AGE This Annual Oro Had Record Entries 95t DELIVERY Phone 3914 Barrie Fuel You can get fast friendy NIAGARA tOAN fvllnil 57000 for any and everyborpbse 9C ALMQJ 94152 Doctor Dentist or Hosiiitaiitiits Coat or Fuel Oil mniioiise Repairs Moving Expenses Taxes or Old Bills IIFE INSURVED at no extra cost Ifyou have money problem or would lrlrfinancialw advice free phone or call today Big enough for EXPERIENCE Small enough for FRIENDUNESS WWMWM vlC lit Iii llvtlilttl lt Ill told lilvlil in Flowers lisit it ii it ll lit Scott llwi llall IttJil ll svt luit pertnil tllt hover iiilvs iu lion Sttlt Wat1e Iron t1aiiili 31m ti hillitl ll lli tltllill collection well Mrs llall eolli ction linnia Scott adzeh Mrs Hin in dlnlnt tailli lrs llall LIts well basket ot sfet collection lit ltnol tll Fruit Delicious Apple It ainpbi Mit Hutchinson Iiaiizeitsi son Mrs Meliajx Wot Gordon Clark lliliti iv Lawrencev litlttlili SWeetswhlrs Met lnson Alisand rs llolden Ilutciiznson Iohnstoti Moore thern Silyst Hutchinson llutehinson Ii llliltltti Il waukees Son Duchess WG Rattle Mrs IIUll den 12 crap applesedits llnlden Gordon Clark six any other var ietyMrs lloldeil Geo lamp bell tlliiiisllilll Ihorne llirst Crawford llllltllliistill pears three bunches grapes iVIlS Ilolden McKay collection truith lltii chinson Irwin flarli GRAIN AND SEEDS WheatEvlrwimelurk Sllttteliin son Gordon Cliirk barleyS lIut chinson Clark flail oais Hutchinson Clark late oat Gilchrist Mrs Irwin Clark Clark peasS Hutchinson sheaf barleyS Hutchinson Mc Kay Dcury Produce Crock butterMrs lI Robson butter in printsMrs Robson in valid trayMrs Booth piiit honeyMrs Elson display of honeyMrs Elson quart of maple syrupMrs Pagan Walk er Caldwell Hutchinson piiit mixed and mustard picklesMrs McKayyMrs Clark Mrs Pagan picklesMrs Elson Mrs Pagan Mrs Rattle catsupMrs Clark Mrs Pagan Mrs Mc Kay canned tomatoesMrs Crawford Mrs McKay salad dressingMrs Moore Mrs McKay Mrs Fagan dill pickles Mrs Pagan Mrs Reid Mus Rattle pearsvand peachesMrs lItllUl ltllllilnb litI itllk IV Itlllt nw do It tuattle Ilal lItlll lerrlniail ltli bi Nil lieiii Ii it lal ni It linii1 tllll Stitlilltd lbittiti Iit iv Stew in ienrne tillihe Stoiitlt ille itllt iiliiii ll llaiite poultry it ill lialtnn Jenniy linie liiicliae lilno llihm lrllti heifer Li in iloiiietI riialltttaeturi tli iiitllz ll Illtltlittl Mitchell illinltlitttsm rill ltllll ttl Iliitllt JPIHHL Delno Jen tinrail tookstowii llolbotltaini iliic row years and mum nillz and lerintji eitphi tintdtii Allan li inex aunt and titt liiiii illiV nley ltlllt no lrtttltX llltehte niey lititl lini purebred lI litltl JohnV John3 and ptileliied ltillltf aint lttllllgtllll liltiii ll ihwiirlllll ettet lamp until iinzl lainh Iohn roadster llziiiipiiiey Win lvlalconison Frank llalte single llacliney 17 liuinplirey road race llussey llialik Billie Win lllalcomson lady driver Mrs lrurv lVlrsGwentli Mrs Fallis pony race Fay iiry George Andrews Leslie lGitlesine pony under saddleFay iliiltt inivlyjBanbury Leslie Gillesple Georiie HUNTER HORSES We clean store fronts hunt gtr liazelburn Stables itiid lilman and Offlces All typesrojl toucieandout iumpinil Household Cleaning done burn Stables Sunny nook Ridinp Club ONeill thoroughly we 31m to novice jumping stake pleasewitlt promptness llzixeltiurnGerald Bayman New es tonbrook Hazelburn ONeill and open lightweight Hazelburn