FAG HGHTFEN MM WW I4 52 il 151 II Ti 1951 II III IIWWMWWI 11 17sI 3I=vv ANGUS gTIffIfj T111 BARRZE EXAMINER BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA MMI 21 OMWOHO NEWS OF ELMVALE II II 11 lb In 13 II 14 CHURCHILL 17 111 In II tv1 IHI El ITI IILII Hit tl MI vm HHU Inn MIlSTEll BRAND DOG BISCUITS OR TERRIER KIBBLES lb bags FOR DISHES 81 WOOLENS 739 ch 298 PIlllllY Flllll 71b 23c 1411 Imp Imp M111 Ll1l1ll I1 nIAlLAN11CAPACIllC191 In war Inva union to IoI mininon my li nu any uluut ANN PAGE WHITE or BROWN 1111111 BREAD Loaves ANN PAGErazor DAILY nouciiiiurs 15 ANN PAGE SQUARE each CHERRY CAKE ORANGES GRAPES CALIFORNIA VALENCIAS 288s No Grade Dot tbs CALIFORNIA llED MALAGA No Grade FANCY MIMI CALIFIIIIINIAIISIe1iLsss No Grade It 29 CALIroiiNIA ELBERTA No tIIGrada 31 29 19 WASHINGTON BARTLETT arms 71 2H 29 TASTY CHICKEN 1121311112 NORSE GOLD FILLET OF HEREING DATE NUT BREAD IONA CANADIAN DUCHEISIS COOKING ONTARIO GOLDEN BANTAM No Grade for 25 PEAS 19 BRADFORD PASCAL No Grade for 19 NATIVE enowN N5 Grade lbs 19 1401 Tin Tin COOKING 1111111113 COLQRADQ FRESH LARGE PODS No Grade 5221 29 meiosis 2Irisc NATIVE GROWN No Grade 0111123 92 341 sources 11129 bun SUNNVFIELD AYLMER BABY LIMA nuns is HERSHEYS GIANT cnocomr Bans ea 25 SERVE ICED AaPBOKAR GradeA Large COFFEE 39 VIGonous AND WINEY CUSTOM GROUND CLARKS PEANUT BUTTER 2229 NEW PACKFANCY WHEN AVAILABLE us SHORTENING BMESTlG 30 TOILET SOAP collarLAKES 25 5231225 OLYMPIC II 12 ozI tin 37c PRIII 31 if DEBTijx Barn 19 Goz IJar BVgoz MUSTARD SWIFTS STRAINED BABY FOODS CATELLI IREADY CUT in 112211110111 Pkg WAXED PAPER BAGS 51111011 51111115 rain NOIRINSINGNO WIPING SPEC SEAN 23 FOR SINKS BRAINS 51111110 23 BATHROOMNECESSITY IA Tin FLUSHIF 8P15uper Right Quality Meats am or own BRAND Bum 30an STEAK or Bonsaionelessalb 49c sinners man orBOST 52 IBLADEIRQAST BLADE BONE OUT III II 11530 AIISIIIQIIIBIBTBCAST 1133 nonmemwfm 24 11 32 II cHICKENS MLLK FED GRADE ROASTING lb 45 SKINIESS WEINEBS CHOICE 37 giggly ernomenm SPICE 1131c WHTESAL SEA FOOD SUGGESTIONS coma II AIIIIIIiUIdIESEll 28 11 IIFRESH lb MIAYIJNNAISE 23 cop Humming FRESH 117 27 Foo PHESERVING inn nos 49 II 311 25c 2222211 lilacs rm 1145 1b 27 lb 17 SALMON STEHKS FRESH COHQE SALMON STEAM SILVERBRIGHT IRS PLOUNDERS IIkWiII 1Ii windy If KI IIIII IIwII II vpij Hold IIleono 11 VII III IIII ltl IIlI II II11 lilzaIcIIIIrlric IIIII lI II Kitx It If IIMIIIIIIII IIII Ittlllltll 11IIII lIrst llilyoff Lime on by VHMV 111 lIIII Iy IchIIII1 =I Ill HI oval Iiillt oil Ht II 11I IzII IIItvaII IIIIv tIt tl III tt11ls 1411 III I1 Ill IIIII ALI pIIII III lIIllllIIIt IIy llltllltl LIIIII Ilmtmu ZtIrtI IiIIIo of ICIIIIJIII quuar piayvrx werc Itltxtlil New Dance Spot plncd IillflI llltltltll n1 cIIIIchIIII IIIIII tll liln propel1v half 1min Into Illlt Io 11 of 11 IvIIII IIII upstairs Ilflgt IIccn iItthI 11th IIIrII1III floors and dcrorm II III It IIxc IIIIteIn IIILIIII IIIIIInu It ciyi 11113171 I11Islltt ififillltN liar1in 1115 price 57 11 two 1301 waow xl 11 when yozz Ittlillt It Wt 111 Hill 11 Itbciit 11 II IlIItI iloizse lINill1liil kAllCR iAl IIam and Green llfthlNG 111121113 lgtlS 5131 Hill 113115 III 25 11 till 1011 1th ll SlhAYIIItS lIi HlllAY Willi lll 15c llIpIIs inserts tan IlltlOlltS illlfiNS My lAIIS 11co11s ItN ROOMS Ir IIIIIp lf SkoIcy III fit IIIILII lcsin III 11 1111 III total wt 11 ItIIgiIi vItttcn III Thc upper school 11 were Slltltltllli or Illi tltl was IIhiccd ItllSlllIS lllllIill STllgtl Ilrancc IIIhIr II1 II lby 1111IIc AIIIIcI 111st A12 It iIiviinIIlliliutllIllIIliilirtiiiiil tIIlntliiIi