41947 TllllRFEDAY filllilthlT pea SIYTF THE BARR ARIO CANADA ImI IIMI WVNY in Ni VI laaaaoiattlItllttnaclloozoratvan4aolaacio1loccwvoowovllaoelluz aouomouomzzmouonmomocza FIVE GENERATIONSI ONNEY TODAYS pmcgs tNNtSFtL COUNCIL THE WEEK IN COOKSTOWND ALFRED no gnu gngmoaod HARDWARE cum arms TOYS WV ot 11 limit 1m ox mm is WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS IIII IlI 1wng itwii if IIIIIII II II II II tum MEDICINEAltlfylxlSr mama he 11 IIIIII IiII pit 32 wx gnu II II LVJ llllll Elli II it lttllltl II III than lljlll llh Hum II $1 eItifchttStSl0l1$l35 to $130 VI II llt IIIiIiIIiI 1pm Ii 3117151 3150 II FillilllNG ll llNb ll Ill lt e1 17r This is very superior Iiiitta 3510 11 Ill ll ll lwi UH 31 No 3i II 11 INVHANHY II Bibm gtIII1I11jI lpiim levelullttl Zilltl tit lllml ltttllltf ii lllilit ll ll lllztlllhlllllllthflllllllllllil11Vllri1 illt lllilll Allandale In we III 31 FLY srnav with not mi slut tins Chlp Store lilies are bad at this firm or your ii lit Will lJt closed for itm iitiiut nk zitlt 12s Alfl noun BATHROOM llXlUlllS Cllltxllllllllll 11IIII I51 FANS IAIN TIIY OHIS lI II II White Black and transparent iiit SUD SCPl lo tttliiMiiN ll lxil 0E ildl lIXttlltlll values anti iii tXttilIll ll Iti um lttlllili tt il III tiiiiIIiiIsII IIIIIIII II II iiiniiii llll illtlll MAll BARN R01 AI HIIIIIIIIIAMIIII Ii 1ittst ill up My III QIIIIIIIII II 13h lit bl lift xiv il1 Ml 8m cw 777 it ll FOLDING Sllllll KlllllllN SllltIS violints nastiiuzis tlltll sun Ii Three to tour step styles atria510 gt tziitt IIllli lliill ll HARRY AR in itisitiszin or 1ll liltiil it im am IIIIII III ui 5T ll ll ll llll1lVlllllMi Illllrlll IllllItIlllllIIIOIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIllrllttllIIlIIIIlllIoJ tt sumo viIlI iIviHt it It It wiI lgw Swi zriblllll itll 05 iIII II Iil lIiIII II tI IIIIHI II II tin iI Il ItItllI IItInIIIiIIsIII IIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIII II amp fICCI ltte iI re II Mun pm it in hat het taken iegaitliiiz selected Attend nu stiitiii ox solidirs om ltlwi about mus Illltl ttll Amphibious Wm SchOOI 111ltillil lrill t11 liniy toner aialb Wt itkttl Tl ml lll ll ll Hi to 1w tl llll ml lll ll iiii in Iitl tl lit ii 11 ii IIII III II II IIII III II IIpi oi Inn liquIisI It I121 II IIIIII III II IIII III lll IlI lIl III l1llllltlIIIlt II lIIiIIliiIu I1 12 iwioiinIinie gene it VI hi it in tmint iiiut no tttlllllltll oi ii uiit iiu iii it iloartiu tm iio item their 1i iiiaiiti llitt tlltl llttiVtl t1lltlllltltllttl mm ltiriiill oi won IV tilweir tliill him oi the type of liiiiltlinl stir hax llvtl ltt itll to illtlltl the IMns added MI 90 the butot Ill=1lilli illUlllhi 301 53 II HI iI he had tlttlttl on his lot on the liiiletl Stten Sillltl fiti It IIii ti ttH good dltnh whenICanodo Dry III llie tiltltill ilo ttItltl IIIII III III II IIIIIII penitil wan giantetl Deplll phihious iiilIiiix Ianml the SPOIkllnowutOII on handwith 1llill allnuIIuitv to llnv lllttVt loilihait mid he had been ltlullllt Ruhr Nriool litttiiliin udoslvcPinPolMCoMmtlonnnd lIII lIIlIIIIIlll liiirilei ltIll tdlllt IvIpIe vIIozl II II IIIII told lliilt must have been some lIle rtptIiiIIt