mos FOUR Etll amaze Entrants osrsezo CANADA v7477 Hm 7wminVIK parw gt ww HWM iaiiin iirnrrs siiltlt New Touch pif MlNESlNG gt litullllri II II KI II ll tl li it Wl tw li lot it ii III it II li lli of lit iinl Ii riinii1t int rut in II Iil IIII II IIIIIIII III II Iv tr JltlllK il lltllliilll gt lip 12 III 11 tirl riii Mi III II II IIIIIIII II lt thrust in it in II II III II III III II II Ii illulltl tit all IIII II III rlzr other iliil zizi II Il xi Em fwdHm 1w rilil IIII II lli lrl IIIIIIII III ii II II it Ii or II lvt 91 91011 HI tr rit iii Ii III II rI II III uIIIIIaS ii lv tHltRNAllONAt rape rr Vinita It ii ll at gt V7 wMMelutiltwflylfeIt ll III II 23 MIA WORLDWIDE SElVlCE TO THE HARD OF HEARlNQ ll pins lit II1I ii MW tho Worlds Fitl out Jrii Muiuluciwel of Electrical Hearing Aids lts littli tltlll like Hit the It NIH lr2ilr ritl Mi It llrlIlr ii Ulzllzv In lb III I1 IIIIII I1 II ili ilt 1gt DO YOU VALUE YOUR HEARING Cyj Wm wAM xi iliruI it 51 rr xxei item ltunwiilh III II II it rite us for an appointment In II II iii nt itti lkilil the olm it it llii pi tlu tit ti III II IIIIIIIII II II II III YIN UHII iilr of llol llrlil llrii hr lt rt iirll ii Hi liiivii mint id txinv IIIII sIII UHII IIIIIi is For II IIIIIIII IXIIIIIIIIHH Iii in part ou arm llJU lim WIN hv li til Malina =l It unti lllsloll liwwrs Mr II III 3122 IIIIII now to Europe ilnlipti Toronto Inui tt IIIII rI IIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIII III II IIIII Mn hi all it W3 All Hi mi sent them lhls is intellimlnl clustered School tiltli ori ilt III my IT IIII WI IMIIIlIl IRI IIIIIIIII iili hi Mr ziIrIl RlIiII dump rit Ii II hi 11 ii 1Iclr riililri il illir thoroughly llMmll ll IHJIHlH H1 liinllli HUN at in oi pgrlii IIHIIs 1mm lcoiisticun Dale oinpnny Ht on tnr lit urrer to Arno II II II Is and prepared for ovirninent lALlIlllllJtltlllx lt 11 fl 91 um ri tii rd nron lllr hhl Mr sit 1H III 1II 11 nultlItilir pi min in thr xiii lioli iirt ltc1 lltlli iiuliit Iil itttii lll li Hi II II II III III III niI 1er Hl1ll rune II II l1 ll ltd Ii IAHilI itm Iilollich iii Milli ll ie ha in li Mr tiirir of Illillr IIinn thrI IIn IIiI DI II iii Ililt et our Acousticon lizillitni Al IIII up Jl Ii1t II Iv In am IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII II II II III IIIIIII MI IIIII II II IriIIII III II IIItIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII llllll lllil hllllil unto tirI unorerIs oIII tlieI lllulilil nui rirrr rt to tr lizrl I1 IrriIrlriri ivy IniI III II II II IIIIi IIIII NuapNH1nIuu lit1lifliiiitlltlil arrrHlmImh HI my in lt rum iIIt1mi lhrrrz iwlrimnl 1Mth Mini rt ri trr Wkly or iir z=it Dunlop St Phono 398 mt mi rnot iinlf and end li Wit it lHfiHllh li mni ll min lll tlt iiilwlr liiliullliiui iI iii III II III II II III II III HIM II +IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Iv II in iii oi rt inll iIuntlrbli his III if tinmime llllll iirri Hi iIHti1iit illU NEWNY ii cl ilz riri itij kindly It II jlI II II II IiI III IIII mp eir Hey rliilti 1k ti riiil lt rx Irr ilit ltll you IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIlI IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII II WIIIIIIIIIII III trir 1m it hit rle llflll and ood Johntori 1v iriirr3 lira II 31155 Im it it in on li sci mi to putsir III IIIIIII IIII II III III ml mm Iliauiilton iI lw hum and Mrs tliilll III III IIlIIII IIIIIIIIIIIITIEI IIII HUI Ii in 1151 Im ioiiiitli Wedding tripI II II nl tini nnvu lumthsu it irrri Mr vlcthrir vsill nariu skI II IIII III lhilitieri mob gt trie at iess lliltllltii In liss llelen Butler tuitioncell Sorry to hear that lli ll iltil mm illlli lititlWP Will NW Vivipl of lrs inranth urns entertained at mers sister Mrs ilolrbnis liver ries and cursing of tunes in liltiiitlltigtll snoutv urnn by it ll Mclkuuu Jiln noxilvyweds hit on tilill iv is ini Mug KI nlhxrln IIIIII IIIIIITIHJIHL Ildli lI llIiIIr IIi IrIIIrikrIJ ltl IIIr rirIllIiII Iii llIt ti lliirSIIItI lI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII NIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII Cute iIpC 11 ls HIIIII IIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIII srtI it IItllIl Ir Ir rooli lll Iso trialcit on Ii tltr iIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII III Rising Dry cast and tsp II II TI All if Il 11t ihcn Mary ntlrerrne III