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7Ill1ll1 1111 lttlltlil ldtsll ltttls llltlllflli it you ill illt llllltsb lg 111 11l1I 1111111111 in mus of the Surrey llllltii ch tlt11 maxm1 1011 11 11 1111 1H11 1H mm lejHIva Ilm ltm lamhty for CUlllltgtk11ll tlitl 111 12 f1 1111 Wm 11111111 1111 91 EIltIll on Illllt I11 IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII I1 IIIIIIIWIIIR ll txttiisiu optti 111 1Iomi gum IlI 1IIII 1111 IlMl ll IkitInItlttl IUIIHI and 111iii II IIIIII 111 mm 1111z1 11 mm wi 11e lllzidlslics innitii 111 111 111 IS lWV Il laughter of Bulvedcnu and Mr and5 IIIIIIIIIIII you lttIlllitlT 11112 11 MR2 tooiluIIsI of ioiohtoig II hl 7111 11min iii am 15 oine uniiiieisI Slmmch huge in and baby Toronto Spent last who Ir 11111 2111 KI with and Um SWIM MIN SLIM Eton I111 11 him Inn 111 III1 pviitlitii somo Rev Mr CIIIIIIILI IWII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII gtt11 as Barrie Ont YI1=11 ISLEISKWJ mi 113 Him1 51111111 MI in l11X liurcli htiiiday ti11111 Frolick lm Wil V1 is lit and hs lilf Bell was mmlsur dull 1M IAII IIIIX VSI 11I1gtll 1111119 gt1Igt 1111 many years ago has dos VI thI hzw1IRIIIIITH14131 MM Ii EKIW hldrm WW gt minim 1w 1W lml Mrs Ernest illitliwt lLllliilIlk Is 211 11111 liltI IIIIIIIIIII II III III lI II IIIII likiI I1I1IIl1iIitl III II 11 11 11 11L 1111 11 1111 hilt iiid IIIl I1i11 Rim1mm II IIII III l1I11l1111 l111l111 iie lhlllll Mr IIQ IIIIIII IIIIIIIII LII I1I who II 111115 INIf MW mum wmip 11111111111l I1111ti 4lllIl lillillhlllttlhtl llllltlf 111 and 1111111 Johnston ot 11111 Pun11113 he Militias iltll 1I1111I11I1IZ 1111111 1lr lxiiitir and 1210 1mm at 11111111 11 11111 in LEGAL HIROI RACIORS 111 11 ll1lil$llill11 llllltl1 11 IIH 11111111 munic II BOYb 11 lAIill BanIsIeIg smnlogs Nahum hiiliclhidhbtglllelltEIzisgcc IIIIIItIIIIII MI IIIWPMHI MIMI II II lll1 10 lens 11 Public Conveyunwm we Electric RIIIOI Hydro and WM MAI CakeSI PastryI MONEY 10 LOAN Mechaiio Therapy 111 111111 11111 lire lilo 111111111 i1lt 111115 WWI hum Hui 0m 13 owm SLI Barrie DHMIIP SLI Emma 3194 mm IWI In mud IIIIIII III VIIIIIIIIIII HUIIII Rm Stun Bmker IBranch OHICQI MIIIVIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MISI MM AI IIINIII IIIIII IIIIIIHCIIO BOYS ORBFT gt 1111 Mini 1111 in ilit 1lt111 1151I1I III II II ROWE bluAliltAM CHIRCWRIAEVYUR Abe Hum MM MN IiII IIIIII III IIIII WIN II IIIIIIIIII II III II ml 111 Mlmllgtd DRUGI INS lllliltAlisT 11 11111 11111111111 wwwin 11111 It N0 NFW LOWELL SURE Phone 3070 26 McDonald St 1111 11 Winst 111111 1111 ILIII trim IIIIII1ISII Im II ma CAMERON CAMERON BY Barne IIIIII IIIIIIIEI IIIIII II IIIHIII IIIIIII IIIISIIIIIYII IIIVIILIIII III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIII1I11I1I1 II PHONL 10124 APPOINTMENT 11H RRISIFR 90L1110R FlC t1 mums 11x 51111 tor protracted 11111111112 Arllml btlltflel 0Wen bt Barrie ele hone 11175 ll leilltlllllfl or 01er 111111111111111 MONEY To LOAN MUbIC LESSQNb IIIIIIII IIIIIIIMI IIIIIII mIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII COWAN COWAN physician at the first rticpiriim 11 Li Ylm Properties With 115 amine SDIwit nee IHSBH 1m Mm RMl we 0111ij Noitaries aming PEACHER gt01 MAN Swallow 1111 MUSICAL 11114211111 111 lli Money WuitedMoney to lmn Ni 11 111d vI iiicliiduw AILM Modern 111111111111 17 Owen Street Barri Studio 27 Bradford St 65A Ross Iowan Registered Potent Atttirney DOROTHY JOHNSON 1155311111 lit1 anti 1111 Win Henderson imp at her home litre Mr and Mrs llt and firmI 11 1111111 mowii 11 itlltlll 853qu gMglggiTuq Eff gdlulluutg ConaervIuItory IiIt MUSitI and 11111111 arc111iliiluyme at Lurkl an ET 1111 on 2115 ege Masonic Temple Bldg game Musm Piano and