IlllF rHLK THjBARRl ISSUE UM 7750 Capies My ro AS stews RCULAU bu IA nw wnww gt mm my BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA IllOR unwrin in EXAMINER SA trans lIu fo uccdcil ow urgcntly 11 1v in zlllrlttllllItllItllllllllll SALVAGE ll ection AREA Ni ll SEPT 22 All lrci Illllll ol llrock St irriliulrng All of liiudiilc luiii 11 111141 liiiririi books III IIUFAL llllll ruiqw iriil liils still HI iii 51Il iiijhltrc having local Anny Loi lri it Limo quantity may phone dump ilit vi 1315 llil iklil pick up on once Hill lllliti my luc lfl or Friday lZillllllln pi oi 11 tiltltlllllllllolllltlllOOIlo ml fillV ilxlll Jl GABARDINE TOPCOATS $3950 $4950 Cotton Gab $1600 Trench Style $2950 SUITS in stock Single or Double Styles sizes 35 to 42 Priced from $3450 STETSON HATS $8 $10 others $225 $550 arms novs wrmu 55 Dunlop St lliirric ANNUAL MEETING and Election of Oliicers SIMCOE CENTRE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION l00F HALL BARRIE THURSDAYSEPT18 QClock DST HON RUSSELL KELLEY Minister of Health ELLIOTT MPP Hamilton East GEO JOHNSTON MPP Will be present Everyone interested in good government isinvilcd to attend LAWSON ROBINSON Elmvale JOHN WOODS Barrie President SecyTreas 1l Youll enioy the superior avor opal therich wholesome goodnessof Shefford lngorioll Cream Cheesea Made from fresh sweet cream by the Inge136 Cheese Companyfamous for over eighty years as makers ofvno chooser me it lhc WIFE SON FLEE SHELBURNEFIRE and sixyeziivold son escaped from flames and the soundof breaking glziss they were cut off from the coriidor butescaped by climbing trhrough wpidow to an cightinchl MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY MEMBER OF BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE more than 13000 persons cathein to watch firemen fight thefire the mm The ou li IlTI iizuiiist indl 121 in favor The lnlziw Jlln presented to tho LHlllt ol ollinimond lollovsirnjl lll oi llll Exhibition piiipill for $3Iilllll last spiiiii1l lllll lb Waillcis slated tho silil was to bc uscd for industrial pur poses lie paid $500 to the corpor llllUll on the understanding lhc re mxiiiiini $20500 would be pziid Sept l3 liiliiiu izin hiuh in connection with tho vote during the post lwu wccks due to the refusal of the purchaser to ll further details iNo Vllill lic llilllDSfll in do with the propcily Ir Walters refused to comply with the request of town council for full details of the proposition and 1th compriny iii volvcd in it and also refused re qucsl that he and two associates should attend ii public meeting to answer questions which citizens might cure lo present The Great Nllllllvlll Exhibition and Nottawa siiua Agricultural Society officers and directors went on recordas l0IIll opposed to the proposition while on the cvc of the vote Wallace chairman of the finance committee of the Collingwood Coun cil published twocolumn letter in the local press opposing the pro position Council had voted to sell the pro perty last spring Julian II Ferguson member of pziiliariient for North Simcoc the night before the oic publicly voiced his opposition declaring that the ratepayers were not being given enough information and slai inrz Colliuinvood should not do busi ness in the dark in this manner 00 pm ccnl vote in favor was required to carry the proposal roan DlNWOODY John Dinwoody principal of Shelburneilublic School his wife 21 fire early last Friday morning Awakened by the crackling of hedge on the second storey They were seen by bystander who had ladder put up Dinwoody is son of 1M Dinwoody of Barrie deputy sher riff of SimcoeHCOunty The fire caused $10000 damage and several persons were forced out of their rooms by smoke The blaze broke out at 145 um and