Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1947, p. 1

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111 IIii if AI ve r4f It Saw Since the Ontario Forest Station was estab lished at hliilltulst about 25 years ago the officials and employees have developed small central section as one of the loveliest parks in this part of the province Only four with Year Sprinqwuter Park at rug miles north of Barrie this park is visited by REYNOLDS IS PRESIDENT HDIID It SCHOBL in Friday September 19 the first meeting of the llast littd Home and School Assoetation was held in the King George School New officers were installed by Past President Ieorge Holloway The ltsltlftilILllllS year is 113 lteynolds lIin Welsman atid Walter Pearce were elected 1st and 2nd VieeJresiIlents respectively aitd James lientnton was appointed trea surer Mrs George Holloway Jr will be recording secretary and Mrs antpbell ltaikes will be correspond ence secretary lupils ot the King George School had finegxhibit of flowers aitd vegetables grown front seeds given to them by local firm While this was not competition small prize was given toeacli one who demon strated the results of the work The next meeting of the Associ ation will take place the third week iit October CODE TO BE BASIS NEW BARRIE BYLAW At the Town ouneil meeting last Manda night Ald 1t lueisbutan chairman of the Town Planning Board present report The report recommended that Barrie adopt building bylaw based on the National Build ing Code This would be pubs lisltcd in condensed form and copy provided to every perv son who takes oiit building permit The ouucil unanimously ap rovcd this action and the Na tional Building lode will be turned over to the Town Solici tor to draw up bylaw for Barrie PRISONERS FRIEND LIFE SAVING mess The floss of milkwecd is used iti making lifebelt Preservers Elect DrR Orok Conservative Assn President 1947 48 The lrogiessivcConservative As to make Ontario strong and betI sociation for the riding of Centre ter place for Canadians to live in Siggtcoe held their Annual Meeting and Election of Officers on Thurs day night September 18 in the Odd fellows Temple Barrie There were about one hundred members pres ent With the retiring president Colin son of Elmvalc iii the chair all positions were declared vacant and MI Lawson called on Donald M4LaTentoeottduct the election of officers which was done by ballot The following officers were electcdl fer the ensuing year President DIl Robt Otok Midhurst VicePresid etit Charles Evans Bradford Secretary Col Garry Lee Assistant lIa Secretary Mrs Mercer Hamilton Geo Johnston MPP in addres sing the gRthering expressed sin cere thanks to the outgoing execu tive for the excellent work they had done and congratulatedthe newex eeutive for their interestiand will irigttess to Work for the partypHe welcomed the Hon Russell Kelley Minister of Health and RE Elliott MPP for Hamilton East and thank ed them for coming to Barrie to address the gathering Mr Johnston said it was significant that five Conservatives who are now sitting members Of the Drew Government were all born in this riding Mr Drew he considered to be the smart est man in politics in Canada today Elliott MPP stated that he was born at Allenwood and waSin tenser interested in the election that had been held as it showed that the men and women of this riding were determined to have good government He stated that while we are now in the machine age Ontario was basically an agri cultural provincc and that the ma jority of successful business men had come from the farm where they had learned to take off their coats and get thejdb done Mr Drew was looking to the future and wanted orous but true RUSSETTL KELLEY ThejddRussell Kelley Min ister of Health was introduced by the new president Dr Orok Quol ing slogan he referred to as hum united we stick divided we are stuck he stressed the importance of keeping this rid Ing solid for the Conservative govl lernment He congratulated the mem bers for their work and urged tltcm to get more young people and we men interested in the work Mr Kelley outlined the work of his department in