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11111 11 1I1 II 11I1 1I1 11 1I 1II111111111111111115 111 II 1111111111 Iureli 11111111 ziinims In NIHIIIINY IWI III III1II III Ill II If VIIIIII IIIIIV 114 111 St 31 lIn IIIm Ski Illlh ml llllllvll Ill Ill It liiaiIIIiiI 11 1111 Ill hack bIIIIIIIIHII rIIIII II 11111111 llllli 111 Rise gt 11 31111111111 lu1n1er11il 111111 1111 iilll In 31 lliittoli IIIII 11111 f11r 11111 fornizillon of an elliel I1 IMP IIIIINIIIII III3 IlIII 33 Fred Ceehezid 1Sjltll2 3111 11nd 311s llllill 311111 ld 1f11n gt1ill 1111111105 Supt of llll11 for Willi DIRIV IIIIII 11 111 1I1III1IIV31111111l111111composed111tlitlitsll 11 3li ind ll Ii1l1111 lilin i1zius11ene 111511101 and Geo Argo 111I 31IVIIIII1 K111111115 Air brains 11f the country Apaul 1111111 PHONE if Illlmll and 311s 111111111 ltowe 11111 Ilulll popular 111111111 ll1tl the etou DAYS 1111111 Eiilgtl 111111 111 11111111 lles Supt of nlistruclinn 1111Ieiiee Mi 1II1inellt 3400 omic mess in which the low $10000 315131l11i lellI Ill 11 1111 15EIIIIIIIINII BIIIIIIE IllIINlIIIli 115111 111 1111 PROFESSIONAL oinacrom 111511 lliInIllnn 1151 15117 District lhe 111st post was sounded 11111111111 Wm x1111 list 1111 Was 1111 1111 the by Lyinburner IIII I113 I1 II ItilIlt Klili the 111st11etl1111 lle It11t 111 mourn beside his 11I1IIIII1IIII 1I1I1VIIIIIIIIIIVI irIIIIIIlIIBIIm llnds listll ls l1lllllll 1le1Vllm011l 11111111 111111111111 new iizies 1111111 parents 1111 lilntlltl Douglas qul DUIf 1011110 MIIIIIH 11IIIII1IIIIIII 11ml Itll 13 MIII 111 Mount Bride 111 91111111111 Aug Z1111 SlhltlS Mary Lou and Anne lmIIhIS WILM The only alternative would lie forI 1111111111 1111 lMIJ be 111 of lilnv1le Relatives 11111 IIII1IIIIIII Governiuent to IISSUHH 1111sz with the 111111 111111111511111111111111 1111111 l1ttitl 1111 rLAsru wosinaiis AT NR 1111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111 as 1111 11 and regiment thei renlo Harrie 3lldland Penelope ulslnne Bradford iillid lyerale and London AllACREMARTIN St Andrews lresbyteiidu Church lilinvale decorated with bushels 11f yak points 111 severely workers and null Itll super plastic similar in mole culnr structure 111 candle wax but so touch it can withstand the ilush nations for Ill i1111 blow of sledpelnnnmcr lllltl series of fireyenr resist the corrvsive effects of the Soviet model 1311 strongest 111ids will be on display cratlc slalesnian is now 11 111111115111111esof the tlllllil out of plans on the 11100 as demoI tilllIltilllttl 115 mind if 1116 oilu 35 111 Mrs Martin and the late Joseph IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiIIIsIKS II II III It IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1115 socialistit 11111115 ll NI LEGAL CHIROPRACTOES MImm mmmlp SimllIlulV llilllUIllmil II llll Iillltlt HI trying to Itlltt middle course but August 23 1911211111 Edward Cecil other plastics with equally inter there is 1111 middle 1111111 fur his fish rRIERlSQlngOMB GEO H111 ELSIEA7BLLRNSV 11111111111111 51111 V7 V711V1V1ililig Vest 1111 huraeteristics employed for RIIIIIIIIQIII 1111 Cnlno 111 tliprarlI Licensed Dmgless Therapists Cecil 11111111111111 of 111111111 111 ll1fnfcommcmnlnrmlllmcst1c 1111 111the w11ssr0ulljliihillfv 1c highway 11f dcniuer other is the lllllllt ism which leads to serld purposes is 11111111 presented in 12 Public onvcyiinccrs Etc separate panels MONEY To LOAN Electric Radio Hydro and Mcchano Therapy byway of social ceremony thS pelfoViIiied by Iter 11111 under We know from years of cxpcr The wedding music 01111111 13 Owen St Barrie n5 Dunk St PII 31 i1i1111g11g5 IIIII1F II 1155 Inllmmm tlianch Office ElmvnleI Ontario pu IIIIIII qug WI CIIIIIII P1111711 llhhi 11 01 