Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1947, p. 20

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PAGE TWENTY IUNIgR thgitiigg or UTH ARESCNE WINNERS 31125 LVN TI IIrti Mann jgL ly ElkH Lint 13 ltit it kz lv ll lit IMF it gt 11 Ii l1l ii liItN IllJll My lili H1 ii iii ill ii is dint as Kiln lit gt laiotifi ltl Ilv iIil=Iil 31 In Christie Street Hospital talc dial ii iii lit 12 Patients Enjoyed Outing 11i1i lrI Ir 511mm livt llt litiiiiiIi to Sini ii NIH lion Hlliiil 1l Ill iii1 liIIZ Julllll vuuoi Min Ii oi In Anita liiiin AH oIn sirlli li ill uni hi HV Loon loioiilo and tin sons 111 PM Id Ii Irl Wiil lltlliiil Viliii am if In Mali1 Monday ir he If llmitiloli lll11ti thiii of Stioud Morley Webb of apieoi Lloyd eril If Siliillill piiali llili lhzita SI limp lt Iozil lIltlAIill lia Hi ll Vlirl held than 1110 family 13m With civne late in St lainwf Ullllml much on Swpl ltii funeral War lllttlllllltl 1W tin laisicy lhiie ll llZIll lo lloial llllllllgt llltllifill he liliill esteem til lllli llie iIuajid had been lulll llltllki and lIlI lives attended tioii lntoii loiiinio Maple Neuinarliei Ivy lhoriilon Barrie lllllStlltlt hithrio and lap rent The pallbearers wIie llu Vil Clifford lrhb lidward VIlll Morley Vtlll1 Lloyd Webb and Angus Morrison liiiciniliit was iii Sl Janics iiniiiteiyp llie lZllt Illriillltl hum liiicie Iil lltl diposil Ind tinii ZEIl oil the tables tip to dark tinre ili EIlllt for prizes know tiit Itii expressing the sIiitiiiniit of all who ili there Iii liianlliiiy ou Merry Mothers and ill liidinig uh Ililplsfuunn and lraininii School on Iliuliwa lstoia After an illness If many weeks sol HHSAMES WATSON IVlrsi Edward Corbett passIll away at the llrarehridge Memorial llos pital Saturday lllgilll August 23 1047 Early in the illt Cor bett suffered fall In liilli she injured the base of Iltli spiin and was laid up for sc ral teeks September it Mrs Corbett foinieily Miss iraydon GillOIllfll on Saturday Brace lidilh Iloss son dauun f0 0413131 lISllICl 111 lldl gt the peach crop tci ofWilliain hi and the late ii V1 l1o If Station um xwrge ulhani eybinii isned Mr and Mrs Albert Dixiiii last me ouiily She spent her early wwk Il days and attended school in that Miss parkS Md pi Arlhurs llll Ill gtl Wk tillild loronlo are visiting With Mr and meat with the Muskolia Lakes N113 Album Dixon Navigation Company as stewar Mrs Eunice llill loioiilo and dc of their steamers Mis Frank Miles Blillltv spent Eleven years an she was iiiar 51111011 Willi 1311153 Tied to Edward ilodr Corbett or Mr and hilgtHIIiltligtLvll2dawn Iliacebridge and they made their lended W3 111 ll wedding in loionlo on Saturday will a2 Our schoois ieopencu last lacs Emmi Im 93 lay with the former teachers Mrs Lilli vaultiqlii Partridge and Miss Anderson 111 iaine ilis oirit L1t it Chum tliCl Willlillll E15011 Iil OIUI ii 515 Mrs Grace Laird Indiaht and MY IIiiltll of Brock Mrs ias Mathias of Winnie Texas ville and three brothers Earl of spent Friday with Mr and Mrs Angus Orville iIllll llllilllliis of Ilar Albert Maw rie Mrss II Maw attended the The 19mm meted 11 he Rm golden wedding of her Rncle and nolds Funeral home in BlitCt Pm Ml and Mldvc Coderich on Monday mlng mm rubdly HM Edenvalc anniversary servij Clock when they were lake will be held on Sunday Sept 21 the United Clniiich at Balawlieigt