regard to aid givento hospitals and sanatoriums While the money available was not nearly enough they were trying to givejsome assistanceto all worthy cases The government was now paying grant of $1000 bed to general hospitals and $2000 to hos pitalsthat cared for chronic cases The grants to sanatoriums had been increased by three quartersof million dollars While the depart ment doesnot Operate thesana toriurns they contribute abOut 90 of the cost of upkeep 1n the near future they hope to increase the assistance to these institutionsso that more patients may be cured of tuberculosis Another project ation of expectant mothers for dis eases He stated that countless bab ies had been saved from the fate of being bornwith venereal diseas es because the mothers had been cured in time Paraplesics patients with injured spine were now being looked after and several had been reestablished in positions they could handle new hospital is und er construction at Smiths Falls that will becapable of handling from 1000 to 1200 patients Mr Kelley stat ed that inspite of the recent ad ditions to the OntarioHospital at Orillia there were now 2400 child ren where they should have only 1000 There are 400 patients on 10ng we Enthetitt by CTS EVflllI idhurst Forest Station Retail Lumber Dealers iMoking Sincere Effort 1ETo Hold Prices Down i1 thousands of persons every summer and it has become one of the most popular picnic grounds ill Simcoe County This photograph shows section of the park that is familiar to all residents of this part of Sintcoe County NATIONAL BUILDING Best Years of Our Lives Being Shown All Week At the Imperial Theatre The litst lltlllllll Hollytaood ilarrie Years of Our threeIntllioitIlollar extravaganza opening lhIatie lost playing here all week Based on the theme of inldieIs rciurning front the war to face prob leins at home the film portrays the innuan interest experiences of Myr na lo Frederic March Dana Att Virginia lIs had lntperial Monday night tlttll 1ercs Wright Mayo and Cathy ODonnell Samuel Goldwyn spared no ex pense to enlist great giilaxy of stars and the music for the film is provided Ltfttlllltlstvl and singer llundreds of Barrie and district residents are takittg advantiige ofl jseeing this great picture iii the first 10ml Of 1934 DOV115 Wlt released outside Toronto in this part handed over to the Salvation Army If Ontario from Canadian courts last year Also turned over to the Prisoners Friend were 194 parolees lloagy Carin ichael c4 ON TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE No Illehleavc Toronto 010 ain arrive Allattdale 1120 arrive Bar 1lt 1138 No AtSLeave Toronto 550 pm arrive Allandale 802 pitt tl7pm to Midland daily except Sunday No SwLeave Barrie daily for Winnipeg and Vancouver No GtilLeavc am arrive Allandale 105mm Allandale 1135 ain No ti3Leavc Allandale 815 for Collingwood and Meaford daily except Sunday 1o JimLeave am the weekend storm Pepper SEPT 29 left Orillia at three oclock last Barrie 100 am storm came up and Mr and Mrs lml on Pitts did not reach jKCSWlCli Dr IlLeavc Allandalc fotplenctang Sunday No hitLeave Barrie 453 am 11351 were out on the water and the daily except Daily Star sent Seabee to LakeThere 1C WllOPhOlO CQUleCm Simcoe Among those taking part Allandale 510 am arrive Toronto in the Search were Pepper Granarn 700 mm1daily No 42Lcave Barrie 837 am hours Ross Smith who went otttiWl1CSlIQI TOIOMO Allandalc 850 0111 arrives Toronto with provincial polie and William 1045 atn daily except Sunday and Valley who was out with Sgt Monday from Midland No 44Lcave Barrie 420 pm arrive Torottto 655 ccpt Sunday No f660$IITTVC am rotn eaford dail Sunday and Monday cept No IUDArrive pm from Meaford Sunday only BBSArrive Allandalegjo pm daily except Penetang pm daily police for eight hours Monday Sunday there was some doubt the couple would be found alive How evcr Monday afternoon Mr and Mrs Pitts were located on Strawl Allandale 750 Allandale 720 Sunday from BELFRY REUNION The first Belfry Reunion was lild last Saturday Couchiching Park Orillia In the early part of the 19111 century Jacob Belfry had settled at Queensville and last