36 TWO T331 BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY ALCitS 31 1917 WM mm Wmuemww ohm WTHE BARBIE EXAMINER l1i more PalUtith Thank Morning by 1111nr1111 r111111111111 =9 de YEARS AGO to up from me tin 1111 1111111 1r1111 1ilr 11 II in PM vaggk WV77 hr o1r1111n 1111111 77 By bi nomssox II 40043040llllllllllllllll II ilngruund Hum IjI 111 11 $11 II II II III 11 II n4 1I gt prr II 111 ii if ligation 11t 11111 351 II hi by WM HMIH Vihihx tml tt IHHH lltKIHHH II 111I IIllli il11 Ulislddlitlz IH1l U111 L1 11 tlrI$141 31 II II II 11m in 111 oi 111 U111rr gtu it ll1 11 itlil itltili 1llrl ril 11111 mi itlt 111 it llmlzri rl l1l ami II II 1111 l1 II II r1 11211113 11I III II III III II IIIII II IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII AWJ 11a tl riflitlllLiHllHt at 11r1 iln li rllr1r Nliul1t1lt ft1 it Airs frlh 11 lion 1L Humor lMuihml is 11le 111 1111 1l 1ij IIII III II II iLVlV VI LID2 Ht 111th Iii rigiddud 0311 ii l4 11 111v9 Twit I=I IIIIII 1I fI LII rr III III II II II IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II III 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IIII II III II IIII IrII 1I11111Il1 II1II1IIII1III1It IIIl11 lI II IIINIII LII TIIIIIIIIIII IIII HI II IIIII II III III II II II III II III II III IIII IIIIIIII II III IIII III III kl ml It tut 11 1II llrhul ll lilHltIV Int lrr1111rl1rlr us llirlr 1111111111111 xlg Il Linn lmld II II II 1t1 mum mm 1w 111111 minimum to HILLI nutslfuulnut IhrIh llkfl 111 mi an 11 IR 510 Im LOWELL 15 lm milm Im hu JIW ilihnfl WWI 111ll llll gt Wll CAN TUMlldVllt lllldmn 7AM 2lwi 11M illlttl tlre IHHHIIHIFI rt tin flle 11 grill lll111111111l lI1lzt 11111 rtlm PI NF 102124 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIII III IIIIIIII II 131 I11y 111311111 nv I111I 1t IIIII 11 El 111 helm IIIIrIstIIIttItIIIIIIILIIIImI IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIi FIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIILIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIII YOUR WIRING Jtlllt lllillll to Brim is tllliiti til 11l11 11 l1115Vlllill 31 3i1llllltF lltlll llt 1151 lllztl Wt tlrlt1l ln ti111 lrd not IIIIIIII mm IIIIIIDIIIIIII II WIIIIIVIII II NIH IIHIIIIIII In gm II IIII Imon 3587 BARR mmV 1111 1111111 1111111 in Hull 1113 hull MU llv11 Peterhoro and St lhornzrs l1 taun hot 1i 11 111 LIL 16316 St II 10 1415 lull Hillth NW Willi ltliltlllllll MTV NW lllt move 11il llrv Alviltuvrw pl ll Your llu tilltr with US in hmw in mm It PM HUWx fmldvdn llm Uil1ltlllr 11lltl 111 llxrr v15trlrus orrrctlrnrr nrd l1li WPHIIU HIIIHII VIIIIIIIIIIIII 1H lllt Aidplbhmt Ill lll Il Dhlhl 1I I1 1111 UHF ID IIIIItIlzIIII IIIIIIIIIIXIIII IIIHKI itl1 plows l1Ir 111111112er II II Mrs in India The K1113 Vill no orrovr horror was 111 to ltltliltl but by tlr1s wrlrutlrrs I13I 1w1 1s prthtlrtlIIIIIIIIII III IItIvI II IIIIIIFII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII 113 mm 13 yIIIIIWIW of mm IHI 13 In 1t to rhout lltliltl 1111ltl1 111 Stlltllls II1I1IInIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIiIiIxIIiIrIIlIIIIlt 11 whole lliin lvII III lt WK iil 1111 mid ol lzrkrsl 2111 as he may l111 1l1d1on trtrr lllt 1111 llltl 11 Ml IIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII HIIII HIII IIIIIIIsI mas Knrnhnl IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IEEDII IIlIII IIIIII lllll Routh Atric1 to drill Iru 1i 1111 l111t11 llr return USA 131111 ttl to WW II III III II II IlIiIII 101 set are looking forwnrd to lill tlr li1111 l11l 11 l1l 11111 ilrulI 111lrtrl ti t11tl lillt11111i A1 111111 111 with Irl lu n1ll 1111 111lI 1n 111 wins old iIIfIMIIIIm IIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mm MINI II IIHIII II III IIHIIIII hers oi the Yorrrrrronwcrrlti1 wiil chrisrltwqi 111t 1111111111111 1h 1l11l1ty llltl1 Hill IIIII HHIWHIff UIKMS Kile WM 011 our 11 no 1ri mini 6ER on the problem trr 1111 hr 11113111 thc lrovrlll Im IN IllIV l1I my IillI IU lII 0111111111 Him fltl to lb animal 15 11s1s way plmnpox 1111 to 13v myrtle 111 12111 liliuf 1le ISIIVIIII IvIIliI 11IIIII 3312linfunnm will minin 1h lnnnh IIWHI My II Imi Ir III III III III II AII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SIIIIIIIIH IIIIIIII IIIIII II 112 VlVlrt Sliitttn Rttmmm WI hmW net AWN 131 um lll1 PIII Show Mm WHYS Immhm nts ttllllVlllrlIl litllt 11 gii 11N WM 11 pound ttl the ostmastt tlrto11 that tlrclIII WK III Pm lam ImhrI EIII eo Tho GlHWHhWM Bilmltl Wllnli 111 111mi mill1 OlllliH WHY With 111 llltl and lilltllttl rlrvrr tzmk onidfjill lirrirylzrrldrllplior drlrytlrilritltlrtii work 75011110 tourists 11 the civic holiday Finn11v postotticc resigned from tho stIrvichulmh 11 Mi UI1UI11 Holt cuIlIv lubriuu along thistianII II IIIRLHHmlW the NH IllllIlItIltII wt Jttktlttl It might vrrsilv hr turnszizuwl thatrrnd that thch mold or 111 111111 lclivvrv l1 44II VII if it IIEIfCIIIIIII IIiIlII I5vI1 IJIIFINIIQV II IIII II III II IIII II Emir Will pus Wtr 31111111 15 f3 4181 11171 10s 1111 11 119 3000 Citizens or 111 md on thus 1011115 1111t1l mw own is 111 withiniv 13 mm wnhIIrnIjms bcquzI town In Imqu DAY mom lt loll Winners aces 11 gt0 at mnms 11 Houmholdus hung on this mm Ilmm 51 LE 11 35 mm 31 mlus Various ll ll 11 Ut rtsr no its th rk Wrs lul 11 13W mm V013 Iimt 01 II II vrhrrles and roller skzrresIvrc and BF QURF 0F glrrryrgg The first postwar show window or whats in order to secure their mail Such an 2111lIII IVki IfIIIII novelty events Iwrll also glrc mumi 1mm 111111v II 1w new In many manumcmrmg hnmI be mnmcmnent must mu0 caused SUIIHIWIIIII III IIIIIIIsIIIII IItIIIIIIIIIIIIxI IIIIIII IIIIIIIN IIIIIIIIIIIllIICSlSlIIILlLt to 111 p1 Ills 1n tLIl IIIHIVlng Iquwpn IIMILIILI III II II II II II II II Ullomd t0 Cnldlm ml bi Plum OmmOth lmmn my 01 01M 111 111 mm It 91 NilLI 50139 DIN Ill If prod two Ini 11 v1 11 mi RIIanother tcatuw with three 01 four Auh 2L Who tho math Nlmmll 1011 1015 011 0m Hl hump muCurd whim 1mm Ix vI hibrtron Opens rrr Ioronto for the 11m trmt routes out 01 Home atlwscd that 11 they IlIIIIhIIflI Wk mum Fun Mans ma pr SuperVacuum Fm Drip in six ears record nitcrrduncc ot thrcc irii wanted their