IIy 115 RIIIIIII A8134 IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIh 1111 snack AI VIIV pm IIt I2 IIII Ihe ItIJtlt Is IIIIIII Iiic IIIinI IIIIIInIr and was IIpchcI to the public on lIIlIIIkIIIj evening A111 II with IIoIII1ovII III attendance IIIIQ music tmIIIsIIcII by llIIl IIIIIIIIIIIIs of llzurIc It will ho open two night work ltcccplion for Mr and Mr rville Edwards rercptIon for Mr and Mrs 1r was thII It the Ilhnvalc on Wed II with over gtlll The rooms decorated with IIIc lldwards Iormcrs lltllllt nesday evening tfifty friends pri were infantilully crs lhe baskets of gifts were car lIItI 111 by Misses Marlene IchI and Ruby Woods Mrs licrt and Miss Marjorie llrlwards assist ed the couple in opening the gifts Iand reading the IceoIIIpanyinI good Wishes Mr and Mrs wards III tcw well chosen worIs thanked their friends for the love 1y gifts Dainty refreshments were served loronto Teams at arnival The Board of Trade Carnival held on 111111sday August was with good weather although the district about had real dowtn pour of rain The committee in Charge of the entertainment are to be congratulated for bringiig to the village two Tbronto soltball teams Toronto Fire Fighters Ontario Senior champions 1946 vs Woodbine Staffords 1st place team in T81 league These two teams provided many thrills in their hard fought battle and the only thing to mar this grand game was that darkness came far too soon The score was 43 in favor of theStaffords Hap Watson Can adas outstanding sports entertain er did much to entertain the large crowd Following the game all proceed ed to the main street for the usual games of CIWIDCCHIIFI skill Two dance spaces were well patronized ifCrowcAsouchestraproviding music Comm PEAS12 35c for the round dancing and Geo Reynolds and his Orchestra lfor the Old lyme square dancing Upper and Middle School Iiisuits Elmvalc High School Results of the Upper School ex missions written at Elmvale High School in June 75100 6674 6065 5059 Grace Bertram Eng Comp Eng LitC Harry Dolan Eng Comp Eng Lit Alg Geom Chem PhyC Fr AuthC Fr Comp Victoreenc Draper Chem Joan Dyer Chem Ron ald French Chem Ann Harvie Chem Horace Jones Geom Trig and Status Chem Phy Shirley ILyons dieton Chem Shirley Player Eng Comp 1Eng Lit2 Hist Geom CChern1Phy Fr IAut mm 1111011 11111110111131 FERTILIZER Fattening and Growing Mash for Poultry and Turkeys CANE MOLASSES in Gal Tins Bug and Insect and Blight Controls Brownhtico Ltd 119 IDunlop St Barrie Ont hr Ronald Ircuch ling AIyM pink and lllt streamers and lloww Rowley Chem Elmer McFadden Chem Audrey Mid NOW FIIR WHEAlI IIIII lllwt Ihy 21 SIItIIII llIIIIIIII Il 111st A12 Ihy VIItorccuc Drapcr 1911 Ill Il 11I1y lItl 11 icncvicvc 1jsIIIlc ASIM iI lIII lyc1 A8131 111st 1ov it II7111 llyer Eng llIl Ala lhy 1II Hist ilIlu11hy2 live it 111r1on ling 0842 Hist 11 A121 Ihv Fr Mar toil liurlong Ale Shirley llandy IIE1 lllI Ale Ann llarvic fling AIKM 111st Ale lhy Maxi 12 112 lois lamieson AdzM llist A12 lhy Shirley Ly ons 15111 A11 Why William =lclun 111st It lhy Eng AM Lat 11 Elmer MIliaddcn llist A12 lhy Lat 11 Audrey Marr AM 111st Ali HIV Audrev Middleton Eng A8131 111st A11 lhy 11at 12 Fr Dolly Ritchic 1511 AM 111st Ale lhy 191 Monica ltyther A11 lhy Donald liiompson A811 llist Alg lhv lean lipping line ARM 111st A12 Phy Lat Fr llay llllliCl AM Hist 011g lhy 1n the Middle School out of total of 110 papers written 92 were successful or 8401 success was attained Fm MINESING Mr and Mrs Matthew Morris Baxter Mr and Mrs Cleary Iliarrie more Sunday visitors at Lloyd Srigleys