THURSDAY SEPTEMBER ll 19 COMPLIMENTS OF his Christie Ciocetena ROY CIIBISIIE Kiwonidn Phone 2612 68 Elizabeth St Dixies Smoke ShOp PAPERS MAGAZINES BlLLlAllDS SMOIIERS surrurs PHONE 9057 tlgtltll CORRITT Prop COMPLIMITNTS or MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY 41 Dunlop Si Dial 3735 The Home loud Insurance Since 1899 Kiwanidn BILL MALCOMSON CONGRATULATIONS BARBIE KIWANIANS ON THIS YOUR 25th ANNIVERSARY TODD Mens Wear BARBIE ONTARIO The 2000 former members of the First CoOperative Packers extend Congratu lations to the Barrie Kiwanis Club of Bar rielnc on this their 25th Anniversary We are hot unmindfiil of the splendid help and leader ship given to our young junior farmer clubs BEST WISHES FOR THE NEXT 25 YEARS corncoi COMRLIMENTS or it Canadian Bank of llammrce BARBIE PARSONsMgr COMPLIMENTS CLUB79 IANDWISHING CONTINUED KIwANIs CLUB OF BARBIE INC EXAM IN LR BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE FIVE President 1939 SHI II JOLLY GOOD BUNCHjEff or BUILDERS WE llvilillltlttl Iliill Ivc twri Illtl licw ti 711Il Itcih If mphiw i1 In splendid nunks Vlii It the it Scout iml titt tiwit Imzfi lllllwIii lead tit Iii torich Ettlltltitlx 111I11tiiil as aucc 1n picpaiiiii tliI cqiiippizi the camp the lie ca 10 several Kliillltll the Sc ii iiiiI luu Ill intit IIIIJ VIILIAIHI tlttl l1tl iii tlliltl iv 11 Kilil ha of the Kittiillls tIai 111 It Lilif Iii131 II tlili in mi cm lpazci Aiiw il Ill llllalilt It provide tt Itzlit ia iilIii fer all Iii illllilltiil tllll tllttilllilll in Who Itib could ltHlIt lic Ihar ii conjunction IIl lu iii Iicn Aid Society ttzc VF AiilJ the llisiiic Friiiwl sitiit liriit cvcry llt Iiiiiiiinu tic ouiiiy of Shindc and you 71 children the best IIli gtl111 The record of these cases is complete Iiicause Inc ll1 illial publicity not In the I1I inteiisls of the beneficiaries but every year saw some llStN ii iidlcd Iaiid throughout the Hear period we have the actual rc cbrd bit 30 children who brim crippled have been provided viIi 1the necessary local llllillllil care or through the Sick Tliildrciis Hos pital Ilraces 111 special boots have been supplied or the period if iiiipairiiiciil and all these Illlvl fili greatest possible slate of iiiiitiiIiair iiient so that they could take their places with others iiioie happily eiidoivut Especially in the depression years of 1030 lo lllllll iiiidcrpriv 31012th children received the spec ial care olilie Clubi llacli month over 1000 quarts of milk were delivered free to homes which Could not afford to provide the proch nourishment Oranges to provide the necessary vilaiiiiiis and cod livur oil to build them up were generously supplied while clothing liIl Meatylive icii have been biniigli Iloll lo the HOWARD FELT Secretary 1953 194 deal III worlluwhilc research in his capacity as chairman of tiiai oiii llllill Not only was he man of sterling qualities and achieve llltlll but he was great Kiwaii iaii till the time of his passing in liHL Iloward Felt joined Kiwanis in 1022 and was chosen by the Board of lliiccturs that year as Secretary In each succeeding year he was ap Iprantcd In that office continuously thruugh to 1012 Twenty years of caution has been taken to seethat BARRIE LIONS CLUB lililllltllillllltl 1414114IrrIlilalotzzalllirllrll411olrlJvclavoclalllttln Congratulations and Best Wishes to the KIWANIS CLUB OF BARBIE on the occasion of their 25th Anniversary tries MOORE Treasurer 11127 1011 Iiiioiviiiu lii trust funds ciit Barrie club he lllltIIllt lltI1i aiy liltlllltl1ltllII Ill IlllllIt and is no such child has been overlooked by Santa Claus Iii 1033 all crippled children in ILIub under the direction of Mac litlorrison and his committee spoii sored Countywide survey of crippled children and 17 children passed through the clinic and the cases requiring attention were fol lowed through lii 1946100 child icn passed through similar clinic and shoes were supplied to hund reds of children so that their school and church attendance would not be interrupted Many children have been sent to summer camps while for delinquent youths the Kiwanians have many times be CUIIIL Big Brothers and been suc cessful in guiding them into paths of better living The Childrens Aid Society in the years before it became the pres ent highly organized County or ganizatioii