Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1947, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT Ww MR POLICE COURT NOTES GRANTED EEEE LAST iiONOli fl ili or ti iHi on ilvi Iillt iii WK tiwn ii gt sh LU Illnll is iusitr all Olltll ton sciOc Min OcII llousc hillc io ilcli tlttlldllHilllillttttlllltltltl it Iixpcrl blending assures ou collcc Illlllh famous for smooth mellow Illltl if Ml jil ili liltt the company with lile INSURED illiiis 3i untold tiilxl Mirdraw llttli it ill iiil ltllli inliiiiiiit to Schwinnj oj VliKiil at NO EXTRA COSTlg An outstanding peiiiiifiiiiiil feature of every Niauiuni lfiii anic lliiiii iS life litSlllHlllt which jiilil Iiit it Viimix lliil itc spcn Sri it ioivloi liaisiis lliysoh llid spent lill iiil1 covch your iinpziid loan hil my in ioioitt an in mm of team This Mr iizil Mrs loo lltitiiuriord itllll loui lliittiti wt ls ad ill costs you rioth Hm DUI extra yet think of the pro Mrs litty in Mm ij tcction it affords to you and Vit lilFle it cuts Mr and Middlebro ilc ml Mrs John toioctt izis ritiirizinl honic from lonzcns Collcuc ll lxpcricncc has taught 118 no1 lnronto fooling iiilltll better that mass production loan tMit and Mrs Ilgtl Wilkinson and Sierrin returned to their home in llm th meet Induldual Detroit on Sunday Elvin Dean and Fraser of lcnn sylviinia arc visitiii with crs parents Mr and Mrs Dean Miss lloscniond Kirby is teaching school at Elnivalc this year and Lenore West at Iron Bridge North iieeds That is why every Nia gara Finance loan is tailored to your specific requirements So when you need $20 to 810005 it will pay you to see your em 0mm hometown Nigim Fln Mrs Irwin and Verna Toron ance counsellor He can help you solve your loan problem quickly and in friendly man neiwitliout red tape orfuss c500 ower under Be tliziiduvemmc even tile above ca yer my OEo ban typ 57 eis 0N0 endois Friendly scivictiml Terms to suit Cash in relay Big enough for Small enough fm Hours to orby appointment BUCHANAN Manager llie Wilson Building Post Office Square Phone 2325 Sunsdry INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE Corp the form llil Ill II ttii till Minister of Health hi iii llllltl iiitlls it Siliiiol it Mipinisor ti on iiiiizlioii lick in lilll VI went to bed Those who suffer from jumpy nerves restless ness irritability or general rundown condition may need good tonic to help build up the system Milburns Health and Nerv Pills have been regarded as Such tonic for ntiiin the urest of in redients under the supervision of experienced ciemists andgplierniaciztlil1 are mad You ll find Milbiirna Health and Nerve Is real help in stimulat ing the nerve cellsend improving your gener condition Tliovre cold at drug counters everywhere so look for the trade mark the BedHeart more than 50 iiow Mitch iiiiriiOu PAYING soil hl length givesyou all the pulling power you pay for Gebstmngerulhng selcleaning longeplasting money Trriision nianiilacitiring siipcrlnnsliid oriiiilwliiilc and camshaft 2W car to own and operate youll iiiid IIVlilttllllln initial cost right down with the lowest DEALER Check these ll10107 Featuresd New Soiely Hydraulic firolresoPritented Floiitiiiqlowor Ending Mnontiiigito smother vibration New Starter with button on rich uSatetydirm Wheels for blowout protection INcw Frontend Sway EliminatortAIIsteel Soletv Body uNew Body Guurd Bumper Haicbkin Drive to cushion starting Phone 4335 11 Clapperlon St Barrie misrepvunsugmwam Aluminum RECAP VULCANIZING ROAD SERVI Newton lll lloyul lliil SAVE tor Nliool rci it ii llil BARBIE IZXA ENEOEMENTE UP IN SCHOOLS ANTEN MILLs il tcnd itsIlllllhliiiiil lltlt ttltiiiltrl tips your has years They at any job the iccipti lia illi Miirick ltttll lllt spent Sun inl fruity oer of the evening was spent in it coupe oi daiicln int Sing Start The llay Right Do you willie up in the morning full of glad to be alive Or are you as tired as The Mllbnrn 00 uniltod Toronto Ont It abonWEAR SureGrip REDUOES SllPPAGE TO iiiiiiiiiiiiir routine tl0iilt run MONEY saving SureGrips today SEE Youn 0PEI plum Icittllti llld pupils ittciidinu lXER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA fl social Vtillilll was held on cdiicsdzi night lit the school when large crowd of friends and iiciuhhors presented Mr and Mrs ll Iliiillttn with liinsicllancoiis shower The llliililil house pop and mu you FOR rag If you have lazy tractor tires that bog down slip wasteyourtimehfuel and the tread you MAY be paying 3t more for slippagethan for pulling power