Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1947, p. 8

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your EIGHT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES OF CANADA HAVE OVER 65 PER CENT OF ALL LIFE BUSINESS HELD HERE vl Lidia lt un ovillltllllildlttllltlaIIIan Mill 30001 Inland triiise Dally lenliit Midland Iii ltflltflllflf fail piii Alli 11 HILUIHN mutt lftl llll llllsl iiil tin ili tl writ shadow BA ilitllll ltlllfll COMPANY li MIDLAND lll Midland IllIlIIIIIrrlIOlllllllI41 ooooNaoooelooooo4ooooltocoareoo llllJtlt cuissilicus lIl Huronio House at Midland Opened THE BARREE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY ACCESS 12 191 can 7Ifffffn Canada Concrete Block8iTIle Co Hi ltd BLOCKS WEEPING llll1 All Sizes All Sizes Box 151 SHANTY BAY RD Barrie Ont PHONE 3318 PHONE 3725 llant Phone 3099 After flours 33th or 37 lltxlaf Ni iTAcH Mv airm 51 gt 81711 Stilltl1 tit lit an 13 xii pi alilvv Alhiittdu til EL WMPH 1314 an ti $i it liiillV vat lltlblhltlb lll lltllll lxi it Ann if VLid MI leil illiltrlll lkllllvl Ul NllUeri lilaVlClQlil 14 iii Earl ttu itiii Wrlh filmile fl avtl ltl1f lliiifozlia llluitll Zutllitui lill1 tlttltllll ill lltlvilll hlriittdlnv in date liltflllitlll iiiofvlfflllw HYHHT and mm itiiiwiiin in th putt le It hit iww thin up lNVltilHrl mu itltil llflrlthd from Pt it STENOGRAPHERS TYPISTS CLERKS Conqdion Dairy Cattle And Hogs Reach Chino bliitti ttuuditd taiilitii may tattle and EM hug Lune ll ninth llfltlttl lion iiiciit duizii the ladln vmait from titiie llt unlnadid lmt ll at iiii hai Uni the hiiiiiii lllhlriltl lllt SS lllltlltvti Vitttix prlaund that lllt lilll um lam in for luau Itiltltigi tml tfitnll Mun tlnv Ktllttl lllt iimiiid tl iziilt litli2tttititlll11 innt Ul Thi Lu III ick eij ici lllt tons Iiit xiimt up munitir Ur iiIiIily bark and ltll uiili ll hipr ulnar iiiotiuri tltiii taliiil llit liog tiiitiri kept Id tiitliiig llitllLtlJt 1lslt utilit toils to cvi llllllrf ltiiltiwuiit ltltlu ltl ptiimt IIILu inoculation at llit thiiiw llllll llvtSlmk lttllfi stalliiii licul Shanghai iiiort til the hinziialt Will be llllpprtl lo agriciiltuia station and farm school in Icicri lllltllllttl lltiVllltI of thiua wliih other will furnish iiiilk and intat to law pitals and tirpliaiiages total of 2596 UNRRA cattle ltltll lupli grade sheep itll nitilos and till lions have so far airivrd in China to sist that country recover in tillit llltufllll from the Illtltltittgt isti Inated uai loss of toutitltlu vu and lUtlUtltltlU hop lNew Arc Welder is Big Help to Farmer boon to the propiessive tarmerl is lowprrccd arc welder special ly dcrliltiiid foi his use and now available from taiiadiaii General Electric oiIipaiiy Limited Thu sturdy portable waldiiii Iilll fit when plugged into 2iltivvolt outlet will enable the fillllltl to make or repair machinery right till the farm with big saving in tiniel and money it With only few hoiirs practicmt farmers can learn to do their own welding iiithis safe and speedyi minutes instead of the hours or days that are usually wasted if parts are takcn to town for repairs there The farmer who likes to tinker in his offseason will use the Weld or to build new equipment at al most no cost lllt buck rake wire reel trailer or cart that hes always wanted can be built up from scrap material on his own farm In ad ition he can modify extsting ina convenience By the use of it spec ial electrode that comes with the outfit the wearresisting surfaces of gears sprockets ploughshares and rollers can be IGSlUItdilllllS saving the cost of new parts Detailed information on the new farm welder is contained in bulle tin CGEA4630 which is available from your nearest Canadian Jen eral Electric office HERE IS SPRAY THAT DOGS AND CATS WILL SHUN Ornamental plants on front por Ches flowers and shrubs in the front garden and the corner posts of porches may be protected from damage by dogs and cats by the simple use of dilute nicotine spray The spray is harmles but its Smell is very offensive to cats and dogs even when applied so thinly that persons are unaware of its presence The name of the material is nic chinery