THURSDAY artists 2121 721 EmmerixM13132 amen 11Ililil CANAEA PAGE ELEVEN WMHMM WWW ITosIm WM 11 111mm 1111111111 llx Will be Pygmy of Canned 1111111111 11mm tll Strawberries this Year VESPRA COUNCH II 11 11fa1i LN1111 l1 outwith DELIVERY I2 Phone 39 WM mm arrle ue gt mi 111 1111 II 11 11 IA 11 zl 5111111m111111i II 1111 1211 i1t i1 ilrlillir Hi ilAlYtlthl HJI 11111111ti 111w 1111 ol 11 hill Efnit Sauna 111112 111I11111 11111 11111Itzi1I11111 I1 111 111 1211 11 II I11 June 31 113 11111 iiitli 111 lillit 1111 3111 ii 1111111 in 111 lill ll llil 11 111111111 111111 Itht 11 112111 I1I1I 111 11 111 11 11 1111 111 11 11 11 111311111 Jllii t1r 11 Isl mic 511111 11111 lit 11111 111 1111311 71 11 $111 111111 11 Him 111 11 1I mi i111 11+ it 1d Inns in Hill Hit LUltrlnus in IU HilUlNH luldmlv 1W MW Iill in 11 HM 11l 11 11 ml in if ll 2H1 iinlil imlmi 111 1111 1111 11m mh All with INN lnv lIIPvWl nir rimW mum emu 11111111 11111 wow M11 1171 tiiwrc III 11111 iit letter 11111 111111111111 III IIIII 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1111 15 Hl it PWHM lx 11111 Home Msiirtwi liilllrllllt Kitty 1111 at the 1111 111M to tl Hi rI NEW WIi Iil l1 TU HillVille kWh lmlillil Hmh fumw WW Mm mmWrHq IhlvmunlMJmlmld gt1qu 11 1III1p1hr lllb 32111111 it 111 llllll Nil 11 1111111 11 111 um 111111 111 Itllt1l 11111 Hltull lo llllllld 111 lllllllll WNHll um IHHH Hi Ill tpxiufvy nlulin l5 TO WlN SOUND ANI 111 1111111111 1111 111111111 1111 11111I uni Mil LU oil 101 lllll iiiis imit II1I FIHH 111gt1111 151 l11f1 111tliiiglIl1Itl lltlllKUlll IIIIIII III II II MI 11I1 My HUB IIN 511W SM llllrtl lziiitely to the 11 11l11oiit II II 12 111 in itiLli Itill1itl lo ltlll ithl MUNIH H53 lbw5 Ll lyillf Ila ithud 111T 11 1131 l1 1111111 11111 llays oi Sli1leptziiv lintlimited1 1gti111 zziw Mil 17 Hi ill Pl 11111111 12r tll t11111i1 11 lllllllllk Nitric Mgr lt Ass 111111 SIIIHM 01 11 gt1 11 11 111 iiiii iiifitiilx1iiii Womens liistitutes if IM lioxiiil11rr11 lllljnp 117 T0 IIIHANI 1WD iii 11 1111 11111 111 iii 11111 11 WNW MM im QM HI 111111 51111 11 tint1 11w1111111ui 11111111 11m tuiw 11111 11VllV 1111 ls there one 111 1l those you Inns II 1li 11111 211111 111111111 211 11111 I1 11 I11 11 11 tillll 111w hotter to low 11111111111 ooh111 11611 11 11111v11111111111 1111 11 THE xlt1ti 11111 that twit 111 wili tin111 moi PAIR 115 fillinis Imimm Vi li 11111111111111 1111111 111111111111111z1 1111 lAKCftT 11111 MM IVS Thmlmm it input 11 11111111 lm 53 EW l1 iIllill lll lltiiill ln IIti 111 it hm mill WW 11 11 1114111 7141 221111 1111 11111111111 111111 11111 111 11141111 1111 1111 COMPANY II III II III IU11midHs whimj 111y1mi $1191 115 hut1 hm 111111I1hh IIHMIIII IiIII lI1II4IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIII III iIIIIIIIII III III IIIIIIIIIHIWIH IIIIIIII IIIII IIVIIIIIIII1II III or 11 191 11 1111 gif in 11 1111 11111 111 11 Jim iilt lt 111111111 II 1I IIt 11 11 111ii1111 1141 1111 H1111 mi 11 111 111 11 kirkVIII IIIISIII in undertake his liIltil l1gtl shows tlli11111111 IilIIIIlIII IIii Elf if In 1111 111121111 lll11l1 lhlli1ill 1111114 11i II KIND II nth yhmwip Ikllltllllfe 15 llilll ill mlllltlll Attoidiiiit to iiesar 111111 liig1ll1 H1111 II iI hm lltli 111111 1111111 1111 1111111131 on ail 1111111 11112111 1X 11 1111 21 ot hit httttrt Nummnm md vlmunnvullt 1111121111 1iiiii1l 111111111115 111 1t111tHt 111113 H1 ltl 11 tfit THF WORLD 1lt 111111111 11l 11 11111 11 1111111 Il111l131111l 