Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1947, p. 6

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PAGE SIX 722 Ms WWM WW CRAIGHURSTI iNNisriL homes iv 31 Live Poultry Wanted lllthlS nth11 ltllltiliit 11 in loulln duh1121 3R lNIHl III 1th 11111411 lmin linuiim in 4v innimmi im UNIX wJ til 1151 HR Smut1 lii iiisl 11x HI RI IR Rx 11 1I RI LR 11 mil 1111 11m H111 lilllllll Hll ilR Ti in 11 1R II 1111i111R BEAVER VALLLY ClilIAMhRY RR II III 11 R1 Rtultnlx 111 III II IIII II II RI II RI II II III 11 it RR El RI 111 41 lt 13 if on 1RR1R1 WWW 1111 ii I3 ill lilRi lRti li lwiiniti IfIAomI IRIIRM II II II III 21 II Rllllilll Rut1 111 1IIR 11RI1IR 1300 lbs milk II liIIlRI I1 MINI IR II III IIIII IIII IIIIII II IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII HIII RI IRRR11R1i with 1o on Ik IIkl III RR MASTER RJRRR $151 11 111RR RR Ail CAN FEEDS II 11 11 R11 Rm =1 MR II RRx 111 in 111 quleZIdloZyy IIIII RlRIIIRR1I 111R7I31RR 111RR Liar 1RRli 11 11 111111 tiRll RwR RIIII 225 lbs mill1 RR R1 RR IIIHI IIIIRIIIIII IIIIIWIIII RR IIIIII RT on gt liiumn iIttRWR 111111 1111 1cRi nilNitr II RIF RR mm in in 1R1RR1R RR 11 ilnlv 1111111111 1111 111111 II 11 111241 IIIIIIIIIIII III III II II II WE THIN mul tRi 111R 11luilliil 11 111 PM ll IIIIIIIII II IIII IIIII IIIIIIII prm llt 11 311111R11RI WI 11 11 RI II II IIIIIII IIII IIIII RIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII II IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII IIII SIIIIIIIII IIIIII III III IIR 1RIR IRIR RI II II II by followmg lllt Nltlsttl Cull Ftulitltl p1 11211111 1iit RR11I ll1 RII 11 ll IIlI1I1IIRIII11R11I1I1IIIIIlII1IIRIIII1IiIIIRIIi1IITI 1IlIII1I1 HIIvIshh you grow bcttcr calves but you Will rinsi tlnin lornss nantyl RR Hi lltIilt Ri ii R111111111111111 lull INS Ri Alum ml mm AW 711 Mill Ml Im iIIIIlIIIIII IZIIlh IIlIulIIiiIIIIJ lr Rm 1111 mu IU HINIIIW HIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIJ NO REQUIRED AFTER 4th WEEK Wmm was flHHl lzmrinz Inz Ruth new 0mm II Master Calf StarterGrower is combination oi millts mid MW11 Cheese With relTCSlmle dcmnlnwor and 11 11 WW lm cciall rocessed cereal rains tltSl ned to it 11410 wholi or 1R R1 111R 115111114 liziltinv illlnilnl 111111 11m zilloinltlll nch tempting goodness Mode from fresh swoel 51 Vi III II RArIIFq Skim mukI It 13 Cd dryI If you prcfm gnu nuhug SC Nthth RI11R1 11 RR 11 111 11 111111 II IIIIIILtIll IIiII SiIIiInIIiIiLIIIIIInInIn iIIIIIIIiII lllIlItIIIlI cream Sheord lngerso Cream Cheese III II II II II II II II Calf Meal IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII ItIiIrIitItIIIIIIIIilu 11 IIIIIIIII1lllIiIIIIIlIrlIlIi II lends itself dellCIOUSlf to variety of appellzmg 11 Hill innitr 11s 1111511111I 31111 IIIlRlIIIIIIIIIlIIlUm 111 FllllR JI Dunk st EI dlShCS Use1tforsondw1chesfor 501015 lllllt 0111 for Spreadsor in any way YOU WlSh News items are 