11 1111214 ili7 II PAGE SEVEN 2329 V11 R1IRI impressive 134 Bivaismeliall STROUD lllliSW ce in Barrie Arena Wm Against the Airmen U1 Wins at Oran cvillc us or cum es tnmKLLn lAt UNH 51 IiR IIIIII IRII Jr 1131335 FWtelizw 1+1 ii Hut1 111 1R RRRRrum in in IRIII 11 R1 III IIEII xv nu II RIII 11 RR Rt 311m RR rn 111ilr1 RI Rum 13 11R1z rR RR iti 1RR1 II Rl R1 II IRII 713R 11111 11m 11111111Ril 111R1t11RR 11 RI 1mm 1111i 11 in II 112 11111 RIII uRiR 11R1 An Md MilliH 1R mi II III IIIII IIII IIIII II II II III II III Its your own hull told you II IlIi HIIIRI II II month ago to l1ir lorlisuns 13 Vii lRRR1R 11 111 11 rm the Hr HH ER R1 1R ifR iRR iR 11111111 1ti1 MORRISON MOTORS ivi II RR 111R1 11RR 1111 lliil RR 11 RM RR IIR II RR II AI IiIlIIR radium gt1 Hume ms 1R 11 of Xtru 1rRRR11R 1gtRR111RRR RR 411l Youll 99 Oimmgt 11 lRRx RR 11 Hilwiii eriiRR 111 1RR RR mttusfromyourhmsItt youInInJIoI III II 1III IIII IIIII IEIIJI 1111111R121 11 11 11 R1 Ri mm rchlHd lL 00m iiRR RR RRR R1 11 1111 W111 11 21212 1RiR1 11 nuRunportnn Ri WDY haVI 11 1111111111 11 11R1 111111 11 nlilmi 1111 Lil HARM HHI In hunk of 101113 the 11 31 R11R R1RR inniiliwil 11 VIMHLYI 1H1 in 13 qu 1H 500 ustoduy fIII 1R1R1 tRRRR1iR lolli nnn 111111 11111 11 IIIIlI IIIIII 11 iIW IR R1 11 Rilzln ZRlli 111i lR 13 Km RR 11111 IIRHI 11 II III It11i 1x 1111 1R iiRRl 111 11 111R lttl noon HHl let lllllg R1 111 1R1 RR 511 51 11 1M In on iwlRR Ri 111 RnRR RR ill RR 111 1111 11 1R 11 1111 111111 RI IR RR mmsIoWN versus SCHOMBEIIG twphm lRRRii will 11 111 IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IiIIIIiIIIIIRII IIIIIIIRIiIiIIiIiI I1III II 1R 1m 1m 1R 111m 111111111111rk Adults 201 Children 151 erRnRRRRRR 1RRRRRRRRRRRRRR 11 RRRnR IIIII IIE GAMES run PRIZES ENTERTAINMENT II II 111111 Illl LI lu1 III lI1lIIIllRI tIRiIiilI1IRi 111R tilIlt11RI Illnl1 IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII III III IIIIII IIIII III IIIIII 1R0 AIIIII DANCE 1N EVENINGI 35c RRRR IR II Um 1111 11111w Rt Rz 111R11 III II ill1R 1111111 111 c1111 llunt 11h liq1 IjI II11IRR1RII I1 1111 I1 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lllltlillIJ 11min 111 11gt Altlill rR III IR III Elis on IlllSSllltR ploy Willi lIv 111 111 gun11 1111 IRR11RRR11 511 11 my hp 111mm Ii IlIilL 1mm Rmms out the second monitor Was 111111 11 11111111 11 1R1 1RR SCUHId In PATH ICUHHSI 1SIIIIIIIIIIIII1 III IIIIxnIhIfIiilrIt IIIIICLIIIII11I11 II tlilii 11111 Sllltlllll 51 1111 111111 W1 IAIl Iitllllt 11111110 B111w11 HHR plIIIRRHS IHRIIHII WhII IIIIIIRI III rIIII IIIIII II IllIillRII Al ltgti1l1111 URI llmd 111 155 lilillh Ultll 11111110 11gtlllt1 1111 most 11 tin llllllillllli RR RIIII1Q1 quIHiHISUil Hi 111 Ml mu II 111tll1111 1lliltl 1111 111111in rottnizt 11 iv inii 11111R11 Liv It Illit lliliiie forward 111n llllljvttlltgtilnti 511nm it lust nnl hun sumi 111 ill 11111 no on 1111 of llltll lJtSl humor 11 tllt son1lllnilllli 111W Htlil shutl in 1111 llllll in 1111 111 Rn R11R11RER1= Rln 1min 111 SVillmLd llllll llll lllRR ihuvu 1111111111111 1111111t11111 11111 11 111 111111f 11 11 11111111R All 1li1l1 11101911 lillli ton lld 11 1110 111111 mat111R mm RRl Amiimwl 1111R11111r11 1111 17 1in hiilky Inmblmmmn Mm 11101 Wm il 1111 31 HW ziH1mmmh lmiilmhllitlvzllmlilii RR 12 xt 1m mm 5llio Senior Sollliilll litunzinn 11n l111131111 1111111111 in 111111 HH most 01 lln way Innroll l1111nsf 1H R11 11 mirth111 umu 11 IIIIII llillll lmnni 1111111 1min limit so 11 on 1m WI md turning out to lllt running but litmnnlitrs 11113111 11 111x mrw1mn1 RN rm Hth Int Angle plates Sheets us cold roued nnt mun111 Rne itlninul nullR1111 Ill assist Willi tho row1111 111t1w1 111 lRuin 1111s onlv mam Rl leut ll 1gt II gum mums 1111 linu lnlhIr 11ml lltllll chm1 1R 1111 tJlIliiIH III XIIKIIEXR IHHIIIIII1IIIIR MAIN honn llCHllllltl Ilo tln inns 1111 11 tin tprnsts 11111 nnurnt I4 softball lulllll lino brook lnqinntly 11 111 11111 Rn 1141titt1 IIl II 11 H11 11 111 1111 11 111111111 llllil llt purl 1111 111 1111 if rum 51ml mum RR IIIIIIIII IS III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIISI III IIIIIIIIIIIL IRIII lmIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIRIIIRHIII lIIIIIiIillIIIIfIlIIEIIlfIIIIIIEIliIIIIIIIIIlII MUICCISler St Phone Barrie forms for tho looms fruit1 illlllltlllm ititCm 1111111RR1 1R RRIwn hum loss in numbRrthzm llioso il srvlilmll glowst UHiliilmh