9542i iizrx 11gt mo luttlliittt HIA Trinity Anglican Church REV II IIOWDEX ll Rector UNION SERVICES CollierSt United Churc and Central United Church Services in COIIier St Church ll I1lltMRNlI WORSIIII IAIrrIIVIINING VOIIHHII IlllillIR lttv llllWlIIJ rgzriiiixtrmMr Arthur Smith Pentecostal Full Gospel Tabernacle 20 Mitlcaster St Acting liistorwSttAiiiien lilley VSUNIAY AUGUSIVZH ISHT 10 AlIrSIINlAY SCHOOL 11 AilDEVOTIONAI SERVICE 7130 PMsMINANGEIIISTIC MEETING rt pm Pastor Stephen lilloy Visitors and strangers invited Clapperton St REV AND MRS CHASE in charge Phone 84115 Barrie SUNDAY AUGIT 211 1947 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 330 PMPREACIIING CrOwn Hill Church 730 pm Bible Studynnd Preaching Special Singing All are Welcome Ihurs pm Missionary Prayer Meeting Collier St BaptistChu Independentl REV SUNDAY AUGUST 24151947 sitsAM BIBLE SCHOOL 11 AMMORNING WORSHIP PMEVENING WORSHIP Speakers group of Christian War Veterans from Toronto bothiservices Mr Anderson Canadas No Trumpeter will beat both services WED iiiFM PRAYER MEETING Visitors cordially welcome NOWWWNNMO BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH Rev Carder BFA Minister OLDTIME METHODIST rch MITCHELL Minister tumult II WRIGIII Organist Illili IIIY UMMIINRJN lutlttli Sunday iIttcrlIrinily llliii Ai iitiiixixti PRAYER liitii Ill Iaradt tul Scinltaiitgiis troni Elm iill IIIlEtli atnii at likiialtcslonv llltiltlltll llii lititor Tilt Il IIVIININ PRAYER lllIIlflliI Ir liitity Fraser who tardl sliniillluat to teach in the Iloiit latioiy Indian Rtldclllltll stliool GOSpeI Hall 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY AUGUST 24 1947 11 AIIBredting or Emmi WWI it llMeriitiday School and Bible Tlass PIlrlospel Meeting Wed Iil Iraycr Meeting All welconie seats free no collection First Baptist Church and UNION SERVICES SUNDAY AUGUST 21 1947 ll AWLFIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PMrLST ANDREWS CHURCH REV IIUMPIIREYS in charge 24 Grace Gospel Hall 37 Mary Street Barrie SUNDAY AUGUST 24 1947 10 AWLSunday School Meeting gt Artiste cordially invited 60Collier St fAdjt and Mrs Strachan 11 AMHOLINESS MEETING 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL PlISALVATION MEETING Special Speakers God keeps what He givesOur lives and His Word Mr Roy Williams Organist and ChoirLeader ll AMRev Dr Cahoe DD of Montclair NJ USA No Evening Service During July and August COME BRING YOUR FRIENDS Holly United ChurchServlces will be withdrawn untll Aug 31 an APE St Andrews Presbyterianl ll AMBelievers Meeting salvation Army SUNDAY AUGUST E4 1947 iIIIllllillllllflltdIlllllllli STORh CLOSED HOLIDAYS tin zitiisiii utivtiiui tit RYSONS Ice Cream Candy iii Hit in ElllltilllllllllllllIllllltlllllllalllllllllllllllllllllllIllE SLIP COVERS and cry or lilwtlrj iv ii tiii llfil Ilfil Efiilalil lllil vi EB ante ent Awning Co 34 Boytield St Phone Barrie 4314 Er IIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllfllIlltlliIlfllIltIIIOOIIIIO ll va WHW LEARN HAIRDRESSING it This is itntllllllllll litlltlll School lltlt you are lgl Cl thoroughly lldllllll iii iII lllLKIltlltS of ILllll ulturl and prepared for internment lixaniiiintioiis ii til hIlIOl NOW 01 all lCIIIl mi DERWIN SCHOOL 33 Dunlop St BARBIE Phone 3962 it Ar ir1 iii amt ii It AMBROSE ROBINDALE Illll RECIPE Add eiiwliiie RUin last Itisiut Dry You and ttutsimon TILJI It cup lukewarm tutor and ht stand 10 tllilllllt llii Ii stir cll Smld uip milk Ith ttlsli spoons shorttiiitig cup Hdl and 15 teaspoon stilt and Owl to lukewarm Add cup Nittul flour to make liItttr Add ymxt mix ture and iieatcn ciziz llciit Well Add cups silictl lluur or enough to 1le II SUIl dough Knead lightly and plaCLlil xrclstrl howl loverdud set in warm place free front draft Ictrisc ititil doubled in bulk about hours When light punch dough down and divide into equal portions Roll dough lz inch thick place in wellgreased MIN 8V2 111 deep Brush topsxvitli mclttd hutter or shortening sprinkle with cup granulated sugar Perl and core 12 apples cut into cighths press into dough sharp edges downward close together Mix 11 teaspoons