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ax7z50 p111 bxy1010 pm Via Crowu Hill Via Elmvale la Except Sundays and Roll1 days Sundays and Holi days Saturday only TO Wasaga Beach daily To Owen Sound Sat only Tickets and Information at 73 Collier St PHONE 3162 BARBIE Gray Coach 5123 33 Enixgyv tfilARitl PAGE FIVE 11 POWMIS ll MAWIV HOINES DOUILI CREAM rowan 501 PIG to ALL YOUR IKING 1111111111 11111111 23 1111111115 1111 11 15 DAVIS UELNTINE 10 NS 002 l7 Ullllllalllils 11 32 iiihiinimcs 19 21127 iii sun 17 5m5Amm 10 11111111 111111 11 in 1111311111111 011 111 231 SILVER CREAM 111111511111 1000 RQLL USCUTT TISSUE 21 2131 21111251 lltlllMllNS 11111111 renornnnoie 131111111111 11151 141 MINIMUMBETTYSWUII 51151291 151 35 151111151155111111113 13532555 FRUIT INNS 113 gt991 FRUIT JARS 89c ZINC RINGS 29 GLASS TOPS 20 SMALL SIZE 00 NUBBEII RINGS 11 lLI PKG PlillWllX 12 EERTU 331 25 LEllltl 1111511151 ill Quantum PEANUT BUTNNN 1112111 39 LOBLIIWS Filllli $th 11111 32 Rh WPLUb 811le LOBLNWS 211121 15 Buck Prune Rib 511 Short or Cross Rib 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