II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII an ar In lukewarm Mi MON Ml illilil WW 11 or of tilrwow Scotland rrs ncuse igt decorated With white itlltSS white accessories anti cor watcr Stir and let stand it E50 rent it in lllrllltW eoiuc Ii c011 IIIIik illlr and silver streaiiiirs and son arriwu incl inn it Ih TI III oi losis llrcy lli ltSltit In lullm if ii ts it imllwins In the tllllt of the liv 11 Holly CUHJI ii lii Nl Lfmm dim gt llarric Us sugar 51 IIIIII IIIIIIIII II IICIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII II IIIII II WW IIIII III MIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIH mitt lr lather Mortrut and C001 If luktWHrm Add IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIII Show rumpIII IIt pummn by illitlttiiri at the nuptial mass in StI AI yeast mixture Add fIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII HIII bIIIdCZIIII way of Ottawa amt North Bay Mary Ronian Catholic litircli at sifted flour and heat Irintil III jII Mr Brown and rmr are return 930 nr Mrs McDonald had lived perfectly smooch Add it dis IIIl LIT III IIinu to ioronto llillttiili Ilr llrowii Ii 21mph some Ivrrrrs ago brit had incited shortening and miml Nil ml 15 Full f1 iii itllti returned to the old land ller trii more sifted iiouror eriuutlii Vlndmh MW Whuh 5h plnod WML 13 lnl1l Liierr vrs inrde bi air with Hi IIIIIkc CM IIIIIIHCIl Irhe inanr lovely titliS contained in tor has fiuailv arrived ilruce III IIIII II Ik SI II dIIUIIhIKncIIdcI Matti itarlr decorated garbage cart GUN th 1h lilrrii 5th WW WWI mall0 a1 arrived Mondav luly lttl rrul idli it gunned ixmlI ImH In in It 1i rnir to Hill my is borne for srxdwecks furlough llmt ill lilt fillm it ADMIN me In warm pin mml irr rr tllilit ttlllll Is II He came by train llltlll indrrionton IMills doubled in bulk about 11 Pr Ml BUN and savs Veltlll crops are true hours lunch dough down EIIiIlI listidllfl Iht httme only ill some parts of Alberta and suminsm1Awy in bowl and let rise again ml MD VI1100mm Saskatchewan tinv need rain verv II II II rrr nu iells rang Wednesday in warm place until titarly ll his ltJL lit staff of badly lim illn nrgtthr also of the IIII IIIIIIII IIIIII III III II SI MI doubled in bulk about it Mairunison insurance agency proI RCAF was llllt when he left the CII IIIhIII Ij II II1IIII CHI min When light roll out sentrl hrr with silver cream and CAP Slilltl 511m WW II II HI Iii into rectangular sheet suuur set with tray Mrs Malcom lIldflY Sm lh iflllml giddy Im in It IdeIwnce mum mew amorous lunch 3313 lahatcilia CURTAINS SLIPCOVERS AND DRAPES butter or shoIrItcnIin cut Miss Butler Will be married to IIIW mg 11mm DI IIIII MII llIIIIbIIIIII IIIIIIIIImleIl ImIIlsISII III 10 imps 13 de Plle wllm Dtllglils BLthtll BAScui Dyer and duuuhtei llollv Ami milth 17 smps together cut into in cousin liniry lilallnvell of on August Lit Hamilton with the forrners srstr Mrs it ltedfern Mr and Mrs Rixon and Donald with the fortn ers sister Mrs loop Mr and ivrrs tvicradden and family at her hornc Mr and Mrs lzrpp with Mrs Gapp VIirNoCK piece wide llacc inch side up in grczrscrluiirillin pans Cover let riscin warm lace free from draft until light about hour Bake in 400T oven for ZOmhintes vrd GUTHRIE August 12 The August meeting of the Guth MW iie Presbyterian Womens Mission ary Society was held on WednesI day August at the home of Mrs Black with agond attendance Mrs Cameron had charge of the Miss ICarrie lioverinip Toldwaler IIIItIemIIEI BMISI Ruben CIIIIIIIIben ignwsitlng with Mrs Leonard Main tom the ible lesson Others llk Batty OConnell lrrontr 111 part were Miss Catherine Mc 55 3jlllniIgI MIISIVIIxI QQICIIIIIIIDDCHI Mm EI agglsilrlltrsiltl iltllltlttyi at lirn accanri mmmerKtrle Closecoiflgelgelgg Mrs Andrew Eimvale Iis spend qu Mi Frances and Roberta Pkwkdals with 11m dmxmm Black served refreshments The rs LUVm 50 ten be Mr and Mrs Victor Howard and iIiOetln WI be it Mls Tommy Grenfel spent Sunday vitli ll NILCtldlh ilVlrs Bowman Sr 5222 IQ MIS JWI OllalIlmI ami ergusonIvgr vrsi er wrti WYEBRIDGE Francis remained for few days with his aunt Lawson Paterson and Miss Eula Paterson Meaford spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Oscar Bowman Mrs Bowman Kathruine and Ken neth went home with them Mrs Tim OConiiell on Sunday HI August 11 Mrs Maud Robins is spending some time with