that itnow is was al ways directed and suppoitcd generously in time and money by the Kiwanis Club and by Kiwan iaiis on the Board Each year the children in the shelter were sup plied with treats and were taken out on picnics by the Kiwanis Club Christmas Cheer for all under priviledgcd children in the town has been provided each year in the form of parcels of clothing food sweets and toysl In some years as high as 645 baskets have been dis tributed on Christmas Eve by Kiwanians and every possible pre President 1941 and some of the children are still iii the care of the Club $500 subscription was made last year to ith Building Fund if the Sick Childrens Hospitall PUBLIC AFFAIRS It is basic principle that Ki wanis works for betterpa more enlightened citizenship and Kiwanis Club of Barrie has ever been alert to the betterment of the whole community In every civic local and county organization Kiwanians will be found leading and promoting the best interests of the town and its citizens Many of the activities which the Kiwanis club took as its particular interest have nowbeen assumed by the Chamber of Commerce since its organization in 1944 The Ki wanis Club however has provided many of the executive officers and directors for the Barrie Chamber Of Commerce an organization which has done So much to attract new industries to publicize the town and in cooperation with the Tuwn Council toveffect many local bettermeiits Each year so that the club may keep attunedin PubliCAffails the Town Council and the Board of Ed ucation attend in body meetings of theOlubgwhere civic and educaw tionail matters are the topic of dis cussion Likewise held periodically with the Officials Of the Cl Railway and with members of the County Council Sinicoe County were transported to special clinic in Toronto gain in 101 the Kiwanis the meetings are SUCCESS FOR THE leading part in money raising campaigns for such organizations as thelRed Cross Salvation Army Victory Loans Relief 1932 Canadian War Serv ices and in 1945 and 1946 Clothing for Britain In beautification plans the Ki wanis club have representatives on the Board of the Horticpltural Society and on the Parks commit tee of the Town Council In 1937 and 1938 Kiwanians planted trees at the then Bradford Street en trance to the Agricultural Park For the past few years they have been promoting with the Depart ment of Highways the planting of rows of trees along the approaches Mcvuirie Kiwanians have always assumed Uneiiiiploymeiit Iiieiiibci ol the West 17 oiin Iii wiiiiis lizlr to the town and ilii p1i= IIlllf followed tIiiiiiiili In 1037 52000 liHu try Ileldt Bay planted in 10311 and lIlI ooli voill iiii iiiidiiiakc has been inainlaiiuil ciili 3111 siucc iii varyine iiuaibcrs 1iii is another step in the llillllgtll Izaak Waltoiis in the Fish Derby When the Soldiers caiitecn was established in 191 the Kiwanis club was active in itsfhiaii iil support Thut support has cn tiiiucd through to the eiilaiued Active Service Canteen on Toronto Street to the present establishment now known as Ciillllllllllll IIollSL Many many more have been the public projects promoted or spon sored by the club but those enum erated serve to illustrate how the Barric Kiwanis Club has sought to serve down through its years of existence the general public In its general good FINANCE It may be readily conceived that all these varied and intensive ac tivities involve the expenditure of considerable moneys Ways and means iiiListthereforc be devised to raise the necessary funds to make the mare go and So it has been that through the personal ex penditure of much time and effort OILthe part of the Kiwanians them selves moneymaking schemes have been regularly promdted Minstrel Shows Fashion Shows Theatrical Nights Dances in the Armouries and the annual New Years Eve Dance Bridge Tourna ments have all been given in an endeavour to keep the treasUry supplied with thc necessary dol lars Thefirst Karniyal was put on an annual event and the main pro ject for raising money The Kiwaniansappreciate very highly the interest and confidence and its environs has shown in their efforts and seek at all times to be worthy of that interest and confi dence Were that confidence not forthcoming on the part of the public the Kiwanians fully rezilizc Ithat their