Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1947, p. 10

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PAGE TWO Ulrltilllllllllllf Reeves lewellers DIAMOND MERCHANTS BARRIE 76 Dunlop St Opposite Post Office v4cocorvtvoacrocrooaoeooaaoavacoooooooow President 1927 CONGRATULATIONS TIC Phillips Representing MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION I11 111 ltlfi llV Foundiin Fathers COM PLIMENIS From Jacobi 81 Graham DRY GOODS READYTOWEAR HOUSE FURNISHINGS Phone 3345 Kiwonion IACOBI 1519 Dunlop St CONGRATULATIONS KIWANIS May Your Next 25 Years of Service Be as Successful As The Past 25 Years URRY BROS PHONE 3874 36 Hayfield St phv lciilcsei iir llL ii In Lilll av Ilanibly llama enti IIoovir illiiiiiqirll lIIIIIV lliintcr liciinciiy lt in ilttilis IIiiiziuai II Allan Hutchinson LA Geo illiWiiil Alii Larch Alonzo Al cleili Malcoiiison Alber Altliidl Iliacm iilctfuaig Moore Til Morrison lltl llon it Im MAZDA LIGHT VBULBS WE SPECIALIZE IN THE SEED AND FEED BUSINESS Poultry anthnimal Feeds Iloduers It Iliisk llair Quinlan Get your supply early tom These 30 men representative practically every business and pro fession commenced on proeramin of orthwhile service which ha been greatly expanded in the com Be sure to visit our Grocery Department for High Class Groceries and old Canadian Cheese JROWN CO LIMITED and of them those before whos calityj are active members in th side CONGRATULATIONS Kiwanians do hereby Commit out THE LIMITED Bayfield Street BARRI individuals ourselves lectively and as publicly declare isms BRVUCE McCAULEYV KiWonViOn JACK RODGERS President 1929 Kiwonicin Complimentsof Lackys Flower Shop if 73 Elizabeth St BARRIE cg CLIFF DIER Vl 101sulifll ll fltllilileililV il ll munity down through the twenty five years of the life of the club names appear an are still mem bers of the club vliile quite few others having moved from the lo ommuuitles inwhich tlieyinow re BE IT RESOLVED that we as attitude signified by their unofficial slogan of We trade which they had followed in theory ratherthan in practice The discussions at that selvesto unrelenting and cease HEWITT less war against all tendencies BALL PLANING MILL CO systems that tend in any War to limit or destroy our free formsl of government and that we col do as diametrically opposed to Commun ism totalitarianism and all similar BARRIE EXAfIINER HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS rt A2 KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE is THE OCCASION ii KittaiiisNational tAIiS OF SERVICE TO THE IOvvN OE IFARRIII AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITY ROTARY CLUB OF BARRIE OF THEIR CELEBRATING OOIOoiloloJlollvooiiooooIOfOAOolllAOI President 1928 Ant International gt LLL luiiiutiun ll ill ii xii gt It 1i llil Lorine 1ici ii ilc ill iHVIIliW lzit ill fit liiliiilctidlo rim illlil lit etlitl fitri 1r to it it ttrlixlillttl ll it LI Upton llioliili up vi ii ii in Indian ivordlhh Jr Mr ii trw litre motion fl 11 re lcr lll EARLS at lathe oiiciiic bar which lltrl iii ori HUIV llllllflI VJli 11mm 111 wt ici ll lllm NAIHX WIN III iti irioilci Iron one oiel the word ir furtherI lg 11 rip may ti Iii pull xiiiimam Us 2IHVVif Vii VVIVi VV sic tluii maxi li its that pi liViiii cc the lust llillillJtII and va Hill li HIE 11 mm IN 1mm in iiililiil to lie denial ilvgtt=iill Iirlilstiiii llifiltlilild tii iLlI nan rppliid for and was iicil iiidci date oi January 21st 1511 iii this rather nicicenary ino iir inil the slogan of We trade ltltl appealed to the popular isle of ltSSiit business men and iliilliiilltlll prew and tlouiish til inlii by the end of ltllti tlieicl Inert iil cliilis fully chartered ilecomrs International lhe original orizanizcr Allan Si Ilionnc came lltl to anada Ilii autumn of lSIltS and promoted club he city of Hamilton liisl llills with success and local uniniitiii was set up to carry fori iI oiizltlllitlluli and held its first littllilt at the Royal Connauiiht llowl on November lst 1010 withl lii prospective members in attend uncc The club was duly formed lll Homer llale shining the llll application for membership in Kiwanis in Canada lie later became tlieVicePresident of the newly constituted cliib while George Stout was appointed President With membership of 36 and withV their objective as For Better Busit Agents for iriss Right Service Right Quality CILVH PAINTSENAMELSV VVVIVlVVVV VV and slogan Right Quantityer ltft Brings its own Reward the CCMl BICYCLES And SPORT GOODS 1113 if l1 041 charter was presented to our first iNIARCONI and DQFOREST RADIOS jVV IgVVV why Csnadian club on January 19th 1917 rliicl lV ii cl lhus Kiwanis stepped from the national category