mail they would have to 101 it gram will be ready for wat wwk llOlli Big 0X Cltd 1t lrt Brrrie wf and Regular Grind and II If II IIIIIII II Im minty rims PermCoo hm me 5pt anyhma Theres II VV Ml 9151 1Iflt Newsprint is prohlcm with 351 1m twice as much in the big l2ounce bolllel IlIf Im IUHH I1 most newspapers these alloys Brev II llulrliltES to provulc Itwo brochure my in copy is dppmciutmy 71111050 11 uprcownhareglmdnadmmrInCanadualthaPep1CaICompanyoTConudotimhm II RigIii Id WHIMIIluS 1ch Slimnw Vml 75 IWII b3 VI WIW mm 1351II1I Um Bump 10pm Phtllmi hltslltli II Ipmtvtl it great yreltIlI oi wheat Iirillimi IJHH11 liliifholr 911092 VV rt lvv lohn Peters it 52 II IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII good IIIIIIIIII and HI LIIIIIIlixtlh lying jifullimltr 13111321311 IIIIIII Mich II brim home the II bod of his oldest brother Indward who died suddenly of heart trouble rrrnuI InIornIrd lIrIlrnytrIltI frrIr mwd IomI 01 lhk btbt How 5160 the drstrrtt for years Vespras tax rules were County 310 mills Itorrrnslrip mills general school rate mills Dalston footballers took the llros Ross cqu from Jarratt by to Recerpts Iof matrh went as benefrt donation to Wm Robinson of Rugby who had leU broken some weeks prev is iorrsl when kicked by Jarratt than en at practice aurice 1111111111 11111111511 Hem0 of Riach Fun nnski1 diamond formerly of Vespra and Barrie trIIIId IISSIIIIIIS maximum Unequalled far even tread fatally injured when knocked down safety human on an wear and extra mileage For by runaway horse at Edmonton mails under any wertlr use on freerunning front or Vicrmwrrtlrtrons llre rdenl trarler wheels in combinatron trrc tor power whecls mm the Alpweayhen See Us ForJill Im 777777 77 IS THE IDEAL WORKING COMBINE ll Y0 may need money Why be are making hundreds of Perk If II embarrassed about it IIIThere are thou sonal Loans daily alloverthe country We II II II II II sands likeonu Hospital expenses doctor can helponu witftiendly condemi Tires are an Important costlternI 111 the true mg NORGE OIL and dentist bills payment of incometax prompt service call on the Manager busrnessIbut thousandsdf Canadian truckers have HOME HEATERS II found away to minimizetire expense On driving Aer 11 cela house repairs overdue debts and0ther of anyrbranch of this Bank lk W1 on us ve 1101 V1810 wheels which need maximum traction theyIput Lshapod heat exchangers bigI huskyI madgripping Goodyear HiMiler All II emergenciesdigIdeep into earnings and to neighbour Unload yOut debt probI Weathers On freerunning wheels they put FUEL 01L STORAGEF supeIIImIIeage GdodyeaIIIHIIMIIeI RIbsY IIIS tbs II TANKS II savings Why not see us aboutaPersorIrerl lems on him He Will gladly dumssI aI ideal costcutting tire combination on cool wuh fuel on Contract 10 Pergon advantage your Winter Sunny gt 5515 your PHONE 3721 I1 THE CANADIAN BANKOE COMMERCE PM IEPLETTS FURNITURE ELECTRIC Exclusive NORGE DEALER row srrrvrcr Phone 4335 1V1 Clo erion St Barrie for Barrie DM II pp miss DIunlop st Barrie II II VI WwvrfnncrrprngLCANIZINGIIIROADSEHVICEWemf