PAGE it 11111 cf ca miliii iii titanicvilli 1111 Heres to rain may 4111111 blgbboll 11111111 drink erotic world time Club Sodnudabryh59dillngw5dd It um comet 1111 pinpoint meant b1111 upmovmied 80 It to midi villi on um ITS FULL STRENGTH so it goes right to work No waiting No extra steps lilriscliiuanns fresh CW sweeter tastier breed with FLEISCHlllllllili3 attire Yeast makes bread thats more delicious and tender sweetertasting cicry lime IF YOU BAKE AT HOMEGot Fleischmanns actre fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label Depemalileits been Canadas favorite or more than 70 years Thedigestive upsets whioh often accompany babys rst solid foods are caused by thefact thatbabys immature digestive system cannot completely digest the Coarse bres and cellulose walls of food cells Even 1the most careful straining does not break them down Only Libbys patented Homogeni zation recess explodes these cells beforet process of digestion begins 50 that babys digestive juices can quickly and thoroughly act on the liberated nourishment Ba can digest Libbys Baby Foods more When shopping for baby dont forget Libbys llomorzenizcd Evaporated Mill mommacanyon16111111511112 ixciuaiiiiiiii PRDBESSV 11111135111011111 BABIE Special Hormogenization Explodesliood c9115 Releases NouriShment Aids lnfantDigestion quickly and more completely He gets more nourishment from the same amount of forid with less risk of digestive disturbance FREE BOOKLET oniniani Feeding Let us tell you more about how these improVed babyfoods can bene your baby Just send your name and address to Libbys Chatham Ontario andiyou will receiveLibbys free booklet Healthful Feeding for Your Baby BF747 011111 BABY FOODS Jill39 SIRMNED AND HOMOGENIZED 1111 111 111w 11 went flair 11 111 Jim 111d 21 1111111111 11 ll1 l1i11 1111 Sniay l1l11 lht 13111l1lrl1lllily tilzb j111i111li11711r liltllllliilrl with total 1i lfiil 11111 11111 brother in Holland fiiihlic past 11111 1H lllil 1joyable evening 1Mrs Wilcocks lilltib llll RH NltiN V1 i1 it i1 11 1gt 11 pl ll ll 11111i11htili111 11 gt 1111131 11 1lt1u 11 111111111 111111111 lvliliti faintly 111 Ill 1l1 111 1111111il11 11 ll11ll llllllill li1111 ti 51 tll tin the llllllllllll 11111 1111 11111 111i ll 11ilii 1111i 111211111 l1 b11111111 A4111 is well 14 h111l 11 StHlith 11111 111 11112E N1 1111121 h11 5111i1h 11 11111 day 2121 tlllll1l 151 T1 111ritl111 111 111111111111t11 ltllWttl to show 111111111111y 11111ploy11s were 11 lligtl of 111 11111l1 Six tllt1 111T1111st 111 llillllt we of this rhaiii was 1111 11 ill by l11 221111 it Null 11111111l111 11f lllt rom 11111 H11 was lab11 s1111111dctl by l11 3111 t1111i11 li1iiisti1no of ll1 111 21 1112111111111 liio lorai ll 1oill iiiaiiaizti It M11111 and his Wilt were 1111111111 ltosv who 1t111111l1tl lt11r having been ap11at1tlf111111 ll years llis Masdoip of l5 Blake 81 11111111111l letter from him dur 111 tho past week 1lilllllil that thoy 1111 all 11ll Mrs Maxtlorp is now lit years of Kllllt her brother is till 130th families are very happy ovor the nion Mrs Masdorp came to tanada tlllllllil tho FirstGrout War when 1l1113cruians invaded lioi land and until this recent letter she had boon unable to make coin 111111 with her family Miss lat Burke brideelect of this month was entertained at inisrellauootis shower on Aug 12 at the home of Miss Joan Brown Iho house was decorated with pink white and silver streamers beautiful cake was displayed in the centre of the table which Pat lairr cut and served to the guests The bridelobe was presented with lovely eorsagc of pink roses after which she opened the many love ly gifts contained in gaily decor ated basket dellClOllSlllllCll was served to conclude very en Miss Burke will he married to Anthony Peter Ussel man on Aug 2i The christening ceremony of Mary Elizabeth Shiles took place in the Camp Borden Army Chapel on Wednesday Aug 13 FL and were sponsors and SL Villeneuve officiated Mary Elizabeth is the daughter of SL and Mrs George Shiles 30 Anne St Barrie She wore an antique gown loaned to her by Mrs Bateman which has been in the Vair family for over century Refreshments were served later at the Officers Mess RCAF Camp lBorden CEREALSFOR SNACKS Afterschool commandos have but one objective Thats to