Miss Lenore 1r wiii Detroit is also spending two weeks with her aunt Mrs Srigley Ad sponsored by members of the berta Keep mittns and NEVER while it is in motion Ilgtilltl 112 rI Bargain tlIiIIIit lllelV Super Health Aluminum iIruwar 1111 qutscars Illl other wzuc Iharv 111 number III pieces you desire The Green Front Stores 151 20c 28c to 511111 mlt 1I 1011 lllIllIllAIJ1IRIIAM 48c for 10c and for 1111 ABS lltlllhlil ROOMS SPECIAL Wecxrever Dripolators $395 HARRY ARMSTRONG 98 104 DUNLOP ST Federation of Farm Imple mentmDealers IIol Ontario Manitoba Sbiskdtchewcin AIlI For Safety Bring machines FULL STOP be fore cleaning oiling Or adjusting Keep hands and ieetAwAY from working parts on all machinery from belts or chains Close covers and put place before you start machinery Never handle gasoline near lantern or any flame nor start an engine where gasoline has beenspilt attemptto clean oil or adjust machine THURSDAY Alffilfil 14 HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS rows WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS $339 llltlICII AXhS Ail 1in IIIt ltiatw Tvl 1lANiIRS Will 11 Inc Arons $575 IntranetI of $6950 5331311111 $1095 ljlfltllltlt FANS tIEI lilnlflrs ANI lll 1tll1 lll1liYi l1Eli WAllI illlll1l IITA KICITIJCS $1115 $1115 $335 $295 31500 11131 Il11flltltri 7511114 IIII lur IIIiIis 513115139 111112111lIgtlIgins $1133 bc riziI more than thrcc times out III tour so add llIIuIdorI lloovaI when he was 18 and 11lillllINr3 IIilNlH 29 lioss Sch Hons and llut Finishes lItltlllltIri IIInIshcs 31 ams fflyllltS 751 1illlX FLAME WARII lllitttllatltlltt $305 and llCN STUCK l1llllilltli Moon tin and Itldlil IItxii 2300 300 ton 3036111 11111 251 1151 105175 thorium ilAMllIilS wnIII wIIw wIIII black 85513 55 may WINS Vttji licst 511115 sunburn aids tillllil1 311111R12NS DINNIIZIHVAHIIL heIrv Patterns iiIakcrs 7511 title cIIIils for Soups 35c fups and Saucers $110 lea llatcs 5111 Dinner Plates $11m lkg 10c 95c to $175 title FIVE lllitflil INVALID SETS $19 icapot rcam and Sugar with Tray PHONE 9801 VOltllkllltgllllplp1Iflllltltlltlllllllldtlrllllilll 92 Office Positions Filled in Past Months IIIIIIFreembooklet explains tested plan of training and placement Since May of 19110 92 graduates and students of Barrie Business Collcgc have acccptcd positions as ittllttgltlllll crs Secretaries Bookkeepers Accountants or Office Assistants How they Obtained these positions and how you may qualify for similar positionsis explained in our booklet It describes the opportunities in business today and ex plains liow young people can increase their chances for cmploymcntby securing practical business training It also describes our plan of individual advancement and gives details of Courses Rates ctc Having been established in 1897 Barrie Business Col lege is planning valuable prize to the student attaining the highest total in all subjects Complete details will be found in our catalogue WMNI OllefWOmll l0ooo Applications are now being received for our Fall Term commencing Sept CATALOGUE ON REQUEST Barrie Business College EstablishEd in 1897 66 Toronto St Barrie Ont Farm Equipment saieiy Week AUGUST 18 t023 Burr Implements and GILSONS FURNACES 12 Boyfield St Bdrrie ClllTTlCK Motor Sales FORDFERGUSQNDEALEBS I110 Dunlop St Barrie five Barrie Canadian InterndtionqlHc1rveSter IFARM IMPLEMENTS PhOne4595 67ICollierISt Bdrrie Parker 81 Hannah FARMIMPLEMENTS 11112 mm it SALES and SERVICE Phone 3577 30 Sophia St 21111511er Tractor Service PHONE 2752 222 Blake SI guards back in II Barrie Barrie 22 111111111121