and DIAL 4382 lilman GeraldBaymanr il lll InllitlAl laiil liilitisloli littti fncadden between ii to Martii ItangA ASinithl Itlllt alter March Lifkuit Mngw Churchill born previous toi taiscadden Smith ll born between Sept 10111111 Ill till McKay IllITai al and lilirvvloRZlv ham3 we arreailden Adams Poultry oik Ias Lee and it eoeki Holden and Anlt Mrs Ill llaitle UK Illll Doneal Andrew tatnpbell Golden hissTis llli SUI Clark Mrs McKay Wealthys inari innit Albert llllfl mi stake llazel rseadi lthi 1nlphell sin liltti to tlden born patter llS Illlll ltl arch wEarle Reid NVitlker Caldwellg Ilil liniddle and ililtlll Sunnylnook road back Sun CSkin Attention Otten cause For llnhappiness Are you ashamed oi your appearance because of skin rash boils pimpleaar other skin attentional Too few people realize that these affections may be easily remedied Impurities in the bloodmay often be the cause for ugly skin affections get relief 13m skin troubles boils and try Burdock Blood Bitters kidneys liver and staunch It helps to eliminate wastes from the system The result may be smoother clearer skin BBB has brought relief to thousands of otherCanadlanB Entering from skin affections It should clothe same for you Ask for igtpny drug counter Specify Burdock Blood Bitters itiiitd lltlil ltlltlltvltlii llis delusion lIolden iiiston cutkerel ptillvi tsliitd heii Lee litlllUirliCt llock ArCock Johnston Johnston Wm Billtch Rllode Johnston Whitt lie Ilurtth and Illis otk iijillnston Btirteh pill Johnston Lenhornsn zitl prizes it won by Burtch Vitlltltllit ston hen Johnston tiantanik and White pimples the bowels Ar oek ll Joini lohn Ias Lee iiirteh hen Ias Lee Burtcli eockeret Burtch and pill lvtW Pruitth shiresJoclL erel Johnston hen Johnston pul ston Ihcli lIalnp cock and ltllltildolll ennui IE tie EXAMINER BffiiiilE UNTERIO CAMABAMM WW TlLtlsr in it Warned to Cut Noxious Painswick Wt Hears ll gt Weeds at This Season An Address on Trees bi ii lZNJtH lll ill Hill faiiiilie than an other it iz Iiiiilld ill cullee in the Hillll lllilll lzluwll It llollsi llcculhi of its gt mint tliuol tb alums LL Li Imoillotlle Iat lllopl WI IrfillllllittllllIllIIIllllIllfllldllllllldllll73 it SIEEL ALL SIZES Plates Angles Squares Rounds and Flats at tlilnilllhllfl Ul 13151thithi Viol it late by expert workman 11 littitlltlt as lliltIill wlillilsu ALEX CLELAND BLACKSMITH tax 86 Boylield St Barrie Ontario rilllllllldlllltllttlItilllrlIIlllllOlillillllllldll9 it ii it 51 J1 tillltll itlt kl lliitltl Hit lt in ltai iii Ill Ni ii iii tan Allul ii if 1l HV lili ii till ttl Donald lluilze ml in tilitiii Special tot ll ti in it Iilll by tliil Ill liy loiiiiil HWHWHWI Alt Im It lilllil liii Hilliard ei li 111 it It lliit il ltiilziniw It lill iii li iitlliil lltlFllllll iitltiiit2 ltletoiil and llliu VI ll title litl ll It It lll cl ltdlllv ii III1I Wiiieioh it itiil xiii Ill lilll Ileilzii tiiiit HI li it ii llil wiriiid iilil lleiliei lit lti lll lllllli ill ill lz llllllil tin on iutiiev toate llllt imply iaiiiiei tlIE lttlilrtllw in Hii lie It li1 from the Viilha team llnw on the Iev Illttilis lpHmnln inn likllll tlt lt ll Mimi ill IEHC kate llle Malliltit Airhle IItHvi lintml ll ii iii Jun All Silurian liill tazliphill It gtiilln it lltltl es ip 11mlltle Milton Sutton tiw Ritchie on llllltli lilll llariie trait and liil Htmraxt lavp liarn Misl thine and ii