Saturday some 50 of his descendants gatheredfor familyreunion They were pres ent from Owen Sound Midland Victoria Harbor Bala VLake Cannington Uxbridge Port McNicoll Toronto hurst Following an enjoyable day committee was organized to plan another reunion for next year Herman Belfry of TorontoWas elected ptesidentlKeith Belfry of Midhurst vicepresident Mrs Phoe be Ney of Victoria Harbor was the oldest person present September Kirkland arrie and Mid as the examin CONCRETE FREIGHT CARS Cast reinforced concrete freight cars are being made in Germany it is reported all parts arecase concrete except wheels springs and drawbars waiting list to enter Orillia hospital He stated that at the time there are 17000 patients in Ontarios mental hospitals Mr Kelley was thanked on behalf ation and entry blanks Write Cedar BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Inuitsnav BATTLE OF BRITAIN CENOTAPH SERVICE AT BARBIE SUNDAY little iittt iiIIitI of lte llnlnito lillll liilII ltod IiIiIiIIii ll IIIit 3141 II tilllil is li 1n iIlI tIi luvp down lllllllitl 111161 11111111 til the Itilitivl Hf ltlliltlI pilIIII This iIIiitl tollonct It by meeting of the tlllItiItlls of the ltlA The general opinion Iiis 1111 out of the 11Illli was that liiinlier proes mlIIInlII not it mi JiitIeIl The lllfllltlrI felt lta Illltl tlie llitllrlllll situation vs tll tax from being solved an tia etfott should be made to 001 raI lllllll Ileiziainis were 1Ilvllttl leain captains for the annual Rodi Shield ainpnign of the Salvation Army are Waiil tine Mrs it llrown VarIl lwo liatlis ieaI grain Ward Three Iljt Sillltlllhl Ward l111 1is lirank lerkinszt Ward live Mrs Nielson wens Ward Six Reginald Ayers SUPPLIES MILLIONS MEALSI Last year the international Sall By LtCol Macdonold th ltlllltltlh SET CLOCKS AHEAD IKEMPENFELDT BA IS NOW LICENSED SUNDAY SEPT 28 TO STANDARD TlME tin tout tenant IIIrIl tl lozttl night His Iitp ltIII Ilild iILIIIe Rtlllll ltllllll to IfiIlIIIt llntr nxt Mnntn IlI ks shunlxl le put lurk II llnltl tittl IIIlIik in the 11illlllt this will 121H1I tIIr ill iiI hour sleep and ILtrlv tax 111 sit in lJfllll Alltf the supper hour llliltli II Line at tl History of Armament ffjRclotcd to Lions Club lS Illll SKI Llll lllltltl lIosl lliIeitl lll litv tluii IrnIIilainaleil 1lll the Thai litt III filillll lte llevl mini 82 ilIiI and li pio lilitl as It II litllIllllIl iiiIiiI III ilItlllillttl spoi lllllllis tlll Iv ui I1illiltN 115 STORY lltllll lleIivIJon Ioniesa good it oiv lleiiiian luiis tandtio uiilei bit tiee at home and heard sonIIIthiiig Announce Team Captains IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII the tune Salvahon Army Campaign tattsiAeIl tltll lisli dropped at it 11 As lite fish was still wet no doubt was dropped by ltirdi v1iIh llitll tatLen ll front the river liIh runs past the home HJHYAIICK PHONE TULIIS Twitlllttdis published lll iitario laette of approval by Ontario Municipal lloard of tolls to be charged users by municipality of oltlwater for party line telephone 11t in the area outside the liin vation Army supplied ilt172053jits but servId bygthc telephone ex meals to needy or underprivilegedl ntillioit beds were provided change in the village of oldwateim lllttllllll were approved Launch Disabled insterm Mr and Mrs George Pitts Police and residents of Barrie took part in the search for Mr and Mrs George Pitts who were re ported lost on Lake Sintcoc luring Grahambrougltt Mr Pitts to Bar rie from Orillia after Mr and MrsI Pitts had been found by plane Mr and Mrs Pitts of Toronto hadi Saturday afternoon with 10foot launch for Keswick They were to be met there by Dr Robert Bruels of Toronto Saturday Bruels searched all helay Sunday by boat and late Sunday night lie conI tacth provincial police at Barrie Monday tnorntnghsemalbal who was out for more than 24 David Hamilton of the provinCial Following the terrific stornt on COMING cents wordMinkmm diam Rummage Sale St Andrews WA Saturday Oct 25 Dance Friday night Vespra Tp lHall at Midhurst Auspices of RT lClub 39b Dance Baxter Friday Sept 26 Music by TheStroudlMoudtaineers Dancing from 930 to 115 30tfb Cold Meat