Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1947, p. 15

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131 AMA SCHOOL PARADE urns ANNUAL intuit FAIR HOMEOFTHEMONTH llIil Ilts HIIINIHIIII It filtthl $Nx nv 16424611 rapnut kiICnu bi DOOM CUALV sll Ill ltbllti Leri CA In Jun ROOM ltlilt rm rt illou1l il MM FLOOR DLAN br or tilt lit il win ilrl lzi tr ll iiirr Ji ttii lizi up ir ii=iir lirra rrti it italtlrli arii giaprs ozi LIN Lila frro itit tetttoiil loiiriii itiin lttl tt tllilldill ttlrrl et irtivtrwr for coill riopittiilori lltllil li raid hm roof trrra ipiL ll 2d 5r Iililtt lIII IUIIV MARKS liorr lei llilt lt ilir lilr i=il rltlll Itlmi tii film or rlwl to ivtzrrtahit hard that lc teacher cirrateti tii izii ili ll titi tt itir til nr iiilir iitl l1tifl littir iizi Ifrl lMltlt incria lug Iiltit tlilllf ii lIIiml l1 ittlll1ttltl to on III rim the loo logic and tailing The III IItt in Mum wortr Middleton than coiniratties irid rrnr itlllll ltw Illl riril taunt liotzu lttqli trfi ilv ml the Illill otiililiiit IOltll YIIAIIS WIIII FAIR who has been not rated With the hair for the part to years poirv briefly and refer tl tetitf to the school procession as itoltvl 1i Ill ttlolt ctllllllg iii wall iiiitlir tlw littllt on md Illtrltill JJIIii IltIlltiitl Joi it he llotli Ilvtlltl itit Lb lltlalt le ttttr o1rirreiittaiiccpityIi dilletlll Itvlttllltttf etpi rr ire tizi ilt or irrerlrliritiiI in the touriilatioir Iorldrrrf ilrttwitx itiltt liceth loitcl lmillitttg cw lizr inutil II illll ltitlllN li itirril lrili iti1i liilil Smith wtl iltll li llll Sen tit lilttl iol tiriiai Itinri tI tlii type only be tllItlIliI hour lit il itlllrlttl or In The Lluui aim of tort liiiirloo WAVERIEY louiiline lioir of tilt Years ago rr the Vllt Iil igalrlst tour and lt lion in iltIJ iril lliire ltlilll fililtlts IIllil Hi lit ir tittlillt urinal heri itlliilac 111itt to tiorri IAIIADIC PRIZES il coining loin llll Litigiiiittuiililj ill aprate fret wze tll pt distance my liny ltIrtdtItJIIlttl school with lie IlI IHZH ILItiIIt52I number of pupils irlltltc Lirr Ill Flos No ti Flos No 13 llos iSatiiini best marching by school1lrnvale High School Elin Nos school carrying best display of flags bzidgeszo It Flos No Flos No It Ilos most artistic representative sclrooINi rat ll lullor lllil llltrlltl intitairi lllr ir tl THORNTON III littll irerr lvlli ocular ial ti lilaw iltllil lI we lltl been ii incriibei which represented liar district rizeets and his iathir otteri tiavellideitli the learn ittltttt as dirt Iittttztrtyt lllll Iltlllltlllllt William tieddes of loorto iirotlrir lirtslttllil Ittlltllttl Wink rtlr wti oiirie perple Mrs Mutiny tarled many Vltfivltttlt music their itii number and Yiehrfia school lit fruit liiiirze lltel pastor Rev of the let learn if in many ltlltl Elks Brandi vertcit llt IieiE parents here llrrnsle iitt lt varie lll lltil in llaltdllwtl 1ie celled Mt Stritliv ort irti Ilarolii New Toronto iitcrl lillrotts John Miller III Sui will our lit tl Mr and Mrs Llovd Iteynalds and Dianne of lander Lake visrtcitrei tztrvcs here Mr ilul lt Howls Hoilitt littl faintly IIiuitsVillc vorted Air and IIllia Iirown and Airs Cliff family of Lansing ciid wrtir llr ti hold effects of the late trite was held on Scot Willis bleWa is and Mrs Bill Money of Buffalo re turned to their home after spend mg week here Ctirigratulatioiis to Alice McFarL den and Elwood Sproiilii who were warned on Seplt EU in the United Allflllttitl services tliiiiiii Iarsley con the errcc iii Saiirtlay 1rritltctriii ceriie ricpir lltlltYtllt Ilitlltilll AIIS ritllta tiichiiie li1l he ere She wiv Public School lliiit Mich hire rwn isjr Iit vulture lil Intern Sistri ii Itoi lltlitiir ot ttli Ii rilin Let niourii litl tii re lltlll Vrrr and mg viteraii ot the mi lllt banners inarrri otl at Iran Marks daughter ll iitiitll Mary Dutch aliv Villa tlrs Survivire are llourze llrll his wife and three llill Alien