tulltlill o1 HAROLD HILL llkltllll EEP III Give yourself lift Increase vigor and vitalitybuild resis tance to imitationseh taking Vituvox all lho your Ioond Ill Ill llll Nll cows illlluilliii hit 5100 slit iii In V1 Ki in 11 V300 ii 311M iuu on President 1935 is llltlll lU LUIKI Jolly iood Bunch If Builders DMDWEHS 3172 gI1t DRUG 5mm trump UIAIIII The WRIGHT CLEANERS 88 DUNLOP ST PHONE 2634 HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to the BARBIE KIWANIS CLUB Completing 25 iars of Service to this Community ALLANDALE LUMBER FUEL C0 49 Essa Rood Barrie Ontario Tel No 1155 Kiwaiiian CHARLES llllirlN ammo COMPLIMENTS or SMITH STUDIO FINE PHOTOGRAPHY wEDDINCs GROUP PORTRAIT OR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARCING DUNLOP ST DIAL 4176 Heartlest Congratulations TOThe KIwANIs CLUB OF BARRIE ON THEIR 25th ANNIVERSARY r07 lnSurance Office fSrieanft Prompt TRAILERS WHENNEEDED Service BIIiStetvari KNighI BARBIE TAXI MAL 2411 CPR Ticket Office CPRTransier 52 BAYFIELD sr BARRIEONI Dayarid IL dl tIItltt Iihi liic Hi liiivltlil 111 he 5117 siicli atiie oi iic liic club and supplied llic funds It Iitllt iiiiic at ys liis Kiwanis ery liH Ititl of service liais lt41l1 the Iiib iii 11 laboured tor the iiiiuerpi ileazcd lllililbtti Iiilltl lltllil oi the licitcriiicii liic cuiziiiiiity 11I1Ltltllt IGRKIIXIIRIC us believe iii Iie promo beitwi iiiiilcrstaiictiii1 lic the iiibaii il Ilacii year fill of the coun coni vitl lllt csidciit tflti ta ciib cii Ilaiura it 11 Sltit so liiit ii Ililil Innrest iiiiiy he di Lltl and iii lii township Iziruicrs entertain lili ix lillllil But the greatest this ilijective ltI iicltci iciaiioirliip has been attained lawns the holdiiiu of regular Ki ili1 weekly iiiccliiius from time in 2mm iii ruial LiiiiiiIiiiiilitts at Illil iiiectiiius the laiiiicrs join in llli fun and eiijoya speaker on in lcicsiiiig lljlltllllltlitl topics while their wives supply suiiipliious re pasts Such meetings liaviz been held it Craigliursl Churchill Crosslaiid Edgar lilmvale Gulli lll Midliursl Mineshig New Lowell St Pauls Shaiin Bay Stroud and Thornton and some of these ecu tres have been visited several times Kiwaniaiis it will be found have always held executive offices in the Agricultural Society and spec ial prizes have been donated ifor the annual County Ploughing Matches and for Fairs at Barrie and several contiguouspoints The Kiwanis Club has always taken special interest in the Junior Farmers and especially since Stewart Page Agricultural Representative joined the club in 1925 have projects to improve crops and livestock among the juniors received the sponsorship and active support of the club Potato iClubs have been formed and in some years the Kiwanians Supplied bags of certified seed p0 tatoes Every year prizes have been donated by the club for potatoes grown by the juniors and shown at the Barrie Fall Fair the success ful competitors being entertained at subsequent dinner meeting of the club Swine Club was formed in 1936 Several junior farmers President 1931 SMITH THE BARBIE EXAMINER ERRRIE ONTARIO CANADA Hl lll iui gt 11 Ii 11 ii lv it ii IN it lt it iiva ii gt Ili Al ii IL ii ii iilai ti it ii ii hatini Iv iv vII 1m 11 ii 13 in 11 iltl IIih lii iit lici ii lZIivliip 1i 111 ii iliyliti la ira hi 110 it ilv liiuthlil Vi Inii it 1111 mi ti Iln piiiiiialii lI llf ipaiiclv 11 tiliiillrlileIi to ma 11 viriiaiitiil 111 Lip and mid and iiaioiii1 iLlJl that liiiiipiiii 11 it and in ilttlulll iiiitciui to iiii and IllliL ltllli taiiiiitiaiiizaii li Iltl ii ailri iii Iiipr uIHI iii thaiily We thlll III lus iiiil liililitII WI firthiv in All oipaiiizmt biotinn lawn oi iiiaii inc lvwl iiiciiaaa lill lic accoiiipliritinniii UL Iltlt rial which make in ilmciicy and