11111ooi1lolt1 YOUH love SU erior avor excmn I5 newmsgel In mifidhiyi Ma by lngersol Cheese Company lanmusI 101 euma Il am for over 80 Years as makers affine cheese There are woplo who suffer from rheumatic RI Mao in 3e to paint your in and your out regardless of the season or the weather T111539 pains whth they be in 1010mm LEGAL an01 RACI 0R5 the iiiIusclcsI nine 11113311110011 by 11 mil II on our loor litters may Jllil reio rom BOY or Ifilllei rbeunuitio pain for it helps to clcnnsogimpuritios from the body and tone Barrlsmrs bonumn Nomrieb Llcenled Dmglms Ihmnmlsm 11111 up the digestive orgms Public lZt MNIIIIIIIIOIIIIIN LlectIerIgRIIIEIIlIdUH31133 and IR1111olt witnis ill 11111 It has helped thousands of Canadians who suffer from rheumatic IR Om we Barri R1 IRli pains dyspc sia sonrstomnch biliunsness headaches or minor com gt1aiut 115 Dunn st iiRRnR 3111 RR RR RR Branch 0mmIIIIQIIIWIIICI nmm II IRIIRt IlIIiIRIIIIW ofthe liver or kidneys It 3111111111 do thelgnmo for you We ntiilvii BOESJKfZMRnAn common no M11111 Hillm115111 11 RRRRRR1RR11R1 dingo 10 with 69 Rana Bgrddgkhmooa Bummnwuuuble CHlltOPllttlltnt AND 1RI1 RIR1RRR 01 verywmro 1R RR IL GLADSTONE CURB DRUlzlJRSb lIllrRAllI dill 111111 Llr5 llnrrop and Mrs MTWlidm inw RR RR Successor to Phone 3070 IZIG McDonald blI1RI21111RI 1R111i1111 Ruintil Monday 11 arrle 11 ltt111 BAggisgRgNszgr FcxggogTC BY APPOINlMlRNTgt I11 M1111 Stoil md lrnnk Mid RIIR1I MI 11 H111 Owen St Barrie lclephone 1175 Tb IOAN MUSIC IIEssoNS III IIII ICIIIIIIIRII Mi nnl 11112 Howl Rinnoll and COWAN COWAN JESSIE RI BRYSONI HIMIRIRI 1IIIlIlIlII1IlI1t1111 Int nt tin lJtlrl nd llllt inrrlnters SOllCltOrSR RCOIlRCyancetl TPIA Hp It 31311 11 M1 Notaries Publicirtc Ulltl MUSIC11 11113111 Uniunto 1111 11r Money wantepRMuney 111 Loan including ARHRMI MIIIIIIIJII MIIHIIIIIIII IIIILIMII IEIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlfI 17 Owen Street Barrie Studio BIIIIIWIIIII SI IIIIII If wIIlka my Re Igygi CIOVXaIIIIOIne RIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II fIIIIII IIIIIIII III gs en DOROTHY JOHNSONI ASSIIIIIIIIE HIV MINIM hmm helix FRANK HAMMOND BA KC if Toronto Conservatory of Music IN 1111 Brooks Rhnrho and BARRISTER SOLlcIToR md London thing Ollge 01 3ltl TWUHUL W011 Masonic Templ Bldg Earrie Music Pian0 andTheoryI 1R1 tin1r innnos for 1110 VRtIRkencl mwg BIIIIIIIII EM MONEY To LOAN 152 Maple Avenue II 1311 111111 Itlr IIRIil111IllznrisooIInd II RlR blm iIRIIIXIIIr IIIItIne llllIlIllrIigill II ijtlltlrl lunngci 1I 1113 omnto III DUNCAN MCCUMGR BAR KC MEDlCAL mun11111 in lion 0V lummll IEUImpiilIl Alttl llmng my new IR MMLI wfmz BARRISTERI SQLXCITORI 1ETC MIII IIIIIII MINI Wm UIIIIIIIIMOH Oldsmobile in IRI1ntcr weather and overt01th agIluIILI 14 Money ItoLoan Ross Block Barrie VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES mm MIMI RIIIIII MII IIIId MISI WW