friends in Hillsdale Mr and Mrs Robins anddam 11y Balm Beach visited with friends here Sunday Mrs Florence MacDonald is spending few weeks with friends in Owen Sound and Toronto Miss Arksey Toronto is spend ing couple of weeks with her cousih Mrs Lorne Carruthers The Womens Institute held very successful bake sale and pic nic at Balm Beach on Wednesday afternoon gt Mrjand MrsyC memis and TESTS PROVE lIBBYS ARE family USALaite visiting the forum crstbrother Howard and Wife Mrsp Welland Uxbridgealso visited with them SLEEP me 2W If youdontsleepwell il nights ue inter rupted by restlessness lool to your kid Days if your kidneys are out of order and failing to cleanse 104 blood of poisons and excesi acidsyour rest is likely suffering too Then is the time to in Dodda Kidney lills Dodds help your iridrieys get rid of troublemulling poisons and Ma help restore them to normal action See how much better you rest If nighthow much brighteryou feelin the moming Get mil use Doihla Kidney Pills today 145 Gordon Gendron student from Knox College Toronto hadcharge ofithe services in the Presbyterian Church Sunday the pastorlrRev Geola torML oe if Ten Tlmes vacation ml Bing 915 II Finer in Texture EithluIslveHomogeniiIation Process FMakes VARIED READING IAlmosLevery form of literature is my to IIgcstI represented in the Bible FREE BooKLEr on Infonl Feeding Mothers who wish to learn more about the exclusive advantages which Libbys liomogcnizat ion process giVes are invited to vritcfor the free booklet llcaithiul Feeding for Your Because babys digestive system ls immature hisfirst fruits and vege tables often cause digestive upsets Even foodswhich have been carefully stained contain many coarse fibres and unbroken food cells and tiny require over two hours forcomplete digestion But Libbys Foods hhich are rst line texture insz these foods PNtra Stomach arson Ma cause Bad Headaches Often headache is caused by an ailment of norm other part of the body far removed from the Baby strained and then Homogemzed may be completely digested in about thirty minutes This is because Libbys exclusive HomogenizaIItion process explodes the food cells to rcleaae the nourishment The extra When shople or baby dont forget Homogenized Evaporated Milk bbyl Giitle Press omatoluice Just semi your name and address to Libbys Cliatiiam On tario and copy will be forwarded to you BF647 BABY roons AREiioni STRAINED AND HOMOGENIZED pain It may be an upset stomach or some intestinal disorder If you are troubled by such headaches why not try Burdock Blood Bitten For Burdock Blond Bitters is favourite remedy for minor intestinal disorders It helps to regulate the digestive organs tone up the liver and aid the natural action of the bowels As result there may be an irrigrovemont in the general health For tho st 60 youBurdock Blood itters boa helped thousands of Canadians Iold at all drugoounton our mammon should do the some for you Burdock Blood Bitters to Kitchener vrire gown of white slipper satin fitted bodice long pointed sleeves and full skirt drap ian into long circular train ller silk net veil was caught into cor onet of 1in of the valley She car rieri bouquet of Better Time roses and wore single strand of pearls Miss Margaret McKinnon played the wedding music and Edvard Bray was soloist The brides maid of honor was ilargaret Brennan wearing gowrr of pink sheer ovcl taffeta fitted bodice and full skirt with cascade of frills forming short train Her large picture but was of pink mo hair vith touches of ice blue vel vet ribbon and mittens toinatch ller flowers were pink roses and forgetmenots Jack Cameron was best man and DRY CLEANED THIS BETTERlWAYli Dont wait til the last minute to plan job as im portant as Fall Houscciczining Right now we have the extra time and facilities needed to give special attention to your dry cleaning problems Let us show you how bright and beautiful your home Can becall us today for our Sanitone mm Servicethe better dry cleaning THE SERVICE the ushers were IAlan Shrubsole lirother of the groom and Johnl Brennan cousin The reception was held at Robin dale Inn the grooms mother re ceiving with the bridal party wear DRAsTIcrEDUCTIONs on ALL SPRING AND SUMMER su V437 Elizabeth ct Is 772 Wr1ght Cleaners tgtHoNE 2634 BARBIE 881119 15 DRESSES its The Rosette Shoppe LADIES WEAK Phone Barrie 4454 tell Hats