PAGE EIXTEEN NOTICE TO CREDITORSI in the ran at MARY mason IIIIRIV 11 tu1 of Si sliu tllril on tr about flat Krill 191 I14 heptrxuber All Ii NOTICE TO CREDITORSI 110 11 Isiatc oi IIItHI St I111 tlziil on iii about the 3111 til oi illll 1911 111 HI SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS ii iii tlit11iii Iiirkuood nutt 111 i11 13 11 151mi il1 t1 11mm in 11 111 hu tonix ii1 iIoititni 151 reasurcr IIIILIIII on Tux1 1913 at 12 1111111011 William Kiilii 11 1o 11111 of the ioiio1n ltflll iiui fcncnicnis II Sl11lli that cer tziii pool 111 of land and lililli 111111 ivr ind litllrii 111 ix To 111 of Sunnuiaic 11 the oiinlv of Sum11o and bciin composed of 111 according 11 III Iltl Iiiii ii 11 Barrio 111111 211 AD 1917 III DIIIIlY Sheriff 11035111 toiinty of Siincoe 1111311011 SALE High Grade Dairy Cows IIc iindeis ich has received instiiiciions from REUBEN KENWELL Lot 39 Con Nottawaq saga Twp Mile South of the Town of lol lngwooil on Highway 24 and about one Mile West on the Poplar 3111 lildtrtitltl South side just over the llttttm IL Tracks iVNilNIIOlIlOIONIIIIJIJIIIOOIMIOONNONNIJIJONNI 35 PINE TREES STANDING FOR SALE Barrie Union Cemetery Tenders must be received not later than Oct 194 Rcsalc made necessary owing to death Ness SccyTrczis to sell by iiilic Auction on Tuesday Sept 30 THE FOLLOWING choice offcriiie of Dairy Cows mostly high grade Iloisteins Ior number of years Mr Ken well has been selecting heavy milkl 1111 individuals which are at tiic picsciil time in 11111 flow of milk There will also be Sold Yorki shire broodtsows due to farrowl about time of sale 50 bredtOlay Barred Rock laying hens year 1111 White Leghorn pallets months as well as almost full line of farm implements and equip3 incnt large posters Terms cash Sale at sharpi Herb Finlay Auctioneer Real Estate Broker 39b and Music Dealer AUCTION SALE Farm Stock ImplementsV lhc tindcrsmned IlEISJLCCIVCCI instructions from JOHN GILLESPIE Phelpston Ontario Lot8 Con 4$Ios 011 Highway 27 Mile North of lcrgusonvale and Mile West to sell by Public Auction on Tuesday September 30 THE FOLLOWING HORSES Team of dapple greys mare years and gelding years 1700 lbs each CATTLE Red cow yrs due in April black Foiled Angus cow yrs due April black Foiled An gus cow yrs due March red heifer yrs due in April red cow years due in April pure bred Polied Angus bull year months yearlings spring calves 2yearolds SWINE AND SHEEP Brood sow due time of sale brood sow due Oct 15 Reg Yorkshire bear yr old store pigs 150 lbs each pigs months old Oxford ram yr old 14 ewes 24 spring lambs POULTRY Hybrids yr old 11 geese IMPLEMENTS ETC Shredderl Lobsinger grain thrower on rub ber new threshing belt 120 ft deck line chain 100 ft chain block chain 40 it screw jack bushel baskets galvanized Ford roadster model 1936 good shape John Deere tractor Model on rubber Cockshutt 70 on rubber with power takeoff potato dig LIiirllzi UNIARIII clumps XIhllill IIIE BARR If 31111 SHERIFFS SALE O1 VLANDS CANCELLED EL II 14 III Ilttlltllt It It It ii ti It LU LlKstLR ESSA COUNCIL ON 5411c 11 AA 11V TENDERS WANTED House and RE SiiiIIiiI at for Sale ornate NOTIC iiAiIII thi IIitt ol II PRDUIE Iiiiiiiitith LIIi Lc Iiizilii Iniiisiti LICENSED EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MAN For Succchfui Sale of Household Furniture out Brigg IIiinr Ircuiia muttrs tvriity SZTFRVTIENOER IIIIItI Itarric till it ELEANOR itc iilllll 11 Black Label 11II 111 Low Iiiitc lllooin in 12111 Itnci iilc Iouii oi oi Siinvnc llilllif lintnub 