Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1947, p. 11

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25 YEARS or COMMUNITY SERVICE CONGRATULATIONS DANGERFIELD MOTORS BARRIE ONTARIO GENUINE CHRYSLER PARTS DODGE DESOTO LET US FEATHER YOUR NEST WIIl LITTLE DOWN Leone Sons FURNITURE Ontario COMPLIMENTS BARRIES LEiinimi iiorEi THk COIVIPLIMENTS OE LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE fiappcrton and Worslcy Streets BARRIE ONTARIO Kiwanizin STECKLEY THE PILOT AND HIS CREW atefiil Quit artcr Century Efflul ti rItitldfi 118 31 Picz an ii nLvi liriiitii Vt ll lltllltiill itv mi 4i in on VBarric Kiwanis Chili In iririi1l It 153th itn Whu Vl IV gt iit litii otats rl ll li ii iivviiliiivii iliifu ill ili LII Ill ililn itl iZlli ri lx2iii 1351 iii3L rIV HAHN ol loioiito iei It VV VV MD 21 illilililil1i lri wlrl It Presrdent I932 IV 1Uliiih Mil 1513 li Iii lLIl iii Iii it til iioil no HI V1 at iv ig lia 12tl ewi Ill iii ttl lzice i2 11 lii ltlt ill IVV Aliitlicl aliii ilaiim lo LI4 piiiii II in tin liiiinj It Morrison at illoil ilic than Ill llinilill pm Rh in VVTVHVVV 3V il tAllItK ml lllt Vv Iri tltiill my lin ilrii iir it 1ijlilll HI lo tiolvliii lfiilc ll all llltltlitli iiV Hr VVHW HVM VVV II JIM lili it It wlll iiVIJIlUr TF7 ioi1iii lilllllliv or the ii hr ow lllll Ill5773 IlllVVVlV lI laxllll ol the lllli ennui Ill wt lltl lfxlltildtiil ilivll llliV qyrtoi II ii illrlr irkil Htlii ll HIl i111 rillilillitl izlii iaic III Iiiil in in lt lnir parent club has iiiped 31 II it It ltHllII EIIIIWll child ii iiin itlltl iiivtt AN JJ HM itiinpleV llllt iiilclligtciil in rll iiiiilrlu flrilli1 lsiyc itllll criceihlc tlllitllSlllll Md may imp 13 AI lii 541 li ltrltliivliliIliltlil1llKl4illlstillllx plump July goth 192 practical means to form endur iiii fiiciiilliip to render altruistic service and to build hettcr tUIlllt The child this lilrinl 1311 oil Alav litIii islin their gt1inlil at 13 SHHV it lCliih oi itiiriic iltl ll er chib itlweii soinil ltlli li iii Club liisidine it lilllli inc IIIIVIIVIIIHS has now increased and stands at lVo cooperate in tltlilll 411111 to llilelhltllSl1llsillt Moth IIIIIIHIIIIt Illrl hillllltl llllllllk III llio child has taken its place ill pl Quiuullslllltl holll iiitllV ilie lllltrll and its iicliieeiiiciill and accoinplisiiiiienls in tyoiih vliile projects and service have re ceived merited praise The child is grateful for Illc pio ion and truth idealism which make ttoitally lell possible the increase of iiulitciiii5i ness justice patriotism and swede mu SLETTERS TO PRESIDENT oiiiiueiitin1 on this trend Inter1 ELARYAN At olliiimrooti Int oi Slay lsi 1016 to the Kiivaiiis liih ljlnimll Til luff all in behalf of the Citizens of liar1310 provided by us harem en the ot Barrie Int liiiishlil lie and the surrounding ltililtllyilitilLS night held hcic last Fall Club Ulnnownmi Kitmliis there is an aristocracy of blood VVV VrVV VVVV V1 hp mil my hummisi ampand also for lllt piousion of suih Club VVVUVVHVVVVV VVVW MVVVVV ML siiicere congratulations to the Bar lspcakers as Nick Thomson Iiiicli brains that there is an aristocracy of culture and an aristociuicy of wealth but with the new spirit of altruism of which Kiwanis isf rie Kiwanis lub on the 25111 iiilililli Clarke and the lit lovernor Donald Altillitl iillil lllllltlllil nivorsary of its institution in Barliziilie Parsons bolll ltilllLI ill rie Its name has been SMltlUNllllltlSl IIKIWII thc olliinlxnotl Club has twith friendship helpfulness goodilltln V011 Illlllllilll III IRWIN llli lli in tillflil SVV llVVl 11 Hmfugiihltwill and the support of every unlBarrie Utib as its sponsoi and pmm ll liilziklllii that had the welfare of are iomtlr llllll in harms and tin decade later on January 30 1033 Ilitler came to power in GerI litany That night terror forniations marched through the streets in toicliliuhl processions Exactly four weeks later the Reichslag was iililllt ed and using this as pretense the and gangsters went to Work in the working class district the community at hemL IllilitlliliCt of harlie larsoiis Its work among the CrippledUllll leader in his capacity as children of the District has been aLieutenantIovcriior blessing It has also done splenl The maturing child wishes their did work among the young peopleits WW 1h IMSI Ill Success and particularly with the unltle1thilllllanSS Imfl HUOCI Itllownhlll in privileged It has encouraged betillIC F0811 WNW ter relations between the rural andl Yfllllh 111 Kiwanis urban municipalities JOHN ALLISON 3pc best firm La iil SHFUHH lllt lllsl iillll iii Sillcilrl