cinnamon with cup granulated sugar sprinkle over cakes Cover and lot rise in warm place until light about 33 hour Bake inmoderate oven at 400F about 35 minutes in Iiiiii lllllllllxl iIiluatis llltt iiiiiit nll II lllll niiiuiiioiil Hiiwiill itiil iiI tiialiiiliiiiz lllill lii tillail IIllvli tii liltlllilit imrihittii Illl liii Hit in HHI lzllilllli ii II iiri iil ii ii tlllll lli III tfvi illlli ox uninsuin lllilll twill Liliililtl 111I1on Itlillli imiih it within 3on it iiitiiii li Ii im Simmu Donald l1lflflllllillX Iiii Iiii tiligt iiii tll aiitl Iiir ilwl lllllgt In rm tfilfilt CANADA ENGAGEMENTS OBITUARY lllll llli Hliii Itilii lli ltllil Ill Iitl llli KW lil lll ill lil Mi II It tl tl ii iii iii In uni twatHi lt iti iiiil Iiuiim llt it li titttiiniizwi uwll ii In xiiu lI1 Iwi ii In ltltl Id iI lit lllt iiiti at Ii4 It iniw viil Phone 3914 llilllJ and my it twirl iiiii liiit1l lillt ii Iii illllllltlikl Barrie fuel 8t Supply 5hr II Iti xi It tillii1w it ml llillilll Imiatiist lli ilH fir itll Il llll l= iwu 31 ximnr lhhuillt wild sou llttlt 4t liillj llillllllllll lltllill tiilititw iiriu lriiialx Illll lint and Itlaiiwziintl tiwu Ii lRonri IttsliiiltgtI iiit Iiiiiilr JOHN llllil1llll lltXlSll III poor limiliii tor CA nioiiilis itil toiiitiiid to lilll Iiir ilti purl iio months lill lllllltlltlx aitirll iiii Cornish iIiitl viii IIHT Iii lllS llllli 37 Si lillll liliiltl Iiiiiiitlri llorii on ittoiiti ltl lllllti iii In scan AlllktlfilI Ire started a= man for the III Iitriu iitiiiu man and Immiin tllillllll iII Ainziot ti Ifllil III also was llllil iiiiiiilitr of the Ii of ll IIitii lilllIL Illlllli interest in Brotherhood altIiix llt finally lillll liiol Iliiuiiiror or the local Iridium and hold the till ion for four years lircd hail ltill record Iiiriiizg some 40 years with the iIIi was ijtilialilv llllllii and llitillli of quiet dispouitioii iiiitde hitnil with all of hit touiIti Jl Supt l0 1943 llt retired from active ditty and shortly aiicrwwrtl lit and Mrs Corniin Inowd to Toronto He was 11 member of Coriiiiliiai Lodge Al and Surviving are his widow and two sons Ilarsliaw and John lioth of whom have been attending tinitvrl sity ti The ftiiicrzil was held on Alllll II from the letiiictt funeral home where the service was taltt ll hr batching Sheord Inge avorful the superior 5y40splre0dr Cream whether tempting otter how Y0 Se rsoll ditferent taste will find yCheese makeS ndwich or wits Dr Sinclair of lirtsn lliml Presbyterian Church Interment was in the Barrie Urn ion Cemetery llniiorary piillheiiri were TltlSli Marshall Se rnour Robt lliiy Stratlordi Downs and llamiltotr tloiontOi Active bearers Chas Edward iltir OnlOl McBride Conlon Il Kohlmeyer Osborne Wes Little All retired railway veterans js ltll ll Illlllit 88 Dunlop St so is is R1 SPECIAL forthe Weekend lii IiiiialIrioltiiiiiit TAR The cool happy flavor of Canada DryI is lost the right match for good foorLOny kind any time anywhere NQIIHII Its delicious refreshing twinning Sept we will he MONDAYS tliitstquenching lIIN Corner Cupboard BAKERY AND DELICATESSBN ooltt DAINtY SALADS PASIIIIIIs izIG Russell Bloomfield IIIOPIIIIIIOII It DIAL 39414 OllllOtllllIJIIIIIIIIJIOIMl Reduced 20 TO CLEAR osric FURNITURE made by the Rustic Furnitiire Co at Whitefish Play These are ideal Porch Lawn or for tho bummei Cottage Choice Meals t1NtrN ootcrIoooootoceleorocIao for Sun nsists ofrchuirs plain tables dining tables Last Week causeda big demand for regular summer lines Ibutrwestillvhave Deck Choirs adjustable $250 The same type complete nopy and Footrest $565 Strongly built frames and covered with brightly colored awning stripes The Selection of this popiiltuliiinifure on or with arms rockers end benches lltllS All Reduced Weather tables coffee per cent in price LThelI0t Om with Ca L0 Alltlllltlll tollcgc ulsl luttll Find Our Sziiiilouv llry Iltillllllg Sttwitt leiliiiiiis Miracles liii loiii ltllllts Io fliil znlx trc the 31ml guruanti Iziuit lift turninril lll Elit tofui an in Irisslit titt illlll llu LiliIIu Mill is iicuf Wright Cleaners PHONE 2634 BARBIE Next to Queens Hotel ma rm 41 x141Li ZWW 97 067 lt