ASS IAL PC LE CHAIA To Increase Potato Market the Quality Must be Maintained fawn it by the lttl Toe in 11 Without tuiio ilile piieeeiiiiii which often rcl lllel 1n elhi14 top 11dll Ned than ltlllt sin prices of the ltltlltlt to the twttlttldltl in the ted 11 do the business 111111 wete tievd 11t1111lt new try for tine uni1 it tuneft of seed pot ito 111 itive no tuiiiin ullnl for petn oi lhe had developed lot to oversited puta Iu tor tiltltIltll or low grade llllidt end tor tliil iron o1111i1ion also liel pnet ev ntideiuc til the buyer and did nanii to neore reliability of the pzodu and greatly simplified gttt 111 iucnt Mr lawns 1eported the Ne York Seed lotato wop as oinV 11 ne of about one million dollarlt per year About ltlti earleaclsofl potatoe were handled 11 year about 31 of the business being With seed potatoes and the balance in mm stock While the Anniel Iiition bod been started as sced potato eoop it was not always pust sible to sell the total crop as seed nrt their Assn ation ovidedl table stock sales as service to members in disposihg of surplus Stock In cloin his address Mr Evansl suggested if the iicoc fonnty growers could mum on the lire01 high qualitv of their scedthc International Scout onfcrence it hould be pigs lc to increase 11111 export trade very considerl ably as the New York growers were tindinc it more and more difficult everyyear to maintain certified standing of their potatot lth Yet THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7700 Copies Atinuitli AS SIQOND BARRI SPEED BOAT FILMS AT ROXY THEATRE TODAY TO SATURDAY 11 ltlndr fllllh taken by Iirtitiitiiit Nuts ot the Spard float lt4ili it Harrie 1211 Aug 1111 he ltvnHt in fiarrlv this weekend lhru 1111 llayr Ji rmdy been seen in the larger centres sud the yill 111 41 thr Iiin Ulrittlr ilrri lutlJ and Irtitiv and Saturday The pictures of the 31111 It 111111 Speed limit Regatta on lieinprnielitt 151 nerc taken lltrr through arrangements made tn the Young vlens sic tiou of the lliirrie ltdltliilr of ninniirce thousands of 1411 ttlitll hate scin thew Ililth and many thousands me will the Harrie run on screens in the tint fen tlt CHOICE BLOOM SEEN OiOOiE FLOWER SHOW MORRIS DARBY of Waverley it been elieio Mtttthl 111111 as president of the North Sinuov Sinit lotato iltii Association Boy Scout World Census 11 11 11 in it il imam lllltlnti non iiiit 11111i1it ii if 111 111 lown iiiiiiio 11tt litiii 121 the lttll lllllll iltnil their 11 lllw xiil ipenwl lie 54 11 if 1111 111 1111 fol llll the he personally uould S15 to the prie lll Al ltual ownti has heie new lust tiitois win lllt so etc put up 111 iiilxe on llllflt their l1 llliitl Jltll 1iiil ltliiltiv lhe iinall ent list Membership 0f 4409774l1111111 nw attiibued to the llity In Fortyone Countries ive membership total of the Ilo coiit Movement tnrouiiir out the world is 141193174 in it ollil tries and the en tssiuliitlilll The 193 total ill in to countries and two empire associm tions The till 711311 tllilthlts the latest known figures received 1111 mem ber countries of the llo Scouts 111 ternational Conference 1t do not include the numbers of tilt Groups among lllsplaced ersons nor of Scouts in countries where associations have not yet been rel gistered with the tiny Scouts Inter 1Vcspia Horticultural Society and the 11 lloldcn Memorial Trophy was presented by George Brown national Bureau The present member countries of Argentine l111lllllll Scouts iis if the plowing season liaiir Whith eii ill utilth 111 1111 not have ftaient nume litr if iiiiius 111 1111311 or the liaiiic au iciation silver sweepit lit tropl li ltlt 111 lllgt bl lhll who illtl points 11h sufficient varieties he tiiilltfs 111 totalled 1s 1st it Lnd 11 The Winner had to be point inner 111 at least 11W diffeient kinds of flov It It outts hart lovely display if his tine lil11li ineliiilim num ber of 1iieoiis Lptltes of llssa hliiiit tria Belgium