AGE SIXTEEN THE BARE liXAXHNEEZ BARBIE rankME Deni 92 DINIEEMLDIEIEI BASEBALL leleat to Prysons Gull ROUND ROBIN litlt121illtilitll1i IIII lt AU Hit It ii Wood For Sale quantity of lumber ends and trimm II inqs at very low price II Ii rlhis wood is lll1 11 Incl ioi iiiiiiuei llltl 1111 linen WWI IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIII iiizii Him IIII Immediate Delivery III lNltttttx llll II EII LIIII IIIIII 13111 Phone Barrie 290 712713C1yheldSl Willllv iIHzli litt ltI Illf II III IIIIIIIIII III 11 llllt 1i nM Mum M1i 1tti AtolONlclIoorcillvllclJIIIIvilllaalallalaltllaloItIalclltoal IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIgtII IIIII IIIII ctcii Iiit Iiiii IMIIII 1t iii lII 115 Here is Your Opportunity ml Eu ltytkllylttllt as MINESING 11 ilttutl Sutccjl 11114 iil OWN IllltfllfttlffllfltOltlilllIJ llll El lizid in ll tilt 1l 11in 1mm Iv 11 lilti 1111 ri 1v lwl Ll IOII II HIM III III II IIIIIIII lllI Ii ltI1ll 1i II111lti tuitie 111i ll ti ll ii 1111 ic Dr vii my will on 1ii1i 12311 it 111 it Hum Iltt lllt 1iiu 11t 11 to INA iiiid Muir iii 11 Ii liilll 11 Ht it 11il cu iiicic iiir iric IrisJr Ii luau 131 mlltcu and three 1th lviii 11 ii ltl Kw ml 1111 it in ii Why Not Your Lot WM eriir I1 Eir 11111ii11llttYtlUp II II 5lllltli III NIH mm Mtlltt ht il puiiiii1ri ioiii more Choose Now Richard Fodden announces the com pletion of the registered Subdivision of the John Cook Farm one half mile south of Barrie town limits on Highway No 11 Lots 60 ft by 21111 ft or block are offered frontiiri on llic iv road Ihedaud is high well diziiuid llltl IKlllllll fllltlt1 no line the scytiitii rui II lltl tltLllll llllllllii 1t1aw itllil l1ilr 121tll pound ill mi hits for tln winners lll 121 nd ll Miles cashed in 111 to ic1i5jodiu litlllltdl it ixiili 111 single tor llSlLOCAL 1111c Srwignu 1111 11 two tinsel oi tour acres or more or 1111 township soil Choice lots have it lttilllill li oi liillll fictoxs Iiiluixt Niiiltlilidll trimm lno the bay or of Iovei rcek BOTH HYDRO AND llill11111h1vi A1219 AVAlIAllR For further particulars apply to the owner on the farm illt Oil1Ilvtlllltltllllf lllllS mi or write It ladden liiiiwiclt Itt 1111 Phone stroml WIIWUH it Ame ledncMLI MINIWHL all rmrgo Ws the Lions toppled llic liiriic hit 1t 131 1451 The liiiiie lttllll lltttl litt he dismayed for lllt 11011 have Sitwusoii Sltvtllti lili lac Mc 11iii1 leiinu llumphicyI ltllll llltlll1 iiulttruiru ll Maw lhc tipiudwiiuiiisi lltllllp illici inediaie baseball ltitlll 31lllikl sharp setback tit 1rnutane oi NeeOooooooooolooo4oowoooutcoolllrole yet to lose on thcii home field t1u season while the lttt11tlc1ttlltil lhornbutyIndians haw ill11 rein ed by two terrific scores ou the same layout For the first inning llarrie slimy ed real power 13111 leqxatt ti iplt gatt scored on later play Ptlll tam got two back in their hall of the first and in the second added four more Barrie hit the run tol uinn again in the third but the homestch caine flying back with four more markers to make the count 103 The final Barrie tally came in the fifth inning as Danny Poland rounded the circuit Penctanr scored two in the fourth and two in the sixth