llih HARRIS IXIilI PAGE six IIAItIth President I943 LETTERS TO PRESIDENT UNTAIIII CANADA President I947 IiI UNITY llil SAIIHHH AS GLASS PAINTER AND DECORATOH BFRT ALLEN lt l1wantan 46 Toronto St Phone 4286 II In IvI Iv II II not tiiinsiii II ii out gt tilttltl IVIIIlIIl vt12i Tll2 or II if raaril III lilillltii lZIntIri PINE fit gt Xi 13 MW MENSWEAR It IIIIII itll ll U7 55 Iritiligriit titireiisliip ll ll lI l1 Barrie Is It to unite llB Dunlop St II II BOWllllg iaiIiiiii it It tt izxtriw 11 min II II IIIIIII or liiztiutlu iiillil IIt it IIII at 11 ln ItttlidllK IIIII ii loi vi io iiati the IIiIIiI 11 Ill l1il Life DRAPES an VI l1 tt lvtl iii tliel t11t II IIII II III III II III II ii 1211 itl with on lltt nno =1 It evl ill litlltl ltt Iltw hi Mil Iltl ioiiiizi tt ia l1 itv iiim ml VI wt iriii ltltl iritt their lit ii HWTWN ml IIl Int 111 W111 iihe illlllts of citizenship would ltl impiessed lilrl illittlil tlllilll llllll Kel and wisely llllt educational rulliorilas to giyvf litspend to the lvtllltsl of Iigtl licstiieitt INttk liioiii son who has lilllgtlltlllll ej ph mli mmajilmi rush mlnioit attention in our schools to ms iygyi1llrm HI tjilhlltt oii cztileiislii In our lltI teatmo 1tlllltil of The lixtlllillltl WI llllj tlllts triesiuiz llltllltlil1 mp my may iiiwile Wm Mmpfroui the pages of iistoiy told up up Itapable leaders could in 10th hjwt of Kiwanis youin minds and thus incieaseI To develop by precept and ex their litye of couii 1y lublic af illltltlt lilltlt Htltlllstlll tllgres fairs committees in Kiwanis ciubs 1e and stiiiteaiiie tliltlllil littltl lllt tf tllillllllllltgt Although according tollie fain Which many are usrr for the giliar quotation lixample is better tiliSStlllltlillW llllfit itll Illll tliaii precept it must be recog tlplls of good eitilcrrhl tllMti that while one may be liet Serrieeahle Citizenship The main ter than the other both are netes hours spent by lxiwziiirnizs in ryeiy sary for substantial achievement chili on behalf of youth constitute They are inseparable lreeept is an amang total That in itself the rule the principle the light in is great object lesson to LlHYtlts the window which shines along the in general as to the opportunities highway of action Example must it stllt and the good resnls til be example of something and that tamable It may he that in addi iStlllltlllltlL IS the IlltCtPl nr rule tron to our moneyraising protects Precept raises aloft the standard we might more often lilll the aid example goes 0111 to possess the of iioiiIiiiyanians both men and land IIaCh is interwoven with the women to actively participate in other All this harmonizes with community enterprises of high Websters definitions merit in which they would find Precept Any commzuidmcnt in rich satisfaction rtir after all in SllUClitm 01 OldCl llllmtdttl HS 21 Kiwanis the community the na rule of action or conduct tion the world is our parish in Example That which is to be which we aim to sow the good seed fOIIOWCCI 01 imitated of personal interest in things worth SUPPOSC lhat W0 HS KIWIIHIHHS while to be followed in due course would each sit down for few by the ever increasing fruitage of quiet moments if that were pos serviceable citizenship sible in this hurlyburly world and make listof those things in which We believe and which we aim to practise Extraordinary dis coveries are frequently made in moments of quiet Alone with our conscience that would be our rc dedication as suggested by Inter national but written of course in our own phraseology One further step let tlsfyttlle it in the first person and sign it And now as true Kiwahians were it possible to compare notes we would find that in substance these are some0f the things we each have written believe that honesty kind ness conscientious effort and help fulness constitute the foundation of successful living believe in and will support the work of the church so that the spiritual may have larger place in the lives of humans believe in the power of smile and sunny disposition to brighten the lives of others believe that unkind rc marks concerning my fellow man arewrong and will endeavor to Walker StoresLtd believein and will prac BARBIE gstaeAr946 OCCRAH CHOICE CUTS or COMPLIMENTS OF iitt Cusdens Pharmacy lZTZlizObth St BARBIE ROBINSON HARDWARE SEE OUR FINE SELECTION or 1948 SUNWOBTHY WALLPAPERS OBJECT N0 1II THOMSON Past President tlfllrttt Due to unforeseen TlltlllllSlllllCiSI