lrazil anadi Chile China Colom lti Cuba Czechoslovakia Ilemnar Ilominu ican Republic Ecuador iIuypt 131 11 only one entry in the Ne liboriliz Societies Spiclilh lhere also $1 in l17t money put up by the Barrie Society Use of the hall was donated by the 0ddfellow 1oige of Barrie fieldsand more growers each year Salvador Finland France eat were looking for new supply of Foundation seed Constructive discussion on the use of Commercial fertilizer for potatoes was given at the Elmvale meeting by Leo Johnston of Gains ville NY Mr Johnston has had wide experience in the fertilizer business in the western part of New York State He said that the New York growers were using up to ton per acreof suitable mixtures of commercial fertilizers for the potato crop In his own experl ienee fertilizers Should be placed at least one inch below the seed piece and at least two to three niche away from the seed on Ethel Side In examining the po tato fields in Simcoe County he had noted that in many cases the fert ilizer had been applied above the level of the seed and in many cases the covering disks had thrown the fertilizer on top of the seed piece that few growers were plantingl their potatoes only an inch or two below the level of the row and in case of dry weather were not root ed deeply enough to make asat isfactory crop The feeder roots of the potato plant invariny tend to concentrate in the fertilizer lay er which should be applied deep Using half page advertisement the Great Northern Exhibition Board made very strong protest against the proposal of the Town Council to turn the Collingwood fair grounds over to an industrial company Britain Greece Guatemala Haiti for which the Society deeply 111 dcbted and extends tha In appreciation of their ardent pport and cooperation baske llltttliltlt Iceland India Italy lielot which won first pri for LEO JOHNSTON banon Liechtenstein Luxem Otllfl1115 ertrude llroc present Mo thhcrlumtS N1 Isuaoed to Mr and Mr Mao Ierii Ihilippine Iortulanen gal South Af 21 Sweden vitzer land andVencuela Other lows territori of the British Common wealth the Belgian French NettiV erlands and Portuguese Empire The prize winners were as fol CLASS I1hlias specimen blooms any varietyiznd MrSXMcX McKinnon and the USA are rcgistcredigladioli basket of not more thanl through their parent counti es 15 spikes anycolor any foliagcl Applicmiong three oilicytnot 11ec1ar11y one varietyMrsJ countries for admis to membeiu ship of the International Conference are at present under review by the International Committee HEATING TS UP The average Canadian house holder is go to have to at next winter If the cathcrman doesnt behave it will st good deal more Calculations by The Financial coal This adds up to price in crease of approximately 227 on fuck oil and 20 on anthracite since last winter Fuel dealers lgladioli Va not over it spikes one variety Larry Whitby Mes Campbell gladioti specimen spike lnamedlt Holden Miss Camp bell gladioli specimen spike un named seedlingwMiss Campbell Lai Whitby buttonhole bouquet ILai Whitby Mrs Har Morran 1933i 520 l0 55 WWW ROCD dlm gladmli bqSket net more than 20 first time This is not new in CHn Dance at Hawkestone Hall Fri spikes two colors any foliage Lai Whitby gladioli basket small decorative type Campbell nee not more than Post are based on last weeks 2cibloomsGco Anderson Hot will Qllld likely 031159 lnlllly ml 21 gallon price hoist on fuel oil and den asters blooms one variety germination It was also noted an cal1y August 95c to $1 mmmau or VlOlCtvGCIU dc Brock increase in the price of ant Cite aster blooms one iety ptllk Mss Campbell asters om varieties of each tr cl Brock Miss Campbell stcrs vascl of single astersGertrude Brock zinnias collection not more than arent evcn promising improved 12 blooms variety as 11 as quaIt supplies asa result of the sharp rises Refinery officials still refuse to take on new fuel oil