THURSDAY Altizl 11 UTOPIA PHONE 3721 EPLETTS FURNITURE WAVERLEi My Vl Ii1ii ad luwol lovin son and brother on lirisrs liapirls on irilv Mrs ii Sirssrii anti David hiilia at Siessors Miss say 139 Dunlap St Barrie ELECTRIC OlillloltIplillfIONN their home Use The Examiner Classifieds Neshitt Refrigeration IService KELVINATOR SALES AUTHORIZED COMMERCIAL DEALER SERVICE on ALL MAKES Commercial and Domestic NESBITT Phone 3837 BARBIE 113 Owen St MAGICS ORANGE MARMALADE 822 cups sifted flour cup milk tspn salt tbspns shortening tsnns Magic Buklni Powder Sift dryingredlents together Cut in short enlng until mixed Bent egg slightly measuring cumudd milk and marmalade to make cup and odd to rst mixture about 12lnch thick cut with IRoll out ouredblscuit cutter lop each with little marmaladebake in hot oven 425F about 15 minutes Makes 16 HART Cabins and Biscuus cup orange marmalade In lllousu IS DEN On Blake Street dith Iunction olHighwuy and the Shanty IBadeqd fDINING EtoOM ANDSNACKBAR almost830 to 930am Noon DinnerI to pm Evening Dinner train 530 to pmI Dining Room Closed every Monday For Reservations Dial Barrie 2243 lodge Rooms by the Day or Week llir nptlv of tilt community is erLtenrtil to Mr and Mrs ii Sitsvot and Lindy rrlliii in the Donald Sirssiii who was drowned Weekend iltiiors were Mr andt Mr and Mrs Sanderson Lindi licleir Lauder Niagara Falls at her home llulpli and Keith Duff Toronto at friends iniiirrririizirs lll riiir run who had lostI their lives in tlir last war Council had also arranged with Aiisdeii Hardware for installation of pumping systirii at the Town Hall Tenders having been called for crushing 5000 cubic yards of gramLI the contract was awardeddo took Construction 70 Barrie List of treasurers receipts was accepted as satisfactory Mr Smith was present with rol gard to road on Plan 807 ltaikes ounty weed in spector was present requesting Council to do some spraying with sprayer coming into the district Couricrl decided to do some spray ing for Weeds and brush They also agreed to providel prizes for an essay contest on weeds being sponsored for scliooll pupils in the township deputation was present from Plan 807 subltdiviSion requesting road into their property This matter was discussed and Council will look over it shortly Various inatters in connection with roiids were left in tliehaiidsl of the Road Supt llydro contracts of Margaret ltolpli lcnnell IIMelvin Mc Keowu Leonard Bell Jos Corby and Enilaw Adams were ac ceptcd Road Supt Bessc presented his report Ion work done during July which was accepted and passed for payment Various other accounts were or dered paid and Council adjourned to meet again on Sept PAINSWICK August It Mrs Browning is in Toronto for El BARBIE 3315313512 xLIilLl nuAuA PM FiVE Mm Hm BARFIll erfmwl PHELPSTON SHANTY BAY 55 BOND HEAD ul 57 llril Innis riutitrrre nn tlHIftJl nude inn ILPl siiii renal inn gttutti vtl IIII ltll lllntlril tuiimtrrs and gluel itllul ill 3min tl Tl LJ III II hirigrirnn lr lriiltiirt tiumr it rt Ii Envy lit the imxl iiiilyrt llltl ism re szv lo we at il Ml li hit rm and titr ctilir iti lini min An And rigt the Ylell iiil llllllxlllb tlil clipiii rI 1lr IIv II the tuipc below CROWN ROAST OF FRANKFURTS fII 24 lrlltliiltlts inni in tu line liiirLlurt in In citiruilv lll low iwa Int grim II II II II AWMAI Il thruriiIli tinuktniis nihiiil in lion ilu lri an uII 3b and trr the trip icri1ilul string rotrriiti1islrilitw rgtr it zI at will it in Kisclwlr hiking put tltll hit riir tilifi r= ll rt gt ti ll it illtlrilsti Iovciitliilullor15iirirriirTxrvchitlitilciri Lir no II II III IIIII Mlmi 11 ithl bit turn 13 II Ii7i illlI Inll II NIMiloolIlcoltpvlltllralle IIII III IIllIIII In urine EZEI gig IIr ll Ill ii ii ti livllrJ tillls1llltilltflddtilitis im pi Ilr III IIIII iII II III IIII SUM my In Dee Si or Hiiiin lcirprrErrtlirin lniaiitvtilur IIII IIIIIIII IIPIIIII Plundamlymbny li rt and tablrlumons iiiiiircri onion l11tApwrr lwtilt Whtwiillllg ItI IiI HIIIIIII III II tiilli