Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1947, p. 17

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Dine ttatty iii riiiiimrm SPORTS CALENDAR Prysons Defeat CNR 187 IIZIIIAL Iltlrlllrtltlt Silzitilll MONDAI IIILIIUICIIIAIW Follhnll HIISILY7 EXPECT BARBIE IBOYS WILL PLAY 0an AT ORILLIA Wm llultl l1 llil Yrilltl 011 Htiliwl the 151 Eilwt in ll llta iti iv 141 Illil ii1ii an iyi Ii trill gm Illa kr tl ll iiit tltlR Mn Senior IeagueSoltbalt Averages tulyuily Ili xlttil gumst Bl or 1111111 am IIIIllilllllllcfllllillllllll Now on Display lillllirlllllllllNS lulu If Illlilltllll1 ii in HM mi vIIii lizi Iii 1h llll tllti ion liii 111 Itiil lllilll Llttllv LI Ilt tl PJI t11tt llltlt Will lltl It 1211 i111 tltlllit 711 ditioiiiil colours o1 piiiplc and 121 Il 1111 in HIV third ilnt lliice lit AirIt Ilill llllttl Imtrrt loiiith IItl tiltittl l111 11 111 of tlic tollcguati liirtlitiiirI Iu ppiiiiitcri tiHtll loi lltt ltlllt iiil tlieii liopitip for llltt turnout in llll iiiididitclt it the liit lldtlltt Sonic RH tilJIltt expected Itllll Irtioui 11 lord llouli tcc oolc liiii ltlll and Nixon are counted on fiwni thr toliidy lHWIi mm the txiiiiiiirt 1n liil trillion it 1mii 11i llrll lhi ill 1xi 113i lilllt 1111I Itrllll llltt 1iih1iti ltl1rtil tlllltllltl 1ttiv lllltl ltlli ilrl We Itltltil cipiipiuciit dating back to 1tl ltStllllIV iii Whites billiard lizill window and rugby litillcllilrl lttltl nut practices Will Illht he ltlfvlttl in that window lltttl 111ii tt 111 lillllii llill 1uiic1emwlnie 11211 ltll luiiiIliwll lllltll limo lilllzl tl lillllll 1i litil Hitillil 11 Illi lliixtct ln til 1hoiupoii liitlii lltl1 il 1crdic 11 Kiiiiplnll It lIIilr OUT88ARD moron lIltel lliiiubei executive and Earle John son Is vicepresident Don tirayilh is secretain Farmer liysimdon treasurer and the exuutiye llltllltll llill lliill Frank IVIlIlltfdll lliis Jeroiuclhiiiiy luyiie lllalie lillll tli Allan Ross Walter Viirty Edy llol 111515 1113 lSIcoinb and Mac Carter iirotor that gives IrOIinllOItIf trolling and 1mm illcliuiieall 2h Stewart hllirlliiiiiilit ll fismtli cl t2iiii Writ l1illl1 hltrtrl lttlltl lanilwi I1tt crhisingl Instant oodproot Completely de licy Supreme quality 1111 orno pendoble Sparkling performance Its easy to lift and Ci cinch to Operate The secret Melthonicollyconlrolled poppet volvesl They sold it coulant be done in two cycle motorbut MARTIN has done itl STROUD lnnis Show CAI Eyeiii lt Flower ouiiiiji til llullttlllllllul DOMINION 7LR0YAL mitt uo FltJIER mu BUltl competition is increasing Thurs lay evening at the Allandalc green three Ilariie rinks nict three lllllgt froin the home club Training 25 points Barrie had to start on the upward climb andthcv did inet that old winner of many hard fought battle Charlie Ileelby who was ably supported by Walk er Webb Both skips made many outstanding shots before the game ended with the Barrie rink in the fore by the score of 1611 Dr Spiers and Dr Herb Stewart were set up to extract points not teeth from Bob AerS and Wes Webb The game proved to be an exciting operation before the Bar rie rink won out Spiers 19 Ayres 115 In the third set of the evening lHarry Wharton