basin ity to countMiss Car ell Mrs Holden roses collection one con tainer ertrudc Brock dining table decoration not over 15 high and coal dealers sec strong po Miss Campbell Mrs Max ilities of anthracite shortages developing by early winter Iattcrsons house Con Nottawa saga on Aug 25 Four Hundred ddren Attended Playgrounds Few people of Barrie realize the great work that is being carried by the Barrie Recreation Commit tee Founded only slightly more than aeycar ago the Recreation program has developed an exten sivc playground system in Barrie When other cities and towns in novate iecreation and playground systems they are often advised by the Department of Education Branch of Physical Fitness and Re creation to study the operation of the Barrie playgrounds and gain their knowledge and plans from here Last Wednesday an Examiner re porter accompanied Dr Laurie Chairman of the Barrie Recreation Committee and Mrs Laurie member of the Town Coundil Recreation Committee and Ken Robinson Barrie Recrea tion Counsellor on tour of the fouf playground areas which have been in operation this year ST VINCENT Our first stop was the St Vin cents park playground which has been under the supervision of Miss Lois Allopp for the summer months Here congregated for the final playground day of the summer were numerous children ranging in age from 311 and accompany ing them were their mothers on display in the grandstand were the results of the work which had been cartredo under the instruction of Miss Allsopp For the young ones there were peg boards upon which thechildren had made designs of butterflies airplanes and many other intricate patterns Plasticine had also beenemployed by the younger ones to build tunnels and other small articles on display were several remarkable works of weaving art work and needle craft which had been done by the older members of the group TENNIS COURT After leaving the park we moved on to the playground area in the former tennis court Many more children were to be found in this playground which had anexceptioni ally large enrolment Swings slides and teetertotters have been instal Turn to page eight please well table bouquet naturata rangemcnt not tiedMiss Camp lbell Mrs Morrcn basket of roses Fire of unknown badlyany foliage allowedGertrude damaged the upper sto of Jack Brock Six varieties of garden flow ers in separate vasesMrs Cook Mrs Holden collection of scabiosa 24 bloomsGertrude Brock Mrst Holden collection of phtox drum mondiMiss Campbell Mrs Morren collection of snapdragon Knapp Mrs McKinnon most artistic arrangement of basket or vase of flowers quality of bloom Secondary consideration Missf CampbellLarr Whitby cottectior of pansiesMrs uMcKiann Mrs Holden CLASS Asters6 blooms one c010 Rev Clements Karcn Gr cos mos vase not more than stems 2nd Rev Clmehts calen dula not more than 15 bloomsRev Clements dahlias collection each variety in separate container 2nd Mrs Cook gladioi spikes red or scarletLarry Whitby glad ioli spikes yellbwLarry W1 by gladioli spikes pinkLarry Whitby Knapp gladioli3 spikes whiteLarry Whitby Mrs Cook gladioli spikes any other colOrLarry Whitby Mrs Cook gladiolionc specimen spike nam ed three entries permittedLarry Whitby and gladioli basket not over 15 spikesLarry Whitby hydrangea Paniculata six blooms Rev Clements marigoldsl 15 bloomsJ Knapp Miss Campbell nasturtiums with fol iageMrs Morren pompon dah lias collectionLarry Whitby phon perennialGeo Anderson Mrs Morren salpiglossis not more than 15 stemsRev Clem ents verbenas collectionMrs Cook zinnias 12 blooms large var ietiesMiss Campbell Rev tIIunts iltc Sept 17 18 TWARIO CARADAfi Ship Cattle to Britain 11 111 Elecicasii leeOBE11C Legion Honorary President Urges Support of Campaign iz iillll lt 13 EXAMINER Elect MissRaratSimcoe 2nd Annual Farmers Day Next Thursday Sept 11 NEW BANK HOURS BRANCHES CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 11 