Harvey Chappel started on the mound for Barrio but the Lion caught On to hiscurves and llill Leggatt came t0 the hi11in the fourth The chance of pitchers was hardly noticedoby the Lions for they kept on pushing in the runs Leggatt lid slow down lllt Penetang Onslariglituit the game had been won in the early innings ramble cIizli GIVES urn BETTER THINGS TO BUY coach Herb Beauchamp went the route for the home team and ex well under control BarrieGeo LeGear 3b Poland rf Thompson 1b coilrt Barrie Penetang Beauchamp fo THERE are new fabrics for hats and purses new styles in slides variety in costume jewellery modern gadgets for the kitclienlettcrIoods 1i range of new furniture aiidbehindall the goods mall the stores across the country are hundreds of businesses large and small the teams were evenly matched ll JSleSSor Licrasrn If there had been no money nvailalrlcrand no men of ability to tum it into factories and goods there would be far fewer products on the shelves and counters Izir less variety in price and styleffar less value to he had for your purchasing dollar The Bank of Nova Scotia were proud of our share in the creation andexpansion of Imsiuess Over $200000000 is inVestcd inI commercial loans helping large companies and small bring you better and better things inCanada Lets do it together II TH BA VA or liiiimicifis IMPLEMENTS McCloiIer Mono er Barre Oni Phone 2577 Barrie ONTARIO CANADA trusty Art more liners 10 Mile CNE Swim Aug 29 li tlllltl All illt tii 11 iii CHEEDGED 32m COOKSTOWN trim THE PLAYOFFS li1l CHU vl 41 liu 110 112 lltil1 til llic 11 ill Im his iIizl Kitiiv 111 llllltl crux IIIIHMIJ 1n llli Siiium 511 lit 11 wt lIIJ 1i illliJi Itmiiehzli I1 11lrlliliu plm thi limit itil Itrl tltt lfltili llltl the lilt o1 lln 11 1il lii lilit iinI lin tuid 12111111 1lii tilt lll 11iIiI1oIi lllziiw oustuhh izuiiul fltttlltl vlltlllll liill Iiiiit Ui llir lltll tilitt IliI downfall 1iiiiic tull and thiec n1 1hr lllt at 11 tphit Ullilitilli Ill tiiiliueii Howe purine IIIIIIIIII we 23mm 4l tlroI lil1lIli 11 111 it into ltfsfittl tiiiilirtiu llic irtIIlilc liliilt Hill 11 lmttii lliii toiiw wired 111cm iIv in lllt toolutmyii lt iiiilliiiiit to rtilrllcx 111111 milkinu one the ittlllttl ltltii it tlllllltl him the edge lll nzintiiilw Io Lloyd lliittiic iiiuiiiI advanced lIllll hull tui lI1llll 11111 DEFEATS 11 Ill iii RI li iiid lllllitl 11c wr hile Lilllil lllltt It 11111 iiiiuiii III nine niui meeti lllnli Illllll 11101 iluizuiict1 The 5111 hut Ilit1t tilt11111411 lll lllI unlit ftttllltl lliiezlics lilltlllW iiut pzermd llilll iiid coiiI Wither tied Stewart in the completed the circiiit iitoilt ouse llltl lliirvey in the mewnth iuniup brought the home tciiiu two illll the Its expected the series lllH 11 developed into it great oiisi and IiiiIiIlgtIlIif are two of the lNSl hurlci In lllti district capable of tanning thw licsi In the late stir Etll1 iitiiiio thiIw Int 22 treatment tdull 1Iii Hull 13 ii ouii 111 wt ii iiiticid lHllllt rqunhii littli lliirilpoii to put lll lliii Ilinichitl third when tizillt llllI iii theI iiiil 7VE1117211fi1121llyers Defeat Alliston Walk tlllt EXPERIENCED 593 LIVESTOCK MAN ball game when 