and Andy Malcom son of Barrie played Ed Reid and Walt Bayliss of the home club Grid the game established sevenpoint lead for the Reid rink The Barrie rink rallied but the game had been won Reid 17 Wharton 15 NEW PEItFOquANcu NEW IiicruNnAInIIrr WITH THE NEW MARTIN Outboard Meter SPEEDI slow InOLLINae QUlCKSIARIING Freon moor Order Your Outboard Martin NOW disappointment When your holiday sea son arrives SITKA SPRUCE CARS AND PADDLES Quality Marine Paints and Varnishes DELANEY Boat Lines and Services Ltd DEALERS Boat House Plant Foot Of BaytieldSt BARBIE mm 0wa nissninnn Tomorrow Night ARENA PARK PENETANG rinks gained seven points on the three games and nOWtrail the Al landale club by 18 points on the seasons play and Barrie took part in the mixed greens on Friday night The jitney was conducted bythe ladies of the Barrie club and the ideal weather and condition of the greens con tributed greatly to the success of the evening First prize was won by Frank Perkins Mrs Harry strong and Mrs Creasy Second honors went to Albert Clif ton and Mrs Wm Newton SAFETY BONDED CORD TED TRIAD VENTltA sAIIIY READ niacin zalieth St CPHIONE 2694 57Eli Barrie memo Ec VS BARRIEINTERMEDIATES 600pm LEAGUE GAME LAST as THE EXAMINER Trlxlvf summit J1 Uuplt itlttvr Lalttotl liyrt ii igtV 1iti22 in Utu Suitt Ililnill it Intel tinselall In lvhrluLi 11r tilr Ilisvlll tn South Htlnrut Sottlull Iiiuls wr1iII ri1 l= iiili Iilll it lZ Etc 1i dz iuth 31 Ill ml Ii trw 2i in int dull0 to 1m Lirtziit1tw ii li It 1ii 111 to la limit In Iain ilit 11111 ii pimtixvr Lilul Elm Hilllmn itii winttu lll izi tlr till lliiil ltrl IitLtzl thilriv la lA all 51ll IIJIiic tumu lIiuii IIIllllllLtIliill lihriiw pupil iiui ll1i ll 1lltll11 thaw up cunt inntn ilIliilt hill the litifllnj 11 rim to play tliczi llifl Iltl 1ctcilmiouqli on Srptcmbci i1iIuclitiliietiiiyol tiu trill tXttlllltt It was tlttltlltl pu chitrc some new cqiiipisiciit md to ltusscll ltlulllt ithhtic ItHMlW ric and players such football Ilisploy of pilltlic lllltl It lion llziiicy lrcmicii of the BOWLING ON THE GREEN The interest in the Berger lrophy McCuaig with Jerry Quinn bowling in the early part of During the evening the Barrie Many bowlers from Allandale ey bowling held on the Barrie Mens Doubles As always large numbero bowlers participated in the annual mens doubles bowling tournament held on Civic Holiday on the Al landale greens Twentysix rinks from Newmarket StayIner Cree m0re =Barrie Tottenhainand Al landale enjoyed the competition First prize with three wins 58 went to Little and Vaughan Goring of LNeIwrnarket Two Barrie rinks placed second and third Harry Milne and Joe Milne with three Wins 56 plus OneIand Mc Cuaig and Wm Mayne with three wins 56 placedf in that order Fourth prize w1th two wins 58 Went toBert Buddand Tom Doyle Of Newmarket Thompson and Jerry Quinn of Barrie copped fifth place honors with two wins while Nels Magee and Greer Iof Allan dale gainedwsixth priZe with one win DALSTON E22 Mrs Knowles and son Ler visited with Mr and Mrs 17 Wil liams before rtuming from their holidays Hill had their chance tO yell on 1Friday night as the local 11 trip Arm1 ped up the powerful Rugby aggre