Hopped IiI how 13 Well is ziriy unimns from Motillcdl nid nuriicrl ll 11 lllil and blankets from the hostel ll Auroru iiid wortl or liavcnhurst and then Illllllqll oppin zit hushls on routo to mp 1mm immymighvd An iilihlnnml Illlllllldlllll pounds of 01 bacon lltVL hiti1 itiich iscl irl Ys gt 1Ltioiip of uwl pi ilii 11 1d Ihc H111 li lioslil Uptlltill Hlml WNW Slum mud JHIHHM My nus riiaiio centres The liostcllcis pziid 23 iilllS lot for lilt old they prepared ihcir own mcals In cook Icni Most of tho iiavclliis lelli licic round for lllllll Victoria llziibor here after mcctinus were hold in ninhhl which is tho customary hoslol foc to 2i business block in Shelburne the Community Ilouso last sprinud Miss Louise Tollcy county recroad lion director and Killllilll IllllllE son recreation counsellor for BurE Ilt cooperated iri mnkinz ihc Illl ranucmemsawiih the Toronto Youth Hostel officials Miss Elsie Raich madc ll1Slllll mcr property available for Itiix silo and acted as house parciit She was assisted during the season by Miss Marilyn Snyder University of Toronto student Several cyclists expressed hope there would be hostel in thc vicinity of Orillia next summer lllil GROWS LARGE TOMATO tomato 15 inches in circum ference has been grown by Gemcc lIoll RR Thornton The largc tomato weighs one and onehalf pounds Had Mr Holt had the Iron some weeks ago When tomatoes were 40 cents pound lhis sinulo specimen would have brought 13 illllldlilll Info lllllllli of all companies at iIlic Ionizicss in Barrie will be iheld iindcr lhc auspices of thc rim ll ii hiriYcR Rhyme if idiiio HI in ll niii Mom ii IUN lllIIIIIIIIIIOIllIIIIIOIIllIIllllllllOIlllllfIf0 ST MARYS PARISH is it it ii ii 111 lill Iklilli 11wHw iv ifs ii it MONDAY SEPTEMBER 22w 815 PM it iziItic Li li Lgiv iiiwi mu ti is At In It lfrn Wow il in rii FELLOWS TEMPLE wlira111 2iio lo GOOD PRIZES AND CHICKENS yul vr OlllllllllIlllllillllllllllllllIIJIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS il Hundred Cyclists Stop or 115 GREAT NORTHERN Here urmg eason Il cv iill ildillvlYlvllllill11ii lllllilvl il yr ill Ii 13 lieiri Vi1 on the Shanty HIM To PrCSIdC of by lildil will lu ll cil 1ililll Ml li Ii lolci ill iillH llllrl trawl irl Ill ongrcss In atnc 1H Vicei iii ylldllt Moi 1h ill Im jultllllli llillii Eiziii llxll ln lllmlil lliii only llltlllll ll lm 13 VOTED DOWN Mo ir OIIIHSWOOd OHIaIIO ll ri illl llIilrrilil lJltV llli AT llfllli llliltl oui llzu cyclisu ivlhi Ilium lo lilxliilllr mi prypplVL IM My lllllVIhllV ol hfoiniu liiditil Vl do iilll on Vlllltl urnMilli lilll llli1lr il limb TH mth HIHHL liilliir Io NoilpV linuuiiyl laicr lllltll Ilvl 1121 ldm Itll1 would but Lininwl lluii Ziw mv ii iii fillldlllll for pcliod of lily llizlillll iilillili lmi Seplelnbel 5TH olth Hf yluvllll Wtintuit 111er the two icniwy HOPQI lt lolv lcltloli11iiil LN on the illh1ll ctoudiil that some of tho iill1if All 05 51111A1 Lulu HORSE DWIW mum 15 immiwiv izioic llithlllIlUII glen oulsnlc In lbi snovl lllllllll 1i liik llllllllllllil tho bmlhvli him llw mik Fhrldlli iiiiiillimvw iii pm MM and Hm hmmlowu icw loisiy illlll ilifoiiiizi High In HY FERNANI dilIAlTllNli Il liigsiilinl ol liio Life Assoclotion of Cziiilt1 illoiiuuioii Ililll1l gnicssiuglhi Io11i1vsgtoi ilti to ho hold in Barrie ill lIili Monday Supt Tilt Illlillilltl i1l ho zic itllilldlllid by liiilllllll Nginn llx iculivc ViciIicltiiloiil of the llom inion ASSUUIUHVIII Lynn Broad hicnuo Mannuci of the lh1dy Ilou ionzil Viccdicsuiviii of llli IUi and lldlllb Supoiinlcndonl of Agencies for illl National Life For several years the lUA havc been sponsorinu rctporuil conven tions iniolimu ziiicndauce by It 73 IlllS joint riicctinus whore lhe various pioblciiis relative to tho work