Eng oil it 11 cup iircltrrl int rrip gtlnl ilrl III II IiI HI ll ll ll iw lbbrwi oinlniir ltinil rulics uni irau aritc onion in am an to ri III bIk MW dIIhI IN Add seasoiiinp lllsl soak Mix iell ti Hubbard 1tlll uni MHJWquywwy in tun vl lcrl naturallmtmlul ottilcuuutmdnhu SliMMlilt lASIlJllI IV WM scitipamuuniimtiomimHaulorglutin My V7 wmlim Sid Mini IUH Ullii tone tll liver and It ncriiei bile It Armrth ll All iririiriprlr rrizrn ll itil mm bum minim ih lpyyii hm Cnid ii in i3 I11 mi cliiiiiimi II lii ivliii tti rill Siilatrinv Pu II Iim WWIIMIIIIII III II Hi lt IIII THVWLII my mpl inntabletthladzlrumlruuiand herbs ilit llllriI IIiIm Itt prn liltillf it ilti lune lbc III IIIIIIII IIIII III II IIIIIIIII III ilu navel iii21in III x1th lr liliti Straclian II mmpil wt it 1IIHIIII II Il ILl IIIHII II scz tu tIltIitlllil Zillrl urIII HOME llliAlliltS lurmzi urri liiii he spvniiitiu NIH 11 AUIII wxm II II IIIIIIIIIIv It in rpuul llirl ti llll TABLEIS KHiilr liillI ltililt in Mars III IIIIWIII IIII With exclusivi all iorcelrnu Ihlld In llmu IM XII VIII IIII toinmunieutions were presentedlI gr M1 Ill 9IIIx II find from Marshall Slurpf 11le STORAHE JIIIIIyII MIXII MI son Ranson lyrlllI HI WW II IIIII ll Wilson ltoofeis Sin 1sz Tin SUIM Stllimi piriiii was iplIv to Daily ommcrcial News uh mm held ll Rltilltiier Park Ihlid oiuicil had met with Iii Low your Winter Supply burst iiilmiri itll and lie was itiverr illt contract lull iftlti rtcndnce All WW hm necessary lettering for names oli 1H fvitl itlt ttl boys from lo WHEN AVAILAILI US oomsuc or usmnsr SHOBTENING chit 30c GARDEN FRESH few days this week Mrs James McKinney of Wichita Falls Texas is visiting with her brother William Womica Mr and Mrs Wilson and child ren of Peterboro were Sunday visitors at Frank Warnicas Mrs Katie Jay and nephew Ron ald Jay Toronto are spending two weeks with Mrs Sadie Carr Keith and Cecil Browning have returned to Toronto after spending holidays at their parental home Melbourn Orchard and grand son Joe Buffalo were guests of the formers cousin Mrs Fra lick Mrand Mrs Wm Muir and son Jimmy were at Windermere Mus koka and called on Mr and Mrs wm Wray 0f Milford Bay mm my ONTARIO GROWN N0 GRADE $353333 fl comm ONIONS air14c IbepStIhgaegInrrseigaerinlaw Mr and mm II II mama an or 24 RED OR BuahtuLUE BRAWMND BEEF hapitseiveyhimtlig smrnsmr Jan 43 Mary Guest by two years Our sin cere Sympathy is extendedmto their only son Hilda Lynch Saved While swimming off the govern ment dock group of children dared each other to dive off the dock Hilda Lynch was first to take the plunge and bein anonswim mer soon was in dif iculty Jimmy Muir wenttoher rescue and saved what might have been fatality wonder if we could contactMiss Louise Colley for few instruc tions for the children hereso we could alllend hand in need as Jimmy did There will be no Sunday School or worship service in the Grenfel United Church for the next two Sundays Aug lland 24 owing to the Rev Mr Bunt being away Newsprint is problem with most newspapers these days Brev ity inpr in unlimited Daun relatives and your 29 Unqctablm FANCY GRADEWASHINGTON iiiiiiii email at 249 no 29 Dunrm pnnns 21b29c rim uguums riuruio Aeruoxgsjnz OLIVIS mtttttt 43 Whine onow GRADE LIYTON5 our mm STAKE TOMATOES Noon 25 rum AND nine SERVE THEM OFTEN MDLUNDS IiAI nEEN PASCAL MEAT runs an im 34 ammo snow 20 CELEBY STALKS LARGE SIZE 19c cunts now INPLENTIFUL SUPPLYONTARIO MacllIISPLAIN PIMINYO CHEESE ML no cnocoun um mun MOTHER iiicrsoirs rte24o lb 290 423 Ducnnss anus ONTARIO GROWN SWEET GOLDEN conu cuss pom rm sputum him Rib ioniiniiiivisi 4519 19 Short arms lb 33 Wight rt it 49 Inns 25o ii lb UWIASOllSIISIiOWFull lb miuomn mm M5 coo FOOD Im mu Pork Sausage Pan BONELESS 1413 ultiiiteulggswz39 COOKED MEATS bum SLICED TAsrvT VB 29 HEADCHEESE lb 32c SLICED ltIOGK whondoailwblg tom CHICKEN LOAF lb 48 cmscof tilt334 omen STYLE SALAMI lb 49c 3m 20 COTTAGE CHEESE bulk in 229 19c PLATE mununion TIN glee um DISH mm WM NAHNA SOAP 330 mm MAP nun