welfare and betteiment work would have to be appreciale restricted Respecting and in honour to that confidence and support the Kiwan is Club wishes to assure the public that all funds so raised are looked upon as Trust Funds monies are therefore jealously guarded and are used judiciously solely and exclusively for the good children of the community doubt many of these fry comprise by the liout taught each iii the which the generalpublic of Barrie These of the citizens and especially of the underprivileged and crippled LETTERS TO PRESIDENT III liliI cl tiw LillliiilI Irat 11 liJIIIi lama1 141 iI illliil 141 1iI Islsl Iiil Itiiilr national uiianivatiuiir iici oi illll ilitli for tlii vci inh Swill iltliil tti li lIli Ilil iIIV tliv Ii tI llii Ilili llll11lil club ISIHHI t1 liviilli oiiiii1atiuii5 illl voiii VWI v1 iIl hi wilful llv iIi it Iili li iii lIll to It It 111 ilir ioii Incudcll iili IILIv upon iiziwIii iiiw fca aim in tin ii III lIiii ili Ii IiliI 5112 111 ml III ii tillllll ii by mini It and no 11 1Il Iti llllll 41 ic iil ii v1 IIIIZIII iriil lIIllt1iltlt all maihi c1aiiiii to Hltit it ill itlitlilll 41 V011 UNIV Nil tltdlihlllt lquliici tliiii we will Iiiltiite tau1 Ilti iiicnlisliip 11 lo follow Iplaulcd by Kitianians hi Kciiipcii Another 03000 Jiit iii Illi lilltllt in all ciideivoi 1111 Ii meat of tourist attractions and no moial support of others and your vc saicwicij hopi that our ii invi of litc 1I iii iic llll IlllWl II it flc iiiaioiiiy ii ill itic vttllll and iill 1ltl Iiiil llllltil can bo lltilltlglllfllI towards this cud of each coini iouid pu Iortli cvciy wt iii lIiipzovc its nun IIHHIIHHW In this connection up would Izkc toy 111i1i111gt HZ by the public of the ini the sliizan adopted lli yiail tor c1lare ik iid fu by Itomy International at llicii lttltltiil of the tilfiitltdldl Le Mc lttli aiiriual convciiiioii ic 1i tttl zealous It Ilsluiiri lILtw 151 ltigtxII in Iiiciiilship and tiliuis judiciously and pzopclij Efiniaigiaxidiiiu It Kiwanis Rolf Ihoiluh no Iiillltl Ii litilIIbii til lllt ary and all tilltll sitiIii club and iuizaiiizatioiis iii iariic anti sur iouiitlinr iistriclciiiilliiiin to punk and iiiidcislaiidznvi of each others problems In t2 way we tlill build iicltcr Htll Sit iiiiiiiily and he an cyaiiiplc tor Hillil couiiiiiiiiiics tIiitiIibioiii the Kitii Id Vhlliliy your tub Ivrry 5illlli Again assuring you of mu mi iipttiilllill Sincerely yours BLAKE llNl1llllll1 Pres 11icRohiiy Tlub ot lltlllli It is my privilege to be able to extend to the Kiwanis Club of Barrie on the occasion of your 35111 aiiiiiycrsary the congratula tions of your ltl club the Lions Club of Barrie We salute yourI charter iiieinbirs your past Intuit dents and yoiilWIiilcriialioihd and other officers During the 25 years since Ki wanis was organized in Barrie you have accomplished great deal for our community Your financial support Of worthy causes your leadership in community projects has been appreciated by all and an inspiration to other organizations We are well pleased to have been able to cooperate with you in such major projects as development and management of Barrie Beach and Compliments of adjoining KiLi lark Such iiiut iial effort speaks well of the char acter of our members our clubs and our community With best wishes fei your future progress am Sincerely yours PETER SINCLAIR President Lions Club of Barrie President 1941 in V1928 and has since 1931 becomei Congratulations to THE BARBIE KIWANIANS For TWENTYFIVE YEARS OI SERVICE GARNERS MENS WEAR AND SPORTING GOODS We Congratulate 135 Lizlc till i1 121 Ililllllltl III Lir1 Iltlillllltll 11nll Itllt 1111 Ind Iii lac but ivil on lawmi III 11Iil ilM 14 Li iii 11 rillJuli THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA McClAFFIIBTY Manager Barrie froMPIIMENIs lllOM HOME APPLIANCE SHOP FRED KELLY Kiwanidn IlllIIll0N SI AT VIC Ill IS PHONE 3432 EMPKE HARDWARE KELVINATOR BEFRIGERATOHS BEACHCOALV and WOOD STOVES ELECTRIC STOVES HedvyrShelfdndBuilders Hardware THOR KASHERS We Deliver Phone 2553 AE SMITH FURNITURE 8c STOVES Everything for the Home See our large selection of Chesterfield suites before buying 129 Dunlop St Phone 4492 Business Established over 80 years HARRY LOVE PAINTING PAPERHANGINC DECORATING EXPERIENCED MEN 23 Owen St phonezsss LonLA 14 HEADQUARTERS roll