of the man in lliiglnld hzivc lVlti brought out intollic oan for dis cussion Mr dellncinc and hisl committee are diwolniu El Lilil lcal of their limc to Hiccxpziir sion of this ciiucziiional program SimcocMuskoku Owen Sound and ccnls lo Imouloisays Ernie adding that he likes the quietness and friend liness of the townspeople Another member of the Iiaycinft family Ernies son Bill is now employed in the iiiiichiniiig depart merit Lets Chat items should reach the Examiner by Tuesday noon HISTORY 41 Dunlop St ATTENTION HOME OWNERS Building Costststue Still RisiiingJeiliiigs are being Lifted If You Lose your Property by Fire vAlnsuranec to Cover RteBuilding Costs is the LOWEST IN CANADAS Ilnnmci Iltilllltlllr and is ex pected to draw large group of underwriters fiiini many parts of Ontario It will opon wuh registra tion at im llllil will close til zip pioximulcly pin avo HUT TRY AND GET It is cstinmtcd that the electric lllllll in bolts of lighlninu makes them worth nhoill 30 cents it dozen il usual rides Din3735 hs Hinest Rdycrcrft 3Is CGE Quarter Century Member Barrie branch of CanadiannGeneral Electric Company has been established less than two years there is already member of the Quarter Century Club W3 Ernest Rayoraft assistant fore man in the finishing department here is the first Quarter Century Club member in Barrie He start ed in the igriding room of Canad ian Edison Appliances at Slratford in 1920 Hand wasrithere until the CGE took over in 1926 and trans Althoth the suitiniriiiiniiiicacu sisal rerred rthe plant LoToronllu He was at the Ward Street plant until he was moved to Barrie to open the new plant in 1945 much prefer living in Barrie i2e boards cxe STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower Toronto 36 year In Business An ideal investment for individuals corn prmies authorized by law lor cemetery on Guaronteed TrUst Certificydes Issunn lOr any yduni for stem of five years gun riliitil both its loprincipal and interest Interest cheques trialled to french holderson due date or rat holders option maybe allowed to accumulate at compoundlittered enters and other trustees ECECIL Meius BUYSCREAMERY irDUNDiii diiioiis from about ih pol com ot Silllllll llll slollithc rhiiIIL flit period the Uni dM MENIII PUBLIC MEETING The pulilii iri lillltl to Attend litllll pnrpow of organizing HUMANE SOCIETY IN BARRIE Friday September 26 8pm COMMUNITY HOUSE HOOM4 for the lcixiinii Ha ruini iiri lli inw iwl lIll Punch and Judy Show Acrobats Mu rucox niu iixrouis SlCJnS Collingwood Kiltie Band Inn1m Ilic pizioif Joiner gt July Ill EMT about liuvliulll pounds ll liJcoi iil liiiiis lllll 2000000 pounds of 1t olfziis wi ic blllllld lo llll lliiitcd Kinudozii under bulk lllllliv iiicncntx SATURDAY Sept 27 FARMERS DAY STOCK IUIXJIM AND IAIIADIJS ROAI RACES IIORSE RACES 224 and IiiecIioinhil of 1crilruo Thu lllli lllK MIDWAY SHOWS NEW RIDES AND SHOWS FUN FOR ALL ranctarron AN ENTERTAINMENT AT GEORGIAN BAY DISTRICTS Broom niacin pr who was dnoclod tor Tilllll led liiimidom MEDICINAL MINT Mint was used by lu father of iicdicziic 1V JUNIUII IIIl lllllilC llllill Slllillr tillllilillli Free Platform Performances Both days lIippoci les human need is mercifullynserved by THE SAlVATION ARMY Whether it be the unwanted babe the neglected or homeless waif the erring or unfortunate man or woman or the aged person f0rg0tteninthe Sunset ofllife there is help and hope for the askinga through The Salvation Army Itis the understanding heart and the hiima ii touch that make The Salvation Army so powerful an agency in reclaiming human lives And itlisYOUR dOllars that make this great wOrk pussible 1317 Mlerniryu HELPeHElPlESS GIVE one pm Mpg Chltdmn Vy MAYOR MAYOR Chairman PARSONS Treasurer