Special mum in the cng 59 service took place at three oclock Vice bi Thornton Choir conducted by Rev I3 East the Mr and Mrs Newman Giffen ministeri and Donald attended the Zath wed gt 115 The wealth of floral tributes fill ding allnllelbdll UfML JIM ing the front of the church was Lloyd Wills 9mm Vllhlnl lovely token of the love of many ngvaoxugksAssociation friends of Mrs come md 0x The Womens Association held 11 mini lint 1l ll ill liltlllll IIIi it lw III ii 1i viilll lllll tiillli liltt It ling ii Iliii lhlv ilio In llidll Llliilllill tor dilly heu lh 21 svlli AnnInn twi to lllltl company loiuiiIo to South llul luirl Hiliil lvlv xi Him BOOKKEEPING and iiiii li lidi Iiir Mlliwll lliitl all lll ponies dillll businesses completed Weekly or Monthly Audits the liltl7llulll Christie 81 llospiiall BARRIE MOTOR SALES For immediate Delivery Reo 3Ton Truck BOOSTER BRAKES 2SPEED AXLE PHONE 2214 65 Tltfil St MMMNINIIFMWWMMNMMNNOMW pressed by their beauty the decp fe Sepfsmr Tm felt sympathy which goes out to those Wlho mourn As well as those bearing personal tribute was non My and Mrs Keeley of wreath from the Muskoka Lakes Brookville M1 and Mrs Earl Ell lson of Angus Mr and Mrs Thomlt as Elson and Earl Elson of Barrie MISJ William Armstrong of Cot VernonQiibett of Port Hope Navigation company Interment took place at the cem etery at Torrance tendane at the service from dis tance were Mr Elson of Oro Sta of 0m 11111111501le lsiiniiivisoii tvitNTED Canadian company has opening in rural diStrict for supegvlsor with headquarters inBarrie Good salary plus travelling eXpenses Splendidopportunity for the right man iv years of successful personal production Must own good car andbe Milling toglivein Barrie Hard worker Prefers nblysome supervisOryexperience Age 30 to 45 implies willbetreatodin strict confidence Apply in writings ingiSxaminer WmLW4mmMWswmsWM BOYD REAL ESTATE iAnd General Insurance Agency All Types of Property Bought and Sold Mrs Elson and Malcolm Elson 122 MULCASTER ST Wcuoom 22 on Guaranteed ISSUED for any simOunt for stem of and interest Interest cheques mailed to 115 Qualifications Successfulapplicantmust have at least mm mm THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower Toronto ii ELMVALE ii3 Ivrgtiai Hill Humi llllitlxl 1izI ii Lil oIiIliiIli iilllf iilt iun iiil illiiilll ll1l o5 illi 4111 lwirzlul ligtl 111l In hay to in llilllli Hailiil in the Iliziiiiii Hnriili Wiih iln llltliItri iin iairily ll help Ull thi iiIIiiI in tin day of the in threshing outfit tin1r It 11 Illllll lillliilili to he I11ll llll siiiiillei llllllit inaiiinil by 11 hand and tho iiioII 1ltlii iil adoption of llnivl illil liaip lllilri to In litlliill iiillllllgi in lawn September 15 for retail and wholesale iizpi ixiIiil llllllliilellilllzi Ii IlllL his liioliiei Noiiiiaii loolli liiIIiiiId returned lionii Income tax form laltei two ueeils lClll at llllll Mountain aziip IllEiiood Mr and Mrs Gordon Nlclliiile loronto are hlllllz liie liillllklgt parents and lr ltni hiiliride NQuquS INVITED li and Mrs Joe jaidine aiiii John lllFjiililLiil ll iiit Mailion 11 03kg 189 Bradmrd sf aid of Detroit lgtllCll here last week Mr and Mrs lfiIiesl oiiiaitai lreluriied loroiilo if of weeks holidays with the linin crs parents lhose allendinu the lIxhihitrii llasl week Leie Ml and Mrs llll lMcQuay Mr and Mrs