ierrald Leslie and ltirttt=t Itil Mmcts two brothers andfive sisters Lloyd sons and one if of loronto ltussell of Rouge llittl lictroy tecil liirirrrto Morley of Ilarric lliIlrIl Mabel randchilrlrcn rfers Iud and lzihelle Sawyer William and float by oneroomed No in itos No 13 Tilly No its Flt niost artistic and represliita tire float by any school of two or rooms142113 tyevalei No It Vaverley public school wearing the nicest uniforms wNir Tiny No ttos No 13 V9 01111 supply you With Tiny Spttitil by for best floatNo IIoIidayirrg on icorgiun Bay INTERSCHOOL Boys bicycle race 15 and under wilob Chapman Lisle Roberts Ion race tShetlandlSix ponies winners were Lis gt Dale Mjitors 117 Tiffin St Barrie Phone 2335 Molly Haroldltlilli May AriWarrant rid lo onto and ti rltl Morley iir viril TIME TABLE CHANGES effective Sunday Sept 28 1947 Full Information from Agents Canadian Pacific tonli ltll tit tlte of sittW nline Ihurch Miss thel flttlll are glrter Byron of lllrne loint There also pro en untia ltitltl if IIHili iiid 15 No 14 Tiny MM liltllt II Corbett lownlinc Anniver llie lowiilrrie well illlIiIl III hi rater iii llli it itiit Itairold Mrs Stewart Ilcll illeatrrcoi Iltirrie Mrs Norman Winter tlttltt of Iotl Vlltillt ofIlarrie Mrs Blackwell Iillieil loloirto tour Irene we was foirii Iaimriic II hirich the anniver hftItttllgt not rim ltcx laik lreshyte SIIVILKS rriorriiiie quartettu of Iadits Iliistind1isolojltici Us to Irayi lottititti were much enjoyed Baxter choir led the service of song in the evenlt ind At both services the rrinistcr read short history of the church as it was ttlre illlll anniversary of the churchs opening It was inter esting to note that several people who had attended versary were able to enjoy the titlth and Mrs tieoigo Whitton tIlvelyni it Rouge Shirley Marks Iiurscintraining at Toronto General Hospital funeral MI and brother Toronto llcr beautiful tiirltti rri liweis trozn many iitlivrdttals and socitties bearing rllttrl tribute of affection ltllltlttilt Aiirorrg tlicrn were those front Ilcll Ielc lIltllIlIlltt ll iard of Education Kiwanis Club Iirorold flank llor Ilope Post Office Stall Barrie and Lelroy friends Friends from ditiance ttend were from Belte Dorval tlllt and both IIill bliss preach hoth Brown and the week llmrrn successful sale of houstL Mrs Illi was banked SPORTS luesdayi Sept 23 was held frorii the Lloyd Steckley Funeral llorne Barrie and was conducted by Rev James Ferguson of St Andrews lresbyl There were inanyr beautiful flowers including tributes MasseyHarris Norway Public School Rouge IIill Ilcclestotre Motors of To ioiito Innislil Veterans Club and Friends and relatives attended front Toronto Ortiiigevillel trillia and Pickering bearers were John Morrison Kon neth IIiiiighton Gordon Iterguson The service Mervyn torlictt Motorola CAR RADIOS To fit any car for immediate delivery BARBIE MOTOR SALES Phope 2214 and the leter entered follows Ilillsdale er Midland Argue Allenwood Running trace IranIs mile open to girlsl Balni VanCampI ripVSabe and Black Wm Webb and 2nd phone Sriircoe Lodge mm vhmmp terian Church Rt zyti Staff if CNII front Toronto first armi School liiiicral villa Ioionto teria Harbor Uarrie arid lhortrton Midland Midland llandie Beauty church Aiiiuvpisay htldlin the United church on Sept 28 at 1er and Tilt pin Iiev New loronto as preacher 77 NH BabeM ItilcCIung Que Vic Wm many others Sunnidale Corners iivned by lnyevzile tied for llabez VanCamp 3rd Ari interesting display The pall William Maw Robert Powell and It Dyer Interment Scpteirrber 22 Marie Stanley llunt Barrie Union Cemetery STBQPP September 22 Mrs Marquis has reiirned home from the Barrie Ilospital irnprov ing nicely Louise Alpine Dayton Ohio LillliLI month With her mother here Mrs Fred Mulhollriiid attended the Grand Chapter of the DES in Toronto last week Congratulations Green and Gordon Leech who Were iiiaitiCd Sept 20 iii St Pauls Church by Rev Mr