Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1947, p. 9

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iwwwl vv SILVER JUBILEE President l922Z3 til 1y honor lllt Kiwanis tluo oi limin Szlmi ljt f1 ii Ls liltl you artcling lli an of gtv1iki rioiil you iclcln lt iinil strictrt and ltil upon Jubilw St with truth for Klxll In lztigipj at itmmvn ll itllH uttiztli you izii Iv ii and it you pioiid tilt and fo ii llll ii May civnl my tun Liitttll iii yoi cvci ltllliilil il in nu of lziippiiic ll gtiiic in liver IIAllLlIS ltlllittst2 il in Ililltll l21tl li ll Kiwaniniis tiijiiii in In mild Liii titltitl to riiiiv ixl to the munion ol uni sure the citixin till with im in rccoiznixi czii of MIYItl to iiiiiity oiitstuiitliiu lilltiltltl nd iiii ltigtliti liiiilcis lllti out city ilIUlttili lllBBAlll llii lllillii of Kiwunir iit xiuii is liitci lllittllii iini ttppii tunity May it plinnv tloil that caih and iri ltllt of will II itiziiilc ii lliijlici Iowii lot Lilli Pvniid lasting ltlillt in thr uoilii May we interpret litiioiiuni as LcadchhU 41 lttt1 ml Krautix ii in it niaop it ltftttlt Illtl moii iiitilliiiiit it 4iwilli viiivi hjf it lt iii iliili llijlt lilll lliltl poi only In it 1l within the club nl illI tt ocii Socict mitiuiik and the well Ilt iiitv which is precept oil iii IiiililitllliL tlic of thc citicns prc Ill Member of lurlir tutrii ll lcrcilson is an Jttlt litli lie of tho Kiwanis lub of oiliitivoii while the previous iiiiottici iliiizmn itlcCiiaiiz is on wine iiitiilti of thc Kiwanis liili lurric Oil the Town oiiniii thcrc will always be found Ki Ilitiis members and within lltVill iiic tlic Mayoral than has ltltl lit tl it lxiwaniiui the most ltttil twin llerbert Robertson in the School Board tliei bond of lilt Royal Victoria Hos pit il tincut rimrumination ot ftnnncrco lliirrie Conimiinityi ion Barrie llttillCtlllllltil Barrier Agricultural Soc he found members of the lintvie Kiwanis Cllll mostly in liitlllll but at least actively iiilii forward into action the hiizh ideals of Kiwanis Supporting the Churches too in every church ilt linric will be found Kiwanians imam and seeking to give prim my to the human and spiritual rathcr than to the material values of life Iliiowlng themselves enthusias tically into every driveRed truss Salvation Army Bundles for Britain Victory Loans XRziy and Blood Doiiorshipswas they have More or will come along Kiwan lt iit wi ians of Barrie sponsor and give leadership in every effort to pro mote the welfare of the needy and the underprivileged ignition VImlll 35 Sound itltl Ciilliiiltthltl while its quiilitv of its taincd over all such an example Chamber ivy orki not talk and its lllif not And ppintiiiiity Winniplc in continuity of tollolip intl tllitlllili liiviiv to our follows 111 CHARLES ll llllll icilriidciii for iiiiili Kiwanis International For twentyfive years tlic llnxric Kiwanis llub has been one of thc iticiit scivici clubs iii llli tntniiwgt liwork oi the Kiwanis Club crippled and underprivileged chil dren so diversified have been its activities over the post twentylive years their all phases of activity in the life of the town and the Surrounding country have its consideration and the Club has been ever active in promoting the best interests of the citi zens no matter in What iield these lay flllt1 ll pli iltol iii lillll on him My WWW ml Qiicliccliirilinic District of womb hm HM HNWMH wants int notional It has Ilt itical because of its tHiiiInliilll scrvtcc iirciit because of thc innE membership mainl tlicsc years llii men of Barrie who caught the visl ion of service and voluntarily tis suincd their responsibilities as citii zcns in democratic world and continued the usefulness of their Clubns an instrument of such scr ivicc over the quarter of century of your Clubs life have created an inspiring example for us all Aniil has stiniiilatcdl men in other communities to create sliiilliii fellowships of piiblicspiritl citizens for the serviccof youthl lhere were only twenty clubs as yours in our District whch 15 25 years ago 77 We all rejoice with you on this happy occasion and send to the Barrie Kiwanis Club our great good wishes for your Twentyfifth An niversary May your club cou tinuc to be one of the great