lltlltl Lllll We lu lit llt lhx tin5w iii izrcllisli aiiil We liclhvc iii duiiig Hill Iild ltll tzilli ol dniiie Aiui illlllVt iii liiliilliiigi all um ili= lll t1ii puaniuc ani with smile lliiclty llicii that is IiiIgist of what Kiwanis xncaiis lllil lilltl loi You tII be supplied with list of the tax lb tl IIIui them slowly luiiiiii iii them and iiiIiiiornzc tliciri ioi tiny air the bases of Kiwanian tilllt lly ro doing you lll iiicoun now liiwaniaii and the shine tune licitci LETTERS TO PRESlDEINT ric Hawkeslonc Ilillsiiale Lefroy lldill Kiwaiii an active tlioin by IlltttIll As ziiciiibci 111 11 Callioinia in am bliltlllllii that thought 111 now in recognition of yoiii your clecjioii So that all men may know with pride and Wle honor at all to an active SlillKliIlI LUlllllllllcc assigned to you aiii inc liuiii iioitlivcscrii an and ttillllilillii expected to bccoiiic an lltllVi working part of la IittSilitt then of those iiiciiibcis litlt present and sland lttlSlllI and tclliiwsliip in this Chili and indeed in the name of Kiwanis International extend to you the hand of vclioiiic and tiilli to you licartiest ctgtiiIlLilliliois on the honor oi active iiiciiibci you hayi bccii ipivcn club ciiiblciii Wear it and with smile whatever lltlicS may from iiinc to time be Iii atlciiipliiii to cxpicss its II1lltliIi in ihc Will lit by example and its beliefs to lllllllllhll an international Ultiiliilltilt win in Florida and Lltllll South liovziices you are ptlVlliIJtl being ltlcplcd into full iiiciii that you areiaii accredited and iimis You have been assigned lcrloriii at all times withzest were supplied with piircbieil stuck and this scheme did much towards iiiiproviuu the quality of bugs in this vicinity fornot only did the boys themselves benefit but the Kiwaiiians took keen interest iii lSlIlIitl the boys and watching the growth and development of the tllllllifgt Chicken Clubs have been promoted for the lads and lassies from time to time From 1928 thrbugh to the pres ent time the Kiwanians have taken special interest in the Illtliiil section of the annual Fall Fair lalcsr have been donated i011 var disc ioiis sections and in 15130 special biiildviiiu was erected in the agric ultural Park at ii Cost of over 811000 for the exhibit of livestock raised by the Junior Farmers AIR CADETS In 1912 the Kiwanis Club pro Klwunl CIUb llld ENVISIIBCG moted the formation of an Air the ligamzmon WIICh 112 Linda Squndmn in Barrie mm through his cforts attained to its George Fricke as the Commandingl Officer The squadron soon grew and tlourished and oIitgrew its first headquarters in the old Town Hall Later due to pressure of personal business George relin quished his Command to Leighton Cilarke with Fisher as Ad jutant Headquarters were moved to the AllllOllliOS and most of the drilling was done there but even that was found to be inadequate so that the club erected special building south of the Armouries for executive accommodation and for the display of special equipment year after the close of the war and with the actual need gone this activity lapsed but during these years when the squadron was in operation the Kiwanians had the satisfaction of knowing that they had suppliedagood moral and phys ical training to many young lads in the community and several of these boys have continued through into active service in the RCAF BATHING BEACH Starting with 1926 and through each year until 1938 the Kiwanis Club provided and paid for swimming and playgroundsuper visor for the summer months so that the boys and girls of Barrie might be taught to swim and ens joy the benefits of supervised and Organized games The war interfered with this activity inthat instructors with the necessary training becameimipos sible to