Theory 12111111111 111111 1mm 10ft MONEYTOLOAN We 417 it 111111111111 Man DUNCAN McCUAlG BA KC MEDICAL Mr 111111 Mrs Orville Jamiemn BABHXSTER SOLIlClTOR llC Money to Loan Ross Block Barrie DONALD MacLAREN ILA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan Masonic Temple Building Bari1e JOHN REID BARRiSIER SOLICITOE ETC 24 Dunlop St Barrie iit JOHN WOODS KC BAHRESTER AND SOLICITOR Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Phone 2661 Money to Loan CL COLLECTION AGENCY Specialists iii Collectioii titAccounts Dunlop St Barrie Phone 4111 AocouurANrs HARRIS SPEY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto 14Herbert HurrisrtPrA FrankM Spry ARMSTRONG AND MacLAREN Fitzmaurice MacLaren CAI CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 17 Owen Street Barrie 21 King Street Toronto WARD MAYOR COMPANY Ward Mayor CPA AUDITORS 18 Toronto St LOB ANDERSONd1 COMPANX Chartered Accountants Trustees etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto mun VETERINARIAN on momma 4mm St 31 3min Phone 63 FINANCIAL sulYi Toronto and SURGEON IADEIE ONT PHONE 1330 VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSEK Barrie Branch Well Baby iiiit trom 230 to 430 oclock evered aesday Application or nupsfs ser vices mav be made direct througl toctor 3031 BARRE FFBo OPIOMEIRIST I3 Dunlap St Phone 2963 Attendance 96 ROBERT II SMITHLIRO OPTOMETRIST= Dunlop StPhone 2586 Hours 96 daily NOEL STEPHENSON no OPTQMETRIST Dunlap StBIirrie Phone 4201 osruorirrnr EDWIN WILSON BSA gt THE WILSON BUILDING Cor Post Office Sq ondSimcoe St Barrie Consultation by appointment Telephone 2293 FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE lupperton St Phone 2703 SMITHo co lstuhshed 1m MINERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Motor ambulance in nonnatith OPEN DAY AND NIGHT an gzuciegu4gttrb4A1 now Mrs Verit in Friday hnid tlliltlltll spent low lays lastl tll at Niagara llllli Mrs llios Miller and family hare iiiturned home after ipendingl lVluir lo Wet11s with friends at kirk M113 Lenore Canton i5 Sash spending couple of weeks holil days with Mr and Mrs Fisher Gan ton Miss Carol Potter Rosemount is Spending couple of weeks holi days with her aunt Dreiinan Congratulationsto Mr and Mrs Douglas brandon on the arrival of baby p111 on Aug 10 at St An duews Hospital Midliind gt FIRST SPATENT The first United States patent wzis issued in 1760 to Samuellllop 111115 for nouginethod of making IJQltllld pearl zlSllCS MULVEIIEYS OTHERS FRIEND Your little children rely on you to lielpII them when theyre miserable irritable or suering from other little physical trials of childhood Very often these symptoms are caused by worms and can easily be remedied Follow the example of thousands of loving Canadian mothers Give baby sate soothing effective MOTHERS FRIEND Its pleasant herbal remedy and will quickly Ihelp baby feel his huppy sell again At all drunlsts Mrs Alvin SWEET CIAPORAI SEE HOW PERFECT POSTWAR CIGARETTE CAN BE El REOBU1LT 5010 AND sckvicso 1N CANADA TORONTO GARAGE Barrie Ont IHlpyMZzJIzmmpaw Drive Reo truck it will spoil you for any truckyouvevor tried before TheseInew Recs hand with amazing ease lurn on dlmeIcurry more load each inch offwheelbalm Yet they cost less toojzerqte They re built from the ground up 10 save you mojney on repairs get around faster and slay on the ob For longer time Roos are built by meliwhoso solo work is trucksand busesnothing else It will puy5you It on Ilia difference REPAIRS AND SERVICE Au 111115 you wanttralncd mechanlcsond service mon+wlio can nd lholroublo an llx It without wasting your tlmi and moneytake advantage at our chop solup We can save you plenty oi hedddchn Phone 221447