linthm Ier lied Graham tllilha lliiwerri lred llll Iiiniex lltII ilaiiani Itlllla baklinz Mrs ii MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Ierv iiigtir tor the hunter class apt tn II Galloway Ioronto iit iie three year terne Deliiti Ierineyl At15 til till llilllm Llilll lay Robson Allisttiii Ilid AllllllW lltlll illl llelland llearerton Russell ea THE TORCH OF THE llouw ontinemcnt not necessary Siliqu OiltBERIY tor tlll belitlir lhc iilril ptin torclic iniin man it For cniiiiiliie ilitails send in this 13 CC above Altllll 4m 212 Tom hitMann Mansfield Ncvh ltllitt and ll lllt in porn BMYWUH hmwt Ilsalilttillylgzigllc coupon uhelltinker WW nullified llgiuke lllllvntil Symbulof THE lght132f3 comet SPECIAL ggtttglglwhc 87 it pl llacon Special aniin Graham AM ltiilmniisnl is OLR ILAN 431 lARGEST WM llxllt 3U Shanty Ilay Vincent lliiyes Strain Excwswe ll Djl ilglilj Ill Hay Gordon Czlldwell Sllan HEALTH AND ll ll 41119 if ty Day Howard Caldwell Shall yum0x1 Ilhillililllblht Bar Herbert Crawford Oro 5NHim ACCIDENI jll51 Station Duizald McKay Son COMPANY nip huh oldwater rton Crawford ro atTou llll leline llaltoln swim IN IHE mild WWin olio Boys BFFF on on 0m gt mlm IDllm Jllmf Dlltllll Donald Horne Orillla No WORLD illdvl hfm 1I1 Idf titlil Jack Smith lltkestone WM Jim 49 bf 11 No 87 Neil McNiven Oro PHILLIPS District Manager NW NW tt Station No 373 William oj ton ierincy llltltcliie Iel Harm rmm N0 Ivan BOX Pltone 4407 Bullllc Sif Clark Shanty Bay No 833 W3 lijlm IIlllf 11 Murray Straclian Oro Station No MT MW yllltlskjlll Uir 828 Iran Woodrow Oro Sta leQ tioil No 817 BillClark Shan ty Bay No 802 Allan Brown Barrie No 1798 ttl Jim Caldwell LanaiW grses Shanty Buy No 786 11 Lloyd All HORSES Bartholomew Guthrie 717 12 Roadster team llltSSt sln Bub Gm Guthrie 74 may llarrie Lions Club Special for Showmanship Grand champion on FLAVOR CREA cansE heavyweight Hazel THANK YOU iis vegetable compoun actson The Milbnrn 00 Limitpd Toronto Ont Clark two any other varietyMrs berriesMrs ClarkMrsF Mc Kay pints any other variety Mrsl Clark Mrs Fagani hard Booth Minai Elson Mrs Crawfordcherries and straw Mrs Clark strawberry jam WILSON BLDG RC Square Barrie PHONE 2325 Sultry Intuciitct Acceptance corp 73 soapMrsuM Elson Mrs Fa Booth BAKING gan Mrs Crawford roast more tensMrs Edwards roast ducksMrsG McKay roast ducks speciallMrsx Cairns pair ducks dresseders McKay Mrs McKay dressed chickens Mrs Booth dressed chickens specialMrsy Scott pair dressed chickens speciallMrs IMVamiashes Paints Enamels Wax 1377 7oYEARs OEDSERVICE 1947 INSIDE AND OUTSIDE for sale by SARIEANT colrD RollsMrs Booth Mrs Moore Mrs McKay homemade bunsLMrs BoothMrs Mc Kay Mrs Reid angel cake Mrs Booth Mrs McKay Mrs Jermey marble cakeMrs Booth Mrs Gilchrist Mrs Fagan tartsMrs Clark Mrs Moore Mrs Jermey apple pieMrs Booth Mrs Moore Mrspl Clarkpumpk1n pieMrs Jermey Mrs Clark Mrs Gilchrist lemon pieMrs Reid Mrs Id Robson Mrs Jermey 114 At last new cream cheese with refreshingly different avor and rich iemptinbgoodness Made frorrifreSh sweel cream Shettordt lngersoll Cream Cheese lends itself deliciously tofu yuriety of appetizing dishes Use it for sandwiches for salads for spreadsor in any way you wish Youi itssupelrior avor itsexciting new taste we Made by IngersollClieeseCompany famed for over 80 years as makers of ne cheese game 54 instantiation CHEESE is 157