11 hullllUIl If BOYS KC CORBFTT DC 11p solid block two feet square in Gizuit Despair meet every 101m need llizit Is IL ROWE CIJ SEAGRAM CIiIROpRAcrfOR llltltv XVI llmm by her fingertips will also ilppezu in 711A rrw Why Mum lllllilml Mn DRUGLESS THFRAPIST her brother Harold Martin were me exhibil sphnmyd by Canadian COSMOPOLITAN CROSSROADN gown of white Moire triffetzi fitted Industries Limited QIIIICC BIMICIII times the MIMIle panV Silliiillllls in loans tuil GLADSTONE CURB 26 McDonald St the crossroads of ored to youi udiiiiluil 11c successor to Phone 3073 IIIIIIIIII Bania llh Illlllum forming train at The numerous uses 111 on III hast 1111s bun merits lIrAIIIVIUltll 111111511101S BAEEISTEEISSOLECAIllIdgOng VI BY APPOINIMENT buck the long 111111 was III III pinsucV II IIIIIIIII bIIIIIICI III IMOI mo SUIng ml mmmmn 5111 as well as an irnpoI varn are another interesting fcn work ture of the display lustic adhesives CImIm for II which urc revolutiouixing 1110 wood place by coronet of taffeta petals and pearls she carried semions are on hand to help you with loan rntiicly suitzlblc for diffusion of learning Owen St Barrie Telephone 3175 MONEY TO LOAN MUSIC LESSONS you and for your budget If you could use from 530 to 111 11 1111 1g1t 1oses ll iss Len VI IV COWAN COWAN JESSIE BRYSON RMl industry shell hod Ire ill or Gnmm wmmn mend est for furniture and boat makers TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING IIIIIIMUSICAL THEORYMI gI1IdeSV bride was bridesmaid wearnig including AICM Modern Methods gown 9f K100 lllffei Willi malell Studio 2731Qdfmd Si 111 mittens rind coronet with fin s1000 see your hometown Nia gara Finance adviser at once Youll be surprised how with out delleY or red tape he owns iarrlsters Solicitors Conveyance Notarigs Public etc Money WantedMoney to Loan 17 Owen Street Barrie The exhibit is being staffed by highly trained technical personnel qualified to answer any question that may be asked by the general Motor Sales help you Halve our loan Ross Cowan problem RegIsIered VPaIem AItomey DOROTHY JOHNSON ASSOCIate 301411 1011 and she carried Queen VHVIPI of Toronto Conservatory of Music Ehzabeth roses Pat Hardcore 515 Pllblllc Im 1111111015 10117 as lCS Rates mm 1100 lower FRANK HAMNIOND BA and London tEng College of to of thengioom was flower gill Si lARRlSTER SOLICITOR ETC mus Plano and ThemY wcariug yellow sheer hook with than Government ceiling above $7100 even lower 52 maple Avenue matchingr hat Gordon Sutton CRAIG HAMILTON was best man The ushers werel INSTRUCTORI 1111 g11legV PIANO William Fitzsimons and Earl Hard SINGING MUSICAL THEORY acre brotherinlaw of the bride WIPE Oltlim 149550115 A150 and brother of the groom Alilllblol Duringr the signing of the register T946 3t0n Ford Truck 2spced Axle 1941 GMC Truck PHONE 2214 MasonicTemple B1dg Barrie MONEY TO LOAN 1I 111111101111 11111111111111 NOV endorse Vioney to Loan Ross Block Barrie Friendly service DONALD MncLAREN rm Terms to Stilt you IIZlARRISTER PSIOLTCITORI ETC Slumov 37 ROSS 51 Phone 3615 Mrs Nugeiit sung At Downing Cash in quy Money to loan The rcccptionwvzis held at the THE EXTRAVBPINEFIT 0F Jasonic Temple Building Barrie OPTOMETR home of the brides mother The PM life Insurance brides mother received wearing AT No FIXTRA 00er ORO STATION large gathering of friends met at Mr and Mrs Alex Ross onI Aug 27 to celebrate thcr 25th wedding aiiiiivcrsaiyf Mrs Grailrim and Lillian Miss Bertha Boll and Douglas Pickering motored to Snult Ste Movie for weeks holidays Mrs Adhmson and Janet of Toronto visited Mrs Lloyd Samp sons also with Mrs Seeds who held an afternoon tea in her honor Oro oung PeoplesISocicty tools char of the service at the United