one of the veterans of Kiwanis after accepting my invitationto write an article on Object Nof has found it impossible to fulfil his assignment In order that the SOI ies may be complete haye found it necessarytherefore to assume the duty myselfand as the go ing to press is beIirfg held up awaiting this iteml crave my readers indulgence for the sketchi ness of the thoughts presented Object No reads To provide through Kiwanis Clubs practical means to form enduring friend ships to render altruistic service and to build better communities On first cursory reading of this Object would appear to be three fold iryits conceptIyet while that is tritc in part the three clauses embracing friendships altruistic service and community building arc closely knit one to the other COMPLIMENTS OE jcct as whole are really depend entithe oneupon the other iii the order giycniL Man isnot an iSOlatedindividual but ratherfor his highest develop ment must cultivate the social side of his nature Human nature is es sentially social men are developed only in sbciety There must be culture ofrthc heart as well as culture of the mind and as mat ter of fact men are not solely if even chiefly united by reason All the permanent and worthwhile rela tionships of life are held together by the affections rather than by The culture which the intellect neglects the facts and forces of hu man nature other than mental is not culture for it is condemned by Fruit Vegetables 64 ELIZABETH STI its onesidedncss The selfseeker may carve out great careermay achieve wealth or position rmay astonish by his brilliance and power may make men admire him and envy him but he will not make men love him Man is dual in his nature he must to attain his greatest Sphere of usefulness both give and receive in the realm of friendships NEIL MacnoNALp MA INNl tittiLiu r11ltt eitite to llil III ll litLl nattwl IlIli tiilltual lllii pie llld iltldld tatous to Ire tliliil liori IiI Hi llllllimV li llt5 alitl lminllpmjh Mum vtt wtt Ilrt 11 tII till II II gy dunHI IlI IIIIIIHIH IIIIII II WIIIII t1 lltlllllllltti iil it 11 fit Int 11 Ito llil itlhlll liltllvt tIIIllll tiziiitiwlupli 1Iif OF oio Ill tlll Ill 111 men ltililt firm owner HHIHHIHA III the Itlltlllry Iot My 33 4191 Aggressive titienslup lliri tlt AI izIo only by CO lIlV Ium 11 liwttiril on upoae oi C1 IHIH KIIIHI ll WI almit Iol iiitiitaiis In n1 21H tlli Toll mlt 5W ltmt of tho il Illlllltlm tor llltll ml Mill lil vtlll lIIitt I17tl on tiu Ill1I 431 mill will lilwzuiis was formed llie 1111111 VI II IHHIIW Tel 4314 34 Bayiield St hldlhii liltifwtili dltllt lit 11 lll Iltlil Kiwanis llii lalioitit and lI IIl Il ll MM tlwiiI 11 thi ltouze who the lllll tl lIlh lilitiiriil1iire detailed in my II lll II II ll llm of Ilrlllitl oiomt mti llll with which and 11iui iitiitlsliip MAMMHW we lllltlllltl the es of youth 1min VIA193 The commandment of this Object and for the fulfilment of the Obl There is hold no better med no ztili doubtful tIill llllltltlllttl wtlillttl toiite of li ltIill qmd mnij 0f this am it town in ideal of iiglit truth and buildiiit of bettercommunities IllWV Im illltlilldx morality common language and eonnton responsibility There has come down to us Ullllltttn from common ancestry the building of better communities is conceived and carriedbut in Harrie and its environs by the K1 wanis lub in the most intensive and uninterrupted program pos sible That program have in my other articles tried to portray for you within the limits of the space at my command Suffice it then to sum up my ar happyE conclusion that the Kiwanis Club of Barrie have faithfully implemented this Object number Fire in that down through the years it has been the medium through which many many enduring friendships have been mg MHm 11d glnommns formed in that the friendships so mmm him 1w as we formed have been italized by and ma carried through to altruistic ser Hm mnommm vice and in thatibv the service mimirilwns 3V mm in our mumer by 1111 mmm debt by the fltltlll with which we ate organisation and by its meni THU mlnmplcs 0f thI as individlmlsI Barrie is international understanding stated brighter better community 111 which mm Such mphmliqWarrant by our to WI forefathers It is our boundcn duty not only for the sake of our two countries but for mankind throughout the world that we by firm true and resolute course of action give proof to all nations that the ultimate object we pursue