thiaziion on Septini ulcnttc formula that pointlUP rx11ll lllldl llillt1y ltlll III III IIIII III III IIIIIIII pull to enable him to build as he bei gt 1Ii iiillt lll eight toot nave Buy few botllu 004 ml IllllI III II IIIHI HI tl 41 tlll IIhTH ItlllIlh II II II II tlin Allan oi raioi oi Llr ltaillie sait lt iat not iioi irzit 1tlt ll on unk sixu II tI IIHi nit111I II III choc hm II vltl Sellout this ilflttl some 11 IltIt lltIII tIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII hip palm of gm sneli assistiintc lnilll til ilItI lil lull but1 llll ll lw lllllmw Milly lilillljil ll ivriieii lhelI illllillt 10 ll lllll QM and tll i115 hm Wm III IIIIII II ItIoiiil iII II III II ilitI li Baillie atldeti anti in lililtllNltI IIlltlt he ohtaiiievl l=tl Vi Iiiv it IIIIIIIIII IIII III by IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIItiIt lIlllI IlIlItI IIIIIIIIII III III gm mm families llo tieail oi 1IltiIloIi oi iI thtquIiIItI inbla for 13mm IIIIIII ml HIM II lt lit InIII II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII mm mustm Il iiitlIIitIhtIitv no it 15 itlHl ll it tllllli lllill dill tllltil llllll lll liiiltiiiii and completely change Will on ol eel plate lzhl lbw hull llillllllllll ll ll lilllll IN PAH lllV lillllllllli another year llel lltI sexual lill lll Itlllllit with work V0 comPo for retail and wholeaa II ML All new IiiI mint tIiiIIiiiiIi IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII VIII ni pm lllt l1Il Iii llltlli liiIi mn IIl Inlormtlon bllSlnCSSES itlliilll ll Pilll illlllllllllti lll mill llllklllu ill litll iiSTllSt1l ml hull lllltilltll millllllllld Il Iiriislii ICCWilt mad Income til 10m zll mm ml Ml Mllllllmlll llllullh Illixtlllslilllp lw mm mm llll IllflIltIlI IIIlIlIIIillllmlIl with cmos lo of build lctIIdI zthu use of the bits for two weeks Il1IlllIItt IoI lltIlI IIIIII III what action was taken Ii Ii III IIIII III IIIII ct motion to allow him the m0 plli oi lt lt its pt iii VI III tht 1st lti iIs iiI tt IUlemt and Weekly M0nthl Iwas passed ltonie oiiiitil had no lllttltlllt III ltllllllltl iii lll lilHilIitiil ll ItilIlI lill Slllll 1i illl Wtllt llllllll ll llV ls Wmmlll ved with it until prlce In letter to AudltSI III II ll Ql SIIIIVIIIlIltIIlILIlI III ItIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III hum plum Mum MI IIIIIII IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III HQ IIII 801 Ilo thlI paper INQUIRIES NV WI III II IIII IIII PIIIIII III tunllttl in bomb bay of Il310IIIIIIIIHIIII IIIfIIIIID mm Amp QOOoio III 03kg 189 Bradford Sta llllll WhyV111 1HIImmi imminy And little fleas Al miml Illiinltd tm HIM permission to lttl toiiil 1lln litIlI II II IIIIII IIIIIIIIliiisti illtI IIII IIII lllllillltl Fllllt ll blltllll Wt lulu ll ml llImlIIlMMI ml tlllllml SllnIf lllIlJI llIlIlIIIlIlIlII II IiI 10 NunnunINHUNN lltiiillt lllt 1111 tlUl l1ll ll lll llll lllll um lLlIlILlllvpll liltM School zPrcvenhon 0f In Potatowls olololretoloerltltttl Need Of AHClIOH lotth pillt lltJttt 47 III IIIIIIIIIIII lllt blUIe 111 HIIIH has been hXttiptltlllill III II Smart Ittlltlgtlsl growth at the late potato 111 dill fiAllblAlrllll in lngl few weeks