speed axle platform and racks 41 Buick sedan l91135 Hudson sedan Barrie Motor Sales Phone 2214 13391 NEW KB7 International chassis Elli motor Al condition 1937 Dodge sedan privately owned clean 1938 Pontiac coach radio heater sealed beam lights 1937 Chevrolet coach 76 Maple l339p 1946 MONARCH sedan 1946 Hud son sedan heater and radio 1941 536tfb Buick sedan 1941 Dodge sedan 1941 Buick sedanette 1941 Chrys ler sedan 1940 Dodge sedans 1940 Buick sedan heater and radio 1939 Pontiac coupe 1938 Buick 6383111 coupe 1938 Pontiac coupe 1938 3plece bathroom and shower hard Ford coach 1937 Desotosedan 1937 wood floors hydro continuous hot Cadillac cab 1936 Chrysler sedan water large screened sunroom full 1940 Fordlsize basement venetian blinds pickup truck Graves Allen 14 Clapperton St Barrie Telephone mercantile or apartment occupancy 3531 12139 Apply Mrs Hopper 1039401 195100 PAGE SEVENTEER ROOM IM HUAIII BlsthISS OIIURIINIIIES 11 In gt9 nt Minna an rm in Amati LUST It NI av Th Hgan All us hits TED ItlllflltY 11 titdlt3 llllilflil Ii 111111ilinii 5111111 ll 11 s1 111w ll ALI iiIIi 1111 poiiiiij illttl EI11ii11u IillI1111IIiiiilttiu fiiii 111041111 1111 11111 llock p111 IILLIIiS iii iii1l1ltilit Iliiittill fxiitipiicii iiilcn iiiiis iiionu 7351 IT lEIp iIiii1c II Zlilp 711 Litiiii liiiiIn and 23 AliilUiti HIIII iioii lltll iiso iiiin Imitti 11111 11 good coil Iiition Sinkiait tIIiiiin 1111 oiikrio1ii Iiiiiiii Tliili ll iilli SwIY YOU bAW iY IN HIE EXAMINER SALI Iciiplioiic 73 IlAItIirID ROCK piiiicil 1cbiii iiju hatched itiilllii 112111 Sus sex pniict won IayiniI 2011 1111111 Sussex o1 from Ig to lbs 40 r11IIIII laiicil flock Ic11 Sell rousiviiaiilo Wright on Iliuh xi 11 iliiillli Ihono io 1139 DiNt 1111 for sale Apply 111 113 3111 hIfIIIIiIIN iIIiNfiAlile 11 rooms 1111 bath and sink ccntizii Ihoiic Illlii ltLIilii lllllllil LOTS for sale on lid LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 11 YtIINfi litihfoi iic Apply Irwin Aiiizus It 391 Iltilllt 10 191 liOICII BUILDING LOT on tlgisl layficld 11rd property above Vci Ililiiliil 1111x141 lii EBIII 1114191 22 IlgiS for sale 11 weeks 1111 Edecrton Crown Hill ill391 BRICK HOUSE rooms cxcciiciit condition inunetiiatc possessuiii illlll1 12111 buy yrs old Phone 3121 Friday after pm or Miller RR Thornton 9391 Saturday IiiImp IUREBIlIID IIIIltlrlllORD COW 0ROOMED HOUSE in good eon yrs old 111st freshened also calf dition immediate possession rca Phone 1101113 9391 sonabie IIIICC Box 21 Barrie Examiner 16391 13 GOOD YORKSHIRE PIGS weeks old Bruce KcIIough Lefroy CHOICE BUILDING LOT for saloi Phone 1722 9391 overlooking bay corner Cook and Coilintzwood Sis about IIISXIIIF RQAN HORSE ii 51021115 Old 1150 phmw 2532 16191 Kid plow for sale Clarence Hog garth 111111 Ivy 939p MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW rooms and bath Iiot water heating 10 PIGS for sale weeks old Ap ccntrai location Write Box ply Ewart ienncti Barrie RR Barrie Examiner 16391 Phone Stroud 2412 9391 4ROOMED COTTAGE good sized NUMBER 01 BROOD SOWS for lot in village of Angus Apply sale due in next few weeks Phone Mrs Cotilson 04 King St Angus 3211 Drafter six 21328 939p or phoncStroud 800 10391 PUREBRED YORKSHIRE SOWS S4tilltIi1oonicd frame house for liic Oct three to choose from sale at 73 Cumberland St all con Arthur Snider Craichurst 939p venicnces immediate possession Apply 05Cuniberland St 16391 YORKSHIRE PIGS for sale weeks old Joe lobst Con Ves HOUSE FOR SALE in Shanty Bay pra Phone 81441 Barrie 939p village on main road artly finish ed good well acrel land Thos PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL rlavlol Shamy Bay p0 phone for sale yrs old Milton Hare 0130 1519 15L39b Iislgglhmm Cieemorc 3015 9391 S45007roomed house good con TEAM OE HORSES sound and veniences S4200new 5ioomed quiet 11 sets new harness Apply house bath furnace good cellar Aitkcn Highway 27 Thorn SlltitltlNew irooined house insu ton 9391 laled large 101 Harry Micliie Real Estate 52 Ellen 81 Bar SEVEN PIGS for sale months old rie 10391 Miller RR Stroud Con 10 Innisfil two miles east of SROOMED BUNGALOW with Stroud 9391 modern fujLLtics staircase to at tic when additional rooms can BLACK PERCHIIRDNWIARE and be finished also 7roomed brick CS 101 52110010XC112111LIC 01 Young Veneer house standard equipment 11125 JOIN Bowman RR Immediate possession Coutts SlIOUd 9391 1039 owe St DURHAM CALVES for vealing 6ROOMED HOUSE hydra well also ISOlb Vega separator suitable acre excellent cOndition six 01i305 Hally Perkins Shan rooms brick good location Imined 11 Ba 9391 into possession on both rooms new possession December We have YOUNG SHORTHORN CIOWJYCSII others ConsultHenry Brick QCIA 13 APPLY gimb Hlllli SL 1639 way 27 miles north Lof Barrie Phone 3617 93sp HIGHWAY 11 south modernhomc bathroom builtinkitclien furnace XXX REU OXFORD RAM lambs also9 pigs about 45 lbs ctc arrangementsCan bemadc as to size of lot also 6roomed house1$11 Gael RObl Comm Clefmme insul brick siding acre of Iland1PhO til23 9399 about miles from town rice ROSSLYN YORKSHIRESYoung 500 couus Telephone sow due Oct yearold red polled bull Ross Cookstown RR 2377 1639 BRICK HOUSE for sale Elmvale Phone 5523 9337399 11 selected oak trim bedrooms large eligible ifoi registration also 13 attic insulated bath With separate weaned pigs JV Timmy toilet hard and soft water system hot air furnace fullsize basement Utopla Phone 1431 Ivy 9399 SOW with 12 pigs weeks old garage excellent location on quiet sow due Oct also Cockshutt street extra large Iotwith small orcbard Early possession Terms singlefurrow walking plow Joe Murphy Phone 80115 Barrie 9391 Apply Box Barrie Exam PUREBRED HOLSTEIN bull iner 163940p IMMEDIATE possession CODRS calves for sale sired byison of Marksman from 5891b fat 2year town $5000 cash 8roomed 2storcy home bus about one hour Toronto old dams records 3year01d in 10 months 14300 with 37 test hot water heating modern kitchen and Others similar Esmel Lonsway Cookstown Ph Beeton 494 9391 Clean and Oil furnacepipes in summer to prevent rust and cor house newly decorated suitable for

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