Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1947, p. 10

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Second Game won 3y Churchill 21 1liliilll 111111ll1 Excess Profits Tax Act Standard Profits Claims 11540931 RIMS13 111 1illlltz1 ll 1111 Ant 11ll lii biiilltlulsi 11 sE1 ilil11il 111 1111111111 iii 1111 11 $111111 lil 1111111 and i11 thc 111l 1lel1l 131 111111 4111111131111111 11111 contain All 1111pli1LuI 1111111111 Ministrl 11111 is 11111 111111 iii 11 such illi111111111111I 11111111rli1111111 ti il1 11 ic 11 ill Dis lEle 111111111111111 tiovcllullcut iilc furfitriiuli 211 trict lllroluc 111f111 11 the form must 2111111i11ll 11 ilt I1i11i liltl llbt All pertinent i1111ll1i111 11j11i11i he included 111 111111i111i 1111111 11 alive or him1211111 111111 11j 11111 Ailgnst ill17 11111 111 1c11 Department of National Revenue Ottawa James lllchun hi ll Milllstcr 111 11111 11 131111111 Contest Entry Forms oFarnlers hay Barrie Thunenjsrh 11 Miss Rural Simcoe Beauty Contest Prlves 111 SL500 3111 5111111 Itrd $101111 11111 11 addition to 1st llille 11 1111111111 rillll luilloll 11 1111111 Business College valued 115111111111 ll ii111111111s1 1111111 desired by 151 pli111illller 11 uni 1111r1 to 21111 or 11rd prch winner 111tl111111111111ylgte lire l11117111l lllii ill1l1hlZ llgtl 111 liNlltl Name Only contestantl 111111111 111111131111111111 1111111 111 Sinlcoc County eligible 111111 they 1111 11111 residence ill the county 1111 three lill1lliillt LOG SAWING CONTEST Prizes Two loss lll 1311112 Names Address NOTETConus 1111 may 11111 their own or saw provided PIG TAIL CONTEST Prizes 1st $100 21111 $3100 Openonly to sirlii 112111 under who reside outside incor porated town Name Address FRECKLED FACE CONTEST Prizes 1st $1100 2nd 3300 Open only to boys 12 years orunder who rcsideIoutside incorporated towns Name DleES GAIN 2ND $31133 111 1111111111111111131111 hilo i11lili2lil 111111llil1i pLAcr GIRLS roan BEAT car 2913 Lumber for Sale NOW llllilillll s1111=i 1111 111 1111111 11111 iii111l111l1 llllil mugh i11111l111 M11111 Htlllh 11113 illlritirx 11 1111 311 11 1111 in lZ1li111i1riiill Hula11 11 Asphalt 1511111th ducks lipailing Allandaie Lumber 81 Fuel Co ill Ililil11i llillllc 3333 el tmg eeds noon rum mm 1111 CHOCOellRAN CRUNCH ii Products Company Orlila Bombers Start gt1 Football Drills this Week 53 1m 11 111 illllllllltli 1111 11 113 iNlllSllllXI illiifliNii lLlilH md iiiiiiili E11 11 1111111115 vkr IllflIS ii1 lYllIS 10 aw 11111111111111 11111111111113 1111111orl1111 l11l11111 l1lllll 11 lllllez 1111 111111111111111 T111111 111111111111 liiil1115 lllliele lill 11111 lullls ll llltl 71111151lli1I SPORTS CALENDAR 53 Iohn StBarr1e Phone 2879 BEAT FLYERS 119 llll lzsllii 111 11 Im mum 111 H1 lll1l11li lillil 111111 11 11 11111l1 i1111111 li111ls 111 l1 13 1111 1111 11111111 11 11 13 llltirlllrllmtl Soltilali 11 11111 111 ill11 1119111 1111111111 11 WAN Ulo gt11111r ll111111 1111111111111 If II 11 l1 1111 11 1111111111 11111111 II him 111 111 1111i11e1 sill 111111 1111111 111 it 11 Hill It hHHllh Hum 11h11 lo iI11i111111 21 ll TM 11111114111111111i1l111i 11 I1 111 WIN IIhII III III HIIlI IIIV IIIIII in 111111111 11 $111 111 111111 Iy Hi mum lNililliilllllILIMILIII LIIII IIIYIIyli INK my 1I1 11 III11I11111 II 1w Hm 1111111111 111 ili11ili111 1HV 1111 1i111e11111z11 I11 ii1l1lll lllItlllltlllJIt NIithIllil mIl Inn HI Myqu it UH run 111111111 i1 lei in llll 111 111li il 311lt 11111 llllSllXYA Slllilll Sofihlli liloii