lilritiw Saturday rpt banking hours in flarin unit it from 1111 to 11 1111 this means iln ltlil uill elmr nue hour rather than inrrnerlx and 1111 iiiv hours 111 cm into et itll throughout tauada 1111 lo1il ilttllvili Link of Inronto 111r1i1 iini Utm dils ftllttll1tl uh ot tnmv 1111111 1111 of Volta and the lo1l 151111 121 oim r1 the neu llutlr 1hr idra Ill 11min miller 1x to protule eoinpiitr 111117 holiday tor the KLLII on Jltltv ti POTATOOOOS WILL EXHIBIT in 111lv ineiiioiiwt til1ll 1tl ttn nilw of tilt their 111 111115 on the rlitllttl of lifll it ltlltl lonora tti initvoiaut twiliifi pail of 11 financial inarini tllttlpitillitt Illi eij actor door 111 dooi earn 111 1o1ntinMd but all 111 are 111 vitii 1ake eoutrit lltlll direct to campaign lliiltlilllttlltlb 11 ll ol tlai 1itou St liver ilouatiou lint o1 hop 11ll be eeoiznied and offienil re ii iii 11ill lltlln ceipts will proiupilj mailed llni 1511 ii gt heiiiies may be made yible to ioiipii 1111 it of th the llinlding lnnd Harrie llraneh 11 11 tam amid HT 11ltliitlt Legion lf eontri lwttl mi 1121 to illv buttons are made to Etltltiltttll ll ill111 Iltl ppt at lll1llitll inemtiers of lilt Legion they should ltotli lllv be eoniol he made only to those lllt official ll zlllleii tee of tlillvtlii ltvlll Tun lump infliiri ltllllllt feral 01 mpg IIlllNF iie th 11 octane fiiiiiri 111 accepting the honor of beint elected honorioy president of Branch H7 of the anadian Legion ol 1ee made the following state ment vhich resulted in its successful eon Electing me honorary president clusion of the Barrie Branch of the an thereme lltlWl iuiianiraI Ildilm ltttiion the veterans have 1ons and iialividiia fttlllllllli MIN done me an honor llitll is be at iippoit tits stowed upon few men appiec 11Illiil1 for etv lnted lltllll iannni lllll lhe flitlha lii coirplei 11 eiiiiti all tip ttril on liid 111 well intenioii ot 11 ll 1o tlzib holds its veteran to tint oi hi tlittlllt itilfcllmw nellt 11 Ill ito Fair onl 1111 llll tlie 1nie tltlillitlllllllllllNl Sept 11 ll IIIIIIV IllliittV Itllt 11 11 It illlili Sept and the laxll niemtna ill ll Hm ll mmromaine lub 11 Midland hair on 1191iday em ally keeping its ies dt rsimcoe Brand Potato late their confidence and shall try HWh 1hTB to live up to the ideals that anadian twain in tlHV 44 llll milth SW lRAII11 to on Gram Valley Sept 11 ill 00 51 Lniadian National ltailw ployees throughout the enti Midhnd so 1830 tem have been called upon by 1l Shoulmrm ell Walton 1311 executive vic F1k Sopi 0436 ident to cooperatc in ma 111g re 30 81 37 Prevention Week TheI date set to observe special fire pre Collii 11 vention precautions is the week of prImmifliiii mm nivrics wW Fever Septztg 11 Holden Miss CampbellMeaford Oct Odom 11 Becton Oct Scliomt erg Oct ltlll COMING EVENTS CNR HA1 FIRST TRAIN PHONE Press reports indicate that US pl railro ts are previewing twoway Cellar Hallle Ludo telephone communication for the Dammit Saturday mmsr ada More than 17 years ago on day Sept Stroud bIoiintaineers April 27 1930 Canadian National Snack bar lel Railways inaugurated such service Dam Baxter Friday SON 12 on its famed International Limited Music by The Strand anmncml The first annual iueetzi of tho Siiinoe Seed lotaio trow ociation was held at the IIlnuale Parish Hall on Iuesday evening Aug 213 under the three tion of Morris Darby aerli president and Cuppage Cold water ILR The residcnt iisscd his apl preciatiou to the menle for their cooperation in very d1 1111 for marketing potatoes and he most complimentary to the workl done by the secretary ir ngst were also extended to the visrtorsl from the New York Seed Potato oop lllC who were present John Kidd president of the N1 Simcoe Crop Improvement As brought greetings to the meet ing from the parent crop organir tion The secretary ented an auditi the lrovini of Ontario in the re most whicb the uion Iflltl not collect liandl es and did not