to add to its utility and For that Cool Look lt liizll llr unable to harvest their tlnp tiensi Hthltllli liltttlltl Lintii tutkid IItllllttltttlttl and stiiiily styled in half Ellr tiii lllt hard tolit Elbow length gtltttlt and iiariou llllllltitth collar iie fasti ioii features that make for cool ttiiiitoit its llltrlISlttl label as Hires liaiidwatiilgtility In Blue Sand Hose ill and Daffodil sizes ltlliiJtilg rIiI NI iltlilllltNS TIiiilinlt evtiywhiru liltll thrli to the return this year of lllt iiii adinii National Exhibition ittci way cutting breakdown delays to2312MUM MUM Mm minimum Machinery that limp velops mechanical troublv at cri Kt real time of seeding or harvesti will be back in operation in tewl Fioiii IIZ iecutiiits this the tarp ziiilitial Exhibition held any where it the World will prove to be ivoitliy slunvcme for ttltlll giratcst era of expansion and iii tliieiice llieie will be changes of course Ihe lIxhiliilioii Grandstand is fit more llowevor the lltllltllllgi lifive lttll ietuiiiipzhed and lltt ex llllgtll$wlxtmllllhlv tii bit inure tliiillin than at any time in the past The fact that the Nl is periii aiieiitly located in the city of lo riiiitii iiitist iizit ilgttltlt the Inc everywvlieio This is not the show place of city but of nation Ant visitors lltllll eveiy pluvllitt ol lllt ltllllllliill and from intith of tln countries of the World will tin this years 11 worthy llcttEStl to the splehdid Exhibitions of th otine sulphate and may be bought at any seed Airuirug store The half teaspoon of the nicotine sul phate with one gallon of water This makes the mixture Strong en ough for ordinary circumstances the spray evaporates and should plots Regular diminution of mtiel fromtho body is moot the para mount rules f0 good health Mil burno InnLiver Pills are of help to halt elimination The combina tlon of laiatlverjmd tonic drugs contained in these pills make them one ofthe most nostril and best remedies for disorderedcondition of the eliminatory organs Milburns LarsLiver Pills help to smulm the liver clean the coatbd tongue sweeten the breath 3nd eliminate waste from thesya In on afterdinner pill they relieve thatbloaood feeling and helpindigestion Sold at drug wanton overywbero Prim 25 package yummmwm Spray is prepared by mixing one be reneWed after rain otherwise in good weather spraying every too weeks is sufficient Once they have sniffed the spray the dogs will patronize the other side of the road in their favourite rambles round the toWn Sprayed on small pieces of wood the nicotine will prevent cats from making their nightly boudoirs among the rows of prettiest flowers inithie backgarden tramu oi EXPERTS stress two things as essential to successful economical poultry rearing and feeding First dont overcrowd your birds secondly be sure they have good grass pasture Keep it clippedto from thre to six inches so thcre isanabundanco of tender fresh growth Where this ideal condition is not passibletbyimoving tgmwing birds to froah pasture from time tottime youll have henlthior stock Healthy Chicks You can obtai ritwithout charge by gushing for WPS Pamphlet No41 ElhislBanlr offers you the service of money If you can use loan for Farm Improvement haves talk with the manager of our branch in your district Ontario Faces Serious lllliilllLlll Service ofce to Ag Eiy llltli is entering iipi ll it that it is owned by Canadian pasta Liberty Your agricultural college litExperimental farm hasgoodt ideas on poultry raisingtv and the Department of Agriculturottawagctstmt usefulpmphlet Grout uni ailmw antinlr uizi Baiin lo ii titpi Twin No uni 1i Ll lid lliMrl Lli Lack of Farm Labor it A1 lixpeririiced or liiexperieiiicd Fit ti Jaw tl Eilll HI ltIi lealulalt ll to 15 frf33 pm m1 dun noon soz lltllllNlth Ptlllllt lll llll iuiu llt It it JIM in him llm ieathed Ti If front sitm tinnioitmio litdlll Sunday 1N wniriias on iii Prawn die tzit Luge llull of Mith NU mil No 10 lt1t all Hi nlll ll Allulidttlr Li I1ii ltlitlt nit ltlp It liimi nailr it hawi it llm situation piltdii lxlllln littdttc Ul HHi um Rpm Allandali till ii IEllI imum mqu Hymnle Milt ulll lill map fids