gation by the score of 21 By win ning the game their first win of the season the Oakland Hill boys tied Dalston for the fourth playoff berth in the Oro Soccer League Rugby who were striving for the top position are now nestled in the third slot behind Edgar and Barrie season the homesters tookthe lead in the early stages of the game The Hillels pushed their way into the Rugbyzo neat passing attack before Miles IHicklingpoundednthe ball into thel Closer checking pre Moore vailed for the rest Of the half and few great scoring opportunitiesl were affdrded Rugby goal iiuppi 11 Llit1iill ll 11 11 1351 air11111 lti ll 11 ll llli Ci ltllll 31 ll yl 11 llill i111 131i ll 11 lrl lohuntnu lti ll Miami 191 too on lit thi IiiiisoNr Illtwl All it 11 ll lit ayotti 11 fi t1 allII itllltltlitlll All ll 3431 lufllnnii ll It ll 11 illill Tltlllitl fill 53 IL iSUiS macho 1cei ihoiup nu dcliiniioii tomii lllllltl 31 12 flit tlilllll it Lliiii milt lit ti 231 ohnison iraliuin itllltll 31 11 125 1315 10 HS 13 ll ltil IltAl Player All 11 ll lincaii ill 111 ltllllOflll rill 2t tiliute Vchartuey 131 18 LL it leudijicki it ll nup1hi it It 13 Look ti Thompson Ti lit Donibroskey till 15 Vlmtell 111 Brewer till 13 Boast 42 Bouchard 12 Park Inglis Ill 21211155 Barrie Golfer Gets Trophy fill ll 11 303 tilt 11 Iii l3 ti ll 11 ti ll 1511 iii viIiiwi I1 on ll1l Lv 21 it 3114 ltt ri zhi uii= ini tin Itt illitlllfr Murrow IIIII lI El ll 11 ii IanoI of l1 II it ri ill iii mm is 21 it 1w JlAIl l1 ii II ill If 11 hi IIIIII zi II 11 iiHmI it 11 12 III III IIIIIII II IIII 251M 11 II III Ii ii 71 Ll it 11 titlll 14 in it 1w HIM ije XI All 11 ii Iis vii it In ll iltm i111lillll 1i 11 rim 11 it Ilm IIIIIIII III NI VIII iliiirli Iill HI if ll 11 ltitle 11iiiiliu iltl El It It ttiti titlllli ill 11 131 III 1i111 131 11 t1 Lisii 11 11 ti Il 5311 73 140 12 266 eyABtimes at bat RirinslIliits Ddoubles Ttriples llhome runs CUMMINGSGEIL GIVES OAKLAND HILL 2i WIN Soccer enthusiasts Of Oakland Playing their best game Of the the mailfor Rugb but their ef In the earlystages of the second half reliable Alf Bywaters one of the best players on thefield was Eric Scotts pass and slaphomethe tying goal Scott and Bywaters worked the ball downthe right side of the field with Bywaters Cashing in for the tally Later in the half young Len Cumming scored on solo dash to break the tie and win the game for the Oakland Hill team Cum ming took the ball aroundcentre field and chargedtowards the But by goal He slipped between the fullbacks and smacked the ball into the lowar lefthand corner of the baeks McLean and McKinley half he and executed backs Robertson Robertson Borden Golfers Tie Locals atBarrie Jommy the Spot to gatherkinl On Wednesday afternoon Aug twine to win the game The teams were evenly matched and had plenty of scoring oppor tunities Poor cleaning in the Rugby back nta allowed the ftist Oakland attackers to gain the breaks and win the game Miles Hickliug and Len Cumming played stellar games on the Oak landvlront line and carried the brunt of the attack Gord Duns more at fullbackfor the winners cleared well and kept the ball out of danger on many Rugby thrusts Alf Bywatcrs and