obtain In 1942 however the Kiwanians again sawthe nec essity of providing proper facilities all projects promoting the mental and spiritual welfare of the youth of the community It his solittill by the provision of special talks in the schools from time to time and the iforniation of councils com posed of lizidiiig1iisiiiess and pro tessioiial inch to give Vocational guidance to the youth of the town The club has provuled several scholarships at the BICI so that deserving students may pursue their studies beyond ILllll School years and has given considerable monetary assistance to the BCI Centenhial Fund In 1924 and 1925 the Kiwanis Club sponsored school bands and from this beginning has arisen and developed the present 13 band When Mr Fisher the present lead er of the BET band approached present high level of success he met with Ii ready response Finan cial aid was given and instruments provided for students who could not purchase them of their own account and down to the present time financial support has been continued when Solicited The Kiwanians feel that they can justly share in the pride of the leader and the citizens in the success and 1ion ours which have come to this great aggregation of musical talent On several occasions the Kiwanis Club has built outdoor skating rinks at the schools has sponsored3 Lacrosse and Hockey Leagues and hasorganized through lectures in the schools and by bringigig in fluence to bear on the proper authorities safety patrols at the schools throughout the town In 1935 KY club was formed and quarters were secured in the basement of the Ross Block There during the winter months each year through to 1942 over 100 boys and girls were trained by skilled supervisors paid for by the Club in handiciraifts and skills At the close of each season show was held and prizes distributed to the leading cradlsmen This was an other earnest and successful en deavour to train youth in useful leisure tasks and usefully emiploy their spare time AcrosstheThay swims were or ganized for five successive years commencing in 1932 and on sev eraloccasions the club set wplife saving equipment on the docks Organized parties fer the child for swimming for theichildrenand ran on Halloween the children sponsored the project of the pres being given free movie show and em bathing Beach Realizing that treats were started in 1933 and in this was project Which if it were 1935 this became joint annual to reach its greatest possibilities eVent in conjunction with the would require coordination and Mons Club sustained effort together with the When the Community House had expenditure of very considenablc been established and became the outlay of money the Kiwanis Clu centre of Teenagers activities joined hands with the Lions Clu of Barrie and now the KiLi Beach chaiperones and also provided and the Park adjoining is bin escorts for the girls after the major project for the tw0 clu in dances This was continuation which they are financially assisted of the transportation facilities by Town grantsmEach year sees which had beencextended bythe iprogress and extension and soon club to the girls attending the the Beach and the Park will not dances at the Canteen and at Camp only be continuing smet to the Burden during the war years atown and vicinity but also it is The Boy Scout and Girl Guide planned one of its moldy spots BOYS ANDGIRLS particular interest to Kiwanians Tins committeetakes charge of Turn to page live please It Kiwanians acted in the capacity of movements have always beenuof President 1936 lifHXKIY ti ill 15 Ilil li Ihl Vltil 11 ij ItllIi ii iii mi ll trill ci ii It iv ill in him v1 14 ivili ti pulil iiil Ili iiiiiili= Ii Ii ljillll II Irm ii tnii iliid iitf Iiil ilil III =llt eliiil vlm