unrisuallyRlougli hndIonu 11113 Ivory C1ll5mIillltI QW 10th DONALD MacLARFN BA Barrie grammI we Baby Clinic UMRIIIRI Thu NIRIVIII 5pm in yum rcmmuwmlutROHEI 10 1111 rliydmdumlc1m M4 ARAVI BARRISTER SOLICITR 1031 High 130 oclock every Wed is certainly the smoothest thingr in mcclinisni that han IIIRVIWIIIM my e5 ay pp lcution 0t nurses ser 11 112 Money to 1mm nor txp11c11u lll mi IV 111 its 411 am 01 IR Masonic Temple Building Barrli 915111 be and dlILI1f054 driving oinlortR cust o1hiunllnuLJmLWIRut131111road thiness MmrM II LI II II JOHN 1mm 5111151011312915y 41 mil lmde BARRISTER SULICITOR ETC OPTOMETRY 24 Dunlop St Barrie Ont Anrlthat sRJust an excerpt lroni one of tinmany many letters sent If JOHN WOODS KC 8081 JBARE Rip81 in by Oldsmobile mnersA letters that repent again and again II gt OPTOMETRIST lhereis notliin clsc lrlxe it in lrivinrl lts smart Ionring Bmatfdlgirloitglgliigsongwgggt Bunion St lIllone 2963 smart Iumdlingi and the new ihlrllylrnMatic Drive Attendance 95 is the smartest way of tlriviilgvet llvised Phone 2661 Money to Loan Yes people who clidose hlnmohilc make the smart choice for Oldsmobier is the smarl lmy 01 the your lo yiiu who arImiiting for your new lltlwlllllllllfi Ourllmnks for your patience our trihntc to your wisdom The demand or 01115111011in with the how llylruMnlic Urin Mb ROBERT SMIIil no RCOLLECTIQKEEFEEV OPTOMETRISD III Dunlop StPh0ne 2586 FINANGML SUREiT 961311 Speeialistinn Collection of Aeoounts 51113mm StuBarrie Phsme 4111 NOEL srnpnnnson 110 13 RR admimd that it 1111 prtully IROFTOMETRI excells the supplyR Make sunfymlr Dunlap StI BarrielI Phone 4201 prrstut curtunits youromcnirnlly uul salt1y through 1111 waiting HARRIS SPRY 1111111 by havingiiscrviRiRl AND regularly 11y our Oilyen 51 Barrie tiiiiRRnRR1RR1RRItiener 11211HR33 EDWN WLWN BSA 90 How Yau Fee Agggggggw Frank Spry ICIIIIIIIEIEt mfgEequ SI IIIIIRIW beIIIIIIIIII MW been III II ARMSTRONG ANDRMacLARENRR RC II II Big RRiRI Iway myself have been so cllr0nlt AIImeaunce MacLIIreIII CA mm Rappom ment many med that thought mum CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Telephone 22 never feelwell again However 17 Owen Street Barge found that Dr Chases Nerve Food 21 King Street Toronto FUNERAL DIRECTORS soon gave me newpcpand energy and put me on mylcet WAFVlliuiydAgoliiaiircxim LLOYD STECKLEYI Tired feelings indigestion and hiss ADIToRS ghsleep re quicle relieved by Dr 18 Toronto st Toronto 880s em Foo lapperton St Phone 2703 Askfor theuewecon man ANDERSON COMPANY omy size bottle of CharteredAccountantsTrusteesetc GI 69 SMITH use BrOck BuiliIiirlrghtoo Bay St hamth 18 II AL DmECTo luvnoon 054I7A mm HARRlS MOTQRSLTD Rf 83 89 OELIZAB TH ST 4t Opllonal Ru and call our unbulonoo in connection nmio mm onus on AND mom 12321131 MARIAN and SURGEON BARBIE ONT Sophia EBmle Phenols IN

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