111111 mm In my mam um IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIISIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIlIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII II III IIIIIIIII IIIkIIi IIIIII III IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII duyrl humluv Ml 013 EilllllNhllP Wm lrSilllmS Nor saddle and 1llltlt il them iolillvl mu111 111112 111 11111111 111111 illiH llllllitrtlllll 11 5dw mll ii thin lllll To this luce 111111 the 111111 1111111 11111111 rm lw ll ltii 111121 t11iti111 l1 tisinun siii1ll1tth llltl111 11111 mii 11111111111111 111 111 1111117 gt1 111 VUwliill l511llltldllv kindness 111 mot11 1111310 thrownth mm RM Wk IIIII III II MI with mm Am Hde Iwum 511 afdh mm 1011111 11 01 cvoryth 1g lleio hate lthtl mwmmm mm who ml IIIII IIIIIII WI III IiI1IIIIII1II WWII nmliou Wmto nullV1 and hnv 35 The leisiaiis trahiitl their horses nice It 111 111w 11111111 111 llillll 111111 am no 50d 0m ymmg to an Id III III IIIIIIIII III IILIIIIIIW IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II III II IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIII 11 it 111 111 loavpv known thl were the tirst to introduce sathllts 11111114 1111 at COlher wl itlier oveiI may return with Suddm mm gm WW 121k before me greatcrthan that now in use tlL not known ill Wa II II II 111 in Stein111 In me It muu ml 1m mm 11111111 1111 1111l11l1 of John IWllllUlll the isslstaiite 111 that lI1 WH ImIIIdWUd Mm 1II Sim 1I III II IIIII IIIIIIII Being who Cw attended mm II IIIIIII IIWII III III IImI IIIIIIIIIIV lth 11x 11 I11 I11 IiII III III II gt 1111 11 111 mm LUl IVIH llll but were not common even in 1111IIIIIIIIIIWIIk um mm 3111 mmtmy Hm 131 Lltdll llilb lltt 111 1h 15 Illlttitl come run oil who can 110 lll1 me and remain 111mm rm rm Numb If II lI gt VVUI 31 Id l51VLIllL III stirrup illti must llith ltltll 1111111williuimliiHIH tlj ml Itll gout et us C1111L11l iope 11 IM 1h gt111 111 Ilttltl 111 111 yet he thl to His mulmmm In lunhukI Ht llI commending you as hope 111 your TM III Hmwimn 11 prwcrk you will commend me RI II 11 III II I1 II II 1U ltllll 11111 1X Kurt 13 butvyou an illoctionitte tiiicwell II IIIIIIIIIIIUI II IIIIIIIIIIII hummuk me will Have the fV ride The lines oi the lust and or My mum he belongs 10 me Simmi Wis Humid ii mm SI The International Chamber of riiniult 10 lllt SMITH Kl JHISI AND Commerce has held its lllll illmllill Ml ll meeting at MontreuxI bWitxerlaiid 211110111111 Duck llallopml wi It ltplkbtlilb business 111 its 11111111 lIIilIlIIthiuI II II broadest sense There were repre lUUlllettILl lltItl llltII1lIlI as III SCIllllilVeS of twentyseven of the III llh gatebolts llllt Your Funnce leading nations in the world present uphild ithtle tho wall to us VCIIUVE 41 111 11 99 leloplllg throttph 01191 Here is one outstanding fact All Behind shut the postern the clIEANED but two of these countries have lights same to rest muss no fuss in the past drifted to some extent And into the midnight we get NO into forms of controlled production liiped dintdbl QTALLING whether under oveinmeiit ae is Not word to eiicli other we kept LLOW WFL or 111101in1 cartelization under gov the great pace eriinient approval These two Neck by netk stride by stride countries are Canada and the Unit iieverIclianging our place ed States They haveItoday the II tiirnedIin my saddle and made Phone highest Standard llVlllg 0f any 81m 3m countries in the world