Turns CAMP 51121 Elli IIORIDEN VVV the 5111111 11111 IclmillJl glnfl ll 11 Ullt 11111 11 1111 221 ill 111 11 111 lli1 31 ittl Vi 11l 1211 11 11 111 li1 1711111 ww 2111 IJI Al VV 1i 11111 VI 111 11 11 VVV 11111 VV 11 386 01 ll lt lieshi 1111111 LMVIVI IVIII Illllllltil 1111 111th 111 71 in 1111111 11111 l1hl 1111111l1tlnlzit ll11 111 31111 1V 11 1V V1VV 1111 11111111 Lind IIIIMII 1V 1V VVV 51111111 111111 11111 111 11111 11 l11i 1111 91 N1 Ii1 111 11 111111 VVVV VVV Vl IV VV VV 1111 11111111 11 11111 VV VV VVV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVV 1111111 tliiilV 11V VV 131111211 11111 1111111 1816111 111 111 11 11 ll IMV 21 pit1 III 1111i11i 111111i 51 lt 11 11 1w IV1 VV and llll 111 111 1111111 1udiul 111 111 IH VVVVVHV My VVV 1111 51 31 111 11 MRI 111 l1t1 11 11 111 111w1n and LI Cwmmw ism1111 1111331 Iii 11111111 MS 1111 W7 1111s 11 inc1111113 111 1111 Untilll iiA 111 111111 home 1111 their Svillillllti 11111lt last Wednesday Iltiiiiwoii l1r 11113 Stllpilllc 11111 110111111 111 1121 111111 the new study 111111 ll lzoduccd and 1111 litt 11111 111 NV September 111 Ali11 Robin0111 iillin isA lVltlI 11 1111 Niall for Dr Chase KidneyLiver Pills uccii 11 Mi llIL Sl lets talicii by Mrs If loudlclh 1111 T111 111511111 Ii inotorcd Mi manna VVV ydlldl SllllV ic 11111111 llllllltd iiir i1 I11 Altlbillnll i1lVII1V11 EVHVVMVHVHV VV 1m 11 111t oi ylrs 11111111117Vmlymph 11 Vf l1Il1n1ld ri lust tilllt VVVVVVVVMV HVVVV VVVVV VVVVVV INN 11 11 lcioiiic Wycliffe and 1ll1 11111 I11Iuids needs 1111 mrq were made for tin 11 1111 V1111 lhaiiltmillring uid tlic 111111 111 rmnmli away lihc WA ba1r for 1111 1111 ilittlilllll 111111115 11111111111 UII 5V The mmm VlmlVllli 1VVVV VI lSiii1l1 111111111 1111 just out from dam UVMVV Vl 111 1111111 1111111 311s liniin VIllll loroiilo Iosl Iul lili li 111111 1112 Jones were out in their 11111111 when suddenly the canoe sow1111111111 and they were both 111 1111 w11ci Mr Jones Illltl his Vlll 1111111 iclp c11nc from shore Every WYEBRIDGE Hfpfi1111r posililo VV1Vthl1iV11V11 Swipe Mr Rankin Llniig spent Itii 111 l1111111111 111 11I lli1di11d ciuiie Ill iciy Marlon Downci loronio iotcxl lcr minute 11nd Worked until the with hm pawnVVVWHVUVVV1VVVVV iilt 111m 111 llnlllt l1111lll lllt pill1 MrV and NINV TVVVHH I11 illltil 111th illcr 1IlIlllf1 for my NVVHHVV mmnsunu VV 311 llcmrrwmV the CNIC Iilestliiv and W1 111 Mr and Mrs Eddie licltiiani lw ronto are spending their horny nioon at their fatiicrs collagc 11111 IVIIS Geo 11111111111 xpcnl low days with tier daughter and main law Mr and Mrs Reid llillsv noiuiccd 11llll It Is believed Mis li11 11111 heart attack and fell out 111 1111 boat upsetting it Nearly half the homes in Canada till 11 wood as heating fuel gt in gr 1110l Arthur Downer is 1illllltlllf in Si Andrews Ilospilul illtl undergoing an operation or ap pcndicitis Glad to welcome Mrs Iannini back after spending 1111 11111111111 11 their cottage Balm Beach School has reopened iilli Mr Moses as our new leachcr 111111 lleasniari back 11 SS No ill 111111 Muriel Rziwn back it