forces for good in your lovely communv ity and may your members through theirmdevoted personal sen vice continue to serve the youth of our young nation with zeal and unselfishnessness years ahead Greetings and Happy Anniver sary Sincerely WALTER STEWART Governor OQM Districts President I926 As one reflects on the quarter century of service rendered the Barrie community by Kiwanis one is struck with the tremendous amount of leadership in all phases of civic life that has eininated from the Clubs activities Kiwanis ob jects and objectives are basic and it is my sincere hopethat the con structive contribution which is be ing made by theBarrie Club may continue and flourish through many years to come chub PARSONS Lieutenaanovernoi Division No OQM District Within very few days the Kl waLnis Club of Barrie will celebrate its TWerttyfifth or Silver Aiinivcr sary and on behalf of the officers and members of our Club may extend heartiest and sincere com gratulations to the Barrie Club on its achievements over the past 25 years and to wish it continued sue ces sin the years to come As the sponsor Clubit has afforded us much sat isfaction to observe the manner in Turnto page six please and this yet then ltmlnokc such your club was completed on Aurel Today there are fundamental to our way of life and of the Barrie Wt Evili Fitif jar zgo cn Drip the lKtthth Liiili of brittle Lcttcrs To The President it icccmlzi it he plCvCitl II we liC notgliborhood lcniil liiin lti lltiii BARRueorAi lltt tourling ll the lltittltllalt your arm additional club liillt3lltl iii the lurigjci centres throughout Cpncidu ilt$l tlilLilSiVC cxpunsion WU vetii liitjcisoll liiid the distinction il hemj tiic first town ttt Cunetlu to how Kiwtiiiis Chili iliiiitcretl tllll the founding ol did ll lttlltl ill litiiric become the liiiiiili town in Ctllltltlzr tit litivc Kiwanis Chili etirlv tit lln Citl iitil it llOj the piriiiil itltllitlllwii if being leader ever since Ill memlierzlitp oi 20 to lidpii with lirniie Chili lttla shown itcriilv cjmwth tune the membership litttl Ht liltl iris cilwiiv lllt Chili t8 tiiiipmtt ltltl iitrtiiatit nicii representative ll every type ll liiisiiitus iiiiiil HUIOSSIUH iii llit titiliittttill tliitl liilly to the needs liltl licst iiitcrctitu of the town UIWI reached nit iiiil XitfilitltKl its liillltCltt for gooi tlie itlltttlitKlltig cointnunitics tiltiiltll iii loiiitiliiiq Cliilr in Oillllti Midland Owen iiirc ltti ilwnv liccn tiliii tlriiiqlitci Mltl flint tljlttl tlico tilltillltir promoted Qlul cit lenctoiiip dbcANAoATu iCliib ill llii and ranch tic vc 2r ll l01 iiiltl iri rniil liziirei was then lllOl it one ir ti ill ii ll lzildt iii tacit lil Chcnter guru iilrllllttie it is cesixlirtitini its Silver Anniver Kmtniis become tritcrnctioiiul iii lit scope with awtthl it vc ilt ltiln tll iii in viiia ll ll lt iiiill Illtii oil Illltt typliui liiii iaiiiiiirj llit tflltfllitf til rt iuil lt lttl lMIlll lillftii in tin bl ill liligri lpii itt lltfllitttil itlii lil tiii iicst iiii ill tiri jllt hi to lliiiii Ni iii litttll liiiirc Lifl jot izil stint llli ltt iiilolt li tlw Kiw no til tlill illt liilitii iiulit luv litt it ill liltt ilnlilicn lit jttiwi up lliii in it lzriiiii ltlli Eilv in will lice mil liiigi lllit tlii piin tl titlini more litipjnlv ciiali wail ltl iuiii tliiui At ltil tiicil uitlfttSilttl Litivlltqffl hilrlreri tivii tlltlllll llllbtl noun were tnltn iiiiiiiu lltt wnij Ml KIWHH llittl lllt cliililicii were supplied with minim timid lllC jllt1 til ml spitw is the ilciv ll lltt ll littylittl =ll liltill your llu lltilltil jiiiiviilijil it ttiitlti titli tlllll li mill tilll Vllttl ltniiilitw lit llit iiiiiiiiiziiitv lttiltl liltl ti iiirniittiiii their itrility liitl Wllli =gttlic riiiii tllilltiit lhiis most ol the larger critics of North Sirncoc lttlVC been brourht under the lienicn ind cle voting influence of Kiwanis one it is of service is to the received given complete history of the twentyfive years of service to the community wouldtoke more space then we have at our disposal But in the Space olloted to us we have endeavored to portray in ll llllb ll UCIC llll and lcdmh set ies of short articles the background of Kiwanis in general andinporticulor the history