the supreme purpose of our two nations with regard to each other lierituve and this can only bepreserved and please Ind passed on to those who follow its pioviding we keep faitli With our forefathers who in their day fought as they prayed without hesitation or doubt and who purchased our freedom with their very lite blood But that is only part of our obligation we must poe true to the brave men of today noble by Gods patent who with ttlllltlt unsurpassed in the annals of human kind are seek ticle with the OBJECT NO by4 GEORGE ll ROSS Past President Kiwanis International Objeet No reads To cooperate Iin creating and maintaining that is IOWMD and fast flammp sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteouspcs patriotismIanoIgoodwillI Ii wholesome friendship be symbol Th ObJOCt dlmdw Kl of trust an understanding thatad wanians to educate themselves mm of MllmlsivsI no suspicions lhmuh Czrff SOICCWI and iiiidiiisiimpossible destruction appropriate and informed speakers mm nimngmes 01 the solvent at their weekly luncheon meetings Imwm of discord Ir but it is also call much greater le 11mm mm of pamauc em Sllllflmnco is CH It 501 dcavor is ofttimes attained by vol Vim V011 hmh 10 ml nnlarv obedience to the dictates of the widest possibilities in the realm he hmmI and if we the so of the mind 31 from Ah 917 xcalletl home front will but let 0111 Cal Oncrtlc SCIVIICC lonlcmlrl aching hearts whereon countless SlCh Spheres Chlld Venllif and names are lcttcrcd iiitears dictate ship based upon understanding and mutual goodwill Let us bestronIgI J113 luv among the strong and may our community bcllcrmcnl IS to its right now then we will re ethical and Spllllllal 15 Iconf solve that our two nations must CEDL It 15 DOSSlbIC 0f aCthVO throughout the illiinitablc years mIent only iff we vigorously 811d keep the strings in harmonious vi w1th continuity promote and pro bmuonI so that God homing us Vide Opportunities to fellow never again will the rivers of the citizens to form Opinions based world run red with blood or the sound knowledge and bocome sun be darkened by the souls of imbued With the high ideals as men homing back mGod called for in this Object Each of these realmsrighteous ness justice patriotism goodwill wOuld of itself provide theme for an article of considerable scopc andlength In this article will deal only with thequestion of international goodwill Iand as basenwill use speech which gave in 1943 to the ZWashingtOn Club when the signing of the Rush Bagot Treaty in 1817 was being commemorated The people of the occupied coun tries of Europe wouldundoubtedly marvel at the mere possibility of meeting such as we are holding here today To many of those un fortunate people goodwill between nations is something to dream about and vainly hope for just Word in the dictionary with little or no application or meaning IIIIfor themI To the People of the United States and Canada international goodwill is not dream but prac tice that has obtained without in terruption for over 125 years We together have built upon sure base because we believe that in ternational goodwill is not nor can it ever be substitute for lir President 1944 83 Elizabeth St 53 Dunlop St COMPLIMENTS 01w feature stoiies 111 this Mli No need then to reiterate tinin thiwg ll here bill would stress rather that 11 lurm him1 Eu lltl public and altruistic service in im H31 HIM mm the medium by which these endur will IHHihilMHUm ml in friendshlps are strengthened Tim 3M Hm milmlmi mm mm and made enduring in their nature Tmlihm projectinc tiiein ILIIWVtlltl into the Uni txro meat nations have WE DELI CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST 25th ANNIVERSARY KIWANIS CLUB or RARRH All Th Royal Bank of Donald BARBIE ONTARIO Fisher Manager COMPLIMIZNIS or OPTOMEIIIIST Hours Slit 60 Dunlop St PHONE 2439 II iGREETINGSrAND BEST WISHES TO THE BARBIE KIWANIS CLUB ON ITS iI25th ANNIVERSARY From WISHIID 25 Years Outstanding tAtjlllitfllll HARRIS MOTORS CHEV OLDSMOBILII AND CADILLAC CARS MAPLE LEAF and GMC lltULll 71 Phone 2437 The Store POT the Smart and llniltyr THE llltPERlAl ltFE Assutiiicrco McCarroll Branch Manager On Their STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower Toronto 36 years in Business Dunlop St KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE VER PHONE 2447 RObert Smith KO Phone 2586 Lists ANNIVERSARY 311111113 MEAT Minn Meat GrOcOriOs Faiit Vegetables WA