lircrgrcenl school The Womens Institute met at Mrs Wellands cottage Nollziwns aga Beach on Wednesday after noon with splendid attendance After the business was dispciiscl with Mrs Cecil Woods gayc splendid paper on Home 11111111111111s and Mrs Win Izillis gave an inter esting talk on her work with the junior girls during the past ycai ESTGR September Service in the Baptist 11111111111 Sept 14 at oclock Mrs Flitiizis Fagan returned missionary from Africa will speak The nnniverSary will be held on 0011 with Rev Guthrie of Orillia as Speaker he spot anylime Theres twice cis much in the big I2ounce bottle PapsiACquHs tho ragiileud lrado mark In Canada 011th PapalCqu Company Canada lllllld 311611710031 oHHEBIGVCITIES LIL 011th Trip Vlv 1on 11101111190141 CHICAGO $11200 ST LOUIS 28130 IDETROIT 1405 NEW YORK 2190 Tickets and Information at Barrie Bus Terminal 73 COLLIER ST PHONE 3162 and son llerk and the Robins iilV ll 1017 sir00 wily 1V ems11111 Lowr git01400101111 PHOlOGRAPHIC Lstcn 11111111111151 Or You Timblyn Emlml 150 Monday through Friday Ar 10 30 to Quit CH8 Daily Refresher News of People Sparkling Events and Food IdCJS 516in TRINITY MOUNT 336 1111 511 SUGGESTIONS IIIlllIlllllblIlllIIIIIIII Develoned Md FALL snore Im 11m of with minir plump 1111 Printed but 1114 Ian 11111 111 111 VV BVVVV colored thou lhry 115211 style or map 1111111011111111 Process MOVIE 112113121 you 11 111 11 42c CCVVVPVME CJJp Col 1nd urnn blow and 111131111115 aAoiAriicamt SHAMPOO good 111 31 Lu 111 i1m1J Tania 1119551121 claims 1111 up 011111 TM 111 gyAHIIVF OJ Pl ViViV 5V VJ Ramovn uniqilly dendrtll 11 ham hail RADIANILY deanollamoolh 110 Luge 1111 111 7st AIil maroon foot10 ll Nun Play up your 111 11 111 IllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PWUY BRITAIN Why Is It It 1111 Bfllllli irr IO hard up 1111 1111 manufacture 111111 111111 W111 beautiful ililngs km 11 Lillirr stupid 10 lake shipping sp111 11 send in mull1s 0111 11111 111111 11110 then we 111M lllppilig 1111 FAYS PROFESSIONAL HAIR BRUSH Fmoz==o=o==o=ai===ou0 NowEasler than over Io send back siiutcn 11111 11111 White and Grey 104 Nylon Youve 111111 of 1111 Inuitr 2121 when you uuihllamallng 53111 Dont use 011121 and VV BIISII Cal butter 11 1110 111 111 Interest 11 111 111r111 fair IlLlUfe of minors 11 11 Ofme now The really choice cxpt 1010100 Pll31 hM4 Come in us 51 um 1311111 1111 mlfl Ililnsiforrxiurhur have dollars to buy 11101 11m lustrous 1115111151111 mnenar lbw 111010111110 111m The lion Is down but not out lintidichnraiicrmc1 Give the British chance Iltlpi Inphiirnuily in plltt IiliNdannuhlymrMth Emerald SCRAPPINO WOMEN Im If 11 IlIC ulcrlrii Iiiirnnit in CV newcomer lo the clty of Peterhor l13ilicnuidudgqLUiALUNV men 03313511JHKH and Ionrly You use me to cm sonn rIiiiicli Srinscs 86011 Ribbld Eight 110w of BIISIIES group you 51111 11131 n1 would find Thnth Ive nm or me so mmy lucklilting light Inz mean women In my 1111 II The men eieiy time They slitI together Qiiarrelling and wrapping doesnt belong to one ws it within oneself And 1111111 1111111 all