llliiltl Vn EQuay ili lilear Mr till lis lle Winter Jerry lIiiiioiid lit Les Allen Evelyn SIhell Bi it at Iliiiiills afternoon blys Sunday from her serious illness PHONE 3288 BABRIE ONT Trust Certicates ve years guaranteed both as to principal reach holders on dueidnte Or at holders option may be allowed to accumulate at An ideal investment for individuals com panies authorized 1in lawfor cemetery boards executors and other trustees 16 yum in Iurlnou tiillllll lIilIIili llli ltl Iii ACCOUNTING BRENTWOOD SERVICES ILJ tllllilt lMaclhniald Mr and ll ills COULSONS HILL Seplciiilwi Mis Shorter ioronlo is visiting Miss liaiiia liayncsBarrie spentl few days last week will Mr and Mrs imam Wes PERRY Miss Doris KllffSllllW rind ceil Starkey loionto spout the onli Illemncal COHtraCtOr end at iiecslimrs House and Farm WIRING WE CAN COMPLETE YOUR WIRING JOBS Phone 3587 BARRIE The many friends of Mis Jelly are pleased to know she is making satisfactory recover The monthly meeting of St Johns Presbyterian VMS met at Mis Arthur KiImslias lliiirsday Mr and Mrs Albert Atkins and Mr and Mrs Albcrt Iiougliceil of llhornhiiry were at Weston IIain unmowoummm BELLE EWART ll it lt it Mr NORTH SUNNIDALE git L4 HJ lllvl Mm JIIANTY BAY vwr ll li illvluid ml lIli Ini ii Ll ll nui il ii ii Iti Il it lliI ii liu pl= 1w ii Ilinlt Will 1i 11 in Laniml ti lti vl loll gt li Ilrinit Ii livt li lIl it ili llltli LN will il giai itlltl ii tl Intile lli Myhniii inn rxltmut IT on lilll tin oI in IL on izi li ll 11m ii iliiit ll iiiid Marni Iii itllll1 luilIitrl lyllll in ll liilli ll ljtilei Iii oti 1117 Ii Fresh Spring LAMB Veal Beef Pork Fish Fowl FRESH BREAD VliGllIAlll CS GEO COLES 124 DUNLOI PHONE 8214 Member of Barrio Chamber of Commerce 14lolowolooolooloolvocvaovlvovod HELPturnips an RED SHIELD APrEA MAYOROTC OR=fChairman PARS VS Treasurer PHONE 3230 BARBIE Ml Hill 11 tHAHth 111 Hlillrtit lllvll14IIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIlltllltlllllllllllllldIliflll The Caradoc Nursery Company slittlllliut lilti tr lta xlilli1llll Disliilniliiis oi High Quality Fruit Trees Small Fruits Bulbs Evergreens Ornamental Trees and other nursery items Shrubs Hoses 1312111 AISUL 1111 hlll llt$iil HARANTITI VI Uitllllit illlll lur llililiri information write to our lonnly of iiiiior iiipicsiiitaiiw MARTIN lili ii liifHll$HNli1 iIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllIIIIlllllllIIlJllltlllllOllllllilllll 37 QWWs MW WWWM it Come in and sec the new nllpurpose farm jeep Drive around in it Feel the mighty surge of power from its worldfamous VillysOvcrland Jeep lingiue and the surefooted pulliof jcepi whecldrive This one Vehicle operates plows barrows mowers seeders and other farm implements It tows 5500 lbs or hauls 800 lbs The Sjccp takes you across the pasture or into town It powers your farm machinery See how Eccp7 can spread its cost over wide variety of jobs the year around You will use it as light farm tracror truck runabout and mobile power unit find out how the jccp can save you real money ii ROBINSON morons Authorized Dealer for WILLYS PRODUCTS Jeeps lrucks Station Wagons 132 Essa Road Allandale yer thereis 2mm 151 zzle 6Ppgox1 Edie 00 1y Merl Prison Ham Won and Polk Coun Chum Child Comp mo Mining end Free labour Sorizlrim Mon Mortal m3 there youll find the understanding heart the human