raid the pantry or the icebox If youre in smart mom youll guide theirnihoica 77 in theseafternoon snacks and stand ready with just the right ammuni tion Some snacks of course will takeI family spent Sunday with Aurora the edge off good dinner appetites friend5 But the right kind like is brimming bowl of readytoeat cereal will add energy to keep active bodies going and growing So when you hear that eternal question dont shake your head in disapproval just fill up bow with nourishing whole grain cereal and never fear that dinner will be only half eaten HUSBANDS ADOBE coffee deserve Maxwell iHOuseIts so utterly deli clone1 that its bought and 57111 1i111111 ml 111 11 11 hiii 1liil1 Aiiioia Alis liiiltvi Maine 13 visit i111 1111111 lit and l11 liziii lt2ltllt Mrs litt liitilito lllt guest of her sistoi last work toha 111115 llltil With lltl sist111l Mrs loiiii oiiigair recently at sviyito 11f Middltswsl Primary methods at Hamilton m4 visiting in Sarina this week Til RARRIF TTXAMlNlli ilAltiili 11 111011111 sr LoUis LwJ 17 11 111111111111 11 211111 11lZi1t11i 31111111 11 Willi 11 12 liziziii 11 11111 11 limitlnl COOKSTOWN August lx 3111 ll i11l1 lllllti tit l1i111l11 lhr tl1111li1iiv1i thrrioiith Sin t1111i Kg 1111l1st11u11 11131111111 1111 ll111111l11 ttllllllj 1i111 111111 11111t111 11111 llltll 111111111 it tho the lilti 111211111 11f lllt fiiti 1111111 ltililtl11l luxuriant 1i ii lli ill 1111111 llil 111 M151 1l Slitziie 2111i xlls 111 laylo 11111 r111111111 111111115 1111 1ltlaa ill 1111 l1 111 111l li111r 111 lllltllllli 111 N111 i1 Day ll dirii llleaizot toii iiit1 51111111 pi 1f lni l1lllllll lll llltllilri 11 Hi ill iis olo has 111111111111l lion11 MN month Will irlutiws 11 lls lllJLl1l Mrs tllllill tiaii1ii1w Mari loorizc l1211is was tho tpttlliill Iiiiiior lllllllti at lanidon Miss Lois titer taking rotnriirtl course 111 Fails has Slllllllll BELLE swanr August in Mrs 111 Quality and llliiia air Mr and Mrs Wm Rufch 11111 this week on boat trip to tho Stigueniiy River Joyce Iorrier returned home this week rpm Duncan Lake after attended thoy horse ten days at it CGll camp thorvu Iliimllllllh NlWF Miss Mabel Jock Toronto spent the past week holidaying with Itil and Torrance Mrs 17111011 Fcrrior SOIlS Dalton Ferrierjat their home decided success last Sunday the morning Dr Anniversary Services The Anniversary Services were In Kitchen told of some experiences he had while in India as missionary for fifteen years two solos accompanied by her harp In the evening Dr Kitchen gave very interesting sermon on What it is to be Christian and Mr Turner of Big Cedar Pt sang two solos ReganFoley Nuptiuls In the Church of the Immaculate Conception Belle Ewart on Wed nesday August 13 41947 the mar riagehvas solemnized bythe Rev Father Lawlor of Regan and Mrs Foley of Toronto Mr and Mrs Trombley Belle Ewartl were the only attendants recep tion illas held at the grooms cot tage at Bellair Beach GRENFEL Mr and Mrs Norman Scott and Knee Cap Broken in Fall The many friends of Mrs James llllll linen Slacks c1 1111111 11 1111111111 PAINSWICK the Potters trim slack suit A11 rim sized pocket is handy liiilt1l1 ATURALcolorcd Irish burn is tailored to perfection in Claw waist Loose SltCVCK 111 111 1111 wrist and turnback cuffs are mum merited by rhinestone buttons Willtill 8ft 1W WYEBRIDGE ngi 1111 her war 1111111111111111 l1wi1k 31 burn ii1 isitiiii Ilio ltiriiiors 1111 cuts Mr and Mrs llllll Johnston 1111111 llt Parry Sound 11111 111111111 or low days last 11111k Mrs leash ralo payiiioiil lllllshlit made On Aug Rev Sinclaiil in The Plxaiiiinor curly i11 1101 the of Allandale christened Eagle llldi by lcduosday noon of Mr and Mrsm prayer rd served moot 111 Waltons Miss Walker Toronto sang Walton were sorry to hear that she had the misfortune to fall on the verandah of her home 94 Essa Road Barrie last Monday evening cracking one knercap She was able to returnhome from the RV Hospital On Friday Her many friends hope she will soon be able to be up and around again Grenfel WA In ite of excessive heat 14 at tende theWA meetingnon Aug 12 at Mrs Charles Degeers Plans were made for homemade baking sale on Aug 30 Wateh 1jComing Events forparticulars It was de cided to send letteito the Board of Central United Church