you ciiAiiiies Midland COMPLIMENIS OE THE AP FOOD STORES BARRIE GREETING earns GIFTS scoor SUPPLIES Weaymoutlisl Bookstore PHONE 4055 VVBQELIZABETH VSTREET BARRIE CVMLIIVIENS GRANADA FAMOUS PLAYERS rHEATRES TONYu saso JOE SASO CHAS SASOV aud the ilutes of the longprepared and carefully hidden concentration camps now hidden no longer were opened arid lorries filled with po lilical prisoners dragged in Dis tingulshed GermanAmericans cal led O11 Hitler at this time mid coun In cooperation with the Lions Kiwanis lnh of Collinuwood Club it has done very splendid work in connection with the newl Tho Midland Kiwanis lim of Bathing Beach It can 130 Iiilllilfers its most sincere ttliltlltllliltl hill 581d 111M Barrie is better ltions to its mother and sponsor the town because of the existence ofKiwanis Club of Barrie on the Would you kindly members of the Ki UMHUy Hit ins tluh of lliii ol Iiariie Llfith of the Soroptiin on this the occasion of your anniversary scum modmme memodybut were ECVVElrganisClub hote for the lastVRisenVVithggiiment of its twenly yoVur VVlnli ha icompliVlVieltl mucr in pzisi years am lil mum mid th it they und know the Citizens of Barrie and Tire members of the Mldlnd achieved record in which each stand destiny and that what was intended was the doom of inter national democracy At this period by way of con lrastxwe in Kiwanis were beginA him to stress adequate educational facilities as the foundation of de mocracy and freedom and in 1936 formed new Committee called President 1931 district will join with me in wish ing the Club every blessing and success throughout the years to come Sincerely yours GRANT MAYOR Mayor of Barri Clllb 0W0 Gem 0f AliililUdC 10imember may will feel great deal the Barrie Club for having set uslof mid and diamond on our way All the pleasures WC for you continued success and lltlll have had from our rears of ser piness in this ide fitltl or tilr Vice since we were first organized in whim we are so intensely puma Tfeerwmmia large incas 051ml Simr sit Vure to our mother club We have KEARst pwwlmp enjoyed the frequent contacts with gunpmmsl rmnfHmuV the Barrie Club and have watched its steady growth and progress with delight and with keen dc PTOSIdenI Tlirl president directors and members of the Kiwanis Club of Collingwood wish to express in itlieiVij mother club the Kiwanis Barrie Kiteanis Club In Districtffairs lliedsarrie Kiwanis Club is at present in Division No of the Besides providiii Trustees GeorgeWHubhaitd AlberlmRryson ct illto tli Divsion organization Ontar1oQuebeoMaritunc District lthe folloiving members of the Barr gt rie club took up positions of lead or Klwam IlltellliIIIIII1 Al 10 annual District Conventions no ershLp in the District 1925 Geo Hubbard Lieutenant Governor 1928 Bill Lewis Lieutenantinv ernor 1930 Bill Lewis Governor 19301 lBill Lewis Member Com mitlce on History Later appoinled VOhaIrman in successive years 1930 Alonzo MacLellan Secret arylreasurer 1940 Roy McVittie Chairman of Music Committee 1044 Roy iVicViittic Governor 1947 Chas Parsons Lieutenant Governor matter whether held at farflung St Andrewsbythesca orTlit close by Toronto the Barrie club has been well represented on every oc casion In 1929 When lCliffei Dicr was President the Barrie club put on the annual Convention at Big win inn There were then 41 clubs in the OQM District and at that convention 40 clubs were repres ented The total registration at Bigwin was 602 members and it has been conceded that it was one of the most successful and enjoyable conventions staged CRAIG Lleuttfllziht OLIVERVCAMERON KIWANis CL OF BARm ONrrS 25th ANNIVERSAR OROPTIMIST CLU lliiile the sincere coriaiooilzii ions ish VV PAGE IIREE CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES s7 $33k Bouldcrfcl Greenhouse Mr and Mrs EAVCox PHONE 3015 UTIg 74 BLAKE STREET FOR THE BEST RADIO SERVICE AND PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS CALL 1041 Gribble Radio 125 DUNLOP ST SALES AND SERVICE COMPLIMENTS or KIWANIAN FRED LEWIS lNSilttil sriaiiiasi 24 Dunlop Street Ilionc lies 2978 Phone Office 4215 Harris Spry ACCOUNTANTSS AU minus Owen Street PHONE 330 Barrie Ontario COMPLIMENTS Stransr ians ompliments of CA ADIAN riiiE coat ASSOCIATE STORE ERrTHiNGiOR YOUR CAR Corner of Mary and Elizabeth Sts BairieOnt FRALICK prop Kiwanis Club of Barrre May the mom pleqsont thoughts of the post be an inspiration for greaterservice in the futureV On this our SILVER ANNIVERSARY Chittick Motor Sales FORD AND MONARCH DEALER Kiwonion LES CHITTICK

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