Then shortened each stirrup and Y0 d1 our own Con Wt the man ever successful pq Pm Allandale Plumbing Reebuckled the cheekstrap chained slacker the hit Nor galloped lesssteadily llolaiid clusions Itmay be that they have been prosperous because they have not modified to any great extent man have ever met radiates an attitude of selfconfidence ST 133 iUMBEELAND II their methods of production It 35511111 It is safe to eIthere gianth 12123 noIIt 5131 and have retained the Give meal appeal to tude 1t 15 3111105 lmPOSSIble petitive system their capacity to lt produce has remained unhampered to get ahead in the world So the ambitious man who real izes this fact will by erect posture clear speaking voice and rm stride try to convey an impression of his Iself condence through outward appearance And this in turn will help generate his self condence inwardly But one must be careful never to appear cocksure This causes people to shy away from youFurthermore it is invariably the pose of the manvwhodoes not know as much ashe wouldlike you to think lie10531 So try to express your self respect in marine that re ects condence mixed with large portion of modesty mans feeling of selfcon deuce is increased the nancial independence that comes from owning Lifelo surance No other investment provides the security enjoyed by life insurance policyhold ers and their families iWIS7 and so their standard of living is higher than itotherwise would be higher than it now is in any other country of the world Foou SHIPMENTS T0 NEEDY GARDENERS GREAT BRITAIN Utilizing abalance left in the wartime fund to provide getable seeds for the people of Britain the Ontario Horticulzural Association has sent shipment of tinned meat products for needy membersof the Gardeners Royal Benevolent Ina stitute of Britainrwho have been found in need of assistance The tirst shipment conbisted of $300 Worth of Ontario tinned meats and has been sent on trial basis 1111111111 3111111111 0111111111111 To get quick relief from diarrhoea intestinal pains ses sickness or summer complaint use DIOGTOIR EOWLBRS murmur or Wm smw BERRY 1111113 dependable family remedy is one of the most eifeotivo and best known medicines for bowel complaints Insist on 900103 roWuius excuse1 or lesstender meats Humz Condensed Cream of Tomato Soup See that twinkle in the eye of Emile levdisl There are some very important reasons for that twinkleand the money in hlspockel is amongIthem There are other thiiigs too that make big eyes twinkle Things like lotsiof good food plenty ofsleepand or clodn outdoorrlife che importance cthisiobgv Abilibi woodmandud Ifrdm his efforts IlIFFY MEAT LOAF lbs ground beef us cups dry bread crumbs can Heinz Condensed Creamw of Tomato Soup undiluted eggs beaten medium onion chopped teaspoons HeinzIEva orated Horse Radish rcliy rated in tablespoon water 11 tables oons Heinz Prepared Ye low Mustard 21411515110011 salt teaspoon pepper Combine all ingredients Mould into build Shallow baking pan Bake in moderately slow oven 325 or 50 minutes Serves to lo Iromanceand the high earnings thuthighs Neill 1111111 youplcliupI diteWspaperbei Emiles jobis 11111191111111 Emile1suni comes paper for use in Canadaand 11101111111111 worldI The Abilibi Power and Paper Company Limitedemploy men like Emile Levois by the thousands men who know the light the life of onAbitibi Woodsman look I111 11 letterhead think of EmileIILevois Abitibi ondICttnodu LIMIYKD