10 Inch Rapid Slessor LICENSED AUCTIONEEB HOUSEHOLD PIIIIS FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Phone 2577 DOBIIS Itow Ilcli cit111 While fliiil Stltllltll oi tiic IllIi lliats 1111 Ioiiii illl Slioiilil Itnan Ii Farm Stock and Implements SIIttltll lit5IIIil Ilt llitlt Ital 11111111111 Form Stock implements Qi 11 lllONlZ ifilrll Barrie IIIoionio Inilisni oli 11o 1111 RDSON Vcspra Ii111 on lefiititl Lou Nil1ll Valuable Household Furniture and Effects RICHA EH Lot ZCOn iiil IIII tlllll liclinr 11i 50 fltlii Ylllllt Itlllttl vliiliitr Iotiici ii i111 illTill vf iiniin1 Ihc IuI1roni 31 IJllih irctim 3tIviiiltiHoiitii Im Droniiin in 111 lltilt llluc llt ilv oiii ii iihfJISIIic Itilntniiic 51111 Kisiancts intl I1Ht 51111112 IIIIAIIIIZAIicisc Iic Itiiul IIicy Didnt lScIiite lt 131in li1i Without Iusic When the Summer ioii1 11 iicicic TIE311111 Iiocolatc Saturday II lni Float11 lItITin Friday September 26 IanIi In iiiitoiwirxt liiti llll ILII MRsikiiiiLAw to wit IRIJSS xiii Ivag 11 Ii ilil iniiniii Iiiio ii1 1111 pine RENCE Cookes Storage Building 43 Essa Rd Aliondoic Wednesday October tvmiuiwd Icinispiiiu iicmoi gtii11iti iviiii iii itll ii in it 11 Itll v11 not 311113 optnun of 111111111 l11i1 Itccpx inn11 wit11111211 Strapless iilllls 111i in iic 111 Hep I1ikii c1111 Ii 11 Iliirhain vcd Iiiiy tii cow ii yrs Dur VIVIAIIIUII fiuii llcitiess Bulbicss E1111itl 1piii 111 1111 ri Itiilii Con Iniiifii anti ion1 hold 1111 Warlord iiiioii I11v Nil 5111 lixiiciigun liililx of 1111 ilinkeii 31 Hz is siiiiv cax iii iisiiii Hi iiiii lath day of 1111 111 lii 1111 Min its 111111 111 one Exp11 iicictiiit stccr 311 Diiniop limin fuiniiino qualifier filter of the Dobhs Iiiiss will demon strate this truss in IlAIIltlll You may see this demoli hllutiml without obligation ASK FOR MR GIBBS AT THE QUEENS HOTEL Monday Sept 29111 100 11111 to 111m IM 111 ltmw wwin 1111111 Iiiitli nuti 1111 1111 iiii1id ticiiciai bit1111 due tlci lilli iifi iciiiJ I1xgti 51i Iliiit il 1ii1 JIEI ii Marshall liovd Ilillisfli 11nd mii 11131 Iiiiiii 1311511 Ii tiiow A1111 xioiicsiizit Oct 13 Ii xizciion irinIiii1iis Iciuis cash toiicc1 1x Hill coiiiziinml nItnoi Isscrs p111 ol 11 111111 IMI Rare$5 armor AND OTHERS IIIIICICSIAIIC111IliXDIIIl BROWN Lahorcr deceased TIL1311 oii 111111 stock pin illl Intoriuitioniii see not of lllflllw 1111111 vitliititli 1n1ioi tiiio china itilSiIt 1111ls 11ziiii 1on 11ncioi5 Suiil til tixl lt iiio Mm halo How Many liisux Sundae iit Auc iliiIlil 11 ti Jill 111x to 111111Iiozi roof sciif izotsc iiizinl Ml of heavy hockIiaiid iiaiii 4111111 lilillitssl 11111111111 IiiltiiF Itllliiw cash liilii iiioic ii lltlsiiim illt Iisliilt late of the 1111 111 illt dicd the County of the Ist 1111 of ouircd Io flli the IllltitiSIILLiiiti on or 311th day of October 191 that date the proceed 111111 Aiiciioni 121 Ilniric DICflIIVIiI lind Ilciio said An Apple Blossom ViililiiIJ Ily Snnnnv 111 1132JSIIlcriicliiii Sprint is really Spring thix lciir 11y 1111 121 cc SImnl Tell Me Youre Not so easy to Forgct 11y Tony Martin 2023211431 iot 11 Iiiclin In IIicOIiI Spaniin Trail 115 iioy Honors 3112319 Stop Iliroivin Itocks at the Devil Iinc IIiini Ily thuriic Spiral 2112511 Iist Night 11111 llltillll Something for Notiiini 13y Freddy IviitiIll Eli2317 broodcr slip hicioi 11 governors tl 111 from input iltIlii ciiii1oi know liltii kinth noin when you married inc Iol thought you had lot lll iuis Aiviirrisiiicxr NOW ill gtltlt Orillia intrtcn Thanks to the 111111 ii11 IIiiCSEIIUIJ 