Ch rch on August 31 Miss Flora 55 took the topic Special music ies arranged by the choir and solo wasprendcrcd by Mrs Emms mum11111 JOHN REID IOBT BARRE FFBo blue dress with black accessories 3ARRISTER SULIFIIIIIggie OPTOMETRIST and corsage of butterfly roses inmoll St Phon ms assisted by the grooms mother 14 Dunlop St Attendance 96 wearing rose dress with black OThplmsd from RRIS ND LI accessories and corsage of Lee Sank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Hibbmd roses hone 561 Money I10 L03 Dunlop StPhone 2515 For the wedding trip to Muskoka Hours 96 daily the bride wore light green suit MEDICAL NOEL STEPHENSON ROI with brown accessories On their nomiuAN ORDER or NURSES OIPTOMETRIST Ihey W3 1205 1TOIIOMO Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic Dunlap Sh Barrie Phone 4201 as were piesfmt 10m To mm 230 to 430 deleck every wed ontoV Weston Mimico Brampton Multon St CatharinesNew F199 iesday ApplicationVot nurses ser Iicee may be made direct or through OSTEOPAIH Grassland Wyevnle Barrie Mid KAISER and STEELE STREET BUCHANAN MANAGER The Wilson Building Post Office Square Phonezazs out Telephon 2451 EDWIN WILSON BISIA no hurstand Elmvale VETERINARIAN THE WIfLSOl BUIIILEING 1s mtg0+ ma enou or Cor PostOf ice 11 am Iimcoc ausc om cha mahitldlllimdfhcmn 133 Wm have decided HEATING FRIENDLINESS Subsdy INDUSTRIAL APTANCE NIAGARA FinanceCompany Ltd locatea branch in Midland Raja priyers will be asked to grant 11 fixedjassessipent of $5000 for ten years To start with 60 hulfrmen will be employed Sophia St Barrie Phone 45412 Cn51egghggeaggggmm wows ANDERSON1COMPANY COLLECTION AGENCY Shortered Accountants Trustees etc FINANCIAL SURETY Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto ==== Specralists in Collection of Accounts 51 Dunlop SL Barrie Phone 4111 AQCOUNTANTS FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD 111 amour HARRIS SPBY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS RAL DIRECTORS IlllngflLANCE SERVICE lz Clapperton St Phone 210 Owen St Barrie SMITH co I19 Melinda St Toronto $5511ch 180 Herbert Harris CPA 1111111111111 DIRECTOR ALMEBS Frank Spry ARMSTRONG AND MaoLAREN AND EMB mm mbuhnoo In unmet OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BARBIE ONT PHONE AND VRnpmns Your Furnace VACUUM CLEANED No mussno fuss Established 30 Years POLLARD IReIal Estate Broker Houses Lots Tobacco General Farms exchanged RR NO NEW LOWELL PHONE 102124 Available 1111 INSTALLING SHALLOW WELL PUMPS Phone 2246 STAN HORNE Allandale Plumbing 133 CUMBERLAND ST 11 Owen Street Barrie 121 King Street Toronto WARD MAYOR COMPANY Ward Mayor CPA AUDITOR 18 Toronto St 0r Achlel De Scheffer 451 List Your Properties with us Toronto ON DISPLAY ALso ONIIIDISPLAY The Famous Garden RotaTiller and Tractor Loaders for Farm Use FOR PARTICULARS PHONE 2214 we 1111 supply you with Blirrie LARGEST STOCK OF 111ch dellW Builders and Contacts nook FACE BLOCKS 111 PLAIN omens 11151 VENEER orirouNDho eoRNRR mucus IMM lilllAlli DICLIVIIRY Simcoe Block Co Phone 2335 AFTER nouns 3561 REPAIRING REaARCHING GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS ANDBEST EQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES BARRIEISPRING SERVICE 12 Baytield St GOAL 1s AVAILABLE Our supply of coal or all types is good May we sug gest you ordcryour requirements now Barrie Ont If you are contemplating automatic heating for your home remember that COAL is the most economical most dependable fuel and it is available now 3855 for prompt delivery Cameron Ellis Gibson Ltd 65 RRnDFORD ST PHONE 3855 1111111111 1101 or sues DEALER BARBIE grime For the Latest in Pest War IMotor Curse Visit Out Show Boomandlnspeci Automobiles uODAYI IANGLES