Slipper Brentwood United Church Oct Good pro gram Admission 50c and 25c 30p Midhurst LOL dance Township Hall Oct3v Refreshment booth Good music Adtnission 50c 38tfb Rummage Sale Saturday Oct 25 Trinity Parish Hall Auspiees Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club of Barrie gt Cold meat supper will be served in Central United Schoolreom Oct from to pm 50c and 25c Auspices WA 3839p Anniversary Services Angus Presbyterian Church Sunday Sept 28 11 am and pm conducted by Rev Mr Dean 39b Square Dance Caller and Fiddler Competition at Cedar Grove 2nd and went to the rescue people were found their pictures were published in newspaper whichtvas on the streets The photographs which had been tele phoned from Barrie about fOur oclock Monday afternoon appeared in the Daily Star which arrived here at 830 that evening sion 50c 523tfb day Nov 14 Very cordial inviation LineWeSt Wasaga wednesday Oct 15 Cash prizes For inform Gtnw Brock Reach Out 39p berry Island by observers front the SeaBee boat was then signalled Mr attd Mrs litts had spent twoi epldnights on the Island aitd were without food the entire time The power shaft of the boat ltad seized during the storm and after three hours lteavy rowing Mr Pitts managed to beach the craft on thet island The exploit marked the first time iii history that photos were sent from Barrie by wire photographer aboard the SeaI Bee took pictures of Mr and Mrs Pitts when they were found about three oclock in the afternoon The printed they were sent over the In less than three hours after the EVENTS IlI iIiiI ll airiinltealliix Cookstown Dance Pavilion Donl Gilkas and his lOpieceorchestras every Friday night Admission 50E cents 39th Dance Shanty Bay Hall every Wednesday night Music by Stroud Mountaineers Snack bar Admis Rummage Sale auspices Wohelo Class Sunday School room Cen tral United Church SaturdaytOctf Doors open am 3940b Dance Monday Sept 29 Gearin Hall Phelpston in interest of Flosv Township Credit Union Good music and lunch Admission 35 cents 39p Alliston Menfsi Glee Club will present concert Orange Hall Thornton Friday Oct 815 pm nauspices St Judes WA Admission 35c and 20c 39b Womens Association Collier St United Church Bazaar sale home made baking afternoon Tea Fri extended to all 3839b BritishIsrael World Federation meeting Orange Hall Barrie Sun day Sept 28 at 245 pm Speaker Mr Wemp Subject Arm ageddons at the Gatel 39b TOWN COUNCIL BRIEFS V4EIIV 3I lII 1llili iltlll 11e 31 lialtt IpI ent Iii hall of the ltnrzte 11Inch IIl Nat League He asked tun 111 obtainii IV foot IIt Maple lets lll tlrtl ouniil ingIIIL to take Jips HI obtain tltttl lit the propein inIiil trotted and also to iiiIIuIte regaiIlI int illilllttlAIlI across the rail waj tIIIlIs lilliain lziil tolIi Council of and iinrtauilziiy IviiultI tioti in the lane between llayfield and Maple north of Elizabeth aitd asked if something could not be done lie said it had been very bad all summer illid rats were numerous The sanitary Inspector had been notified month ago but no action was taken This opened up another discussion on the cott lition of restaurants iit Barrio Ald persons Nearly eleven and lialfllolls of $1000 per your tspgit 1I1MiltVltittllh Sold thry were IIisi gracelul and it was iittpossible to get any action from the sanitary inspector Ald Smith suggested IlIt llob Saundershere from lol ronio The Mayor referred to the conilttion of one restaurant recentl 1y sold He had been invited to inspcet it and said the smell wasI On StraWberryjilandl so bad they stoppedltalf way oit the stairway Ald Louglteed piesi fioned whether anything would ever be done and Ald Griffiit ask ed Why not The Mayor said fulLtimc titan was needed and Ald Corbett spoke of the fiite work done by the sanitary inspector out of town inspecting farms The mat ter was further discussed in coin mittee Ald Griffin pointed outilhat Dtinlop St could be widened by removing the apron and this could be done by the Brennan Paving Company now that they have start ed to resurface the main streets The cost to remove 1600 feet of concrete apron would be about $3000 Council approved this ael tion film was