11711x1r111111 Vic Iola 11111 xnrrliohe kitchen c211 Public to distribute l1IIlll rcrarti onivaio of which notice DATED at ioronio iii Idin 111 of September 191 IiIHIIIt Oseoiidc ilziii loroi Administrator 1th ions of 11111111 hay quantity of forks shovels and other thinusl nous to mention Stiit 111 Ilii 1oo iiiinn Ioiiiis cisii Inoii shall 11111 p111 Auct ltl1tll Phone 1334 Ilarric All liariip Examiner subscrip tions are payable in advance Tango of lioscs In An Iivcning in Paris fly The Three Suns ZlisllilltiAII of Me Kiss Your Hand Madame By Vaughn Monroe 75c 2112315 When Tonight Memory Wonder Whos Kissing tlcr Now By Perry Como IiIAIl Aint Mad at You The Jungle King By Count Basie 75c 202318 Fcutlin and Finhtin How Can Say Love You Wuornotatmlmlrmlnllwrm NN Noouwmlm is just F0 m1 and particulars 50 Reg $1395 to CLEAR at ZOZSIZIf its True Just Plain Love By Johnny Desmond 751 202302 out lo Thats Life Guess ByVTonimy Dorsey 75 21173293 Aintciia Ever omiii Back Too Marvelous for Words By Tony Martin 43289 The Church in The Valley JeVmis Aime By Wayne King Victor Bluebird 105inch Western Classics 550044 Shes got the lutcst Ichs Steel Guitar Hop By Cecil Campbell 601 580043 Talic Them told Fcct Outii My Back Ole Buttermilk Sky By LOHZO and Oscar actionToo ManyBlues Singin 0113011119le Time gt By Will Carter 60c 580040lream Train NCW Fort Worth Rag By Bill Boyd t5600 580039 ind if You Dont These Rica combination of walker and stroller Heavy steel construction with rubberguards and compart ment for carrying parcels Easin converted into baby walker by removing the handle to Oz Jai GRQCY awaits Brights CulveriiouseChoice Quality Red T9KAY Juicy Sunkist DRANGES 28 selected Washed CAIIIIBTS ELDERTA PEACHESE GoodSelection of BEEF curs for this weekend GRAPES 19 101 Ils 20101 TOMATO JUICE Makes Dishes Sparkle SaVes Soap AptcBrand GBIIPEIRIIIT IIIICII Mitchells 21 Large Package 29 Re 01 10 Young Spring Lamb 20 Oz gerr saw machine rubbertired zwagon set dehorners Cockshutt power takeoff binder it set heavy sleighs Cockshutt tiller plates McCD discs 16plate dou Ic discs set horse b1ankets Dion thresher with clover attachment size 2848 tractor plow Murrow 10inch bottom McCD seed drill 13 discs electric wood chopper electric cream separator 600 lbs barrels oak 200 sap buckets Iaddcr extension 32 ft sugar ket tle handpower sheep clipper Stewart quantity mixed grain 10 new seed bags HOUSEHOLD ARTICLESPene tang stave enamel All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor is giving up farm ing owing to serious accident Terms cash Sale at pm sharp 39b Chas Thornton Auct ewit was 47c 27c 199 10c 20 Oz whole or half grRorrsrriu Ethic 11AM Milk seasoned Tasty skinless items All Merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is unconditionally guar give 100 satisfaction emiInt Triie Its ii Sin By Eddy Arnold 00c 580038 eant tell that lie to my Heart Hitler Lives By Rosalie Allen title Tin 11121112 IIIIGE GravesChoice Quality 51111111111111 Apbro Sections Sweetened Ayimer Meat Fruit Vegetable INFIIIIT F0098 Valia Choice Quality California IlPItICtITS IWDOMINIW Fon PRESERVING No Out cooking ONIONS waxed RNIPS Ont grown POTATIIES Ont N0 EATING APPLES 65c ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY 1011 mesh It 391 lb Well censtructed folding frames Rubberized Bath with thick table top with pockets for cloth soap etc 83c iiif 11 15 ll SMITH FURNITURE 129 to 131 DUNLOP ST 45 Oz THE RECORD BAR 26ELIZABETII ST PHONE 4424 15 20 Oz 29 anteed to BARBIE