in the United VStates to the international aspect that ii now bears Each succeeding you showed steady growth and ex pansion in both the United States and Canada until there are now 858 clubs with memberships of over 178500 hanging Attitudes and Structure MEIBIOWHGV by proviso of the organization maintained his control Dr Simpson lien Sons of the extension of Kiwaus throuin Seeds Bulbs and Plains Insecmmdes Smith 11 SiniihV the establishment of new clubs but and Weed KillersV llarry ASn=ith Steele l2 at the International Convention Stitclitfe Ir Ill lirrnhuil ll held in Birmingham in 1919 his Holland Bule expected this month lwiss ritviis iviiii rights and privileges were purchas chope ii Webb and Wis ed outright for the sum of $17500 It was not however untill924 at the eighth annual conventiDTi held at Denver that the present title and official name Kiwanis internation al was adopted It was also then that were adopted the present Con stitution and ByLaws except for the few amendments since necessit el ated by the expanding organization and changing attitudes and object ives It was at the Birmingham con vention also that the changing at titudes of the members became ap parent With the experiences en countered during the First World War members realized that there were finer things than the material convention and those ensuing re sulted in the adoption of We build as the official motto at the conven tion held at Portlandin 1920 other special items in this issue How Kiwanis International Functions lllIl UNI tilniint ol the high purposes of our ImWI oi1iiiiatiori Ihiit ltlli so we Hill ii llrllfl iiliall scc the lltllll of it influ liltvllll it IIIVW If lrnrc not oiilithin its Jiiiisdiiu lyilmls lmmll tioii but ill incre lliil Zeal for the WNW ll IE Ill ilililtill ot Kiwanis effort 111 other SWIMMI Iiil coninninilics lllili lii so chill Stemming from that motto the upward surge in motives objects objectives and quality of members became very apparent and espeeial flyrso from the International Con vention held at Toronto in 1922 emanated those great schemes for human advancement Which have made and are making Kiwanis In ternational the great power for good that it isin the realms of commun ity natiohal and international af fairs Each year sees new Object ivs set but the propelling and pro moting force behind Kiwanis is grounded inthe constitutional ob jects which are found astopics for Kiwanis International functions very efficiently andeconomically through its officers and staff at Head Office in Chicago its expens es being defrayed through the as sessment of dues to every club in the organization in addition to the permanent staff there are Presid ent two VicePresidents Treasurer and twleve Trustees who direct and control the policies and objectives of the organization with Secre tary appointed by this Board The Board are influenced very material Jy by the resolutions presented at the annual International conven tion these conventions being held niuri lie tllllt Ii 31 foundations l1loi ixlucli ii is vl il VI Ml and lit cal ii inaliiui them ill ineliiliei to lililliliiliilit inil ll VVVVVVVVVVIVV HVVVVV VVIV1VVVV NV NH luv ll ll llltltfitfllll timtiiliiew and Silttts HI Id NH Illlll io crown the illtllli of the firtuic lhc lilXI Wll Ill 1913 Kiwanis must work uiiccasiiitdy for Iron the lgtIlvfl III IIl1 the toilet lttlliilitlli in life of itsl coinihl of Will Itll vllll Ililttfri and ol tlicsv none is tlllll1 joined toriIe luv ilti pun Hum ulU Mmuhw Illml HIVWI Illl fl lull Linn of the iolden liulc iii Illlt ioiiofii lltilliill thirziiwl11pmVVmIPEVIHWHVlmNr 13 IVllllll lliIH lit ll be our inspiration in the ision No Al 11 ic hint irliVlvi Him NV filaritiiiie lisiici illi iir itirw of this Iiiot IIEt tl cipinx tv and iltltlmtii lIi WI whose lllS are dedicated to the fill LilliLilltllllt In li intern iioiial there are at int illnrilliV 230 Divisions and twentynine li aitiiied ii in the past it has bicn ill the past ri IIIlIi that in the lariie lxi iJilllh luh there is pioiip of men tricis An annual llistrict tonww OBJECT NI thin is held and at this flllltV 7l VV tion are discussed ihe problems izili 11 IllVAN HAY the Governor and liciitcnantlovl 14151 imklllol OQM 119233 editors are zippozntcd Ilzicli Ills lltV Hl Ihllitl Object rlo promote usually has trial lllt to iippii Ill illllllllm Kl Ill lllPIIUIIIUII 01 the members of the illll1 iiiiiliri social ousiness and profesI sional staiulardsErtIiis year runsl in our ntariiiQuehecMaritimeI District We have the unsurpassedllki II Illlliltl IlllUUtth Ulll Uhltc monmly magazing Jmiq Elives number four five and six These men nre mil floors SIIlYt for