ll11 111111 11 ilkillii1 51 tin Sol1 lillyoffs ISIILII II IIIIIW 1py111I 11l lilt gt11ll 11 11l1 home lull A1 the 11111 1111111 the Iiloeew lullsed it itll l11 llllitl i1111 11II111l tilrl 11 111111 $1 111111111i11li1ui Hill 11111111111 l1 111 illpleii lil1111111 111 1l11lll l11i iilli1i11 i111lli1i1 l1il1h1111 1li111ll 111111 i11 ihills ilil1i 1111 1l1 gt11I1 111l1I11l11 11 1111l1l l111 11ml 1111121115 11111l Ql I11t 11 Morph 1311111 1211 111111111 izlmll lil i11 llillliitil 11111 111111ei1 i111 il1111111 is 111111 1r ll ill1 lllllloulll the 111411l11w 1x1 BOWLING lle111l llliltil lrslrliil illlgt zlrl1i lutixeen 51111 to field FORD TRACTOR 11111 lIll11i 3111111 111111111511 111 11111111111 21in tlilil Mi WWI HHWIU iillllillitliilli Mlle linmmm Wm Hm In My 11111111h i1111ill11 iliill ll en ill lier 111111 ON THE GREEN Ni Iilllili 1hzllllp 1lii ilo 1111111l111 11 llutle 1111 the I1111111111 All the advantages for lillch modern heifer 1111111 1117 N11 llliIl1f 111 llriilgt 11111z1 lilt lll1111111l11lt 111111111111 l111h1 illll Im Hm lh lh ll Ihl Ford rilltors are already every posslillo way Youll 11 11 illllHlil 1lh ll lll mw ll famous plus 231111porllu1l new SlllilV Want to see tills new my 17 lm Him HH out 1111 llillt ll1lllillll doui1li1 1II 111111 115111 1111111 111 11111 111111111 111 Mmm huh YWMM Will featuresmal 111211131111 1111 1111111r iordllllzlllell11 toI You 811111 m0 fm 21111111 illi1 1111 1151111 111 iii 1m Imp 1111 my was eallell 111 tin1 11111111 Illw iord irzletor give you faster easier more lit mm mulling Millmm 1mll 111 tile 11111111 111111111 llliilllr 11 We now have on illspIaY its profitable lerlllllllz Qul IV i1sln11ulii i111rle 1111i 11111 1lmkm good 1111 their home creel 21 iillrlie linlzs 1ll First prize with l11111 wills pl 1cl1 1111111 iil11111111l ll Second plil lll1 lllllt l11 ill ll the Winners l1l1aelleruI Roach You pay no more but fret Quality Plus when you have your Developingr and Printing done at The Camera Shop 71 Elizabeth St Barrie ii1viiilel11y l1111 lI1i1h 11111 sate hi1 l1111 0111113 il1111111111111 got one hit 111h1 11 Armmmv 11111 the 1i1111ell wich it 11 WHVTI Ilti111=11 hits 1illi1 iilrl IiS lllltict and mu11111 lunptid 111 11illllllillilil pollildiil 111 Silitlit with three lll 111$ 1111111h ltl1 Hs1 New Duosorvo brakespedal tor both brakes at right sido New longlived walor pump thulu simple to service Many more pruzllcol advantages Now lmrimlinion lorward speeds MCI iwmnn Now hinged radiator grillo 3111 leS Ford impruvod Hydraulic Touch Control bl Impiunlenll each outhit the Cruells wills ll plus new ll lc1 Altiu1u1h WIN Tm Mlltllll Fill philth in Ix1m Mill iiilg Collie 111111 801 the New Ford Tractor and learn prize 1111111 to Dr ilt1lIl Stewart itlIzll1IiIlgt1I to 1411111 them 11 II 111 hm mqmrn luivkhrhituh mm implpmonmI 3311 li1111111tl11111wuhour1 1111 1111 III II III PIIIIIM III II THE NEW FORD TRACTOR WIIIJIIIIIBEI ON DISPLAY ml haul HS From insert your date To insert your date CHllliBK MOTOR SALES not IIONOO II Lewis efilll1i1lldt lh ilahllll CllivtllOOO Ill IIIIIIN ununnn lt9 lolltlel eatllclstolle if Rid eln lf GLAZED suwnR TILE Storey ll F11 ugl 2i zlacey hutch el lllolllpreon 111 TTWWim 1113 11112 ol Concrete BIOCkS Elli12111111 11i7 100 11111 iIlliUl Chlistii1sllirleliey 3h McEach Alzltsoll 5s ioily Lowe if 49 06 CanadaConcrete BiocIlSlTiieCo Box 151 Barrie Ont Phone 3009 ImINIQImOlONNNOIIlOOtIOlI10 IOOOIINIIIOiinilI Ill Address HORSESHOE PTTCHING CONTEST