touch of THE SALVATION ARMY The Salvation Army is continuallysavf ing lives for Canada From the man whose misdeeds have landed him in miserygpoverty or jail totlie girl trapped byweakness or betrayal frOm the unwfantedbabcor neglected Child to The old manor wOman forgotten in the sunset Of life The Armystands rendyto serve all who are in need The understanding hearL and the human touch of the Salvation Army make it apowerfulagenCyfor social godd YOUR dollars make this work pos sible No cause has greater Claim on your pocketbook l2 WEBSTER ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS FARM WIRING Eic tI Jili Aidc 1i $0111 lrl ru livlm in fun illi liirs Perennials 507 31113 511 full 3112032 iiii to 11rd 301031 Hindi In llli iir 103037 rtooocwoomvOootcoooloootoolooooiotooooooovooaoooooiaoooaoaoooolcv3oc 53031061 510 II 11151077 15me LU iflliii iltllll ilii tiiszos 3iillii5 iiriu onrrilo 1307301 130350813 il1005lts lircamtiine VICTOR lZINCH 18080 WWWMW Nmoouwmwwo oo oooo 18210 11X727ltaltr Hcrrnude llX72X lhonc Barrie 2682 118851lair Dc Lune TilUliSilriY Slflyfrjfdiiiiiit ls glovllaltaoagclollylverotare4 VICTOR lOINCH BLACK LABEL POPULAR laillil liaii 2117 l1 llltilv Intlr Evian rand Munipin Irvin Hut Iiuzgiii sml tialhin 11Iti to nor ill hiiagn 11 lit Fah Ilr liltJIl lhtrl Huiillllg lx Ir Hut Ei iitil Hllt Niiiiiiioih Its lutiii him it lfi Ir oii isnt we 11 non llt1 uuii Tyiii yi Ilir TQI lieruhir ll lliiim Ili TUI 11n ui1 ulHllliq He hit foul hair lulll 111 iii Tie 11 Sundimn ll iii14 ii liuiiihliiir lunihlrncrils llir llillllil lii of Oklahoma li foil limaii lu haul of the iinlciir iii fiiiii ivf lil lI 11T 7331 hyiiiphonh lodirnc ltacliiuaiiiiiolf liiiIo Kins iclto No iii Rubin Il min 7f IIItrrnIIIm iv Freddy iliiliii The Tin llrasurex all illt litm 11y Lift IIliIi Rluiiiov 75c liials what like about the South If Youre ever Ilonn in TM as look me up lly lliil liallls We ould lilahr slllh brain tilul Miisiv ll VillilIII Motrin 75 1Il RED SEAL CLASSICAL lrzuiata Prelude to Act IL lly Auturo loitczinini $135 Ii Ill take you home again Kathleen Dry lliosc lcars li lalni Miliuil $13l The Last Sprint lly lloslon syinpliony rehestia Sll 11lldti1 lxlfiH reud ijSerii llachinaiiiiioff $135 118848 loloiiaise in Filt and Ti Ily loiic liiirhi $1115 118819 Peter and the Wolf Li Yunpuicll By Ii icardo iliioposoff $135 Licbcstraum By loc lturhi $135 $020 La lriivialn Act 11 Art Thou lcping lly Jane Ieorcc $1115 119007 Blucbird of Happiness Because By Jane Peercc 119011 xi What is this thing called Lovc Rosalie By Allan Juiics $135 VICTOR lZINCH BLACKLABEL 280400 Black Brown and Beige Part and 280401 Black Brown and Beige Part and By Duke Ellington $200 2010241 Loved You Im always iliilsing Rain hows By Al Goodman $100 280408Tca for Two Hallelujah By Ruse Case and Orchestra 100 280409Sr Concerto lhemes Part1 By Whitteinore and Lowe 100 280411 Duel in the Sun rim By Al Goodinan100 35822 Rhapsody inBluc ml 512 By Paul Whiteian and Orchestra $100 36205 Sing Si Sing Part By ny Goodman $li00 36208 Tve Prisoners Song cant Get Started By Bunny Berigan and Orchestra it 36228Clair Dc Lune Valse Tristc By Victor Concert Qrch $100 30384 Ghasse Your Partner Buffalo By Bill Dickinsons Tuxedo Colonels 5100 THE iiiicoiiii 26 ELIZABETH sr PHONE 4424 iti

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