NewtonSmith Miss Muriel Booth RN left on Monday to attend Toronto Univers ity School of Nursing to take post graduate Course in nursing ed thilllOl Mrs McDonald Attila forniehly Myrtle Harper of over Sunday with and other friends here after an absence of 31 years TllC Autumn meetingr of the WMS will be held on Tuesday Oct re church when Mrs tRev Tubtenham will be HARDY IIIIIJSII Benionite applastie claylike iniri cral used Ill oil retiiierieswill ali volumes Tongratulalions 1Iss the Iiften and Ittisel Singe who were married on Saturday visitors tltf direction of Miss Louise NIIS Ii Mrs Tate of Sutton West and Mr and Mrs Selliiis arid st iis Point The with Sunday and times Spicher sorb water treal lrndsavand other places and last week Mr and Itlrs rison holidayed through New York ilksebatrc included StVWt Siiricoo Arts and Crafts under the Press and Bale Leader and have been allotteda limited COWV it and Miss Nora Marshall was much ll 1948 dentm We haw decreed to sell and servrce his machine be admired Miss strated spinnier In the softball competition Min defeated Moonstone other games were not finished in time to report The ladies of Wycliffe Anglican 00 lb square bale driven HP engine and has capacity Marshall family tt Iack Thank Sunday It Mrs Cor ates react the gave Hm WMS hild esingr The and Canada Offeringr in Ziiir evening Sept ll belt in charge scripture and the prayer tawa gave thew ti was rei bri Di rl Pom th itir Iack lobiirson of Goo Alpine IVIIS IVlrs Slate and Recent visitors Alpine Mr and Mrs Coiunna iIVIrs Edna has returned to Burrows McKee from Not lieaddrcss with Mat lltt as her text duet ered Liv Jean and Dorothy lmfll Sllmlw We time with prospective buyers Mr and Mrs McDonald station agent here are on holidays M11 and Mrs Wm Andross family have moved to Wroxeter St Pauls WA met at the home of Mrs Gordon Whipps on Thurs Mrs Reed of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ches Andioss tMrs AV Shiite spent co in of daysvrsiting friends in Co ing wood and Owen Sound Mrs Montieth has home after liolidiayingi and at Cornwall M11 ariltiO Mr Ma in spent few asm ron Kg of me $019 sngilslltglfhe ed Weatherproof that roof before winter With materials from owdery Rodway Coop Ml Church served delicious nieals both Hwy days of the Fair IIewsoii with AND ONETHIRD F0 GOOD GOING From 12 oclock noon Fridiiy October 10m to pm Monday October 13th RETURN IIMIT Leave destination oclock midnight Tuesday October 14th ConsIll your nearest railway ticket Egon for figormutiwr am reservations and IIironto IVchregor Barrie with Mrs lIros Hewson Gordon North Bay with friends ijARE rrrr nounn TRIP Elsie rrri itlltl Mrs Sam lo It itilo Saturday tel tl iss nd Medicine Hat Ciruigvale Spell Black Mrs Offering and Thank United WA CO OP NEWS ll re tales Purchase no the speaker Albert Faris passed aw home here on other lingeri eral service on Thursday wa eonv ducted by Rev Paisl With interment in Stroud cen ery Congratulations to Goodfel low on winning seve al first prizes at 0m and Midlai fails with this herd of polled erefords also to andWrnTNew on share of prizes with pigs zdi Mrs nd Mrs Harrison Stu en joy weeks holiday trip to Mon ay at his Sept 1f The Miss Viola and Mr Mrs John Anderson end Visitors with the HWEN sour Agricultural Societys ANNUAL FALL In Sdtufrday Monday SEPT 29 Citizens were Bowdte St Trills Apglican Church are Ita err arvest 1de pm 33 Smooth Surface Roll roofing per square Vliason linking the service Mrs Hopkins and Miss Elsie Hopkins of Orilliio and Mr and Mrs Tracy of Allamdale were 60 lb medium r011 $285 90 lb heavy 10113375 recent vrSitors With Fieldhouses Cliff Carscadd winning the their Yor Mr Fern SEPT30 RaceDay PERFORMANCES omna Stand Mont Tues Nights Harrison SEPTZ7 pqrcrtion HolidayHaan Dont take chance on summer complaint spoiling Pre rt doesn ti eserve ors doeuvre tray than Buffs its avour ism LOT of people believe that unless an appetizer Is