AMINER BARRIE oxrmro CANADA THE BARBIE EXAMINER The New car in were buxom or lutrilrttrit lhuinrn thing by VV im itAIilzii Itll limit It Trust Certicates It iI iwveh II 21 hIItiLllll lmwm kiill iiI il hit in Zui Irt lIi IiIiIi View IIIt II II 01 II III All ti iI itlt lift tutll Lil ittzk tkliiiwlill til ditiiiiul ltil iII ii It 11 liow Illtitil IND11611 but Iv LN lili liliUIIHlLli Ari iImi iiriiizit or iiIlitL tIll VIVI Alright LLIiLl IItilltI Tlvtlit TlIIlV LIMA fIi in tJIit nttlnuiict lIi Viitn Hindu tI MI HAG but IV midi dintI LUllllllilt It LItlltie YVVVVV ult with at Ll as inf ixin tiinr lust iiitl disobey tliltn inn llmllim iIiihz in 21w nrx to llllt but taut ttiiIiL MMNWI AilHA It iuiyri 2W THE W112 the ltflilltldtllit linttlilig irnziriti EIIi II Inn it ltVqu up to tlt It wt coRpORAHON 11 lll tl i5lllil I= Sterling Tower Toronto use ln re wtliiii the that tour tml litll witv the win in liiI JC In awn ANP Vv V31 Ii lilloi itllill ul llli lrutor tun Mr is lIlJlt pmxilile tor thisi Vi VI IV It lJllHiI hi ilu int Imilibli itllttAl Illt trltltt an VI gt llt iii lei iti lit liiilllt ligtli tall Tl Ann AHIANVIIV IIImi the it It it tut lVlli Iili zI VI II liiIllllt Will hr Lt Iitih blow in illSl ltl llllii Im MINA UMIM II IV VI trilll tll In flitltV ill ll LitlJIIlt Hi this ttlxtlltl illi lllIti II II lI IrIi itlll It til hi 31 IL VV VV IV VV Harrie Ltlral Niilis VV VVV VVV VV VV VV VI VI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII tlii thirtgur pimmt il liV it BVVHVVV VVVVVVVHVVVV VVVVIVVH VVVV VVVVVV lit in lit lmli iII littillltl nnie 1I VV tI VIV VtV VV liiuiiimii Ailtliill Limited to iIRIIV ll ti iIeIIIIIIt IIIIVIIIIIIIIII IIIII VIVVI IVliIV Vi Ill I2 piIVe IIIIIIIVH IIII LII VIVIiIVIIiVVI IV Itlw Ilialu lritl at the ixgdlei fill it AlllilJ l1 IVsAl VIiVIi lItiVVHHVVLUVJVJ VI VVV lid in it II in Did not iIIiriIiiizt lii ii lJi IIi IliiI tttlIltIl in title llrt ii li lIIIIIIrI ii ii Ili Ili IIV IVI II inntion Iilni tmiIlIIiI min ltlI IiiI Iv With tilt Iii iliSi llel 01 11 1M5l WM pimnleiit Lilli gtK11liil iiiqufIIIIl In II mini hm ire lilIV VIVI Hit iIVIi VillV liitnv III IIII It iiii imiiiur lillNixlt II umIw mule MM Ianmu we IIlIIlIt tt Vill Iltlitl to tint ll VV VV VV im lill Ilinl Ito tii VVVV VVVV VV VV VVVVVVV Iii IIDV stave It tlztlltwliiu to Iwini lIlllll llhilIill ln fAvrilmi i1 tit lii ii lIt II tII llllllitilitly Litter thI body liiiti iltlllll Hm IVMVII VIMI VVVVVVVVVVVV1 VVVVViV VVVVjVVVVIVV VV tHViVIV VV Ie innitrti it Is liitWlft Iunltxl ithg itltlL III ii iiiiu lie titanI up IIIIMIII IIIIIIII in II ILL itiilt Iim lltltll ittll tli Ulit lilii VIVI VVVIVV ViliV 1V VVVVV VliVIVVVVlV lVi liiiilVlVliIIiitVVtV lVVznrtVi li bViVmIl ltt rm IIiiIIpr iII II It Iv wm Mr vl Ilm NW ALISLenin ll iIinI li Ah ihllllt Hymii HillWl7 Vmlmnii II II tIi Ii iI iIiI =Il HUM 11 lAJil V1 Director ill lww in ll II VII IVIIII II LIIII been Mtll in tllt Utiiitttl htitt liltiml ii VI HIVVVV VV llIIlllHtlht iIrIiI HIIIJV IIV IlI