equal rights and rcspolll Club Division District Kiwanis sibllllies under law for capital International in the iliiposiriif eriglabor and management lilinphtisize fice known is Kiwanis lriierimiion that Rood government depends on a1 active and unselfiin participation What KiwanisVi iof an informed citizenry Cham Kiwanis International is an tl pm mnlwlitiw mimngp bill anccd budget and conservation of ganlzation comnnznalnational and international set in and Ltuidcd by nnmll RUUHCR 5mm sound national economy men of high principle and With no personal material iron or end in HIPS 11ml 10 VflllS View 11 is lmLoud 0f minV Vim past many of our objectives have in communities scattered througli 19 film 1113515 Itlltlldtd 11 out Canada and tho Umicri slump the basic principle laid down in our who measure up to definite stau lllllll b1001 IUI Ihtll Successful daidnicii of undoubted integrity IIHCIIIO men who stand hiin in their own have been Kiwanian for community and who serve in an 101m limit NW28 loan to be OK active capacity in promoting the aciwbut belonged to Kiwanis welfare of their community men Club that was abandonedfivc years who recognize the nedg of ihers before that so have watched Ki and are willing to serve to alleviate wanis almost from its start knew these needs in short men who can the early leaders and the early and will interpret the high ideals trials and tribulations lhave seen and objectives ofKiwanis the gradual development of Ki In another section of this issujyilllis from 1110 days W110 it was will be found the charge delivered just group of good fellowS band to new members and from thisicd together for fellowship and to Tharg niaybe gathered more frilly do some good deeds What Kiwanis really is have seen men of great ability and keen personality attractedto this indescribable idea calledKi wanis because of its natiOnal un fettered field for helping their less fortunate fellow citizens both young and old and have seen KIWANIS IDEALS The highest good in brotherhood ls sought for in Kiwanis Our nations best with none op ipressed We strive for in Kiwanis In business clean no tricking mean We teach it in Kiwanis To serve our best meet every test We iearnit in Kiwanis Kiwanis and develop it beyond their own anticipations seen the impossible in many minds attempt ed and exceeded Also have seen these accomplishments attract others with the spirit to serve the organization and so it grew in To serve to love wherer men numbers yes but also in servrce Willigkmisin Kiwanis from the days when the great 0b To honour God and live His Word llmlwl the Ode privileged and the needy to today when Kiwanis rightly takes its place in the bigger thingsthe President forming of public opinion the help ing to direct the thinking of our people Kiwahis today is over one person to cvery thousand of the population in the United States and leaders in Industry Education Business and the Professions SO Kiwanis today does all the good things for the community it always did and will do butralso today it fills the larger need in Public Affairsras well So think of our founder our early pioneers jects of Kiwanis and the vision and inspiration they had in them all and how sound they were Vmust combine to lbuild higher standard of business and profes sional ethics and greater social standard or we fail Kiwanis with its achievement in every local point with its achieve ment in Canadian and an Inter national way through its partici pationin public affairs stands high in theminds of the people as all Turn to pagervsix please MCKINNON It Iliiiilop St Academy award winning best actor of Best Years of Our Litres 52 ELIZABETH STREET NORRIS NUSERVICECLEANERS these men give of their thinking to gDIVAIi 2471 Canada and these peOple are the in their wisdom writing the ob Particularly when they wrote No for all the objects of Kiwanis THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 194 vAv rVll lVKC L3 iil Compliments of Morrison Motor Sales MERCURY LINCOLN SALES dnd SERVICE ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS it BARRIE KIWANIS CLUB from CRAIG SONS Phone 130 MENS WEARmBOYS WEAR THIS STORE llIAI QUALITY IIUIIJI Compliments Of The Imperial Theatre FREDRIC MARCH 1946 for Samuel Goldwyns WATCH FOR IT ALLEY TAXI and Trucking Service 2433 DIAL 2222 DRIVEURSELF CARS TRUCKS BARRIE COMPLIMENTS OF BARRIE CREAMERY Makers of ONTARIDS FINEST WV BUTTER Kiwonion Kiwonion NORRIS LAUNDERERS Thanks Kiwanis and Congratulations RARRVIE LVcompiirrienrs or Niagarafinance Company Limited Subsidiary of lndustrial Acceptance Corpn Limited THEWILSON BUILDING BARRIE agent MW

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