in 01111th llltl Alllmll 11 wood state of cultivation 01 Imu mom Wldl llt in with high fertility litltli0l Sttd leltllitltjtl uuuonnuuu lhas llif wll ml mlnvmlllllmllf lniven protection tlmll ltill lltllllll flea beetle and folorado lltllill7 cWWMWW waif 77v MmioawlhmappIiuiiiions of IIIIII are now slitiwliili excellent lull $9M growth Zlilfl 000d 1lllll tuber development At this date however it is diffi eult to estimate yields of market able potatoes as late blight or other ldisease may seriously reduce the final output of Canada No grade lbefore harvesting time Late blight lfungus has been observed at this early date on potato crops in tour lleading potato producing counties Moist warm humid conditions are favorable to further development of the late blight organisms For this reason growers would be well iadvised to give special immediate attention to efficient dusting or spraying of their potato crops to prevent the further development of late blight disease Otherwise lserious losses may be experieiizd in their potential crops Marketing of the early crop lS lprogressing satisfactorily Estimat Ied potato acreage for Ontario shows some reduction below last years 1total of 120000 acres valued at al most $20000000 Phone 240 YS for Mothers of Zsyearolds and younger Dresses arid Rompers for the most important folks in your life The Little Ones lriccd with consideration for the budgetneeds Of grow Ir ing fainilyl Ii oods purchased at Zellers SATlSFAC TORY or your money refunded Cl 414153 fray lt0 sup yo IllR577 B7 IIID IBIII Lt ADVANCE FASHIONS for Keen Teens Styles fer the Miss whose forte is being Casual as Well as for the Cood whose heart goes out to fur frills andglittert But casual or Dressy each Ioatin Zellers Collection is wellmade of durabledrwarm Wool fabric and is distin guished by ThriftPricing For ages 10 to 14 II AuSIZESI 25 Crepe Rompers with 3button gusset and pleats in front and back White baby blue maize Little Chick applique on yoke peter pan collarfiiiishcd in ZellerThriftIriccd Wlth am pp II The last word in sgtisfying refreshment CLSIZES 12 to Lacedzembroidery trimmed Crepe Frocks white pinkI baby blue maize with trimmings in pastel col ours ZellcrThrlftlriced $129 in BLDRESSES TRIMMED wrru HAND EMBROIDERY of white er pink crepe with piping and embroidery in pastelshadesSizcs ll ThriftPriccd and or tClA EPAULETSHOULDER COAT of ripple suedecloth With smart and cosy ticcollar of mouton lamb Gleaming nailheads on shoulderepon lcts Trim lines belted Col th FURCOLLARED COAT made of ripple suede clothI having smartlystyled flange shoulders studded with nailhcads inoiiton lamb col lar and novelty pockets Col ioiBoxv CASUAL or fleececloth in lovely shades AFLEECECLOTH CA SUAL belted With neck hugging little collar and easy shouldersf Iln Autumnright of red brown beige green blue With fitted shoulders loniul treen Allied ours Colonial green Allied Shddcs 0f 9mm bagel ENC Wildgram Plantation blue Wildgrape Plantation and hmdy DOCkClS $295 wm 95 brown $I395 95 ZELLER LIMITED Phone 2439 KIST STORE HOURS Monday Tuesday and Thursday AM to 555 IM Wednesday AM to BEVERAGES 12 noon Saturday AM to 855 PM