II II II iIiiviiti Itttlthtllit editorial inmmentx lli Idt =l wgl til illWMm 11 lI 1iIl IIi 5153 lllI Mttiiniy litiln VIVVVV VIIIIiVIIIV vinyl lllllth tUIlllllttlU tl llldi llltV Vti It VVVV VVVVV VVV VVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVHVVVVVVV IVI ANN zizVIHIKIIIVV IIHV rm $2 00 VVVM VVVVVVH VVV VIVV 1V VVV =I It It iltiu to HAND 1m 11 5k Mld It ll III lV VVfVV WV Vlli ltmtls on llilii ln Bill 11 HI II III VIVI JHIII Im55 suggested that lithlt Wilt lltttl Ittll PM mm IVWH hml llt hiitl l2 MilhiV llIIlil Illltl gt llu nt tm llittlt Iii iiiiotlitr lllltilitt mum Uh Idmmu DIV xiv ttl Mr ti 11hr llllllltill the thliltr SztllttlFh illl HillVlth lt liIIIIII In IIIiiIIiIi ii It HANK Al HW Emu1 of the lXlllltltl appeared the til htt ottt will lltlflt 1ItiilIlllillJ VI tIIIIS VV ilI lliViIIIVllllllIlf it Iltiii gtUll onr MIMI lmlmmm nwmtn IIIHmi VV VHVV VVVVHVVVVHV VVV VVVVVVVVH VV VIV VVVIV mg II III iti IIiIV tiili iitt lrlllttlttl II IIIIIreii the itliittllji mm 1mm MI mg mwa ML 11 YHUAS it Illtl II tlv ivl ll ii gt IVIV IV ii dint ltlltttl tirttlxii upon llltl It tVttt ltltJI ii iiltl VV in this with Issue of It Vlliiiit lIXrlllllllt HM VI mg IWIIIMI VVVVVVVVV mm mm VVVVVVVVmeVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVIVVVVVVVVV II injured it Itrgi izwitiei Hir Ine II ISL III me prevailing plltts ot Ll Iopillii til tl II mum to home II III IIIH NIIIIIIIIIIII IMI In thll oi xiiml toi litttlllli purpose Valli Hi ll llll Marti iii Illlttl Hm Ut utmnobtteg Willll hpx iniww ml Jill ifll WNW Hi vim hMl llwwuvtb EM The ttllltl tit lllt Urtlhti llrtliltl II II II it 41 ML ll ltllldllw llt Ultltllli till llttfll lht tilt lltllt Hi Illl ilmost double the COM 0f Ulltltllltlllttt llll ii VVV VV IMIV Unit lllt llllltl of in iIlllm ipI In by Ilt Ill IVIIIHIIIII It Rm Ix IIV VVV Vlbuut 81 ago they an DUNN VVHVHV VV VV lItV VVVIilVlIV VllVVVVllthlV gIEVII ll lirV vltHViVlJ 5iVIVliltlI Him Light mitt liiwrr Iiimiiiygronl mull lI 33 very wll versed in tlertiiinl msitI Illt Iiiill In WIWWI ll 11 thm lltl izir prices llowwer it the ltgttiit Iii II IIII Inntumor Ii II qMr IIII IIIIIIII II II ltl lllrlhth It iii pliiii tlirIt IlieI II IIII II til 33H lltl 11 lMm um yItIi 0i production new filth 15 ttlllililllttl IIIHI illUILJl pm Hit the tieLiltxMiuin ot the lute pump MID up Imp Ur MI III IV II liIItIi ltnl Tltt lush was It VIIIIIV II II IVIIVII IIIgV In III Hillli litmnan gt Isitt II iH nit Itllil UI Vtt VV II VV VVVV VV Inn iiiothei tew months tlii VVp VVVVVVVV VVV MVV HVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV 11 net VV II til ViiH mm KN 1115 11 gradually decluu Vi III in lIlll lle ltlfi lllS iixeii nn lit inimu Iiii otos hetwttn iintiw miiitv Briefs otiigt gt II ml IHIIIILI HI Irtrmll wl or um mi iuIIII knock bull 1mm ttvtl the Imin lIlIlltI ItlItl iII mm mutiny II wiiiiiiiiul wilxs wait III murmur It5 IItllt tl rt Ilirw Iirliw tit Imioe uiiiitv Ilriets 11ifTTlnwlzlilm an HIEMIHII MI VV gt iii 15 otIt in IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIH VIVIIII II It VIIIIII IIIJ Vlmln lulu SIXNIH dillhltl pitchingx for Kiltltli was lliiltlllltlttll II VV VV VV Inu am lilltlt ttt VII MHIIWVSIV unkum Im VV IV my livulllndii ILA11 5IggliiiullfffirtvfltilH HMM mm fITlld tiiaixdulilitmlill Siiiihiiringitiidndhiii Vi Vl mirmu Vi APIVVV VVViV Him FEW mid Vuki iztuir which he was working Uti mm rm fur ll mam Ihwilvh VI ItItL inn illil itm ltfililtllllll II tllllilliittll tlt it iis on II III II Inns Inillttt It lltt to hirtllt ll IVV K1 10R Vt pnhlit schools Il tleinoiistrnittl ilttViltliiV lIIVI lie but mtitl the Ililllliill II lint Willlll inllil iiiitl threw her Pullhgzilqotinl1131 ill 01 cvthr Hiv Ivy Ilmnwl tIiiltl Iltli II Film 11xIIIIIuld bm lxttltlti ll13tilllltl liioll HIIII Honiltii tllllll 11 pet ms its it Im tint the nut iiitl taught tnlb HtII lg hV hld Vinrn do TH Iml WUHVHI Him Wyn Ul lllllllltttlt tHII lirllllt lltld IUD IV IN till lt il II VI miter mg in sun way in iurI VT 91 III II piggnu Itiltst him itntil ltSDtlttiltttl was restored in lilgt lVJl Itl III Iv mi lin Stitl morning tor IVIhmr Im hm VlidV um um meLwaTV 21 Wm ve never keen so SUIYEd Pfe Madam VV mm 11mm tlllll of the incident the young hero Slilll lti piilliti IpIIII Vial nil It pliini foitttl imp WWII Hus Vuomwg mrhqi lb VI IV VHl begin MY day With superdelirious GrapeNuts Flakes llll llillUlIL WWW 13 Ha IIIIII IIIII IIIIII started to Work on him llttti HM with in Northern minim lle NW VII mm If 13339 ffINVVVMIST wen lands sakes You to and bums IIIIIII IIII IIII MIMI and igtsliilt Iltltii iiitilhtl Illillllt Vllttl 101 he begun to more it little We triippml him UII I1 llH his piiwn to visit the IIIIVIIIIII 2t IIIIII when the horses tIllihilltufliElildIIIIIL1 iilllhhiTl SWIM lik Vtlhotls gotta have other food essentials All heeiiiisc It IVIIIIIIVIII IIIII IIIII 1055 is not only it tmlbIIV help mine WWW iWmnit and Herr IntIrv IIIIII are hudly SIIIIIIIIII III ImIts ililllil115 Flakes or they theyre made or two sunwipmmd In pm IHI WIHIRIle III SIIIIII IIII IIxtIIIII that VVV ItVi rIIIVWUSdeS Mm hm Spoiled GRVNVWVS Mu SFHOIVARS lngiViiVoV they dont start the day Cuiiutliun grams viltill imil mulled 11 inlil 11 111 UH Hid much luvt lt Hg barley bltlltlktL barked iii ii Iii siiiitt It erosion sets In lit Ii tort slIIV IllV 1m V1 10 Ilzltltls LN AYNADIAN AGRH LILRlx Vlllliilllt here tor the past It months IIIuIm hands in meat iclllillltl Jnm IlitLtlIlilllltlIlgtilicC fntliziiknliiiiid LadVi mm bemme Wle 30 mm muswd 111195 bulitlttt l8 lipll 211 gt5 15 lThe Fuitllcfs illillt ltlfl illI 3001 kl Vitltlttl zit szoo 3mm 01 Unpln UIed lhmlt VV delkmnlslvmululich SOIL II iiotliei aw ho thou ht lite ti bit lull And they 41 mt 0551 against geiltitltlolli Film HIICIIIIIHC INIICIIIIIny III EIIIItIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII If 1ll Vllh VIVITIL fell down in ii liiiivvit field aiiitl IIIIIIII IIIQII CIIIIIIIIifI III9w III IIIIII llUlltlIIMLll 50 