of the Club in Barrie together with on account of activities and the service rendered over the quarter of century that the Club has been in existence President I945 CIAnsons LicutenantGovernor 1947 sole to say in Barrie ind its neigh il borhood but has been affected by the IiCiVtCC For while its main field lt lir1ltl3eeii instrunte lll2lNi into the spirit of the motto of Kiwanis shock We Build the LKiwanis Chili ol llltitC limitlo iiftl 1HltltilHlVllttl chili lltllOitVLt ltitlltl iie niil iltiliildtttttfltl ii the rim riiiiw illu illtlllittti of lltt KHVHH lltl ill litiillt uitl llt liii hos tin tl iolvniion Army ltll ainiiliir litVtTS to vonr have been promoted to our conuniiiiitv WClll ed bus District Governor wnnrnn iSitEWART OntarioQuebecMaritimcs OU will find of porticuloiirirst and inspire tion the articles contributed by veterans of Kiwanis International on the Objects of Kiwanis These Objects are the cornerstones of service on which Kiwanis is built They ore each end all loity in their theme end touch upon every phase of civic my my lungnotionol and international life and together with the Objectives which are chosen each year as speci fic fields of endeavor for that yeor throughout the whole organization form basis for programme of service to humanity excellent and unexqplled sary llllRlll well be said that the silver2 threads dlllO it does by no means imply that its vitality is becoming impaired orl that its sphere of usefulnesst be1 com gather strength and wisdom with the only vice widening but its will to serve is increasingly awake and virile The club started with charter membership of 50 and though dur liave been deletions and additions as is inevitable in any organization ll the The Kiwanis Club of Barrie is celebrating its twentyfifth anniver man Ab Moffatt Frank Hammond Morley Livingston Charlie Lynch xii llltil their at liiioliiiti woulil itiil lit inipuirml lii llit ltiiiiiiiiiiiit liiiil IM flit ll iiiiii flit llit Ktwtiiiiini Iii llittI thi lllttlgtfs oi littlttitittltii Ittll iiiviii liris inn Itl ccill for ltititltTFSltlI iii no tiitillltliillV lint lttl it been wtlhngly littl ciitliiixiiistiltrilv towered it Red Cross Victory loom Clothing lor Brittnii which from your Kiv tints have always been in tlic loretioiit lit the narrower sphere of comini initv betterment also such schemes the Chamber of Commerce Kili Beach and Pork and the BCI bond the Kiwanis Club has been the sponSor VERY year of the twentylive since the inception of KiwanisCluh hasseen something ottempt something done its good nemelond refreshed e5pecicilly in the last few years with many of the younger executives end iness men of the town the Kiwanis Club oiBerrie pledges itself onew to continue and carry forward its good works into the next twentyfive years NICK THOMSON Editor Silver Threads Amoig The Geld its Silver Jlllll0$0 that Active 13 Privileged and It llonor ziry Members The Kiwanizins in Barrie as zir are beginning to show nu the gold Even if that is so ing narrowed Rather does it to see their growth and infliienc passing of the years and not is its opportunity for serl the course of the years there additions have always exceeded club Wmmwmmmwtoocmrmuumwo FlRST KIWANIS KARNIVAL The historic picture below shows the members of the Ki wanis Club of Barrie at the time of their first Kariiival and Fashion Show held in the new Livingston Building on Diinlop Street now occupied by Cliittick Motor Sales and Barrie Bowling Alleys The photo was taken by Jackson flctolter 1926 Here are the members in the picture left to riglitt STANDING McIntosh Toronto luncheon speaker Bill Turner Norman lneson Jack Moiikmaii Jack4isdom George Grinyer Mac Morrison Roy Merrick Andy Malcom son Dr Bill Little Harry Twiss George ltlchnkcy Viv Sim mons Bill Rusk Sam Fisher George Brown Wilf McKinngri Edmund Hardy Alonzo Maclmllan Maclmrcnitlompton Jeffs Frank Livingston Frank Hurlbiirt llarry Coleman Bill PrOLKI Of record jealous of jiv lill on the ctiit to which coiw ii il iZ inc oiiiiiii nir it Objects of Kiwanis EvvAitlS SILVER JUBILEE llllt iii it ii iii hit min 31ittt iii ii nzi lint lulu iii El tiliti lawn vii fllr um ii li it air it lit trim Hi lt Ki mi in ill win it tilflllllitllr inaz oi liill ii