show as pilll of the business of the iatioir agricultural rt 1c ntativcl Ste art iai reportcd on the Norsimeoe b1 gs as obtained for the use of the ociaiion pt proxniiately 311001 bags were during it ar credit of naile up of ti bank balance of 510 and the value of bags 1111 hand SltlllllfJ wa reported as avai able to the ouatiou whencve in position to take ov the ilisiribuuon of the brand bags it poriun of tending the 2nd An UHN PROGRAM 11111 two fine Queens tar team Hillbilll laa 111 all star 111 League Bio played at 11 but as not been not 111 the in new dance Danna eld on Dun op Street 101 Street taiidtiie Five loin Music will he tprovldt by the Stroud Moun and the Mount Albert Girl 1111 011 September 11 the farm fill if Siineoc Coin rill have the op inal F11mers Day dav IS de voted to the in reognit if their invaluable to Sim cue County and the minion of Canada ION or OFFICERS iPostage imprinted arby again electedvcanada LeHer itsident and Hube Brunette and Maple Leaf between Montreal Dancing from 91311 to 11 Rtlifl ed finaiu al statement for the tidpm and Toronto Canadas I1ill was the first in the mh 10 6mm Cookstown Dance Pavrlion Don orchestra way telephone communication 11 gillghhvl 1111 Adm ion moving train 1500 flltfl Dance Shanty Bay Hall every aclgglfllarkmur Wednesday night Music by Stroud CLASS Mountaineers Snack bar Admis Mixcd vase of gladioliJack sion 50c 23tfb Johnson Mrs Cook collection of Afternori tea and ham zinniasKaren Graix Miss Rpm Township Hall Midhu Campbell vase of asterstack Wednesday Sept 10 Ampin SH Johnson vase of cosmosM AI Paulg WA 36b Ian Coo bouquet of flowers most n1 pleasing arrangememMiSS Egbert United Church AIlD1V1 Campbeu sary Sunday Sept 14 Services atl SPECIAL CLASS 230 and 730 pm DST Rev Al Miniature bouquet overall height Doggett special speaker 36h $314231 fgegggggllmsha West End Group of St Andrews ornameht of natural flowcrLart WA game loaf at hnmc ly Whitby Mrs Maxwell of MIS Kenneth Cameion 97 CorsagenLany Whitby Mrs ronto St Sept from 330 Machll Tickets 25C even Girls Clubs Stage AChievement Day PrOgram Seven Girls HomemakcrClubsi rt cafes of Achievement can with 51 members and 15 visitors McFarlane Audrey Burk den held an enthusiastic AchievenicntGracc Strath Helen Culham Beu Day at the IOOF Hall Barrier 0n lah Paddison Mrs Jos Paddison wednCSday Aug 27 asTffhgrgfgl Clubs were represented from the featured thls year lfollowing ccntrcsfthc name oftlie Girll Entertaing lclub leader being given in each The pyogram was conducted tinlease Cleawiew Mm Pridhm er the direction of the Home Econ Mitchell squami Mrs Rice ginIICDSiuCI221102I lsiqilibtliOri1ssllfaalclgnlgliCrossland Grace Strath Minesing Misses Marianuniplirey and Mar an Hart Of the womcns InsmumlFallisStroud Mrs Miilhollanct Branch Toronto All girls satisfactorily complet The MllChell Squaw and Edgar mg the project were awarded S1Ic111bs were selected to demonstrate ver teaspoon financed from the ClllbW01k at the County WI 00 County Council grant for Junior ventlon Work under the supervision of the The project Being Well Dressed North Simcoe Branch of the On and Well Groomed was selected as tario Department of Agricultureithe Fall project and Leaders WINNERS VTrainingSchool was planned to be Winiiers of special awards were held at the Barrie Agricultural Of as follows fice Sept 25 from 10 am to pm County Honor Certificate andlAhy interested groups should ap PinBetty Prosser Mrs William point aleader so that she may at Kane ltend the Leaders Training School year reporting Wed potato sales totalling $25730 with halancel of cash on hand mostly accrued from membership fe of $69936 He reported that most this busi ness been export siness withl the State of New York through the New York Seed PotatoT Inc and that favorable repor been received again this ye the quality of theseed sold In addition to the seed exported good many thousandJoagsvof