llileclubly crisp GOIIIIIIIIIIIIJIInkIIIEIIIIIIIas II HR II Wt lltIt Iii blinttit otttlll lliiIl 11 ed thronin three periods lhe tonrtli II is amped VV IVVVV UVV HBVWHVIE IVMl IlllllVlI WWI Mi WWW left home registered it ltegiiiii And lilkt lilttktll those ietipes 1111i in muvm WNW mm ma iii hm lumlhmwblns WNW 51 CollcK summer school illltl plnii know kiiiiiiiil thev SUIpr for cookies and other Rood illlll 3A II III ml niimiltv destroyed by fire lttllll with It Cllltlllll is II IIIII IIVIIIIIIIIIim lhe lllgtl peiiod I15 ltfiiiittl one of piniiiiiiii IV VVVV IV VV 310 VViEyLlltlL tlitii lbltlllllt Lulttls II llltlg pio Llllb llllLllllmt311ItpiJltlgt1lilkt$ Mllmlul thlt IIIIIIIS 1mm with me IIIIIMSV with wIIIII IIHII Illltl VHl IV Vl IIllll Vll llillt glillil litds By litird Wm Ihcy High refresher CIIIIIISIISV for iiiiistle phosphorus for teeth Ill be brick this way Inter lnIIHIIIHII IUIUSi Slitllilll ill llwlutlii HUI pg IN 11viIIl ll Id my 1l Id 11 MT VimW 17 HI Iwotk tlll rosuionmis were saved VV VV iVVV IVVV VVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVV iVVVVVVVVV Springl VIIVVIV VIVVitIi Ii gt rum oi bl ii ti VHVVHVHHVV IIWVWHVVDVVFI BUM VIVV Vm RVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV IVlVVS were VVVVV CVVSUVVV mt VV VV tV VVVV VUVC titllllllllllttl iirtrntt UVtlllitlll shut Stiwml WM III mm SIVIIII Iumittitls tllllllllllilb Wlilh ll Then came the period of developintiit luiIerii IVIIIII IIIII SWIqu WSHV In pm to ill Illltx oI lilititi llom Lllt InIdi when the fine lirm liomex Illtl lmil lIiII III I510 mm hmud II II II Illllllllll 11 WIlli It the winners of the SUIIK of leniptr Mtttlltlll station Illt lnolilim Ncmxm we bum Lltlulum7 nil Lhmlh Md hhlitvfiim SWVIHH 415 it liltihl mt hrotnuiii at tho Stutiuii cmmwu TM 01 HUM 11 is ummu mo were erected itlld roads weie iimdt illtlllttlillll the WA the family SIIIIIII IIIIIIIre VIWIII 77830 15V 28L LI lheii came the thiid period after the turn of the illilllllllt was stored in it iuielioiistn Sti 5081200 tirexwtl hogs 9700 llltlllllm smlcm tummy mm Wm Xk century iiid this period liis been liitelvuiie of nt llllnkt lltt Wipetl out the en butte lllli 0311 down mill or Wham 1le mm by Umlgmg pllltlilun The hillsides have been denuded iVltllVVllVlt iIInrehonw unit the loss to Mr Itlc spring thickens pr pyir 40500 Olilttltltlltlts and individual lztltlltllh t0 lCi reclaimed iiiitl the land has been robbed ot the ilIHHIIJHUH was about $3000 Wllltll Ipntutoes new titlIic bus eIIlbligh Woody plunt fertility and the necessary organic matter HIKJIUI nut UVtIttl by Viiisllltllltu ll VVV make suimmu for wmimmd pIIUfIIIIble III0p IIIIIIJI Wm IVVV rV Vill hrmkhst mle Muskm At the Mltlltllist VFthVtI bttitioii the mdltt VVVVVHVUVVV Few new buildings have been VVVVVVHVVVV VVVVI VVVVVVVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVVth VVV VVVIVV 1511 NV SVVVVVVVVVV mVVmVVVgV btlHilltSS lS tile llOWlnli 01 Wan to my 11 the farms as compared with the previous period