111s 51 Illlltttl lllt plate Io swig wiiititI thehtiltli um sr For Successful Silica llouscliold Furniture ready livlltg Iliilllt l1igtis of the clicis battle lilxlllztltt Juvenile Baseball llllllil win Ill gtlllillllll out llitoii on Ilrpiv illtll 111t Ilillxtlll ii tor lii llllll liis Farm Stock and Implements PHONE STROUD 23111 Iltitl Dreamland Special 11 lllt 1111 IXpttlttl be ready to no toiI Ul littlltlH ll idziy semifinal 11 littlllt the tennis battled but with that howi11 the next encounter ililithaiidcr llill Hagen was In tiiic fctlh on Friday as he kept the 11oii leiilil well in check lliieerk uAIluIlIIuIIIIuIIIuuuunu REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICE REPAIRING AND IIICITINISIIING PHONE 2163 BARBIE KEITH BELFRY tilson Products ua ill who was guru great siippcup his mates let the llllllllttll$ down Will two hits while fanning seven wulkiiiv three inuiur contest mud in lllt seren 1urie opened the scoring in the Melier and Slin lloth run ecoiu1 llllllllt as Enron led off with hits lttlfi idyaiiedtl oii stolen basesxyaud In the third Allis Joli Litlllltlltl their only run Ney doubled and Scene singled to send Ncy across the plate In the fifth Favero and liaggeu iiirded and McArtluu doubled to llziiite crew two more runs In the sixth the locals pound by virtue of riiinnions triple and IIagens dou Darkncss set in and the game the seventh inning with Barrie runner on third and one out Simmons with triple and sin 11c and Marten with double and single were most effective for Bar rie Mcger lraycro and McArtluir also got hits The second MUtttl on outs batted In two ruin and tinu liege EABOYD General Insurance AUTOMOBILE FIRE LIFE HOSPITALIZATION By Dick Luberi $375 SICKNESS and ACCIDENT print the oil over four runs lilo was called in Box 196 Barrie om game yet the series was scheduled for Barrie on Mon day night but the Alliston team were Iinahleto get to town Barrie tenurwill now advance in to the final series against the win nor of the EveiettHoinings Mills series BarrieMeArthrIr Help on the Farm 32 Montgomery Ward Garden Tractors with rubber tires and complete attachments The Young Jack Beauchamp son of cept for the first inning had things 31 Strachan 1b Kerr 2b Meger Simmons 11 llouuheed cf Emms rf Favero ss llagen AllistonByers Ney cf Doyle ib Armstrong 55 Seeney If Allan McKilligan rf WOODS can PORTABLE MILK coomns WOODS3 111 60 cycle ELECTRIC GRAIN GRINDERS MontgomeryWardedsssuns SYSTEMS for farm or cottage with capacity of 350 gals per hour Decho motor and Belt Drive 2b Chappel 55 Leggatt Garry LeGear SS 21 Coulson 1f Ramsay cf McCabc cf Loueheed Dennis Bailey Barrie Alliston PenetangOHearn 2b Bolton cf Ballantyne lb Brown Marchildon 3b Moreau ss Hamelin lf Vaillan Tllkltlfafgei MARII Mm 244 202xl4 HP some AT NORTH BAY The Barrie Juvenile baseball teamIjourneyedI to North Bay on Saturdayto play double bill with the Alkins AthleticsThe Barrie Flyers coppedI the first game 87 but lost thefinalgamc 74 Both games were keenly contested and STANDARD 22 GALL CLALVANIZED RANGEII BOILERS 36 FOOT EXTENSION LADDERS ill If suit Sealers Corona pts doz $100 QtsI $120 RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS 12 gauge double barrelled Springfield Shotguns i22 Marlin Mossberg and Harrington Richards Riflesalso 3030 calMarlin Rifles FISHING TACKLE Rods lines reels plugs spoons landing nets etc ohnstuons Hardware RECORD DAR Phone 3997 26 EleAunTusT BUILDING FUND In such hot weather as we have had this past week we have had couple of nasty blows one tO the right and one to the lft of the jaw from two folk who last year be tween them had pledged $400 to the Curling Club Building Fund Your chairman is still groggy but managed to get On his feet before the bell went for the count few others came along and renewed their pledges right after to prove that at least there are some people who do try to prove by theiractions that their word is as good as their bond Corner Essa Road and Gowan Eli Malawian 50R YOUR LIBRARY on Classic 12 Inch Albums lHlUl itch Iimn tilltfltu $305 li tIhIr or Johann Strauss 37 ii IJW hopiu lcs tlphides Iiilltl III It to 03 IIIT IIIilloh ltoiiicu Juliet thctlurc US till Hinth Koi slum Au licllri tlel 5585 H131 iuctIuIrloldwillln1iciuir Meat 11 titl llItI IUltul $1 U3 thin IIuhulltll IMtl tltll lllc Viilf 51 riMmll liopiiilI1urlIs $511 lnwx rlmilxou t1tiiipliuiiy No $773 mum II ltimxlty Ktiltlt rIitIltIt last cr thcrtuic 5370 lttlllf Iiigucr SI Ilt lioiu live ii 11 Iltt $775 Illiilltiixr tinte hand limon sun St Iii mum rim Imiimmi it Unmr Iltltlll $370 lltlltlifl Illltllllttltlllutl ouccrtu No 5735 ltlltli tilttswtaruicn $910 Mllztfwlldul Ilolcru $170 3110 Icliiiilioyult Nut Iuick er Suiti $505 IIIIII lHlltlil Huh Sonata in Edi ll $505 IHIERI Itilrt oncctto imii $303 IITXJ IIIIINIV tiIIiiil of the Animals $505 IHIXUX Itominus Ilic Iliirlicr Hf Hcvillc sizes ltlil EDSPROULE 1115112Ellidill LICENSED Victor 10 Inch $1510 on imp lroluiticff Liculcuiiut Kijc Suite $505 Classic Albums Highlights from Oklahoma 3490 WISHES Musical Show Hits Gladys Swartliuut $475 Popular 10 Inch Albums Vuuelin Monroe $375 ltif Sduarc Dances lly itsou ltubisnii S375 IlleIVats Waller 3375 FIDOIoinmy DorseyStar Maker $375 PMSGlenn Miller 23375 Pinsnmkn Itings 3375 lliltlllp Swing $375 lltDStcphen Foster favourites lly Sriiiiiny Kaye 5450 IlllDltinali Shore Musica Orchids $3315 Pizn Bunny Brrigan Memorial Album $375 1233 The Music of Victor Herbert $375 PHDFavourite Love Songs PlotOrgan Reveries P103Balladsof Old Ireland SS75 P89lrish Songs Emile Core Direc tor $3315 P86 NBI Chamber Music of Lower Phone Basin Street $400 80 lettingr Sentimental By Tammy Dorsey $375 II ImRumbas By Xavier Cugat S315 ISSFriml Melmlies 375 PISPinocchio $300 PAlbum of Famous American Marches $315 CPRThe Happy Gang $3315 IIJI New Orleans Jazz By Bunk Johnson 525 Black Label 10 Inch Popular Records 202318 Something for Nothing Last Night in Dream By Freddy Martin 75c 202307Cecilia The Goofy Gal of Tegucigalpo By The Three Suns 750 202305Dream Street Get up IhoseStairs Mademoiselle By The DeepIRiver Boys 750 202302LBut IIdo mind if ya Dont ThatsLife IGuess By Tommy Dorsey750 2023oo Do you Love me Just as much as ever Smoke Dreams By Helen Carroll 202294 wish didnt Love you so Tallahassee By Vaughn Monroe 15 lt PHONE M24 By Frank Muun $375