seed were sold lecally and throughout Hereford and Shorthorn At Beeton Fair Oct The Hereford and Shorthorn breeders of Simcoe County will hold their animal show of beef cattle at Beeton Fairon Oct This was the decision of the executives of both ClthSHlZ meeting held in the office of the Department of Agriculture Alliston on Ant525 total of $200 is being awarded for each breed tOne half ofthis amount is provid ed by Beeton Agricultural Societ ver special prize is being fered this ycarin the Shorthorn Section It is handsome trophy donated by John Jackson prdsid cut in 1nemoryof two sons Grant andRoss Jackson killed on active service chrscas This ti 1y will be awarded to the boy or girl between 12 and 20 years resident of Simcoe County who ex hibits the best purebred Short horn heifer under one year of age The winner will hold the trophy for one year only and will pos 55 it permanently after winning it three times not necessarily in suc cession Reaford Gardhousc of westeri is being invited to judge the Short horns and Russell Thompson of Camilla the Herefords Breeders are asked to send their entries to Lashley club secretary at Alliston Sept 27 Plans areito have catalog of all entries prepared for distribution at the show ring The new board of directors electl ed v51 as follows North ZoneGabr Ienetang No Hut Ilenetang 1V Darby Way 11 Irafontaine was elected vicepro Form sePfembe intcd Canada Air 11 take the place of the one now in 11 thedeStmastcr General announces Effective on September lst the Central 7onc Spen iiiew forms may be bought at Post Elmv 319 With Burial Offices in the same way as Ordinary No Max Craig Eastern tIlchOIIitEHHIICl ric No Gordon Bidivcll Sh 11 Bay Cuppage Coldwatci No he chief item of lllSllt sacted by the new board of dir stamps in 11 cent tbluet and 15 cent ircdi denominations the former variety destinatio in the Unit ed Kingdom and Bi and the latter tfor beyond the British Isles where iCanada Air Letter Service is given The introduction of the postage tors was the appointment of coml imprinted form will supplant the mil to study the advisability havrng the lt1Ciation incorpor atcd at an date rec d1 ribiition at Post Offices of the Canada ir LettcrForms which we not impiinted with postage Jcicqueline Gregory Dies Following Accident Jacducline Gregory fiveyearold General Hospital the following daughter of and Mrs Grego Thursday 59 GowamSt was struck by car inAIlandaIc Wednesday evening last week and she died in Toronto Ger rat Hospital early TuesdayI morning In six days did not regain consciousness Returning from the playground up the closing day of the summer program Jacqueline was with her sister Joyce age eight At the corner of William St and Burth Ave about 2320 p111 Jacqueline let go the hand of her older sister anddashed into the street She was struck by car driven by Wil liam Kettcage 23 101 John St Barrier The driversaw the girl and swerved to the left but Jac Queline was struck by the right front fender and received frac tured skull The accident was wi nessed by residents of the neigh borhood The little girl was rushed to the Royal Victoria Hospital where she was given medical attention be fore being removed to Toronto Cpl Peters investigated the accident and conferred with Crown Attorney Frank Hammondt regarding an inquest Block nd White Show Of Holstein Breeders Feature of Beeton Fair ltein breeders plan to hold their animal Black and White Show at Beeton Fair on Oct prizel of $600 is offered and all br eder in Simcoe are invited to parti palg McPhaiI principal Kcmpb ville Agricultural School will place the awards The Beeth Boys Club will hold their Achievemen Day at the same time The prizofwinning en tries at Beeton qualify to compete at the Holstein Championship Show at Peterborough oh Oct Entries for the County rlBlack and White show shonld sent to Lash ley club ec diary Dept of Agri culture 9ton by Sept 27