Hin hmV wan1 imwnw 4A planting However more than this lh aeeompV Billn lofts hiwe been VCOItVVeVlthVdV 1an chicken inth IIIVIIHVH Inmmier 5mm um QUITE FOSSIBIE llslied The Site ltStIlt has bhbll trttItSiUImed aim of LOLlthV gtiiabe was iiowii up IIVIIIISVWIHIII carried on VV Dom pm mm Immme in It score of Years from Sandy waste to rlhe PIFRA in Western Canada the planting of iisuail rllie liililias three planes lwlizit you can lo today for by mouvmdS small demonstration forests and the growmg attention in tirst class flying eunditimi then there will lie ii liiw against beauty leOL QM 0w IIIII LII soils are an indication that we are now iip and these will he used for the Iii 01 Li igli ttix Oh it Slllllllgwuter Park The torest bitftthlt ottiCials pttxttlllllgi zit least perioduof conservation tuimda have smut countless hoiirsbeautilylng the has coiiieVof age The Vw1ld oats have been shown round and providing facilities for the cit and perhaps now we Will settle down to ruiiiinul use of the great natural resources with which Lun Wills Ol thls Dimnice Lmoy UVKmKelves On da has been so generously endowed summer day IhlS week Superintendent And the so itself is the greatest resume of VVHV not Adamson tllZtWS illIttlmOll the fuel that only from the viewpoint lot wealth for upon the Soil the perennialannual border is at its best depends the health and the wellvbeirig of the Canadian The public are cordially vamed to VISIL the IiopiilVinViOonhVerpVinnentrigs conseivationiht put the II Smne eewo MldhumtFmeSt Sumo andISGVL What fm The chief harvest of the land is man himself be done With work and 1lztlllllllgVAlld while From the soil comes the quality of his bone and it Sprlngwater Park it is it 40th idea to muscle What he isV what he does are determined by the acres that he tills His coura his ambition lVeVlnemliVel theV lellVDOVnti beltiiigltth eVIVitii Cf1VleVV is my way of thinking grow mi of the fVVVVVVVVVVVS gram mam Vain iiit pt 00 ie Qt It his feet as truly as the wheat and the cotton wealth Of Olltallo he tendsj VV VV VV OF gt III 2i VV It HM bilgzmmermg over green fields the good smell of IV VI IV mm on warm cart an tyingtimothy and clover DI IV II IIhC barn av Shadowy refuge from the Sll VV VV VV VV thats Canada Dry Gay Time n0W to be making arrangements for extra help forghar gt RetindIlrtpV ToxVVIVthfVludedV flavorVVrs quenehing goodV vesting and threshing CFCWS VV money to nance OPCIatIOS IV NEW YORK Ir $21M Vness make itanaturol mate fer till the crop Vts sold Money to meet thlS need is always available summer fun an time an CHICAGO 2200 atIthc Royzil Bank Call on your nearest branch manager and ST 28 80 Where order case today gt gt gt DETROIT 1405 VdISCUSS yourloan requirements With him Ask him toe about SUBJECT To CHANGE Farm Improvement Loans and how they can be matter the benctof the 011111 the farmer and his family Tickets arid Information at Barrie Bus Terminal BARBIE PHONE 3162 THE YA It BARRIEJRANCH FISHER Manager MM