Eliminate this unnecessary expenseput Goodyear SureGrips on your tractor and be sure of Supertraction always iii any Eech big equal spaced lug of SureGrips l3ROVEDV OPEN CENTRE tread digs in full depthiziilufull CE it Li iii 11 it Witl Lil Hit lwt Parsons Chairmen View Itll Kingsway Kiwanis Club Charter Night Friday t1 in in lt it cut ls ttltllt in gl tiltit vw int iit lll tCt wu JOSEPH LANG OOEH EiEiEOii ii tIt ll vli lii ti our orct oiii in im iii ll tiiril llii il lllll duh ll ltlltl in ltt ttztin Itit iiii iii will ltt ictioii il1liiilt iirni ir it ito unii1 lion iilllllltl Ltiolii in t1 Ittllill to rich inl itnc IH it and iii or iilln it Eliilt iim llxl tir lit ltiildl hit Ilull lltl lii liiis How ltzuiiit littiifitl ii lllt his it ltliliilillltt lt ttii Scpicznhir ll lvirtziclu tll Sciaai and ihliil no in ii vii llinh thinemii or much pica niit lot in lltit uii iiiw Iltl tilt tiiis ill lt riitii iulwi logt itltlttl ltlx iini iiir limitli it llllvi lm ii tllZIt liii vim llilltllili Aiiwil no Kutlitlcv of mi lmoi Mi Mi lid ltmliok Minn ilziii in lllt ilmlli wt lit lltltlll ttiii lhc oilici lilll Ito islii lllv him ltllililll tinll ll inc Lc if AL iliit with taniiimn llil lturc rit ioiii Ll tillliltltlltfl tltZI ll Nunavut Mrs lioir Ill Illt izici Lllilliiilltll Mrs Siiiili tii innl liii Mr Loan llltlllitl of tip up iiiihtillh iioiiipzo pun tliiircii of clout llil bvtli About ltd jitlwiiit lllllltltl tow mpmtnw of oriiithiuti lotlt1i Al iiiiii iiit1iif iiiil lli 1110 tl= for tilt tl and pulled tlit ipii1iiitcil by Mr iltl Il tiiiic ttiiitr on ltil lli lililii lli liioi iiiil Mi ant Mrs Illl is in litttiItIli iiiiiiilttl ii llrunci lli Intuition Itlltll Ill lIlIZM HHHY lI Ior lliS tltltil liilllliillxoslt Nikoonto iloln zinii Mgnlt lli Mr loiftti ivccivcs El pciisinn iHall hinrd Ziltttlll III in it $t7i ivciy lX months llc Snitljiish that not awuy iiiiiii be toltl lii iilLll RN luiiLt ltl tltlltl Illtt to hcui liiiitl iiio pump it llt Itttniiit nnilini tiiil1lilfiiiiii litnit pill burl ciilcn but he declared Ilt vijiilt itcvcr L1l iip lll iitilllS as tl Ilv FOR lttltli llritish citizen llriiiidini Hunt Trouble 15 tlicri Ilt inoii propli fll llcininus lliitli mcr cinpioyiiil tllll cwii do Stlioitl iit icotitiitd lol iliOiIit 111 days work term with Mrs Muir liliilll as Wmm liorsopuwcr inginc is dcsiuncd lo civc you iiiiiiiniini power with moiuv SHIII opcriiiion Its high tttlllltitrirlttli ratio downdraft carburetor positive actiniiliicl piiiiiplirii duty oil liiilli air cleaner iicOOilitei gasoline Iillir rind ziiiloiiiiilic iiiuiiiloldlrcat control are just few of the lciitiiris llll working logrilicr to civc you niaiiniiiii power economy and smooth optration Ironi niiniiniini aiiiiiiiiii oI Iiicl journals Iiillprcssiirc lubrication ItllIlllllll tilltfl jackets and other famous IIiigiiiicringr lIVlllllCllltllId llIiIL llviiioiitli 2i lungrislifig Phlon OWuirieiisting Superlinished Pavia aNcw auaolinc Filler Mrh omomouomc NEWS OF ELMVALE You grt greater tillaround littttl with Plymouth becausclt IileIiPtItll Hill limit for iirilli pcrfnrniuncc Ilymoutlis big 93 In addition to Ilynioiiilis opcruiiirLI emimiiiv and cmnomhojupkeep HAROLD IllllllldllllllllIIllriliIIlllllillillllllllllllllllllldlllll STEEL ALL SIZES 95 Rounds and Flats =i 88 detield St ILLIA Illll SYAELISNID lbii Ilt liilvtl innL Iii initiati ltii Ziiltl GINGER KLE oniiim KISI lilCVlllmGlJS LI BARBIE our tit 1NDlllllflHilltlkt I30 ml what It in iiiiir is lIi iiiivtvilii iii Plates Angles Squor HRH lillTlif Mi Eil12iili thigh gtli ellvIllitllllrltlloaclrltl llllill Iloolvvoclpatlrllalcllrl31p law Als olan eiced by GREGORYS GARAGE Bradford GRAHAMS GARAGE Alliston inc Ion tllllilil lmnnnm il Iloiililc Iiolcclion At Low linsl Yin vtnllllvlllnl itc IlOlllill linlr lion Inliv Allii Atllliitlill pliu in Ill oi it in Ilttill in ltlllllllll llil lil il polo II gin iitll liiiiil tllililtl iii llii nn It inli up oiiii llintl itni pm tilt tll add to lvtlf hii iiii Lil llltIt pi Iitll llv So in iilliiiIii tn tltc iniii tln oi luv lion illlltltl llilt lllt mulli lliitil Iv tlltlt FllllIIlJI until iii=l iiuiv iiii ilr lio untimntil Illl Iilltllildlld llttlltllltll IUlliw lmld till CUNllNENlAI lllE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE GRANl MAYOR lit Ituiliip 7lllll putrid llil pith liIl lHi ALEX CLELAND BLACKSMITH Barrie Ontario Hinder 343 In Ill in pinti ol trl tlIl llt illc lOVOtllO ompoiiy Purcl Condition 192

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