iianplns in woiii li in ill ni gt lllillltllld It ow lt Kuhn him tin in iv iil ioli tillll ii mn Illttltl or thi liy his tliitict Kiwaitz iiiiiicsiuoii tutti icti Ill uy no Ilvl ii pithc to any paiticzilur thco of Kiwanis lntcriiziuunnl trill iii ltt1ttlil doiuiiu or political crccil sire to share with 1hr Ki on of llc gtlitlt of individuals of cont Barrio the toy oi iiscoinpti lillit ltl 7l1itl1in even nations ili and ll lxl liitl iic so iii lip inc Id and iii Itlllrlilitll oi flit human and spur in your tint Intent in most of its rather it sminr word about allKiwaniaiis throughout the Intert the social oconomlc and pcrsmml national organization are zealous prosper of ml individual By this Object Kiwanis declares and dicd simply because forces are thclcd to be actively engaged in the poses in the increase and spread not so iiiiichnthm muse Spiritual perhaps in numbers as in itiilllle fundamcnmj The iiizilitypt membership has tilj that we pmom ways been inch in Barrie as liiisjpwscrvod as the latent power been fully cvtdenced by the iiizinj Ummmmm ood tity and quality of service rendered in the community To inliiiitain that building wit that quality andnnprove it rather trmmmduusv force than to emphasne its numericallcnsciOHS driving force mmrd strengthvis the present policy of the can he no worthwhile vision noi xiipendent upon illlu social consciousness ban the iiitciiilis dcvolopcd l3 this prit Kitviinis iipiiiiliis any Kiwuiii thrc tinre 15 no fidelity to llii ideals ho proverb union the people perisht ll that sonic OI Illi of llllltl which is the result ine between spiritual By this Object it must be at newer and hither ideals OBJECT N0 by lSAAC PMcNABR last Governor OTQM District thrill hi am vory happy iiidcedto to tend felicitiitions to the Kiwanis Club of Barrie on the occasion of its Twentyfifth Charter Anniver sary Some of the most vivid and pleasant recollections of my early years of Kiwanis membership is the mingling at District Conven tions with that enthusiastic and al ways sizeable representation froml the Barrie Club headed as it near ly always was by that zealous and wholehearth Kiwanian the late nor Bill Lewis whose meni Weegai Duncan McCiiaig Henry Sims Ed Siitcliffe LesTl tick Dr Simpson PcteJErcmucr Gib Webb Pete Wisc SEATED Tom Sinclair Arthur SmithWilliam Walls Horace Wilson Hamp Jory Ilownrd Felt Dr ALcwis George Hubbard Clifleier Fred Qtton Albert Bryson Bill Craig Billvaiss Oliver Cameron Ernie Billingslcy Wes Moore Andy Carson Dr RandallJtichardson stantial contribution they made to my we shall always cherish lov inglyin our hearts More than one of that early group has passed on but it is mostpleasant and inspiri ing to think of them on this joyful anniversary occasion and to re inembcr with gratitude the sub its joiir founxtxi llllliiliillitiilt liiclitdcdicaiion in tin activi cxcinplifr cation of radius Ill combination of all the forccs for jcct of good By this Object Kiwanis dcvolops in of the whereby niun relationships the average man of today has aniadinit that if this principle Cotili watchword of cvch osc who have by kindly deletims ml me ummilml infinitelv greater appreciation oflbcconic the strength has grown slowly llllll his fellow man and more lIlpti50ll especially th steadily it present the nicnilJtY iczilixzition of his responsibility to ship standsat 90 made up of Tel map By this Object Kiwanis dcnioiilof every Government stratcs the vital relationship existtwoiild soon be headed for sure forces ziiidfand permanent peace Many organizations tsoiindinii purposes have sprung up they fail been highly llrovidcnce and the guiding star the world on which it rests and realization of these pin forces must be everyday affairs of lifenot so with It has continued to prov liii influence and usefulness durini Kiiipnis statesits more than lllllly7l0 years of this ercat and icxisiencc The success of the Bar tlurn to page two please for Kiwanis lip sincry of Kiwzn and the second ihcsi vciiliin iliicncc liic our oipziiiizntioii favored President I925 til tliiii titQIlitirJletii its llitlcliliiiit ili tEI is thus statcdlo encmirtiiic the daily liv lioldcii Rule in all hu Everyone will with bibli

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