flown to Barrie wlicreiti was developed at Waterers Studio LI Milledge was hooked up to the telephoneiG aduates from Army and as quickly as the pictures were Information School t1 11Illliltl THE BARR EXAMINER Electric Power Offf Six Hours Sunday As Auto SnapspPole II It Iilaiuu lie inert ilt eanfzizueIl at iinpliteil til IIeI Dr lutiibtdi learn crl the nai bad 11 Ill nothing it eaI sllltI eI IfthuoIIt he l1lttl Ih It 11x lltllit only liiotl it the linemen went f1 Because the power was off 111 Tiirtibitll could not use his electric store but he had small woodl stove which was sIIon ioaiing with cauldron of soup It was about rune oclock in the evening when lit linemen reieiied the loeors and the fire helped to dry their cloth in for few moments They had been working steadily firs1x hours under trying and ntiseinble conditl ions and then had to return for lll other three hours LINHMEN Those on the line crew were llenry llauldry foreittan Fred Rowe have Rodgers Melville Hoyle atid Harold Stephenson II II petsoiis IIltiii 13I ion 1111111 wt 1I inviineit at tuth lhen of Jill Iztnnias dining mm bouquet 10 etch marigolds 11 fall wheat 25 tfeltl gIas 10 Kat 30 pIItinI 1enitett special 12 any breed 13 reett llllif 13 nail lll11 20 spelling natcltes 23 in each class dog shtlw any breed lit sports 21 to 32 WEAYMOUTH AUTO PASSlNG ANOTHER WHICH MADE TURN 1hr Jtillltli tlllill shut off tltitfh pourr In the Ixtst cud llIrrII List Sunday etInin illstl 1illl Allan ray month 111 H11ttltl as Itritiin ltl on IIIltirr He up pissing lJf Ilritrn 1H lIIrlct Robinson 118 Hillier ultrtl lr Robinson nude ltlllldllll tutti iii lront of the IIIiiouth tar lhi ytitIitttli lair IIItit IItoss lttlvllttlll1lrt1 Iili the north side the street and rolled ovrr tlid thin showed off llll liIllII little the tJr tIs tiIIl damaged but llIn Inninouth IiiIl passiiiigir Lulu Itinitt escaped 1lli lIIIrItiIIns Iuil iittitor lllr itiiiIs llll tIre taken to the lloml Vittoiia Hospital for lftAllllIlil iiil Rcclect James Loughlin President Sunnidolc Tp pII ProConservotive Assn ri Ii Il II dun Iljlllgllt raw Ill il Incl 1II ioIIItt lit ltzl gtI ll 15 IIIIl lll sl I1 Silt lt Vll lliilW IifltIIl Ii II to ta It IIIt t1tli1 in 1IIi Iii tit 1l wirie ie in III Il lI 111litl of one 1l 11 IiIif fty Joseph McCabc Age 72 Killed on County Road 1Mile South of Leretto Illtxtllll Ilctabe i1I was kill ltiesdaj when he was un over by truck In IIiIntt Road No 111 one liltl soutn of Loretto lhe fatality we investigated by Cat Kruegei of Bond llead and Iiri gt of Cookstown was the ttllttlltl ltlllt i5ltlllitl the lileak llllI the other ltiIe replenished tlyIs ESSA SCBOOITPAIR Classes with the latgest number es were lleets 20 carrots IIoes 43 gladioli 110 astet 11111 potatoes illlit Ca shown up 10 hen Iheavy breed lti illet 23 hybrid lien 12 coekercl admits 10kIIIt at craydnx For full list of prize winners see page ll Saltm pUC Managua wast Speaker for the llierLS ClVlCC was he puwm substation I0mhJ Thommen an East Indian of otit the evening and received scores of telephone calls However most Of the residents were simply mak ntg polite inquiries the Reformed Syriiin Clturelt now student at Wycliffe College Mr lhoinittcn delivered his message on the harvest theme with special ref HundredS of Citizens had 1UIrteiice to India The harvest hymns suppers half Cooked and eventuallinClt SUI UHHCCOIUDEHHGG by the forgot their roasts for bread aitd Organ butter and other cold food In addition to the main break on While families wereobliged tIilClllCl Web the hydro linemen lunch on cold food by candlelight they were not quiteso uncomfortl were called to various parts of the town tlteteliglttiiiitg bad blown able as the hydro linemen who were 01 1505 slruggling iii the rain attd darknessi with potentially dangerous night tension lines Ironically enough the rain stop ped shortly after midnight about the time the power was restored The churches were in comparative Idarlutess At St Marys Roman Ca tholic Churchscveral extra candles were lighted and the evening wor ship was conducted by Rev Moreau and Rev Lawlor The choir sang without the accompani Lt Francis