tRiiitll imammum my WW inlmlmiw Mi mm kl 11 funds and so on 5011111111 ttninrR ln pub 111 lznxil 1111 Inn11 IIIII softball inns thnt 1121s liten shown 111 thi lniin lilltlltllllitt 11 111R 111nn ImpIIIIvemeIIIg Imd cIIIIIIIIeg IIIIVO WIIHI how IIbIIm QIIIIIIIIIIII in mi hmpmg m0 1mm IIIIIIIIIRI 1mm mud It Bum helm all 11 to R1 1111 m1 11111114 1E 10 911$th WeekSie 50mins Mldland Scribe Boosts im ll 11 11 wt blipzwlty has been enlarged undIB 15 mg most of the interior has been frcsli use Ihih tlllllllt llitllllIilll 1oz limb 1113 is WE 11 llYllllR tut ly pointed Where do Flyers come In IIi It II II1IllI IIIII IIIIIII II AI With the addition of 221 new Fl gems the AW 593 mmV 75 will now 1I442 11nd cmde of approxp tMidlzmd Free lress 110111111 bemi 1ll1ll 11 Mil II mately 2700 people will be able to Just plug for the team carrying watch hockey games By ntilizinghorrie colors in Itlie current Grey fItIiIrmIeilyI vacant corner space and Ibimcoe internicllinto b1sclillIsur Go cr lmmqtmg several Mes 16 13 193 Romy 19w Of them It llV er seating plan became possible could possibly shave more tlnin All seats will be reserved for Jun once week and their new uniR GuaraanEd wr Ed exhibitiU pm Imelwa forms fiIISIImC Ipf mm liken games during the following season 1889 bathing suit But the men in driveways thlkS RCCllRI On the sides there aIre 734 red seats Charge of the Barrie tennrhmgo the to roong on the ends 350 of the blue variety right idea 3911110 kids WI km the XS Wit BA 311d in the powers 333 Whites game We will vellumRe media StucmmgI we estimates Tickets forIgamIes Wlll be printed inthat bustbull will be right bncli the corresponding onlor of the sec where it ought to be in Barrie bc Write REID tion which they are in With these tore many years pass byR The Speedboathchamplons again turn to BA for newhseags the refm Secolmmmimg youngstis Shmtliedthrs fllusuelmld 0R0 STATION ion as ecome 111 ie urges gave eVi once 11 118 raven east gasolene and Oil for the 1947 races any in this inlllQIlfyII brushed up on their fielding 11 is or p110 mm new dressing room llsheieiiii policy lllut winiigliie uniinert 41R In built in the basement 1001 of the Racmg IS the supreme test for boat engine bundingI ail901 beneath the west dressing mom on the main flomI fuel 011 and dmver It takes Stamina and This diesingrVOOm is iii correspond power to win BA Gasolenes and BA mg 905111011 WilllI the baseiInentlresE sing room on tie eastery si 001 ms ees Ieac ers 18 cw Peerless Motor perform champions the Arena There are now four com plete dressings rooms also large forthe Champion If ii rest roomsIfOr ladiesIIand gentlemen RR The shoWelsin the players dress RI Ring roomshave been tiled New benches have been put in the indies and mensR public waiting rooms All II TsRrRrr Rarirrurzi Biddilleerlessi Gasolenev isitiuickg AnEntirelyINewiConcepliOn 0t SaietyIIInIPupilTransportation starttggfull 0T PowerlIBA Peerless Motor seats the lobby the Duhllc dressmg Oil 15 twigJ Protects motors reduces racing and the players rooms have been repainted II wear RIts alloyed II Manage Wes AllsoppISIexpecng ISchool children your children should be carried inthe safest 119 that hockey training camps Will be hlcles that modern engineering can devise About year ago theReo In the air on water and on land4ts BA gnwcirlgngsgiggelfgeggnpggg Safety School Bus introduced an entirely new conception of safety in III all the way to what clubs will operate tlieirFall pupil tlan8port2ltion ellmmated the custom adapting atseparale camps in Barrie body andchassts to fit one another The new Reo Safetyschool Bus is engineered from wheels to rooftop for safety It comes complete fully BARRIE WINNERS equippedR like your automobile MatWine safety 2250mssn1v1 JED IIANLEY Providence R11 IR 135 CLASS DIV JOHN CRAMERI DnymnI OIIIOI Says winner JOHN CllAMER The engine just has to be right to win BA Gusolenes and BA Peerless Motor Oil provide the power and PRODUCIS protection racing engine needs Acuncfr RHEUMAILL features help to protect children Who may not think for themselves School officials who are seeking safer more economical transportation for children should see this new Reo Safety Bus Immediate Delivery NOW ON DISPLAY IAI STEELST BARBIE monsoon ANDISRVICED CANADA RRll IFn mo THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED Humour as roR Odoms cur PLUG