ic Scott carried forts failed tO tie the score Oakland HillGoal Smith full backs Dunsmore and Hickling halfbacks Hickling Quinlan and Quinlan forwards Mc Lean McLean John McLean Cumming Mi1es Hickling sub Robertson rRugbyGoagl Matthews full and Moore forwards McLeod Shelswell Scott Bywater erfereeeRoss Bidwell Barrie members of the CampBorden Golf Club cahie to Barrie to play return match with the local club Intense heat prevented the shotmakers from making any sensational scores but some close ames were played When the final tally was made it was found that the teams had play Ied tie Members of the Barrie Iteam were as follows Roy Merrick IGeorge Shiles Chas Kearsey Jack Nixon Bob Chittick Jack Craig Brown Smith and IGeorge Church PtTCHER TOO CLOSE ON CGE BALL FIELD CHRISTlES PROTEST lling it 3ilil Llrfr r1 trample ul tli In no ELI llm pm 121 liarIf lust J111 luri Li ind your It lit In In illldhl ii Iu 21 ittlllui Li Ht no IJdl utnr wimpiii ii I2 Iltlllii pIJlrl tin all upland tout pit rich AHA lr Illfl stroll Illd liar It Must luriiiti II Illl rlll mimic lam Ilw omit lillrl BIRNIE pircnss LANGS 83 WIN FROM CHRISTIES li11i11 iii ItI Illlll t1l iIid lllICi liltvlllll hiivii 111llt litiil 1H tiilll Wtti iii iI llil1i1 LINES and SERVICES A1 WilmirFoot oi Baylield Sl 1iix lit I11 lcaiy houipmi 11ieiie 111 litlrir 111ii lli IIit XVIZN HUN Idiwn 111 llu Vienna 151 11 mini IZlcctrical Contractor House and Farm WIRING WE CAN IlIIIElIC YOUR WIRING ioiirs Phone 3587 IlAlIRIDl tif Iiftit St Entry Form Barrie Regatta hereby make application to enter In the tollowiug events of the 4th Annual Barrie Regatta to be held on Wednesday 10111 August 1947 Signify events with an Open Doubles in CANOE BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS BOYS GIRLS OPEN OPEN OPEN I6 years and uhdbr I100 yardsIFree Style 50 yards Back Stroke CROSS THE BAY Chainpionsliip TO BE IN CHAMBEROFCOMMERCE OFFICENOT ENTRIES LATER THAN MONDAYAUG 131947 Ho all Li Ir Mine um Itlit gtp Ivtztl tide you thi would idwiiii llir litllltltll iv it j=ili UI wt It IIIIIIUII MORRISON MOTORS Iiilrllotd 11 Iliulir ilii wanM Enjoy Daily Cruise on the Bay Lerive 330 Weekdays From pan hourly Sundays until pm 15 tI uv 11leltt to riiti pizu application ill on Olino 11 ml zrude Sillia Spiucc Iltll SllllJlIx of All Kinds DELAIIEY BOAT EVENTS Boating and Novelty SAILING CANOE TILTING Open handicap race KIWANlSIIOIIS TW VCANOE Ifhanpmm CHM Race Open Singles 14 mile OUIHOARD MOTOR RACE CANOE II Open Handicap ilei GREASY POLE III Mixed Double 14 mile 100 yd GUNWHALE RACE CANOE iLII DIVING Boys14 yearsand underHigh or Low 13 third optional dives Girls14 years and underHigh or Low Board optional dives OpenHigh or Low Board fr optional 111ch compulsory dives SWIMMING I14 years and under 25 yards Free Style H14years and under Ir 25 yards Breast Stroke gt16Iyeairs and under II set yards Free Style I6 years and under firhtlyaiidleree Style II16I yedrsanclptidcr ll yards BackStrOke With the acceptancewOf this application itis 010311Y1IDC18FSIOOOI that 1111111185 and Regulationsand decisions made by the Regatta Committee are final

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