tt ltiillll is of hay be No fit lttt llJllll lit pm id lilltxl it iipplw Allulttlult lll lil lellfi loiiini iillei Illuitllll of cram 335 pm lilgt lt1lil fi=iiiti No 41 Lulu lilrlIlI llll pIii Allulidali ill llll illtlu llltllillll tlfifi iii daily lt1l iiidi lt No lIlf Leave lldlllt lidti piii Allandzile titty Ill iiiI luiuittin 1055 pm Sunday liltl No tititl tiiivt Alluiidale Hot am from Meattxil daily eieptl Sunday and Monday No til lllt lliiidile 41d pIu froiii linfoid Iiii tilt pin Arrive llaniilhiii tlilli pm daily except Sunday No ltltl Aiiiw Allaiidale tlllii pni from Mtafuiil Sunday only No 393 lllt liidl ll pill daily except Siiiidziy lltilll llllll tang lassviiiuir fltllll Vancouver and Vlllllltltt reach tauliaigii at full 1111 and piowed to liaiiio llji Gray Coach Hitniu idly militate has been ttllitidittl the fact that the =Ilirltl lJlill litlmlrtri fmni Vltlll aiiada much less than im limll the lust two years lulLllliullJl help can be loLL mild mun hundreds of farmers Ii iirpetit appeal is made to men in towns and cities with some taiiii experience who have time lltlt they can devote to helping ii lariiiers with their harvest Ul The same appeal is made to rim or city people who have time spaic and who are willing to pi iid llllll holidays or any other illltllt time as farm workers iicn can be placed at once by illtillll to their nearest National FOR GINGER ALE irriitiiial Representative or to Ontario Farm Service Force v9 ltithiiioiid St loronto which has JAMlltlluilC 5lt ASSliltHllJIl The Zinniliari llliillilltt ltlrl tingelit to the World UEIlllltt rec ol leace at Altisstiii France lli iii caiip at Millers liit Nomi Scotia Duriiiu this itliiitl of luatl iiiiiiute lliltlil Triliiiitl lleiiri Mesnct if the lltllll llllllIgt$ visited the Toiiliiibioiit to tell the boys about some it thg things they Would see iii Francs Vlzijiirleii trui Spry 11112 Chief Executive oiiiiiiissimicr oil the Boy Scouts of Canada inspecti ed the laiiiboiee lrorip and also will list of farmers in dim need ml help gigs 252 SECONDS PER IOW Vermont farmer said he has invented onelegged milking stool which saws 28 motions on every cow he Iiiilks Experts studying the work of Raymond la Casse vho straps the streamlined stool around his waist fliglllttl it also saved 1100 foot pounds of work and 252 seconds per cow per day Saved motions as explained by ai ter of the University of Ver iiioiit vere lland grasp hand re lease full arm trunk ti knee hinge and full leg can llroii Millers Lake the Jaiiiboreeconna Halifax ilfilllllol bcioie plans to lHl flul Scouting camps while in Marnion htjoiits went to Milb htadii btiaidiiigt MES Warrior MOINOIMOIOWW usn CEMRNT Delivered in Barrie and vicinity BOB PARIS Phone 55 Bradford or Write ALSO GYPROC AND GYPROC LATH vvv vvvvv twvv hating anothor 70000 horropowa generator at new DeCow Falls pl It Calhsrtnm Hydro is pushing construction lament the pressing demand for more electrlcily The above huge generatorwill soon pour on addig tional10000horfepowsrintothe Hydro systm from therDeCew Folk plant neaijt Catharina prw AA Two other larger plants ln oustem Oratorio now undo construe lion will deliver 81000 horsepower next your and 360000 horsepower by 195 These twomuior developments with the DeCow Falls oddl lion yvill provide Ontario with luher badly needed hdlfAmiuion horsepower The growing output of Ontarios industries and farms benets everyone but calls for more and more electricity Even now tho the war over the demand has not slackened but continues to mount Hydro peak load increased by mogo than 500000horsepoworovorthe high osturttmo demand an lncreqse of 25 Generatingplams Iitcrticir long time to build and could not be started during the war Few places in the world have us much electricity available per My person or Ontario However we must use our eledrlcity sparingly so Lu all homage farm services and all industries will receive their gm wait you dblyour pun use HYDRO WISELY and bore wIII be Enoughror all Incorporated 1855 illtfltli It Iraroll NICIm ALLANDAlFrI Mormon liar iON OF ONTARIO it

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