hi xi ilillil citziiy all no iu lAI routidivi it Iiaii I4l iiitalc iv itltlt 111 Ii iiii Kl gt iLlrI1 Elii it ii lam icl iiiii ItI iiiltai llt lrll 1131 ii tIii Ill lniuiio lllil tin iiivaiiiaii1 of India It that hair ltIilItl and Im lllilllIIi Iii iii the lllil zitsy acIiuviiiiciil and record of iiiilliuliilc Mlvtii Iiiiiig iiiaikiIl Ill 1111 the itlildil ltll laili llllltilil than Illlt piiiilcilt of any Ullll sistci club Siiitiiiiciilailv socially Iiiofzitl IlllltI v1 Illt llitll and are chm JEHHIIIIIII iii ItIlItlttlll Iiiiii tIiciwliiiIa of oii quarter ciiiiiiiN oi Iiiiigtliictii rcicc ll iIII llillllllllll lii Izliiiizinily as whole and to liiiiii is more tlzaii uiiiiiiarilv litllI our cxprcs ioii wt llllllllllll iiuivlaudalioii 1iili lvitiloiiniilysiiiccic can perhaps profitr no iiiiaiir iilt11i of our sincerity than in say that Ilaiiic the spoil soi o1 0111 entry into lizuaiiis has been constant source bl lllll atioii Ill its lliiiiiiuh Elie ycars and that tvwshall continue to expect liltlli Illlllliti of you in the llilllly iiioic years of successand progress so sincerely wish for you ll AItlNlSll Iicsidcnt lhc Kiwanis Iiib of iillia Tlivciitylive years ago 1110 Barrie Kiwanis Iiili had its iltILIIIIllll It was founded with the Kiwanis motto We Build to render ser icc in its community llow well it has built and served through the years must be source Ulllllslltl aliii ppidc to the loiiiidcis and con lhiiiiiic members In appricialion of what we in Owen Sound know of what has been icciiiiiplislicd by the Barrie Club the Kiwanis luli of Owen Sound desires Iiicxlcnd its most sniccrc coiiigraliilalions 1so the Owen Sound Iub wish cs to recall llial 33 years ago the Barrie Iub iii Kiwanis parlance became Ilic iiiollicr club to our then baby club in Owen Sound What has been accomplished by the Owen Sound Kiwanis Club may therefore be added to the achievements of the mother Barrie Club In lliaiikfulness for the start of 22 years ago we now report that all hf our present 87 members are also proud of our records and achievements ui committees for Child Welfare Boys and Girls Work Agriculture Kiwanis Parks ctc have been particularly active We have contributed scholarships for nurses and collegiate students and chhaveiourown 85acre re forestation firm on which public school students annually plant several thousand trees Our Ac tivities Committee least four major entertainments each year one of which isour Ki wanis Minstrel Show Kiwanis in Owen Sound stands for clean highclass entertainment and sultzint sellout attendance We feel sure that your 25 years of Kiwanis service in Barrie must havebcendluly appreciated by your whole community and that all of your citizens will desire to join us in wishing you many happy future years of controlled service and suc cess Yours sincerely NORMAN DOUGLAS Owen Sound Clubl President 1933 THOMSON provides at re ssDuniop St SEXYZEIMIIELR 1C THURSDAY SIMMONS CO Coat SIOI CLOTH COATS FLR COATS SUITS your winter coat uE Lttitli NUR iltgl Ml v1i irolil tv viii EXCLUSI I5 SETH BID All SIMMONS CO THE COAT STORE SIGN 01V 1111 HEAR ltAlillllz ONTARIO Compliments of The Green ront Stores HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WIIICRIC YOU IIIIY Mtilllf Hill 119113 Congratulations To The Barrie Kiwanis Ciuh ON COMPLETING 25 YEARS OI OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SEIIVICII IO BARIIIE AND DISTRICT The Bank of Toronto RUSS NEITLEION KIWANIAN CONGRATULATIONS and ax BEST SHES BARBIE KIWANIS CLUB Exit Barrie Radio Appliances GERRY BOYNTON 101 Dunlop St Dial 4540 CQMPEIMENTS Runs BARBER SHOP 27 Elizabeth St Barrie MJfCIawford Co STOCK BROKER Phone2443 BEsr WISHEsew TO THE KIWANIs CLUB or BARRIE iii CLARKE cutie COMPANY iiiiiiiii BARBIE our