Barrie thanking them for the Sunday zenjoyed by nlore pCOPIQWSchool room and for theirhelping 1111111 any other braiidof coffee in the world lluiitltiiiin Feeling Isl Olien Caused By lierms Trouble Strained tense nerves are often the cause of restless nifhtil 11mproper rest night after ni ht is lowed by loss of appetite irritabili and quickly to tiredxundown condition For disorderssuch as these Milburns Hesltli to make the sale and bazaar wonderful success1 Mrs Percy Ford took the Bible lesson Mrs Wm Walton read themissionar story Mrs Parr closed witi and Nerve Pills are highly benecial and once tried their medicinal value soon becomes apparent by the improved general condition of the health The iron and other ingredients they contain he blood content stimulate the nerve cells and the up to improve the petite nid digestion thus helping to promote peaceful sleep Thoyhave helped thousands of others Thoysh0ulddoths sumsfor you Milburns HealthudNuvo Pilll Ito cold at drug counters everywhere 1T whence Limited Toronto On VIM1 It MtWattois and also liSCdlownAllic lront Webb and family ala1111i Roy and Mrs it lloltloii s111111111iiii1 11 llltll 11111111211 11 and Mrs l1 lillllllbll Mr and li1ll races at New we pays to send Classified 1rll Mrs lll Mrs liver Harris and Mrs if McMastti refreshments September will lit at M33 Wilhiii HEATING AND REPAIRS Your Elirnace VACUUM CLEANED N11 miissno fuss INSTALLING 31111111101111 WELL PUMPS Phone 22416 STAN HORNE Allandalc Plumbing 133 CUMBERLAND ST co IrtIorIlorlotrrltttttorrliir WAVERLEY 11t1111t 1l1 iblish llllllgt i1itiitiic 11 Till ltdlthlzlbv Ivli 1llll hit Hath l1111nt Swain 1ll Tlis lohii oil ila lather operated and Lllil iizill 11111 he only llllllllldllt 311111111 11 111l Hair 1111 1111111 11111lp11111l1 li lbifui 11if fl 1511l Tvliw 11 1111111111111 RID1W 196 IVOW Vo more Down in flll dumps for nie Im loan th Ilmt lull logy fooling since live been eating Posts Bran Flulrts regularly for breakfast Heres delightfully and refreshingly liirent flavor in bran that makes health ealiiig pleasureeating tool Posts Bran Flakes provide suf ficient liran to lie gently laxative as 11111 as valuable wheat nourish ment because they are made with other parts iof wheat Heres bran 200 like 3mm FLAKES lhi11lir l11121 11 l11111 111 NICSIH ill13llltiti 11M liilln on 111 111ll 111st 1111111 1l111iii 1111 about than 1131111 llall 1111 the 1l1 11l 11l11l 11 111m 111 the 11l11111i 211111 U111 taiit tool 111 iy ploul if llirtlll tlli 11i E1211 11l1gt 111 llill Though the lIx111111u11 151111119 harm llltirnlav ll 111111 11 111111 Wll 1111 111 suit Breakfast 830 to hilt 11111 Dial Barrie 2243 is recipe gititor lilakos 11311 111I HART lltblibll is OPEN On Bloke Street til the liiiiigtion of Highway 11 and the Shanty Bay Road DINING ROOM Evening llllltl from 1310 to it 111 Diningr ltoom ltlSttl every Monday For Reservations Cabins and lodge Rooms by the Day or Week ll1 11111111 iliil 11 lh 111131111 ii Mitt Aw 11i111 11 111 11 11 11111111 Island triilse il ll1 Hailv llllll Midland 1311111 ii illlmiii ltllllilln 1110 iii Al gt1 ll11111111 11 11 1111111 itiitl Cl1111i1 11 13h 11l11111 l1111 LL 35 Iii tii 11 ll1il111ll111ll1 1l11111 llllJlllliN fiilt 11 llhl All W1 111 1111l11t1l111 two 1llll 111 11 1h mm Norm lliniiti t11 p111 EIII1 11 11111111 tinnit 11lfl l1111111i Ill Milli lulltil 111 l4111 Midland daily except IllIii maul My 31 KM gtiiriltl1y1111lWttliiistlziy1211111 hilttm pawn II 111111111111 12111is from lairy App thinwmw phi 811111111 iollowiin iiooii A1 llit 1111llt1111l 1llll $990 17 HH include fare meals iilltl M11 and 1li ll 111i lll 111111111 pmqhom 111 111 Ii 11 11 ililllt1lll Hl1iilli All Sailiiiizs Standard lune llll l1131llllH 111xl1il1111 GEORGIAN BAY lltllllu H1341 11111111l11 l111l 1110Ulusil1 COMPANY 111 11 Miss Marion l11w11111 l11111111111 ll MLANDLTD spoilt lzt ltllltl itIi h1ir 1111 Midlandy Ontario outs Mr and M15 llo111111 Rnnuuvmuu mnu Mrs Bishop spent l1l days with lit1 sister Mrs lt1111 11111111nr 111 111 illt vary for light l111111iiIiilliiistli1t=priuttl on lmtli tlw lirelilai iiiltl are bile latkage Your has losts DRASTC REDUCTIONS RING Anosumm DRESSES suiisWHats The Rosette Shoppe 28 Elizabeth 1st LADIES Phone Barr om if 4454 tender liraii