Milledgc72 Eliza mentIIet the electric organ lbethSt Barrie was among the 240 officers and enlisted students of the Army Information School who graduated from the Army Infor mation School on Sept 17 at Car lisle Barracks Penn The officers course comprising 171 students in both Public Infor mation and Troop lnformationEdI ucation has been of 14 weeks dur ation and is the sixth class to be given by the school The Army Information School trains Public Information Officers who interpret the workings of the Army to the public and Troop 1n formationEducation Of fi charged with carrying out the Armys aim to make the American soldier the best infermed soldier in the world Enlisted graduatesreturn to their respective posts and bases through out the United States to actfas as sistants to TrOop InformationEdna cation Officers These students have been given broad background train ing in such subjects as the aims of the Armys Educational Program familiarization with current world events offduty education and in group discussion leading Stewart Dobson Barrie Died of Bullet Wound Stewart Dobson of Barrie was found last Thursday morning on farm near Phelpston shot through the heart It was believed the wound was self inflicted Mr Dobson had withdrawn substantial sum of money from the bank two days pre viously and had left this to his two yearold son lt Dont neglect your printing needs until you are right out Send your orders to The Examiner early Enro At Trinity Anglican Church an impressive candle light service was conducted by Rev Howden lment Increase ZOO Centre SimcoeThis Falls Another Eight Teachers The number of children attend ing school is on the increase ac cording to the figures compiled by Inspector Scott for Centre Simcoe In the publicschools of this in spectorate there were 3454 pupils registered on the opening day this month This was approximately 200 higher than one yearago and the figttres for September 1946 were about200igreater than the previous year up Here arethe figures according to grades in Centre Simeoe VIII360 VII355 VI373 V362 IV363 III382 11482 I557 There are kindergartens at Barrie and Camp Borden with total of 220 boy and girls Centre Simcoe has 122 teachers this Fall nine more than year ago Pettetang hastwo less High land Point in Tiny has one less but Camp Borden has eight more teachers than year ago Camp Borden has established school which is now operating under the Ontario school system Centre Simcoe inspectorate in cludes Barrie and Camp Borden The number of pupils inthelow er grades givesfurther indication that the school enrolment is going RURAL DISTRICT The hydro linemen of the Rural HEPC were busy throughout the aflt ternoott and evening iii the district surrounding Barrie The storm brought downone large tree near Shanty Bay which interrupted power in that district for some time There were also breaks itt various other districts where power was off for an hour or two RADIOS PREDOMINATE According to the last census 78 per cent of Canadian homes had radios Vespra Flos Oro lnnisfil and parL of Tiny Township New teachersthis Fall are Geof frey Moses of Port McNicoll at Wyebridge Shirley Jones of Mid land at Thornton John Devine of Peterboro at Waverley Mary La borde of Toronto at Grenfel Iona Moore of Ravenha at Pine Grove Clara Black ofOro at Nevis Mr Scott reports that five mar ried women have given up teaching to go to their homes but this change was balanced by therfact thatfive former teachers who are married have returned to accept teachinglutiesr Mrs Grace Hodgiris who taught school for many years at Wyevale has gone to Alberta where she is teachingin school near Edmon ton Sbe ltas brother who is principal of school in Edmonton Jean Stubley who taught 31 Rugby last term is going to con tinue her education and Wilfred McLeod Square has resumed his studies to wards becoming Presbyterian clergyman who wasg at Mitchell or the pupils in this area Who wrote Entrance examinations last June 342 passed or were recom mended while 46 failed Average age of those who passed was 14 years and three months

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