Prizes Doubles $1200 Singles $600 Plus Special Prizes Name if Address SIgnIfy DLD1T1MEJE1DDLERSCONTEST Prizesflst $700 2111$400 Name rAdress SQUAREDANCE CALLERSJCONTEST Prizes lst $700 2nd $100 Name Address BABY CONTEST Prizes lst $1000 21111 $700 Plus Specials Parents Name Name of Baby IAddress Open only to babies outside incorporated towns Nor All entries must be in Chamber of Commerce office Barrie not later than NOON SEPT 8th Contestants will be advised in writing as to time and location contes RRINTNAnoN FORMS SPECIALISTS we give Factory Authorized Ser 11 Zvicevffor leading makes of Ignition Systems starters Carburetors Fuel Pumps Generators Batteries Governors Magnetos also United Motors Service Electric AutoLite Service REPAIRS T0 BRIGGSTRATTON 111111 ons USED ON WASHING MACHINES ETC BRENNAN AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 33 Bayfield StPhor1Ie2464 BARRIE 11 WARTIME TAxs TOTAL RETAIL COST of BARRIE we 78051 II I4 Columbia 10 inch Red Label Records 13 111i11 i11l11 II113A111IIII1I11l1111 l1111111 11211 M111 11111111i 111111I1111 i1 1171 11111 11111 1111 I111 ill 11 717 i1111il1111s llr 211 1111 illiE llili il 111111 i1 1111 1111 111 Mllll Nil 111 Iiii I11i1 s11llllll 11111 11p Elli 11l1 111111 11 11111111 1I11 111 lx 111ll l1111111111 11111 1111 illlll 1111 111111 11111 Ullll 11111l1 2111 111 1111 11 I111 VLlilll lliillf 11111 535 iill1r 111 IIII 1i illile Longer 111 11 MT You 11 111 11111 il iliillllJ on 1111 i1 IL1 XL lilllt 1111l11111 It 111 11111 hillli 111 ill 111 did il 11 11 11 1111 Hi lllix Time So 1olll1i 111111 lil11lil 1111 11111 11111111111111 l1 iII11ll 11111l11 i1 21 i111111 111 1211 1151 11111 1111 linns ollill lllll slllil l1l111 lillli ltlilt ii ll11ll hill 1i11 Will ll11 ult lllllVilllt 1111 i1I pill our 1111111s to clillir ilii11 i1111l 11 hIlfl Iilircs hi1 11ll ill tlu lllilti lln 1111ll1 ili I11111stl11l11 111111 on I51 ii11l1 IIH lifll tlllitlkllilhollll stomp loll lHIItI do 11 111111 bi1I Slauit lllilit 11711 ihlltlulloodie Addie its imln time it The lll1l1i1l1l1111 131 thlwlhllls here 1111111 ill Its Irc1mtinle ily 1111i l11111 XZL it had my life to live over It might have ill111 iiilfel rut Story ily ll11111i1 i11i 872Splnlliilll1 of Anzuls Willie ily ifiliot i11ell1e 1131 XTIlY11u laughed and cried Ach and ages A1111 lly leni 11l1 TillSalim Iltlliilla want to he ili Illu ilodi1illil1 871t Takes linle IlIe ly Mitchell 11 1171s111111 lly Starlight As long as ho iirclulling ily litlll l111111 1351 MEIStarlight Hlilottischc My Adoilc illivllilih il 1111111 Massey ii11 SXIllolkill HSt o11l111v Midnight Llillsqllcradc 3y Frankie 1lle ti1 882 11 My Henri had Window BoiIlllnllng By Klly islyslr ii5e Green Lahel 10 Inch Records lit 1151 151 1511 Aintchn cver COIIIiIIBmk have but one heart By Frank Sinatra CROSSBlow Bleep Baby Tonic Home By Woody Herman 750 80118 wish didnt love you so lmso right to night By Dinah Shore 750 08017an Thing Oh My Aclliu llearl By Les 1111111111 750 18046 11 Almost like Being in love There But for you go By Frank Sillair 380411 75c had Can you look mein the eyes By Woody Illerman 750 Kiss you Good Morning M2lma Do Gotta C8037No Greater Love IIAcross the Ally from the Alimo 18036 Its the same old dream The Brooklyn Bridge By Frank 1Sinatra 750 26 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 4424 151 The Bestlresidcht we eveFT CSO40When Am Gonna By DinahShore By Woodyillcrman 75c

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