its name So weve found it newcomer for lease any connotsseuIlsnamw DodgeDeSto will PAGES FZPTFEX intro Hancock restaurant Has lDies at Penetong ZAn Oscars Field Day Leoding Hockey Coach ir it Hi rit liltll the Well ct Retina5r into to ireirrorrzil tup Meir in Ilv i1 tUlltliNl lfiinrvcr ill iliii tit Phanta and tummy Ara Intriei lrII re tin of Ile ll Lives lir It at llaraoit was itiian of carried IH Ill li lis iirlil llllllli ltlit vof Ti iii held while sewl ltlr thlll Ili Tnw one it liti hit iiiv and Snip truerd iy Strut Iii additr eiii Ilttlti oirriiials and hail pilillll iziviidirri lrtlllttill ulrch lira hatairori lt holding in if iiiture td Itlt Now showrni Illt liirit iil Septerntwr 22 Vera Firbe pen few days in lortmto Mr and Mrs Forbes eel ii the cirurclr iervrce will be held ed their 2lst wedding illliltttl on Sunday at pm on Sept 21 ii and Mr Claude Nesbitt and Mr and Mrs litiriio rrtd Nir and Mrs Wray rly spent the wetkeno loiiics Mrs Forbes lltl 1ln tat Builders and Contractors ROCK FACE BLOCKS 0r PLAIN BLOCKS also VENEER or ROUNDEI CORNER BLOCKS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY On display at Collingwood Fair Sept 26437 We are plttSttl toannounce that we have reeeiitlysm cured the agency for the New Holland Pick Uthaling cause of its popularity throughout ie United States is an outstanding leader in its fie being frilly automatic ties tip to seven tons perhour This machine can be ed by any twoplow tractor We would be pie ed to discuss this machine at any er Hannah MAssEY HARRIS DEALERS Sophia St Barrie Phone 3577 ROOFING Asphalt Plastic for patching and caulking gal can $1 Asphalt Fibre coating for recoating old asphalt roofs gal can $100 45 lb medium rolls $245 and 55 lb heavy rollsvsalo Rock Surfaceinoti Roofing Rbbin Red orGren 18 rolls to the square extra heavy 95 lb $425 per sq 15 lb Heavy Felt Building Paper per roll $380 in Asphalt Shingle 2101b Red or Green square $825 Winloc Asphalt Shingles 125 1b sq $550 24 Ga Aluminum Roofingcovers 32 samecorrugating Alascieei square $13200 its perfect fare Br foods to serve with appeuzers or on OWNERS Complete Fast Mechanical Service Motor Overhauls Brake Relining Chrysler Engineered Parts SEIBERLING TIRES ngerlielrl Motors Dodge uDeSoto Sales Service 65 Collier St Phone 2487 ED AGAIN Service Manager And unlike so many of the fancy ta udget Make Crispy Cheese Pi your soup coursetheyre delicious crusrw MODEL SIIOWS MIDWAY IEverything for Everybody BEAUTX CONTEST Finding and featuring Miss Owen Soum Tuesday at pm HURDLE HORSE ATTRACTIONS TRIALS on SPEED The Pet Show Simpson Trophies for Ladies and Child rens Workl LuckyVDraWS etc OWEN SOUND BAND MON DURHAM KILTIES TUES ADMISSION Aft Adults 50c Evenings 250 Children 250 Cars 250 Grand Stand 500 EV RADBOURNE SecyTrens your vecationtalte along asap plonDOGTOBJOWLEBS EXTRACT OI WILD STRAWBERRY At the rst symptom of diarrhoea intes tinetpains or summer com plaint take the prescribed amount of this pleasant and eective remedy DOCTOR IOWLERS BXTRAOI 0P WILD STRAWBERRY is an old family medicine widely used for nearly century superb lmwcost BABY snow Monday at 3pm Cash PrizeSr also Specials ESE Pu rrs teaqupn dry mustard V3 teaspoon paprika 54 cup cereal 24 11 inch cu 16 cup butter egg separated pound grated ch lg teaspoon sa is has of fresh bread cut from unsliced loaf ollr and mix well Add cheese seasonings and ten egg whites and blend well Arrange in baking sheet Bake Id egg roroughly Add stily bea Spread mixtur on five sides of bread cubes gt oven 350li 12 to 15 minutes 24 putts Cream butter cereal bran mix Ila iii rrrodert Yicl ARTHUR LEMON Pres Ilusasmfeiime reof and is in Stack at lo0p now LAWN GRASS SEED New isthe time to re seed your lawn Parkside Lawn Grass 1b pkg 65c Parkside Lawn Grass bqu 60c Timothy and Alsike mixture 1b 22c SIMCOE snnvrcnsv DISTRICT BARBIE DIAL2429 MARKET announcer

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