women buckbite ii1v 111111 Centre Rows Reinforced Willi Double Bristle Really Sandcastle Brush Reg 250 Value Rhutablo 930101113 1111 New Doluxo K11 with plastic curldu than all men 11111 iii11tlicr 11v at friendship for Ictcilniroinili Saw mg grand town in which lo lire Now ill 111119511111111111 nblaimblob tea FLOUR MW cooking brill wan to know the tllfltrtntc 111 PIRFUME 225 TOILET SOAP 60 Hair tiiakn albpurpose and pastry roan WATER 250 lollup your hair DUSTINC POWDER 200 95105 Allpurpose flour is hard TALCUMVIOWDER 100 Soap thin 21 T08 wheat llour strong gianuar and EAU DE COLOGNE 115 ro cuion luc m1 moisture preserving ii 11111 Resdue for bread tea biscuits 111111 11111 hue more curling and cookies Pastry 111111 1111 airfare and theyre 111111111 wheat flour is used lul calms pies and some cookies Regular K11 Koop the sheen of youth in your hair cup WALT EXTRACT Willi 9W7 treadcd Ill 0ch to Rte lull WING Restorer natural color sifted allpurpose flour 0111111 COD LIVER fiber urhn tb3hr53lYliOIhnlQllM cup plus tablespoons pligiry 11 Good Tonic mm me5 $1 50 ow mm and Ihwn out Good 111111 Builder Fo of Bollle Save money every time you we om or For Your Next 10 mwtlllel Each Week In this column we Adult your Toni Pluuc uilcn Fora Tortilla ammo mime mm wiii 11y loumucr 111 0111 Excellent For Shampoo rcumuomonry312540an Latino11111110 VlcwrsyoiVsend In Address 1111 ii 11 it ll KATE AllKlEN 225 JanIs Street Toronto Growing Children lb 139 $125 everything but curlers Eonogono=o=oz==ouo=a 49 SANTAX English 51er WINSUM ARISTOCRAT TAMBLYN PARFINOL SALOTYN HEALTH ALT LOTION Hot W01 some BATH SOAP SPARKLE NM NV TOOTH PASTE VVVVV MighIIuIEconomlul $11111 lTll WHITENS and BRICIITENS the TEETH 51111111 tho brolb Cloing land Soltcbealiilen Eu 3011312511 91111 in ins Tough skin Cub3 31 150 In ll ohm pet ante 111 ion Specml 39 49 L3VVM 119 dam 10L special 79 23 Specia1127 23 45 HEINZ STRAINED FOODS NEGCHEMICAL FOODVTONIC IN JUST sscouus ASPIRIN OPPOR TUNITY SPECIAL F0 iim Infant Feeding Ill mm LISTEBINF 11 mum Prepared I0 relieve FOODS So Nourishing ifSoEconomical 9Vu3 or own Will 10761113711760 years PRICES 24 lablo 29 Vof experience in the MD IWIINOIO79 of oral hygieneV he MM 115245445 15 makers of isletinc An tiseptic now offer The Handlest Remedy In the Home RrWICK Heals Cuis Ssllltill ONE nonbh Sh as 0111111310 s5 LISTERINE 19an 15 Soothes and Th Bodm TOOTH FOR 50mm asemenio POWDER Musty Odors we 5km Deslro stoking Reg 40 152030 and ONE Two 51211259110390 Eghmgmhgg 8911 19 lt 3111 foggy3 cu TOOTH ante14 VLIQUIDVDENiTIFRICE KOTEXV POWDER1 41 Makes Teth Gives You E510 Protection Si size Vmateg Sparkle kgguhp Value 3ulnclslylstgcnihrrcllll Good For idigmll gg on 1V cum 11353 90 49 is11i11i Mum T1111 1111111011 aerigiiiui Tooth 111111111111111111 um 1111111 You Ve BRah 43 with its whitening and cleansing qualities 11 600 Per Bottle 3111 STORE HOURSMom Tuesfirliurs from 830 to 830 1111 Wednesday 830 to 1230 pm Saturday 830 mm Vlo 1000 pm Open every Sunday to pmV 1091mm FREE DELIVERY Phone 2650 Alter hows Emergency Phone 3871